Source code for swh.core.github.pytest_plugin

# Copyright (C) 2020-2023  The Software Heritage developers
# See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
# License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version
# See top-level LICENSE file for more information

import time
from typing import Dict, Iterator, List, Optional, Union

import pytest
import requests_mock


[docs] def fake_time_sleep(duration: float, sleep_calls: Optional[List[float]] = None): """Record calls to time.sleep in the sleep_calls list.""" if duration < 0: raise ValueError("Can't sleep for a negative amount of time!") if sleep_calls is not None: sleep_calls.append(duration)
[docs] def fake_time_time(): """Return 0 when running time.time()""" return 0
[docs] @pytest.fixture def monkeypatch_sleep_calls(monkeypatch) -> Iterator[List[float]]: """Monkeypatch `time.time` and `time.sleep`. Returns a list cumulating the arguments passed to time.sleep().""" sleeps: List[float] = [] monkeypatch.setattr(time, "sleep", lambda d: fake_time_sleep(d, sleeps)) monkeypatch.setattr(time, "time", fake_time_time) yield sleeps
[docs] @pytest.fixture() def num_before_ratelimit() -> int: """Number of successful requests before the ratelimit hits""" return 0
[docs] @pytest.fixture() def num_ratelimit() -> Optional[int]: """Number of rate-limited requests; None means infinity""" return None
[docs] @pytest.fixture() def ratelimit_reset() -> Optional[int]: """Value of the X-Ratelimit-Reset header on ratelimited responses""" return None
[docs] def github_ratelimit_callback( request: requests_mock.request._RequestObjectProxy, context: requests_mock.response._Context, remaining_requests: int, ratelimit_reset: Optional[int], ) -> Dict[str, str]: """Return a rate-limited GitHub API response.""" # Check request headers assert request.headers["Accept"] == "application/vnd.github.v3+json" assert request.headers["User-Agent"] is not None context.status_code = 403 if ratelimit_reset is not None: context.headers["X-Ratelimit-Reset"] = str(ratelimit_reset) context.headers["X-Ratelimit-Remaining"] = str(remaining_requests) return { "message": "API rate limit exceeded for <IP>.", "documentation_url": ( "" "resources-in-the-rest-api#rate-limiting" ), }
[docs] def github_repo(i: int) -> Dict[str, Union[int, str]]: """Basic repository information returned by the GitHub API""" repo: Dict[str, Union[int, str]] = { "id": i, "html_url": f"{i}", } # Set the pushed_at date on one of the origins if i == 4321: repo["pushed_at"] = "2018-11-08T13:16:24Z" return repo
[docs] def github_response_callback( request: requests_mock.request._RequestObjectProxy, context: requests_mock.response._Context, remaining_requests: int, page_size: int = 1000, origin_count: int = 10000, ) -> List[Dict[str, Union[str, int]]]: """Return minimal GitHub API responses for the common case where the loader hasn't been rate-limited""" # Check request headers assert request.headers["Accept"] == "application/vnd.github.v3+json" assert request.headers["User-Agent"] is not None # Check request parameters: per_page == 1000, since = last_repo_id assert "per_page" in request.qs assert request.qs["per_page"] == [str(page_size)] assert "since" in request.qs since = int(request.qs["since"][0]) next_page = since + page_size if next_page < origin_count: # the first id for the next page is within our origin count; add a Link # header to the response next_url = f"{HTTP_GITHUB_API_URL}?per_page={page_size}&since={next_page}" context.headers["Link"] = f"<{next_url}>; rel=next" context.headers["X-Ratelimit-Remaining"] = str(remaining_requests) return [github_repo(i) for i in range(since + 1, min(next_page, origin_count) + 1)]
[docs] @pytest.fixture() def github_requests_ratelimited( num_before_ratelimit: int, num_ratelimit: Optional[int], ratelimit_reset: Optional[int], ) -> Iterator[requests_mock.Mocker]: """Mock requests to the GitHub API, returning a rate-limiting status code after `num_before_ratelimit` requests. This fixture takes multiple arguments (which can be overridden with a :func:`pytest.mark.parametrize` parameter): - num_before_ratelimit: the global number of requests until the ratelimit triggers - num_ratelimit: the number of requests that return a rate-limited response. - ratelimit_reset: the timestamp returned in X-Ratelimit-Reset if the request is authenticated. The default values set in the previous fixtures make all requests return a rate limit response. """ current_request = 0 def response_callback(request, context): nonlocal current_request current_request += 1 if num_before_ratelimit >= current_request: # case 1: not yet rate-limited return github_response_callback( request, context, (num_before_ratelimit or 1000) - current_request ) elif ( num_ratelimit is not None and current_request >= num_before_ratelimit + num_ratelimit + 1 ): # case 3: no longer rate-limited return github_response_callback( request, context, (num_before_ratelimit + 1000) - current_request ) else: # case 2: being rate-limited return github_ratelimit_callback( request, context, max(0, (num_before_ratelimit or 1000) - current_request), ratelimit_reset, ) with requests_mock.Mocker() as mock: mock.get(HTTP_GITHUB_API_URL, json=response_callback) yield mock
[docs] @pytest.fixture def github_credentials() -> List[Dict[str, str]]: """Return a static list of GitHub credentials""" return sorted( [{"username": f"swh{i:d}", "token": f"token-{i:d}"} for i in range(3)] + [ {"username": f"swh-legacy{i:d}", "password": f"token-legacy-{i:d}"} for i in range(3) ], key=lambda c: c["username"], )
[docs] @pytest.fixture def all_tokens(github_credentials) -> List[str]: """Return the list of tokens matching the static credential""" return [t.get("token", t.get("password")) for t in github_credentials]