Source code for swh.counters.journal_client

# Copyright (C) 2021  The Software Heritage developers
# See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
# License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version
# See top-level LICENSE file for more information

from typing import Dict

import msgpack

from swh.counters.interface import CountersInterface

[docs] def process_journal_messages( messages: Dict[str, Dict[bytes, bytes]], *, counters: CountersInterface ) -> None: """Count the number of different values of an object's property. It allow for example to count the persons inside the Release (authors) and Revision (authors and committers) classes """ for key in messages.keys(): counters.add(key, messages[key]) if "revision" in messages: process_revisions(messages["revision"], counters) if "release" in messages: process_releases(messages["release"], counters)
[docs] def process_revisions(revisions: Dict[bytes, bytes], counters: CountersInterface): """Count the number of different authors and committers on the revisions (in the person collection)""" persons = set() for revision_bytes in revisions.values(): revision = msgpack.loads(revision_bytes) persons.add(revision["author"]["fullname"]) persons.add(revision["committer"]["fullname"]) counters.add("person", list(persons))
[docs] def process_releases(releases: Dict[bytes, bytes], counters: CountersInterface): """Count the number of different authors on the releases (in the person collection)""" persons = set() for release_bytes in releases.values(): release = msgpack.loads(release_bytes) author = release.get("author") if author and "fullname" in author: persons.add(author["fullname"]) counters.add("person", list(persons))