Source code for swh.core.tarball

# Copyright (C) 2015-2022  The Software Heritage developers
# See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
# License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version
# See top-level LICENSE file for more information

import os
import shutil
import stat
from subprocess import run
import tarfile
import zipfile

import magic

from . import utils

    "application/x-compress": "tar.Z|x",
    "application/x-tar": "tar",
    "application/x-bzip2": "bztar",
    "application/gzip": "gztar",
    "application/x-gzip": "gztar",
    "application/x-lzip": "tar.lz",
    "application/zip": "zip",
    "application/java-archive": "jar",
    "application/zstd": "tar.zst",
    "application/x-zstd": "tar.zst",

def _unpack_tar(tarpath: str, extract_dir: str) -> str:
    """Unpack tarballs unsupported by the standard python library. Examples
    include tar.Z, tar.lz, tar.x, etc....

    As this implementation relies on the `tar` command, this function supports
    the same compression the tar command supports.

    This expects the `extract_dir` to exist.

        shutil.ReadError in case of issue uncompressing the archive (tarpath
        does not exist, extract_dir does not exist, etc...)

        full path to the uncompressed directory.

        run(["tar", "xf", tarpath, "-C", extract_dir], check=True)
        return extract_dir
    except Exception as e:
        raise shutil.ReadError(
            f"Unable to uncompress {tarpath} to {extract_dir}. Reason: {e}"

def _unpack_zip(zippath: str, extract_dir: str) -> str:
    """Unpack zip files unsupported by the standard python library, for instance
    those with legacy compression type 6 (implode).

    This expects the `extract_dir` to exist.

        shutil.ReadError in case of issue uncompressing the archive (zippath
        does not exist, extract_dir does not exist, etc...)

        full path to the uncompressed directory.

        run(["unzip", "-q", "-d", extract_dir, zippath], check=True)
        return extract_dir
    except Exception as e:
        raise shutil.ReadError(
            f"Unable to uncompress {zippath} to {extract_dir}. Reason: {e}"

def _unpack_jar(jarpath: str, extract_dir: str) -> str:
    """Unpack jar files using standard Python module zipfile.

    This expects the `extract_dir` to exist.

        shutil.ReadError in case of issue uncompressing the archive (jarpath
        does not exist, extract_dir does not exist, etc...)

        full path to the uncompressed directory.

        with zipfile.ZipFile(jarpath) as jar:
        return extract_dir
    except Exception as e:
        raise shutil.ReadError(
            f"Unable to uncompress {jarpath} to {extract_dir}. Reason: {e}"

def _unpack_zst(zstpath: str, extract_dir: str) -> str:
    """Unpack zst files unsupported by the standard python library. Example
    include tar.zst

    This expects the `extract_dir` to exist.

        shutil.ReadError in case of issue uncompressing the archive (zstpath
            ["tar", "--force-local", "-I 'zstd'", "-xf", zstpath, "-C", extract_dir],
        return extract_dir
    except Exception as e:
        raise shutil.ReadError(
            f"Unable to uncompress {zstpath} to {extract_dir}. Reason: {e}"

[docs] def register_new_archive_formats(): """Register new archive formats to uncompress""" registered_formats = [f[0] for f in shutil.get_unpack_formats()] for name, extensions, function in ADDITIONAL_ARCHIVE_FORMATS: if name in registered_formats: continue shutil.register_unpack_format(name, extensions, function)
[docs] def uncompress(tarpath: str, dest: str): """Uncompress tarpath to dest folder if tarball is supported. Note that this fixes permissions after successfully uncompressing the archive. Args: tarpath: path to tarball to uncompress dest: the destination folder where to uncompress the tarball, it will be created if it does not exist Raises: ValueError when a problem occurs during unpacking """ try: os.makedirs(dest, exist_ok=True) format = None # try to get archive format from file mimetype m = magic.Magic(mime=True) mime = m.from_file(tarpath) format = MIMETYPE_TO_ARCHIVE_FORMAT.get(mime) if format is None: # try to get archive format from extension for format_, exts, _ in shutil.get_unpack_formats(): if any([tarpath.lower().endswith(ext.lower()) for ext in exts]): format = format_ break shutil.unpack_archive(tarpath, extract_dir=dest, format=format) except shutil.ReadError as e: raise ValueError(f"Problem during unpacking {tarpath}. Reason: {e}") except NotImplementedError: if tarpath.lower().endswith(".zip") or format == "zip": _unpack_zip(tarpath, dest) else: raise except NotADirectoryError: if format and "tar" in format: # some old tarballs might fail to be unpacked by shutil.unpack_archive, # fallback using the tar command as last resort _unpack_tar(tarpath, dest) else: raise normalize_permissions(dest)
[docs] def normalize_permissions(path: str): """Normalize the permissions of all files and directories under `path`. This makes all subdirectories and files with the user executable bit set mode 0o0755, and all other files mode 0o0644. Args: path: the path under which permissions should be normalized """ os.chmod(path, 0o0755) for dirpath, dnames, fnames in os.walk(path): for dname in dnames: dpath = os.path.join(dirpath, dname) os.chmod(dpath, 0o0755) for fname in fnames: fpath = os.path.join(dirpath, fname) if not os.path.islink(fpath): is_executable = os.stat(fpath).st_mode & stat.S_IXUSR forced_mode = 0o0755 if is_executable else 0o0644 os.chmod(fpath, forced_mode)
def _ls(rootdir): """Generator of filepath, filename from rootdir.""" for dirpath, dirnames, fnames in os.walk(rootdir): for fname in dirnames + fnames: fpath = os.path.join(dirpath, fname) fname = utils.commonname(rootdir, fpath) yield fpath, fname def _compress_zip(tarpath, files): """Compress dirpath's content as tarpath.""" with zipfile.ZipFile(tarpath, "w") as z: for fpath, fname in files: z.write(fpath, arcname=fname) def _compress_tar(tarpath, files): """Compress dirpath's content as tarpath.""" with, "w:bz2") as t: for fpath, fname in files: t.add(fpath, arcname=fname, recursive=False)
[docs] def compress(tarpath, nature, dirpath_or_files): """Create a tarball tarpath with nature nature. The content of the tarball is either dirpath's content (if representing a directory path) or dirpath's iterable contents. Compress the directory dirpath's content to a tarball. The tarball being dumped at tarpath. The nature of the tarball is determined by the nature argument. """ if isinstance(dirpath_or_files, str): files = _ls(dirpath_or_files) else: # iterable of 'filepath, filename' files = dirpath_or_files if nature == "zip": _compress_zip(tarpath, files) else: _compress_tar(tarpath, files) return tarpath
# Additional uncompression archive format support ADDITIONAL_ARCHIVE_FORMATS = [ # name, extensions, function ("tar.Z|x", [".tar.Z", ".tar.x"], _unpack_tar), ("jar", [".jar", ".war"], _unpack_jar), ("tbz2", [".tbz", "tbz2"], _unpack_tar), # FIXME: make this optional depending on the runtime lzip package install ("tar.lz", [".tar.lz"], _unpack_tar), ("crate", [".crate"], _unpack_tar), ("tar.zst", [".tar.zst", ".tar.zstd"], _unpack_zst), ] register_new_archive_formats()