Source code for swh.deposit.api.private.deposit_read

# Copyright (C) 2017-2024 The Software Heritage developers
# See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
# License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version
# See top-level LICENSE file for more information

from contextlib import contextmanager
import os
from pathlib import Path
import shutil
import tempfile
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterator, List, Optional, Tuple
from xml.etree import ElementTree

from rest_framework import status

from swh.core import tarball
from swh.deposit.api.common import APIGet
from swh.deposit.api.private import APIPrivateView, DepositReadMixin
from swh.deposit.config import ARCHIVE_TYPE, SWH_PERSON
from swh.deposit.models import Deposit
from swh.deposit.utils import NAMESPACES, normalize_date
from swh.model.hashutil import hash_to_hex
from swh.model.model import MetadataAuthorityType
from swh.model.swhids import CoreSWHID

[docs] @contextmanager def aggregate_tarballs(extraction_dir: str, archives: List) -> Iterator[str]: """Aggregate multiple tarballs into one and returns this new archive's path. Args: extraction_dir: Path to use for the tarballs computation archive_paths: Deposit's archive paths Returns: Tuple (directory to clean up, archive path (aggregated or not)) """ # rebuild one zip archive from (possibly) multiple ones os.makedirs(extraction_dir, 0o755, exist_ok=True) dir_path = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="swh.deposit-", dir=extraction_dir) # root folder to build an aggregated tarball aggregated_tarball_rootdir = os.path.join(dir_path, "aggregate") download_tarball_rootdir = os.path.join(dir_path, "download") # uncompress in a temporary location all client's deposit archives for archive in archives: with"rb") as archive_fp: try: # For storage which supports the path method access, let's retrieve it archive_path = archive.path except NotImplementedError: # otherwise for remote backend which do not support it, let's download # the tarball locally first tarball_path = Path( tarball_path_dir = Path(download_tarball_rootdir) / tarball_path.parent tarball_path_dir.mkdir(0o755, parents=True, exist_ok=True) archive_path = str(tarball_path_dir / with open(archive_path, "wb") as f: while chunk := * 1024 * 1024): f.write(chunk) tarball.uncompress(archive_path, aggregated_tarball_rootdir) # Aggregate into one big tarball the multiple smaller ones temp_tarpath = shutil.make_archive( aggregated_tarball_rootdir, "tar", aggregated_tarball_rootdir ) # can already clean up temporary directory shutil.rmtree(aggregated_tarball_rootdir) try: yield temp_tarpath finally: shutil.rmtree(dir_path)
[docs] class APIReadArchives(APIPrivateView, APIGet, DepositReadMixin): """Dedicated class to read a deposit's raw archives content. Only GET is supported. """ def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.extraction_dir = self.config["extraction_dir"] if not os.path.exists(self.extraction_dir): os.makedirs(self.extraction_dir)
[docs] def process_get( self, request, collection_name: str, deposit: Deposit ) -> Tuple[int, Any, str]: """Build a unique tarball from the multiple received and stream that content to the client. Args: request (Request): collection_name: Collection owning the deposit deposit: Deposit concerned by the reading Returns: Tuple status, stream of content, content-type """ archives = [ r.archive for r in self._deposit_requests(deposit, request_type=ARCHIVE_TYPE) ] return ( status.HTTP_200_OK, aggregate_tarballs(self.extraction_dir, archives), "swh/generator", )
[docs] class APIReadMetadata(APIPrivateView, APIGet, DepositReadMixin): """Class in charge of aggregating metadata on a deposit.""" def _parse_dates( self, deposit: Deposit, metadata: ElementTree.Element ) -> Tuple[dict, dict]: """Normalize the date to use as a tuple of author date, committer date from the incoming metadata. Returns: Tuple of author date, committer date. Those dates are swh normalized. """ commit_date_elt = metadata.find("codemeta:datePublished", namespaces=NAMESPACES) author_date_elt = metadata.find("codemeta:dateCreated", namespaces=NAMESPACES) author_date: Any commit_date: Any if author_date_elt is None and commit_date_elt is None: author_date = commit_date = deposit.complete_date elif commit_date_elt is None: author_date = commit_date = author_date_elt.text # type: ignore elif author_date_elt is None: author_date = commit_date = commit_date_elt.text else: author_date = author_date_elt.text commit_date = commit_date_elt.text return (normalize_date(author_date), normalize_date(commit_date))
[docs] def metadata_read(self, deposit: Deposit) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Read and aggregate multiple deposit information into one unified dictionary. Args: deposit: Deposit to retrieve information from Returns: Dictionary of deposit information read by the deposit loader, with the following keys: **origin** (Dict): Information about the origin **raw_metadata** (str): List of raw metadata received for the deposit **provider** (Dict): the metadata provider information about the deposit client **tool** (Dict): the deposit information **deposit** (Dict): deposit information relevant to build the revision (author_date, committer_date, etc...) """ raw_metadata = self._metadata_get(deposit) author_date: Optional[dict] commit_date: Optional[dict] if raw_metadata: metadata_tree = ElementTree.fromstring(raw_metadata) author_date, commit_date = self._parse_dates(deposit, metadata_tree) release_notes_elements = metadata_tree.findall( "codemeta:releaseNotes", namespaces=NAMESPACES ) else: author_date = commit_date = None release_notes_elements = [] if deposit.parent and deposit.parent.swhid: parent_swhid = deposit.parent.swhid assert parent_swhid is not None swhid = CoreSWHID.from_string(parent_swhid) parent_revision = hash_to_hex(swhid.object_id) parents = [parent_revision] else: parents = [] release_notes: Optional[str] if release_notes_elements: release_notes = "\n\n".join( element.text for element in release_notes_elements if element.text ) else: release_notes = None return { "origin": {"type": "deposit", "url": deposit.origin_url}, "provider": { "provider_name": deposit.client.last_name, "provider_url": deposit.client.provider_url, "provider_type": MetadataAuthorityType.DEPOSIT_CLIENT.value, "metadata": {}, }, "tool": self.tool, "raw_metadata": raw_metadata, "deposit": { "id":, "client": deposit.client.username, "collection":, "author": SWH_PERSON, "author_date": author_date, "committer": SWH_PERSON, "committer_date": commit_date, "revision_parents": parents, "release_notes": release_notes, }, }
[docs] def process_get( self, request, collection_name: str, deposit: Deposit ) -> Tuple[int, Dict, str]: data = self.metadata_read(deposit) return status.HTTP_200_OK, data if data else {}, "application/json"