Source code for swh.alter.cli

# Copyright (C) 2023 The Software Heritage developers
# See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
# License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version
# See top-level LICENSE file for more information

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
import pathlib
import sys
from typing import (

import click

from swh.core.cli import CONTEXT_SETTINGS
from swh.core.cli import swh as swh_cli_group

    from swh.model.model import Origin
    from swh.model.swhids import ExtendedSWHID

    from .operations import Remover
    from .progressbar import ProgressBar, V
    from .recovery_bundle import ObjectDecryptionKeyProvider, ShareDecryptionKeys

[docs] class SWHIDType(click.ParamType): name = "swhid"
[docs] def convert(self, value, param, ctx) -> "ExtendedSWHID": from swh.model.swhids import ExtendedSWHID, ValidationError try: return ExtendedSWHID.from_string(value) except ValidationError: raise click.ClickException(f"Unable to parse “{value}” as a SWHID.")
[docs] class SwhidOrUrlParamType(click.ParamType): name = "swhid or origin URL"
[docs] def convert(self, value, param, ctx): from swh.model.exceptions import ValidationError from swh.model.model import Origin from swh.model.swhids import ExtendedSWHID if value.startswith("swh:1:"): try: return ExtendedSWHID.from_string(value) except ValidationError:"expected extended SWHID, got {value!r}", param, ctx) else: return Origin(url=value)
[docs] class ClickLoggingHandler(logging.Handler): """Handler displaying logs using click.secho(), passing the style extra attribute."""
[docs] def emit(self, record): if hasattr(record, "style"): click.secho(self.format(record), ** else: click.echo(self.format(record))
[docs] def progressbar( iterable: Optional[Iterable[V]] = None, length: Optional[int] = None, label: Optional[str] = None, show_eta: bool = True, show_pos: bool = False, show_percent: Optional[bool] = None, item_show_func: Optional[Callable[[V], str]] = None, ) -> ProgressBar[V]: bar = click.progressbar( iterable=iterable, length=length, label=label, show_eta=show_eta, show_pos=show_pos, show_percent=show_percent, item_show_func=item_show_func, file=sys.stderr, ) # We have to use `cast()` to renconcile the case where # length is used and `click.progressbar()` returns a # `ProgressBar[int]`. But in that case, iterable is not # given, so V is not bound and it is safe to assume # that V = int. return cast("ProgressBar[V]", bar)"alter", context_settings=CONTEXT_SETTINGS) @click.pass_context def alter_cli_group(ctx): """Archive alteration tools. Location of the configuration should be specified through the environment variable ``SWH_CONFIG_FILENAME``. Expected config format: \b storage: cls: remote url: \b graph: url: "" \b restoration_storage: cls: remote url: \b removal_searches: main: cls: elasticsearch hosts: - elasticsearch:9200 \b removal_storages: old_primary: cls: postgresql db: "service=swh" new_primary: cls: cassandra hosts: - cassandra-seed keyspace: swh \b removal_objstorages: main: cls: remote url: \b removal_journals: main_journal: cls: kafka brokers: - prefix: swh.journal.objects client_id: swh.alter.removals \b recovery_bundles: secret_sharing: minimum_required_groups: 2 groups: legal: minimum_required_shares: 1 recipient_keys: "YubiKey serial 4245067 slot 1": age1yubikey1q2e37f74zzazz75mtggzql3at66pegemfnul0dtd7axctahljkvsqezscaq "YubiKey serial 2284622 slot 3": age1yubikey4o1aypv83isatti92q1zasv1hkpuozlkoak4zd66t7poud23rftqrcszjgul sysadmins: minimum_required_shares: 1 recipient_keys: "YubiKey serial 3862152 slot 1": age1yubikeyrupnxsu6uneqxw146g9szaofyxexiy4nhnzqg1ayb9b85g8h4oardwj6c212 "Ruby": age1y6epp27nq8n4faj8g8hkw8thcvj744y5vnr8jyfmp4857d6npc3qn9k7jz The identifier for the recipient key must be in the form of “YubiKey serial ####### slot #” if the secret key is stored on a YubiKey. Keys specified by any other identifiers will be considered as plain age identities. """ # noqa: B950 from swh.core import config from .operations import logger as operations_logger from .recovery_bundle import logger as recovery_bundle_logger try: conf = config.load_from_envvar() except AssertionError as ex: raise click.ClickException(ex.args[0]) ctx.ensure_object(dict) ctx.obj["config"] = conf for logger in (operations_logger, recovery_bundle_logger): if not logger.propagate: # Avoid configuring the logger twice continue logger.propagate = False logger.addHandler(ClickLoggingHandler()) return ctx
[docs] def read_swhids(file: TextIO) -> Set["ExtendedSWHID"]: import re from swh.model.swhids import ExtendedSWHID filter_re = re.compile(r"^(#|$)") return { ExtendedSWHID.from_string(line.strip()) for line in"\n") if not filter_re.match(line) }
[docs] def get_remover(ctx: click.Context, dry_run: bool = False) -> "Remover": from swh.core.api import RemoteException from swh.graph.http_client import GraphAPIError, RemoteGraphClient from swh.journal.writer import get_journal_writer from swh.journal.writer.kafka import KafkaJournalWriter from swh.objstorage.factory import get_objstorage from swh.objstorage.interface import ObjStorageInterface from import get_search from import SearchInterface from import get_storage from import ObjectDeletionInterface from .operations import Remover conf = ctx.obj["config"] try: graph_client = RemoteGraphClient(**conf["graph"]) except GraphAPIError as e: raise click.ClickException(f"Unable to connect to the graph server: {e.args}") storage = get_storage(**conf["storage"]) if not dry_run: if "restoration_storage" not in conf: raise click.ClickException( "Configuration does not define `restoration_storage`" ) if "removal_searches" not in conf or len(conf["removal_searches"]) == 0: raise click.ClickException( "Configuration does not define any `removal_searches`" ) if "removal_storages" not in conf or len(conf["removal_storages"]) == 0: raise click.ClickException( "Configuration does not define any `removal_storages`" ) if "removal_objstorages" not in conf or len(conf["removal_objstorages"]) == 0: raise click.ClickException( "Configuration does not define any `removal_objstorages`" ) if "removal_journals" not in conf or len(conf["removal_journals"]) == 0: raise click.ClickException( "Configuration does not define any `removal_journals`" ) restoration_storage = ( get_storage(**conf["restoration_storage"]) if "restoration_storage" in conf else None ) removal_searches = {} for name, d in conf.get("removal_searches", {}).items(): removal_searches[name] = get_search(**d) try: removal_searches[name].check() except RemoteException as e: raise click.ClickException(f"Search “{name}” is unreachable: {e}") removal_storages = {} for name, d in conf.get("removal_storages", {}).items(): removal_storage = get_storage(**d) assert hasattr( removal_storage, "object_delete" ), f"storage “{name}” does not implement ObjectDeletionInterface" removal_storages[name] = removal_storage removal_objstorages = {} for name, d in conf.get("removal_objstorages", {}).items(): removal_objstorages[name] = get_objstorage(**d) removal_journals = {} for name, d in conf.get("removal_journals", {}).items(): journal_writer = get_journal_writer(**d) assert isinstance( journal_writer, KafkaJournalWriter ), "journal writer is not kafka-based" removal_journals[name] = journal_writer known_missing = set(ctx.params.get("known_missing_swhids", set())) if known_missing_file := ctx.params.get("known_missing_file"): known_missing.update(read_swhids(known_missing_file)) return Remover( storage=storage, graph_client=graph_client, restoration_storage=restoration_storage, removal_searches=cast(Dict[str, SearchInterface], removal_searches), removal_storages=cast(Dict[str, ObjectDeletionInterface], removal_storages), removal_objstorages=cast(Dict[str, ObjStorageInterface], removal_objstorages), removal_journals=cast(Dict[str, KafkaJournalWriter], removal_journals), known_missing=known_missing, progressbar=progressbar, )
@alter_cli_group.command() @click.option( "--dry-run", type=click.Choice( ["stop-before-recovery-bundle", "stop-before-removal"], case_sensitive=False ), help="perform a trial run", ) @click.option( "--output-inventory-subgraph", type=click.File(mode="w", atomic=True), ) @click.option( "--output-removable-subgraph", type=click.File(mode="w", atomic=True), ) @click.option( "--output-pruned-removable-subgraph", type=click.File(mode="w", atomic=True), ) @click.option( "--identifier", metavar="IDENTIFIER", required=True, help="identifier for this removal operation", ) @click.option( "--reason", metavar="REASON", help="reason for this removal operation", ) @click.option( "--expire", metavar="YYYY-MM-DD", type=click.DateTime(formats=["%Y-%m-%d"]), help="date when the recovery bundle should be removed", ) @click.option( "--recovery-bundle", metavar="PATH", type=click.Path(dir_okay=False), required=True, help="path to the recovery bundle that will be created", ) @click.option( "--known-missing", "known_missing_swhids", metavar="SWHID", type=SWHIDType(), multiple=True, help="object known to be missing from storage", ) @click.option( "--known-missing-file", "known_missing_file", metavar="PATH", type=click.File(), help=( "file (or '-') with object known to be missing from storage, " "one SWHID per line" ), ) @click.option( "--allow-empty-content-objects/--disallow-empty-content-objects", "allow_empty_content_objects", default=False, help="Create recovery bundle even when data for Content object cannot be found", ) @click.argument( "requested", metavar="<SWHID|URL>..", type=SwhidOrUrlParamType(), required=True, nargs=-1, ) @click.pass_context def remove( ctx, requested: Tuple["Origin" | "ExtendedSWHID", ...], dry_run: bool, output_inventory_subgraph, output_removable_subgraph, output_pruned_removable_subgraph, identifier, reason, expire, recovery_bundle, known_missing_swhids, known_missing_file, allow_empty_content_objects, ) -> None: """Remove the given SWHIDs or URLs from the archive.""" from swh.model.model import Origin from .inventory import OriginNotFound, StuckInventoryException from .operations import RemoverError from .recovery_bundle import ContentDataNotFound, SecretSharing try: secret_sharing = SecretSharing.from_dict( ctx.obj["config"]["recovery_bundles"]["secret_sharing"] ) except ValueError as e: raise click.ClickException(f"Wrong secret sharing configuration: {e.args[0]}") if dry_run != "stop-before-recovery-bundle": try: p = pathlib.Path(recovery_bundle) p.touch(exist_ok=False) p.unlink() except FileExistsError: raise click.ClickException(f"File “{recovery_bundle}” already exists") except PermissionError: raise click.ClickException(f"Permission denied: “{recovery_bundle}”") remover = get_remover(ctx, dry_run) swhids = [x.swhid() if isinstance(x, Origin) else x for x in requested] try: removable = remover.get_removable( swhids, output_inventory_subgraph=output_inventory_subgraph, output_removable_subgraph=output_removable_subgraph, output_pruned_removable_subgraph=output_pruned_removable_subgraph, ) removable.print_plan() if dry_run == "stop-before-recovery-bundle": click.echo("Stopping before creating the recovery bundle as requested.") ctx.exit(0) if dry_run is None: click.confirm( "Proceed?", fg="yellow", bold=True, ), abort=True, ) decryption_key = remover.create_recovery_bundle( secret_sharing=secret_sharing, requested=list(requested), removable=removable, recovery_bundle_path=recovery_bundle, removal_identifier=identifier, reason=reason, expire=expire.astimezone() if expire else None, allow_empty_content_objects=allow_empty_content_objects, ) click.secho(f"Recovery bundle decryption key: {decryption_key}", fg="blue") except RemoverError as e: click.secho(e.args[0], err=True, fg="red") ctx.exit(1) except OriginNotFound as e: click.secho( f"Origin “{e.get_label(requested)}” not found.", err=True, fg="red", bold=True, ) ctx.exit(1) except StuckInventoryException as e: click.secho( "Inventory phase got stuck. " "Unable to learn the complete set of what these objects reference:\n", err=True, fg="red", bold=True, ) click.secho("\n".join(f"- {swhid}" for swhid in e.swhids), err=True, fg="red") ctx.exit(1) except ContentDataNotFound as e: click.secho( f"Content “{e.swhid}” exists, but its data was not found.", err=True, fg="red", bold=True, ) click.secho( "Consider using `--allow-empty-content-objects` but only " "if the above is expected.", err=True, fg="yellow", ) ctx.exit(1) if dry_run == "stop-before-removal": click.echo("Stopping before removal.") ctx.exit(0) try: remover.remove() except Exception as e: click.secho(str(e), err=True, fg="red", bold=True) click.secho("Rolling back…", fg="cyan") remover.restore_recovery_bundle() ctx.exit(1) @alter_cli_group.command("list-candidates") @click.option( "--omit-referenced/--no-omit-referenced", default=True, help="Omit candidates that are referenced by other objects", ) @click.argument( "requested", metavar="<SWHID|URL>..", type=SwhidOrUrlParamType(), required=True, nargs=-1, ) @click.pass_context def list_candidates( ctx: click.Context, requested: Tuple["Origin" | "ExtendedSWHID", ...], omit_referenced: bool, ): """List candidates for an altering operation (e.g. removal) Display a list of SWHIDs of objects that would be affected by an altering operation targeting the SWHIDs (or origin URLs) given as arguments. Candidates referenced by objects in the graph outside the set of candidates will be filtered out, unless `--no-omit-referenced` is given. """ from swh.graph.http_client import GraphAPIError, RemoteGraphClient from swh.model.model import Origin from import get_storage from .inventory import ( OriginNotFound, StuckInventoryException, get_raw_extrinsic_metadata, make_inventory, ) from .removable import mark_removable conf = ctx.obj["config"] try: graph_client = RemoteGraphClient(**conf["graph"]) except GraphAPIError as e: raise click.ClickException(f"Unable to connect to the graph server: {e.args}") storage = get_storage(**conf["storage"]) swhids = [x.swhid() if isinstance(x, Origin) else x for x in requested] try: subgraph = make_inventory( storage, graph_client, swhids, progressbar=progressbar ) except StuckInventoryException as e: click.secho( "Inventory phase got stuck. " "Unable to learn the complete set of what these objects reference:\n", err=True, fg="red", bold=True, ) click.secho("\n".join(f"- {swhid}" for swhid in e.swhids), err=True, fg="red") ctx.exit(1) except OriginNotFound as e: click.secho( f"Origin “{e.get_label(requested)}” not found.", err=True, fg="red", bold=True, ) ctx.exit(1) if omit_referenced: subgraph = mark_removable( storage, graph_client, subgraph, progressbar=progressbar ) subgraph.delete_unremovable() removable_swhids = list(subgraph.swhids()) removable_swhids.extend( get_raw_extrinsic_metadata(storage, removable_swhids, progressbar=progressbar) ) for swhid in removable_swhids: click.echo(swhid)"recovery-bundle", context_settings=CONTEXT_SETTINGS) @click.pass_context def recovery_bundle_cli_group(ctx): """Recovery bundle related tools.""" return ctx @recovery_bundle_cli_group.command(name="info") @click.option( "--dump-manifest", is_flag=True, default=False, help="Show raw manifest in YAML format.", ) @click.option( "--show-encrypted-secrets", is_flag=True, default=False, help="Show encrypted secrets.", ) @click.argument( "recovery-bundle", type=click.Path(exists=True, dir_okay=False, readable=True), required=True, ) @click.pass_context def info(ctx, recovery_bundle, dump_manifest, show_encrypted_secrets) -> None: """Display the manifest of the given recovery bundle.""" from swh.model.model import Origin from .recovery_bundle import RecoveryBundle bundle = RecoveryBundle(recovery_bundle) if dump_manifest: click.echo(bundle.dump_manifest(), nl=False) ctx.exit() title = f"Recovery bundle “{bundle.removal_identifier}”" click.echo(title) click.echo("=" * len(title)) click.echo("") click.echo(f"Created: {bundle.created.isoformat()}") if bundle.reason: lines = bundle.reason.rstrip().split("\n") lines[0] = f"Reason: {lines[0]}" click.echo("\n ".join(lines)) if bundle.expire: click.echo(f"Expire: {bundle.expire}") if bundle.version >= 3: click.echo("Removal requested for:") for x in bundle.requested: click.echo(f"- {x.url if isinstance(x, Origin) else x}") click.echo("SWHID of the objects present in the bundle:") for swhid in bundle.swhids: click.echo(f"- {swhid}") if bundle.version >= 3 and len(bundle.referencing): click.echo("SWHID referenced by objects in this bundle:") for swhid in bundle.referencing: click.echo(f"- {swhid}") click.echo("Secret share holders:") for share_id in sorted(bundle.share_ids): click.echo(f"- {share_id}") if show_encrypted_secrets: click.echo(bundle.encrypted_secret(share_id)) def _share_decryption_keys_provider(share_ids: Set[str]) -> ShareDecryptionKeys: import subprocess import sys from .recovery_bundle import list_yubikey_identities for attempt in range(1, 10): if not any(share_id.startswith("YubiKey") for share_id in share_ids): # No shares require a YubiKey, so there is nothing we can do here break try: for share_id, secret_key in list_yubikey_identities(): if share_id not in share_ids: continue share_ids.remove(share_id) click.echo( "🔧 Decrypting share using " f"{, fg='magenta', bold=True)}…" ) click.echo("💭 You might need to tap the right YubiKey when it blinks.") yield share_id, secret_key click.echo() except subprocess.CalledProcessError as ex: if "age-plugin-yubikey" not in ex.cmd[0]: raise click.echo( f"""💥 {'age-plugin-yubikey failed to ' 'list connected YubiKeys.', bold=True, fg='red')}""" ) click.echo("💭 Please disconnect all YubiKeys and retry.") sys.exit(1) if share_ids: yubikey_ids = list(sorted(share_ids)) if len(yubikey_ids) > 1: yubikeys = ", ".join(, fg="magenta", bold=True) for share_id in yubikey_ids[:-1] ) yubikeys += " or " + yubikey_ids[-1], fg="magenta", bold=True ) else: yubikeys =[0], fg="magenta", bold=True) click.prompt( f"🔐 Please insert {yubikeys} and press " f"{'Enter', fg='green', bold=True)}…", default="Ok", show_default=False, hide_input=True, prompt_suffix="", ) click.echo( f"""💥 {'Unable to decrypt enough shared secrets to recover ' 'the object decryption key. Aborting.', bold=True, fg='red')}""" ) sys.exit(1) def _print_decrypted_mnemonic(mnemonic: str, share_id: Optional[str] = None) -> None: fmt_from = "" if share_id: fmt_from = f" from {, fg='magenta', bold=True)}" click.echo(f"🔑 Recovered shared secret{fmt_from}:") # Quoting from SLIP-0039: This construction yields a beneficial # property where the random identifier and the iteration exponent # transform into the first two words of the mnemonic code, so the user # can immediately tell whether the correct shares are being combined, # i.e. they have to have the same first two words. Moreover, the third # word encodes the group index, group threshold and part of the group # count. Since the group threshold and group count are constant, all # **shares belonging to the same group start with the same three words**. words = mnemonic.split() click.echo( " ".join(, fg="blue", bold=index < 3) for index, word in enumerate(words) ) ) def _recover_mnemonics_from_identity_files( manifest, share_ids, identity_files, show_decrypted_mnemonics ): from .recovery_bundle import WrongDecryptionKey, age_decrypt_from_identity # As we can’t know which identity file corresponds to which encrypted shared # secret, we have to try them all and see which one we can actually decrypt. recovered = {} for identity_file in identity_files: for share_id in share_ids: try: recovered[share_id] = age_decrypt_from_identity( identity_file, manifest.decryption_key_shares[share_id] ).decode("us-ascii") if show_decrypted_mnemonics: _print_decrypted_mnemonic(recovered[share_id], share_id) except WrongDecryptionKey: pass return recovered
[docs] def prompting_object_decryption_key_provider( manifest, known_mnemonics=None, identity_files=None, show_decrypted_mnemonics=False ) -> str: import functools from .recovery_bundle import recover_object_decryption_key_from_encrypted_shares decrypted_mnemonic_processor = None if show_decrypted_mnemonics: decrypted_mnemonic_processor = _print_decrypted_mnemonic share_ids = set(manifest.decryption_key_shares.keys()) # Normalize known_mnemonics known_mnemonics = list(known_mnemonics or []) if identity_files: recovered = _recover_mnemonics_from_identity_files( manifest, share_ids, identity_files, show_decrypted_mnemonics ) share_ids.difference_update(recovered.keys()) known_mnemonics.extend(recovered.values()) yubikey_share_ids = set( share_id for share_id in share_ids if share_id.startswith("YubiKey") ) missing_ids = share_ids - yubikey_share_ids if missing_ids: fmt_ids = ", ".join(, fg="magenta", bold=True) for share_id in missing_ids ) click.echo( f"""\n🚸 {'The following secret shares will not be ' 'decrypted:', fg='yellow')} {fmt_ids}\n""" ) return recover_object_decryption_key_from_encrypted_shares( manifest.decryption_key_shares, functools.partial(_share_decryption_keys_provider, yubikey_share_ids), decrypted_mnemonic_processor=decrypted_mnemonic_processor, known_mnemonics=known_mnemonics, )
[docs] def get_object_decryption_key_provider(ctx) -> ObjectDecryptionKeyProvider: import functools secrets = ctx.params.get("secret") identity_files = ctx.params.get("identity") object_decryption_key_provider: ObjectDecryptionKeyProvider = functools.partial( prompting_object_decryption_key_provider, known_mnemonics=secrets, identity_files=identity_files, ) decryption_key = ctx.params.get("decryption_key") if decryption_key: if not decryption_key.lower().startswith("age-secret-key-"): "The given decryption key does not look like a decryption key. " "It should start with “AGE-SECRET-KEY-”" ) def known_key_provider(_): return decryption_key object_decryption_key_provider = known_key_provider return object_decryption_key_provider
[docs] class ContentSWHID(click.ParamType): name = "swhid of a content object"
[docs] def convert(self, value, param, ctx): from swh.model.swhids import ExtendedObjectType, ExtendedSWHID, ValidationError try: swhid = ExtendedSWHID.from_string(value) except ValidationError:"expected SWHID, got {value!r}", param, ctx) if swhid.object_type != ExtendedObjectType.CONTENT:"We can only extract data for Content objects", param, ctx) return swhid
@recovery_bundle_cli_group.command(name="extract-content") @click.option( "-o", "--output", type=click.File("wb"), metavar="FILE", required=True, help="write data to FILE", ) @click.option( "--decryption-key", metavar="AGE_SECRET_KEY", help="use the given decryption key instead of the bundle shared secrets", ) @click.option( "-s", "--secret", metavar="MNEMONIC", multiple=True, help="Known shared secret. May be repeated.", ) @click.option( "-i", "--identity", metavar="IDENTITY", type=click.Path(exists=True, readable=True, dir_okay=False), multiple=True, help="Path to file with age identities. May be repeated.", ) @click.argument( "recovery-bundle", type=click.Path(exists=True, dir_okay=False, readable=True), required=True, ) @click.argument( "SWHID", type=ContentSWHID(), required=True, ) @click.pass_context def extract_content( ctx, output, recovery_bundle, swhid, decryption_key=None, identity=None, secret=None, ) -> None: """Extract data from content stored in a recovery bundle.""" from .recovery_bundle import RecoveryBundle, WrongDecryptionKey secret_key_provider = get_object_decryption_key_provider(ctx) bundle = RecoveryBundle(recovery_bundle, secret_key_provider) if swhid not in bundle.swhids: click.secho( f"“{swhid}” is not in the recovery bundle", err=True, fg="red", bold=True ) ctx.exit(1) try: bundle.write_content_data(swhid, output) except WrongDecryptionKey: click.secho( f"Wrong decryption key for this bundle ({bundle.removal_identifier})", err=True, fg="red", bold=True, ) ctx.exit(2) @recovery_bundle_cli_group.command(name="restore") @click.option( "--decryption-key", metavar="AGE_SECRET_KEY", help="use the given decryption key instead of the bundle shared secrets", ) @click.option( "-s", "--secret", metavar="MNEMONIC", multiple=True, help="Known shared secret. May be repeated.", ) @click.option( "-i", "--identity", metavar="IDENTITY", type=click.Path(exists=True, readable=True, dir_okay=False), multiple=True, help="Path to file with age identities. May be repeated.", ) @click.argument( "recovery-bundle", type=click.Path(exists=True, dir_okay=False, readable=True), required=True, ) @click.pass_context def restore( ctx, recovery_bundle, decryption_key=None, identity=None, secret=None ) -> None: """Restore a recovery bundle to Software Heritage archive.""" from .recovery_bundle import ( RecoveryBundle, UnsupportedFeatureException, WrongDecryptionKey, ) conf = ctx.obj["config"] from import get_storage restoration_storage = get_storage(**conf["restoration_storage"]) secret_key_provider = get_object_decryption_key_provider(ctx) bundle = RecoveryBundle(recovery_bundle, secret_key_provider) try: missing = bundle.get_missing_referenced_objects(restoration_storage) if len(missing) > 0: click.secho( "Objects to be restored are referencing objects that " "are missing from storage:", fg="yellow", bold=True, ) for swhid in missing: click.secho(f"- {swhid}", fg="yellow") click.confirm( "Proceed with restoration though it will create " "references to missing objects?", fg="yellow", bold=True, ), abort=True, ) except UnsupportedFeatureException: click.secho( "Skipping checks for missing referenced objects: " f"recovery bundle “{recovery_bundle}” is too old.", fg="yellow", bold=True, ) try: bundle.restore(restoration_storage, progressbar) except WrongDecryptionKey: click.echo( f"Wrong decryption key for this bundle ({bundle.removal_identifier})" ) ctx.exit(2) @recovery_bundle_cli_group.command(name="resume-removal") @click.option( "--decryption-key", metavar="AGE_SECRET_KEY", prompt=True, help="use the given decryption key instead of the bundle shared secrets", envvar="SWH_BUNDLE_DECRYPTION_KEY", ) @click.argument( "recovery-bundle", type=click.Path(exists=True, dir_okay=False, readable=True), required=True, ) @click.pass_context def resume_removal( ctx, recovery_bundle, decryption_key=None, ) -> None: """Resume a removal operation from a recovery bundle.""" from .recovery_bundle import WrongDecryptionKey remover = get_remover(ctx) try: remover.register_objects_from_bundle( recovery_bundle_path=recovery_bundle, object_secret_key=decryption_key ) except WrongDecryptionKey: click.echo("Wrong decryption key for this bundle") ctx.exit(2) try: remover.remove() except Exception as e: click.secho(str(e), err=True, fg="red", bold=True) remover.restore_recovery_bundle() ctx.exit(1) def _strip_rage_report(output): # rage prompts for report when it errors like this: # [ Did rage not do what you expected? Could an error be more useful? ] # [ Tell us: ] # This can be confusing in our case so strip them from the output. return b"\n".join( line for line in output.split(b"\n") if not line.startswith(b"[") and not line.endswith(b"]") ) @recovery_bundle_cli_group.command(name="recover-decryption-key") @click.option( "-s", "--secret", metavar="MNEMONIC", multiple=True, help="Known shared secret. May be repeated.", ) @click.option( "-i", "--identity", metavar="IDENTITY", type=click.Path(exists=True, readable=True, dir_okay=False), multiple=True, help="Path to file with age identities. May be repeated.", ) @click.option( "--show-recovered-secrets", is_flag=True, default=False, help="Show recovered shared secrets. Useful for remote/distributed recoveries.", ) @click.argument( "recovery-bundle", type=click.Path(exists=True, dir_okay=False, readable=True), required=True, ) def recover_decryption_key( recovery_bundle, secret, identity, show_recovered_secrets ) -> None: """Recover the decryption key using shared secrets.""" import subprocess import sys from .recovery_bundle import RecoveryBundle def object_decryption_key_provider(*args, **kwargs): kwargs["known_mnemonics"] = list(secret) kwargs["identity_files"] = list(identity) kwargs["show_decrypted_mnemonics"] = show_recovered_secrets return prompting_object_decryption_key_provider(*args, **kwargs) try: bundle = RecoveryBundle(recovery_bundle, object_decryption_key_provider) decryption_key = bundle.object_decryption_key click.echo( f"\n🔓 Recovered decryption key:\n{, bold=True)}" ) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as ex: if "rage" not in ex.cmd[0] and ex.cmd[1] != "--decrypt": raise click.echo( f"""💥 {'rage decryption failed:', bold=True, fg='red')}""" ) click.echo(_strip_rage_report(ex.stderr)) sys.exit(1) @recovery_bundle_cli_group.command(name="rollover") @click.option( "--decryption-key", metavar="AGE_SECRET_KEY", help="use the given decryption key instead of the bundle shared secrets", ) @click.option( "-s", "--secret", metavar="MNEMONIC", multiple=True, help="Known shared secret. May be repeated.", ) @click.option( "-i", "--identity", metavar="IDENTITY", type=click.Path(exists=True, readable=True, dir_okay=False), multiple=True, help="Path to file with age identities. May be repeated.", ) @click.argument( "recovery-bundles", metavar="[RECOVERY_BUNDLE]…", type=click.Path(exists=True, dir_okay=False, readable=True), nargs=-1, ) @click.pass_context def rollover( ctx, recovery_bundles, decryption_key=None, identity=None, secret=None ) -> None: """Rollover recovery bundles to new shared secrets.""" conf = ctx.obj["config"] from .recovery_bundle import RecoveryBundle, SecretSharing, WrongDecryptionKey secret_key_provider = get_object_decryption_key_provider(ctx) secret_sharing = SecretSharing.from_dict(conf["recovery_bundles"]["secret_sharing"]) click.secho("New shared secret holders:") for share_id in sorted(secret_sharing.share_ids): click.echo(f"- {, fg='magenta', bold=True)}") click.confirm( "Proceed with rolling over the shared secrets?", fg="yellow", bold=True, ), abort=True, ) for recovery_bundle in recovery_bundles: bundle = RecoveryBundle(recovery_bundle, secret_key_provider) # Ensure that we can decrypt at least some objects with the provided key try: origin = list( assert len(origin) > 0, "Oops! No Origin objects in this recovery bundle." except WrongDecryptionKey: click.secho( f"Wrong decryption key for this bundle ({bundle.removal_identifier})", err=True, fg="red", bold=True, ) ctx.exit(2) bundle.rollover(secret_sharing) click.secho("Shared secrets for ", fg="green", nl=False) click.secho(bundle.removal_identifier, fg="green", bold=True, nl=False) click.secho(" have been rolled over.", fg="green")