Source code for swh.core.logger

# Copyright (C) 2015-2025  The Software Heritage developers
# See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
# License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version
# See top-level LICENSE file for more information

import datetime
import logging
from typing import Any, Dict, Generator, List, Tuple

from systemd.journal import JournalHandler as _JournalHandler
from systemd.journal import send

    from celery import current_task

    celery_available = True
except ImportError:
    celery_available = False

LOGGED_TASK_KWARGS = ("url", "instance")

[docs] def db_level_of_py_level(lvl): """convert a log level of the logging module to a log level suitable for the logging Postgres DB """ return logging.getLevelName(lvl).lower()
[docs] def get_extra_data(record: logging.LogRecord) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Get the extra data to send to the log handler from the logging record. This gets the following data: - all fields in the record data starting with `EXTRA_LOGDATA_PREFIX` - arguments to the logging call (which can either be a tuple, or a dict if the arguments were named) - if this is called within a celery task, the following data: - the (uu)id of the task - the name of the task - any task keyword arguments named for values in `LOGGED_TASK_KWARGS` """ log_data = record.__dict__ extra_data = { k[len(EXTRA_LOGDATA_PREFIX) :]: v for k, v in log_data.items() if k.startswith(EXTRA_LOGDATA_PREFIX) } args = log_data.get("args") if args: extra_data["logging_args"] = args # Retrieve Celery task info if ( celery_available and hasattr(current_task, "request") and current_task.request.kwargs ): extra_data["task"] = { "id":, "name":, } for task_arg in LOGGED_TASK_KWARGS: if task_arg in current_task.request.kwargs: try: value = stringify(current_task.request.kwargs[task_arg]) except Exception: continue extra_data["task"][f"kwarg_{task_arg}"] = value return extra_data
[docs] def flatten(data: Any, separator: str = "_") -> Generator[Tuple[str, Any], None, None]: """Flatten the data dictionary into a flat structure""" def inner_flatten( data: Any, prefix: List[str] ) -> Generator[Tuple[List[str], Any], None, None]: if isinstance(data, dict): if all(isinstance(key, str) for key in data): for key, value in data.items(): yield from inner_flatten(value, prefix + [key]) else: yield prefix, str(data) elif isinstance(data, (list, tuple)): for key, value in enumerate(data): yield from inner_flatten(value, prefix + [str(key)]) else: yield prefix, data for path, value in inner_flatten(data, []): yield separator.join(path), value
[docs] def stringify(value: Any) -> str: """Convert value to string""" if isinstance(value, datetime.datetime): return value.isoformat() return str(value)
[docs] class JournalHandler(_JournalHandler):
[docs] def emit(self, record): """Write `record` as a journal event. MESSAGE is taken from the message provided by the user, and PRIORITY, LOGGER, THREAD_NAME, CODE_{FILE,LINE,FUNC} fields are appended automatically. In addition, record.MESSAGE_ID will be used if present. This also records all the extra data fetched by `get_extra_data`. """ try: extra_data = flatten(get_extra_data(record)) extra_data = { (EXTRA_LOGDATA_PREFIX + key).upper(): stringify(value) for key, value in extra_data } msg = self.format(record) pri = self.mapPriority(record.levelno) send( msg, PRIORITY=format(pri),, THREAD_NAME=record.threadName, CODE_FILE=record.pathname, CODE_LINE=record.lineno, CODE_FUNC=record.funcName, **extra_data, ) except Exception: self.handleError(record)