Source code for swh.core.cli.db

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (C) 2018-2024  The Software Heritage developers
# See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
# License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version
# See top-level LICENSE file for more information

import logging
from os import environ
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple
import warnings

import click

from swh.core.cli import CONTEXT_SETTINGS
from swh.core.cli import swh as swh_cli_group

warnings.filterwarnings("ignore")  # noqa prevent psycopg from side-tracking us

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)"db", context_settings=CONTEXT_SETTINGS)
    type=click.Path(exists=True, dir_okay=False),
    help="Configuration file.",
def db(ctx, config_file):
    """Software Heritage database generic tools."""
    from swh.core.config import read as config_read

    if config_file is None:
        config_file = environ.get("SWH_CONFIG_FILENAME")
    cfg = config_read(config_file)
    ctx.obj["config"] = cfg

@db.command(name="create", context_settings=CONTEXT_SETTINGS)
@click.argument("module", required=True)
    help="Database name.",
    help="Template database from which to build this database.",
def db_create(ctx, module, dbname, template):
    """Create a database for the Software Heritage <module>.

    and potentially execute superuser-level initialization steps.


        swh db create -d swh-test storage

    If you want to specify non-default postgresql connection parameters, please
    provide them using standard environment variables or by the mean of a
    properly crafted libpq connection URI. See psql(1) man page (section
    ENVIRONMENTS) for details.

    Note: this command requires a postgresql connection with superuser permissions.


        PGPORT=5434 swh db create indexer
        swh db create -d postgresql://superuser:passwd@pghost:5433/swh-storage storage

    from swh.core.db.db_utils import create_database_for_package

    args = handle_cmd_args(

    for package, fullmodule, backend_class, dbname, cfg in args:
        create_database_for_package(fullmodule, dbname, template)

@db.command(name="init-admin", context_settings=CONTEXT_SETTINGS)
@click.argument("module", metavar="MODULE-OR-CONFIG-PATH", required=True)
    help="Database name.",
    help="superuser initialize all db found in the config file for the swh 'module'",
    help="If set, inpterpret the given 'module' as a config 'json path' within the config file",
def db_init_admin(
    ctx, module: str, dbname: Optional[str], initialize_all: bool, module_is_path: bool
) -> None:
    """Execute superuser-level initialization steps (e.g pg extensions, admin functions,

    Note: this command requires a postgresql connection with superuser permissions (e.g
    postgres, swh-admin, ...)

    If given, a db connection string will be used to connect to the database
    and execute the initialization steps for the given module.


        PGPASSWORD=... swh db init-admin -d swh-test scheduler

    If you want to specify non-default postgresql connection parameters, you can
    provide them using standard environment variables or by the mean of a
    properly crafted libpq connection URI. See psql(1) man page (section
    ENVIRONMENTS) for details.


        PGPORT=5434 swh db init-admin scheduler
        swh db init-admin -d postgresql://superuser:passwd@pghost:5433/swh-scheduler \

    If the db connection string is not given, it will be looked for in the
    configuration file. Note that this step needs admin right on the database,
    so this usage is not meant for production environment (but rather test


        $ cat conf.yml
          cls: postgresql
          db: postgresql://user:passwd@pghost:5433/swh-storage
            cls: memory

        $ swh db -C conf.yml init-admin storage

    With '-p', the module is interpreted as a 'path' in the configuration file
    where the configuration entry for the targeted database connection string
    can be found. For example::

        $ cat conf.yml
          cls: pipeline
            - cls: masking
              masking_db: postgresql:///?service=swh-masking-proxy
            - cls: buffer
            - cls: postgresql
              db: postgresql://user:passwd@pghost:5433/swh-storage
                cls: memory

        $ swh db -C conf.yml init-admin -p storage.steps.2

    The --all option allows to execute superuser-level
    initialization steps for all the datasabases found in the config file for
    the <module>. For example::

        $ cat conf.yml
          cls: pipeline
            - cls: masking
              masking_db: postgresql:///?service=swh-masking-proxy
            - cls: buffer
            - cls: postgresql
              db: postgresql://user:passwd@pghost:5433/swh-storage
                cls: memory

        $ swh db -C conf.yml init-admin -a storage

    will run the superuser-level init for both the masking and main storage
    declared in the 'storage' section of the config file.

    from swh.core.db.db_utils import init_admin_extensions

    args = handle_cmd_args(

    for package, fullmodule, _, dbname, cfg in args:
        logger.debug("db_init_admin %s:%s dbname=%s", package, cfg["cls"], dbname)
        init_admin_extensions(f"{package}:{cfg['cls']}", dbname)

@db.command(name="list", context_settings=CONTEXT_SETTINGS)
@click.argument("module", required=False)
def db_list(ctx, module):
    """List found DB configs under the <module> in the config file"""
    from swh.core.config import list_db_config_entries

    cfg = ctx.obj["config"]
    for swhmod, path, dbcfg, db in list_db_config_entries(cfg):
        if module and module != swhmod:
        print(path, dbcfg["cls"], db)

@db.command(name="init", context_settings=CONTEXT_SETTINGS)
@click.argument("module", metavar="MODULE-OR-CONFIG-PATH", required=True)
    help="Database name or connection URI.",
    help="Database flavor.",
@click.option("--module-config-key", help="Module config key to lookup.", default=None)
    help="initialize all db found in the config file for the swh 'module'",
    help="If set, inpterpret the given 'module' as a config 'json path' within the config file",
def db_init(
    ctx, module, dbname, flavor, module_config_key, initialize_all, module_is_path
    """Initialize a database for the Software Heritage <module>.

    As for the 'init-admin' command, the database connection string can come
    either from the --dbname option or the configuration file (see option
    ``--config-file`` in ``swh db --help``) in the section named after the
    MODULE argument in most cases.

    When retrieved from within the configuration, the db connection string can
    be looked after from any location in the configuration using the
    <module-or-config-path> option. For example::

        $ cat conf.yml
          cls: pipeline
            - cls: masking
              masking_db: postgresql:///?service=swh-masking-proxy
            - cls: buffer
            - cls: postgresql
              db: postgresql://user:passwd@pghost:5433/swh-storage
                cls: memory

        $ swh db -C conf.yml init storage  # or
        $ SWH_CONFIG_FILENAME=conf.yml swh db init storage # or
        $ swh db init --dbname postgresql://user:passwd@pghost:5433/swh-storage storage

        $ # to initialize the "main" storage db (expected to be the last element
        $ # of a pipeline config),
        $ # or to initialize the masking_db:
        $ swh db -C conf.yml init -p storage.steps.0

    Usage of --module-config-key is now deprecated in favor of "full-path"
    module/config entry.


    # TODO: sanity check all the incompatible options...
    # XXX it probably does not make much sense to have a non-None flavor when
    # initializing several db at once... this case should raise an error

    args = handle_cmd_args(

    for package, fullmodule, backend_class, dbname, cfg in args:
        initialize_one(package, fullmodule, backend_class, flavor, dbname, cfg)

[docs] def initialize_one(package, module, backend_class, flavor, dbname, cfg): from swh.core.db.db_utils import ( get_database_info, import_swhmodule, populate_database_for_package, swh_set_db_version, ) logger.debug("db_init %s flavor=%s dbname=%s", module, flavor, dbname) dbmodule = f"{package}:{cfg['cls']}" initialized, dbversion, dbflavor = populate_database_for_package( dbmodule, dbname, flavor ) if dbversion is not None: click.secho( "ERROR: the database version has been populated by sql init scripts. " "This is now deprecated and should not happen any more" ) else: # db version has not been populated by sql init scripts (new style), # let's do it; instantiate the data source to retrieve the current # (expected) db version datastore_factory = getattr(import_swhmodule(module), "get_datastore", None) if datastore_factory is None and backend_class is not None: def datastore_factory(cls, **cfg): return backend_class(**cfg) if datastore_factory: datastore = datastore_factory(**cfg) if not hasattr(datastore, "current_version"): logger.warning( "Datastore %s does not declare the " "'current_version' attribute", datastore, ) else: code_version = datastore.current_version "Initializing database version to %s from the %s datastore", code_version, module, ) swh_set_db_version(dbname, code_version, desc="DB initialization") dbversion = get_database_info(dbname)[1] if dbversion is None: click.secho( "ERROR: database for {} {}{} BUT db version could not be set".format( module, "initialized" if initialized else "exists", f" (flavor {dbflavor})" if dbflavor is not None else "", ), fg="red", bold=True, ) else: click.secho( "DONE database for {} {}{} at version {}".format( module, "initialized" if initialized else "exists", f" (flavor {dbflavor})" if dbflavor is not None else "", dbversion, ), fg="green", bold=True, ) if flavor is not None and dbflavor != flavor: click.secho( f"WARNING requested flavor '{flavor}' != recorded flavor '{dbflavor}'", fg="red", bold=True, )
@db.command(name="shell", context_settings=CONTEXT_SETTINGS) @click.argument("module", required=True) @click.option( "--dbname", "--db-name", "-d", help="Database name or connection URI.", default=None, show_default=False, ) @click.option("--module-config-key", help="Module config key to lookup.", default=None) @click.pass_context def db_shell(ctx, module, dbname, module_config_key): """A subcommand to ease starting a psql shell using swh module configuration file. This may be useful for extra troubleshooting session when the other 'swh db' clis are not enough. """ from subprocess import run if dbname is None: # use the db cnx from the config file; the expected config entry is either the given # module_config_key or defaulting to the module name (if module_config_key is not # provided) cfg = ctx.obj["config"].get(module_config_key or module, {}) dbname, cfg = get_dburl_from_config(cfg) if not dbname: raise click.BadParameter( "Missing the postgresql connection configuration. Either fix your " "configuration file or use the [-d|--dbname|--db-name] option." ) dbname_censored = " ".join( elem for elem in dbname.split() if not elem.startswith("password=") )"Opening database shell for %r", dbname_censored) run(["psql", dbname]) @db.command(name="version", context_settings=CONTEXT_SETTINGS) @click.argument("module", metavar="MODULE-OR-CONFIG-PATH", required=True) @click.option( "--history", "show_history", help="Show version history.", default=False, is_flag=True, ) @click.option( "-a", "--all", "all_backends", help="show version for all db found in the config file for the swh 'module'", default=False, is_flag=True, ) @click.option("--module-config-key", help="Module config key to lookup.", default=None) @click.option( "-p", "--module-is-path", "module_is_path", help="If set, inpterpret the given 'module' as a config 'json path' within the config file", default=False, is_flag=True, ) @click.pass_context def db_version( ctx, module, show_history, all_backends, module_config_key, module_is_path ): """Print the database version for the Software Heritage. Example:: \b swh db version -d swh-test swh db version scheduler swh db version scrubber:scrubber_db swh db version --all scrubber """ from swh.core.db.db_utils import ( get_database_info, import_swhmodule, swh_db_versions, ) backends = handle_cmd_args( cfg=ctx.obj["config"], module=module, do_all=all_backends, config_key=module_config_key, is_path=module_is_path, ) for package, _, backend_class, cnxstr, cfg in backends: db_module, db_version, db_flavor = get_database_info(cnxstr) if db_module is None: click.secho( "WARNING the database does not have a dbmodule table.", fg="red", bold=True, ) db_module = f"{package}:{cfg['cls']}" click.echo("") click.secho(f"module: {db_module}", fg="green", bold=True) if ":" not in db_module: click.secho( f"The module registered in the database ({db_module}) needs to be updated;" "\nYou should run 'swh db upgrade'", fg="yellow", bold=True, ) if db_flavor is not None: click.secho(f"flavor: {db_flavor}", fg="green", bold=True) # instantiate the data source to retrieve the current (expected) db version datastore_factory = getattr(import_swhmodule(db_module), "get_datastore", None) if not datastore_factory and backend_class is not None: def datastore_factory(cls, **cfg): return backend_class(**cfg) if datastore_factory: datastore = datastore_factory(**cfg) code_version = datastore.current_version click.secho( f"current code version: {code_version}", fg="green" if code_version == db_version else "red", bold=True, ) if not show_history: click.secho(f"version: {db_version}", fg="green", bold=True) else: versions = swh_db_versions(cnxstr) for version, tstamp, desc in versions: click.echo(f"{version} [{tstamp}] {desc}") @db.command(name="upgrade", context_settings=CONTEXT_SETTINGS) @click.argument("module", required=True) @click.option( "--dbname", "--db-name", "-d", help="Database name or connection URI.", default=None, show_default=False, ) @click.option( "--to-version", type=int, help="Upgrade up to version VERSION", metavar="VERSION", default=None, ) @click.option( "--interactive/--non-interactive", help="Do not ask questions (use default answer to all questions)", default=True, ) @click.option( "--module-config-key", help="Module configuration key to lookup.", default=None ) @click.option( "-a", "--all", "upgrade_all", help="upgrade all db found in the config file for the swh 'module'", default=False, is_flag=True, ) @click.option( "-p", "--module-is-path", "module_is_path", help="If set, inpterpret the given 'module' as a config 'json path' within the config file", default=False, is_flag=True, ) @click.pass_context def db_upgrade( ctx, module, dbname, to_version, interactive, module_config_key, upgrade_all, module_is_path, ): """Upgrade the database for given module (to a given version if specified). Examples:: \b swh db upgrade storage swh db upgrade scheduler --to-version=10 swh db upgrade scrubber:scrubber_db --to-version=10 """ from swh.core.db.db_utils import ( get_database_info, import_swhmodule, swh_db_upgrade, swh_set_db_module, ) # TODO: mark --module-config-key as deprecated # TODO: check options consistency backends = handle_cmd_args( cfg=ctx.obj["config"], module=module, do_all=upgrade_all, dbname=dbname, config_key=module_config_key, is_path=module_is_path, ) for package, fullmodule, backend_class, dbname, cfg in backends: logger.debug("db_version dbname=%s", dbname) go_to_version = to_version db_module, db_version, db_flavor = get_database_info(dbname) backend = f"{package}:{cfg['cls']}" if db_module is None: click.secho( "Warning: the database does not have a dbmodule table.", fg="yellow", bold=True, ) if interactive and not click.confirm( f"Write the module information ({backend}) in the database?", default=True, ): raise click.BadParameter("Migration aborted.") if db_module is None or (db_module != backend and ":" not in db_module): # module stored in the db needs updating swh_set_db_module(dbname, backend) click.secho( "The module registered in the database has been updated " f"from '{db_module}' to '{backend}'", fg="red", bold=True, ) db_module, db_version, db_flavor = get_database_info(dbname) if db_module != backend: raise click.BadParameter( f"Error: the given module ({module}) does not match the value " f"stored in the database ({db_module})." ) # instantiate the data source to retrieve the current (expected) db version datastore_factory = getattr(import_swhmodule(fullmodule), "get_datastore", None) if datastore_factory is None and backend_class is not None: def datastore_factory(cls, **cfg): return backend_class(**cfg) if not datastore_factory: raise click.UsageError( "You cannot use this command on old-style datastore backend {db_module}" ) datastore = datastore_factory(**cfg) ds_version = datastore.current_version if go_to_version is None: go_to_version = ds_version if go_to_version > ds_version: raise click.UsageError( f"The target version {go_to_version} is larger than the current version " f"{ds_version} of the datastore backend {db_module}" ) if go_to_version == db_version: click.secho( f"No migration needed for '{backend}': the current version is {db_version}", fg="yellow", ) else: new_db_version = swh_db_upgrade(dbname, backend, go_to_version) click.secho(f"Migration to version {new_db_version} done", fg="green") if new_db_version < ds_version: click.secho( "Warning: migration was not complete: " f"the current version is {ds_version}", fg="yellow", )
[docs] def get_dburl_from_config(cfg): if cfg["cls"] == "pipeline": # We know the database itself will always # come last in a pipeline configuration. cfg = cfg["steps"][-1] if cfg.get("cls") != "postgresql": raise click.BadParameter( "Configuration cls must be set to 'postgresql' for this command." ) if "args" in cfg: # for bw compat cfg = cfg["args"] return cfg.get("db"), cfg
[docs] def get_dburl_from_config_key(cfg, path): # the first section level in the config may contain dotted keys, so deal # with it for key in cfg: if path.startswith(f"{key}."): swhmod = key cfgpath = path[len(key) + 1 :].split(".") break if key == path: swhmod = key cfgpath = [] break cfg = cfg[swhmod] for key_e in cfgpath: if isinstance(cfg, list): cfg = cfg[int(key_e)] else: cfg = cfg[key_e] assert isinstance(cfg, dict) if "db" in cfg: cnxstr = cfg["db"] else: # TODO: kill this when possible for key in cfg: if key.endswith("_db"): cnxstr = cfg[key] break else: raise ValueError( f"no database connection string found in the configuration at {path}" ) return swhmod, cfg, cnxstr
[docs] def handle_cmd_args( cfg: Dict[str, Any], module: str, is_path: bool = False, do_all: bool = False, dbname: Optional[str] = None, config_key: Optional[str] = None, ) -> List[Tuple[str, str, Optional[type], str, Dict[str, Any]]]: """Helper function to build the list of backends to handle in a cli command For each identified backend, returns a tuple: (package, module, backend_class, cnxstr, cfg) where: - `package`: the (swh) package this backend is implemented in (e.g. 'storage', 'scheduler' etc.) - `module`: the (full path) module in which the backend class can be found (e.g. '') - `backend_class`: the class implementing the backend, - `cnxstr`: the (libpq) connection string to the database, - `cfg`: the config structure in which this backend is configured; if the backend is defined in a nested configuration, this is only the most specific config structure for this backend. For each backend, the code implementing the backend class needs to be registered in the `swh.<package>.classes` entry point under the `cfg["cls"]` name. However, there is bw compatibility for swh packages not yet updated to register these backends in the entry points. If `dbname` is given, return only one element in the list, with a config made of {'cls': 'postgresql', 'db': dbname}. If `do_all` is True, look for every backend in the configuration (cfg) under the section `module`. If `module` is a simple word ('storage', 'scheduler', etc.), look for the last db backend found in the config file under the `module` section. If `is_path` is True, interpret the 'module' as the path to the config entry to use in the config file. If `module` is an actual module path (e.g. 'storage.proxies.masking'), then `dbname` must be given and the configuration is not looked for in the config file. Note: this rather complex logic will be simplified when all the swh packages are updated and do not need bw compat handling code any more. """ from swh.core.config import ( get_swh_backend_from_fullmodule, get_swh_backend_module, list_db_config_entries, ) if is_path: if do_all: raise ValueError("Cannot use both 'all' and a specific config target") if dbname: raise ValueError("Cannot use both 'dbaname' and a specific config target") package = module backends = [] if do_all: for cfgmod, path, dbcfg, cnxstr in list_db_config_entries(cfg): if cfgmod == module: fullmodule, backend_class = get_swh_backend_module( swh_package=cfgmod, cls=dbcfg["cls"] ) backends.append((cfgmod, fullmodule, backend_class, cnxstr, dbcfg)) else: if dbname is not None: # default behavior if ":" in module: module, cls = module.split(":", 1) else: assert module is not None backend_package, backend_cls = get_swh_backend_from_fullmodule(module) if backend_package is None: cls = "postgresql" else: assert backend_cls is not None module = backend_package cls = backend_cls dbcfg = {"cls": cls, "db": dbname} fullmodule, backend_class = get_swh_backend_module( swh_package=module, cls=cls ) package = module else: if is_path: # read the db access for module 'module' from the config file package, dbcfg, dbname = get_dburl_from_config_key(cfg, module) # the actual module is retrieved from the entry_point for the cls fullmodule, backend_class = get_swh_backend_module( swh_package=package, cls=dbcfg["cls"] ) else: # use the db cnx from the config file; the expected config entry is the # given module name dbname, dbcfg = get_dburl_from_config(cfg.get(config_key or module, {})) # the actual module is retrieved from the entry_point for the cls fullmodule, backend_class = get_swh_backend_module( swh_package=module, cls=dbcfg["cls"] ) if not dbname: raise click.BadParameter( "Missing the postgresql connection configuration. Either fix your " "configuration file or use the --dbname option." ) backends.append((package, fullmodule, backend_class, dbname, dbcfg)) return backends