Source code for swh.deposit.client

# Copyright (C) 2017-2022  The Software Heritage developers
# See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
# License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version
# See top-level LICENSE file for more information

"""Module in charge of defining an swh-deposit client


import hashlib
import logging
import os
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple
from urllib.parse import urljoin
import warnings
from xml.etree import ElementTree

import requests
from requests import Response
from requests.utils import parse_header_links

from swh.core.config import load_from_envvar
from swh.deposit import __version__ as swh_deposit_version
from swh.deposit.utils import NAMESPACES

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def compute_unified_information( collection: str, in_progress: bool, slug: str, *, filepath: Optional[str] = None, swhid: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Given a filepath, compute necessary information on that file. Args: collection: Deposit collection in_progress: do we finalize the deposit? slug: external id to use filepath: Path to the file to compute the necessary information out of swhid: Deposit swhid if any Returns: dict with keys: 'slug': external id to use 'in_progress': do we finalize the deposit? 'content-type': content type associated 'md5sum': md5 sum 'filename': filename 'filepath': filepath 'swhid': deposit swhid """ result: Dict[str, Any] = { "slug": slug, "in_progress": in_progress, "swhid": swhid, } content_type: Optional[str] = None md5sum: Optional[str] = None if filepath: filename = os.path.basename(filepath) md5sum = hashlib.md5(open(filepath, "rb").read()).hexdigest() extension = filename.split(".")[-1] if "zip" in extension: content_type = "application/zip" else: content_type = "application/x-tar" result.update( { "content-type": content_type, "md5sum": md5sum, "filename": filename, "filepath": filepath, } ) return result
[docs] class MaintenanceError(ValueError): """Informational maintenance error exception""" pass
[docs] def handle_deprecated_config(config: Dict) -> Tuple[str, Optional[Tuple[str, str]]]: warnings.warn( '"config" argument is deprecated, please ' 'use "url" and "auth" arguments instead; note that "auth" ' "expects now a couple (username, password) and not a dict.", DeprecationWarning, ) url: str = config["url"] auth: Optional[Tuple[str, str]] = None if config.get("auth"): auth = (config["auth"]["username"], config["auth"]["password"]) return (url, auth)
[docs] class BaseApiDepositClient: """Deposit client base class""" def __init__( self, config: Optional[Dict] = None, url: Optional[str] = None, auth: Optional[Tuple[str, str]] = None, ): if not url and not config: config = load_from_envvar() if config: url, auth = handle_deprecated_config(config) # needed to help mypy not be fooled by the Optional nature of url assert url is not None self.base_url = url.strip("/") + "/" self.auth = auth self.session = requests.Session() if auth: self.session.auth = auth self.session.headers.update( {"user-agent": f"swh-deposit/{swh_deposit_version}"} )
[docs] def do(self, method, url, *args, **kwargs): """Internal method to deal with requests, possibly with basic http authentication. Args: method (str): supported http methods as in self._methods' keys Returns: The request's execution """ full_url = urljoin(self.base_url, url.lstrip("/")) return self.session.request(method, full_url, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] class PrivateApiDepositClient(BaseApiDepositClient): """Private API deposit client to: - read a given deposit's archive(s) - read a given deposit's metadata - update a given deposit's status """
[docs] def archive_get(self, archive_update_url: str, archive: str) -> Optional[str]: """Retrieve the archive from the deposit to a local directory. Args: archive_update_url (str): The full deposit archive(s)'s raw content to retrieve locally archive (str): the local archive's path where to store the raw content Returns: The archive path to the local archive to load. Or None if any problem arose. """ response ="get", archive_update_url, stream=True) if response.ok: with open(archive, "wb") as f: for chunk in response.iter_content(): f.write(chunk) return archive msg = "Problem when retrieving deposit archive at %s" % (archive_update_url,) logger.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg)
[docs] def metadata_get(self, metadata_url): """Retrieve the metadata information on a given deposit. Args: metadata_url (str): The full deposit metadata url to retrieve locally Returns: The dictionary of metadata for that deposit or None if any problem arose. """ r ="get", metadata_url) if r.ok: return r.json() msg = "Problem when retrieving metadata at %s" % metadata_url logger.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg)
[docs] def status_update( self, update_status_url, status, status_detail=None, release_id=None, directory_id=None, origin_url=None, ): """Update the deposit's status. Args: update_status_url (str): the full deposit's archive status (str): The status to update the deposit with release_id (str/None): the release's identifier to update to directory_id (str/None): the directory's identifier to update to origin_url (str/None): deposit's associated origin url """ payload = {"status": status} if release_id: payload["release_id"] = release_id if directory_id: payload["directory_id"] = directory_id if origin_url: payload["origin_url"] = origin_url if status_detail: payload["status_detail"] = status_detail"put", update_status_url, json=payload)
[docs] def check(self, check_url): """Check the deposit's associated data (metadata, archive(s)) Args: check_url (str): the full deposit's check url """ r ="get", check_url) if r.ok: data = r.json() return data["status"] msg = "Problem when checking deposit %s" % check_url logger.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg)
[docs] class BaseDepositClient(BaseApiDepositClient): """Base Deposit client to access the public api.""" def __init__( self, config=None, url=None, auth=None, error_msg=None, empty_result={} ): super().__init__(url=url, auth=auth, config=config) self.error_msg = error_msg self.empty_result = empty_result
[docs] def compute_url(self, *args, **kwargs): """Compute api url endpoint to query.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def compute_method(self, *args, **kwargs): """Http method to use on the url""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def parse_result_ok( self, xml_content: str, headers: Optional[Dict] = None ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Given an xml result from the api endpoint, parse it and returns a dict. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def compute_information(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Compute some more information given the inputs (e.g http headers, ...) """ return {}
[docs] def parse_result_error(self, xml_content: str) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Given an error response in xml, parse it into a dict. Returns: dict with following keys: 'error': The error message 'detail': Some more detail about the error if any """ data = ElementTree.fromstring(xml_content) return { "summary": data.findtext("atom:summary", namespaces=NAMESPACES), "detail": data.findtext("detail", "", namespaces=NAMESPACES).strip(), "sword:verboseDescription": data.findtext( "sword:verboseDescription", "", namespaces=NAMESPACES ).strip(), }
[docs] def do_execute(self, method: str, url: str, info: Dict, **kwargs) -> Response: """Execute the http query to url using method and info information. By default, execute a simple query to url with the http method. Override this in subclass to improve the default behavior if needed. """ return, url, **kwargs)
[docs] def compute_params(self, **kwargs) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Determine the params out of the kwargs""" return {}
[docs] def execute(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Main endpoint to prepare and execute the http query to the api. Raises: MaintenanceError if some api maintenance is happening. Returns: Dict of computed api data """ url = self.compute_url(*args, **kwargs) method = self.compute_method(*args, **kwargs) info = self.compute_information(*args, **kwargs) params = self.compute_params(**kwargs) try: response = self.do_execute(method, url, info, params=params) except Exception as e: msg = self.error_msg % (url, e) result = self.empty_result result.update( { "error": msg, } ) return result else: if response.ok: if int(response.status_code) == 204: # 204 returns no body return {"status": response.status_code} else: headers = dict(response.headers) if response.headers else None return self.parse_result_ok(response.text, headers) else: try: error = self.parse_result_error(response.text) except ElementTree.ParseError: logger.warning( "Error message in response is not xml parsable: %s", response.text, ) error = {} empty = self.empty_result error.update(empty) if response.status_code == 503: summary = error.get("summary") detail = error.get("sword:verboseDescription") # Maintenance error if summary and detail: raise MaintenanceError(f"{summary}: {detail}") error.update( { "status": response.status_code, } ) return error
[docs] class ServiceDocumentDepositClient(BaseDepositClient): """Service Document information retrieval.""" def __init__(self, config=None, url=None, auth=None): super().__init__( url=url, auth=auth, config=config, error_msg="Service document failure at %s: %s", empty_result={"collection": None}, )
[docs] def compute_url(self, *args, **kwargs): return "/servicedocument/"
[docs] def compute_method(self, *args, **kwargs): return "get"
[docs] def parse_result_ok( self, xml_content: str, headers: Optional[Dict] = None ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Parse service document's success response.""" single_keys = [ "atom:title", "sword:collectionPolicy", "dc:abstract", "sword:treatment", "sword:mediation", "sword:metadataRelevantHeader", "sword:service", "sword:name", ] multi_keys = [ "app:accept", "sword:acceptPackaging", ] data = ElementTree.fromstring(xml_content) workspace: List[Dict[str, Any]] = [ { "app:collection": { **{ key: collection.findtext(key, namespaces=NAMESPACES) for key in single_keys }, **{ key: [ elt.text for elt in collection.findall(key, namespaces=NAMESPACES) ] for key in multi_keys }, } } for collection in data.findall( "app:workspace/app:collection", namespaces=NAMESPACES ) ] return {"app:service": {"app:workspace": workspace}}
[docs] def parse_result_error(self, xml_content: str) -> Dict[str, Any]: result = super().parse_result_error(xml_content) return {"error": result["summary"]}
[docs] class StatusDepositClient(BaseDepositClient): """Status information on a deposit.""" def __init__(self, config=None, url=None, auth=None): super().__init__( url=url, auth=auth, config=config, error_msg="Status check failure at %s: %s", empty_result={ "deposit_status": None, "deposit_status_detail": None, "deposit_swh_id": None, }, )
[docs] def compute_url(self, collection, deposit_id): return "/%s/%s/status/" % (collection, deposit_id)
[docs] def compute_method(self, *args, **kwargs): return "get"
[docs] def parse_result_ok( self, xml_content: str, headers: Optional[Dict] = None ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Given an xml content as string, returns a deposit dict.""" data = ElementTree.fromstring(xml_content) keys = [ "deposit_id", "deposit_status", "deposit_status_detail", "deposit_swh_id", "deposit_swh_id_context", "deposit_external_id", ] return {key: data.findtext("swh:" + key, namespaces=NAMESPACES) for key in keys}
[docs] class CollectionListDepositClient(BaseDepositClient): """List a collection of deposits (owned by a user)""" def __init__(self, config=None, url=None, auth=None): super().__init__( url=url, auth=auth, config=config, error_msg="List deposits failure at %s: %s", empty_result={}, )
[docs] def compute_url(self, collection, **kwargs): return f"/{collection}/"
[docs] def compute_method(self, *args, **kwargs): return "get"
[docs] def compute_params(self, **kwargs) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Transmit pagination params if values provided are not None (e.g. page, page_size) """ return {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if v is not None}
[docs] def parse_result_ok( self, xml_content: str, headers: Optional[Dict] = None ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Given an xml content as string, returns a deposit dict.""" link_header = headers.get("Link", "") if headers else "" links = parse_header_links(link_header) data = ElementTree.fromstring(xml_content) total_result = data.findtext("swh:count", "0", namespaces=NAMESPACES).strip() keys = [ "id", "reception_date", "complete_date", "external_id", "swhid", "status", "status_detail", "swhid_context", "origin_url", ] entries = data.findall("atom:entry", namespaces=NAMESPACES) deposits_d = [ { key: deposit.findtext(f"swh:{key}", namespaces=NAMESPACES) for key in keys if deposit.find(f"swh:{key}", namespaces=NAMESPACES) is not None } for deposit in entries ] return { "count": total_result, "deposits": deposits_d, **{entry["rel"]: entry["url"] for entry in links}, }
[docs] class BaseCreateDepositClient(BaseDepositClient): """Deposit client base class to post new deposit.""" def __init__(self, config=None, url=None, auth=None): super().__init__( url=url, auth=auth, config=config, error_msg="Post Deposit failure at %s: %s", empty_result={ "swh:deposit_id": None, "swh:deposit_status": None, }, )
[docs] def compute_url(self, collection, *args, **kwargs): return "/%s/" % collection
[docs] def compute_method(self, *args, **kwargs): return "post"
[docs] def parse_result_ok( self, xml_content: str, headers: Optional[Dict] = None ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Given an xml content as string, returns a deposit dict.""" data = ElementTree.fromstring(xml_content) keys = [ "deposit_id", "deposit_status", "deposit_status_detail", "deposit_date", ] return {key: data.findtext("swh:" + key, namespaces=NAMESPACES) for key in keys}
[docs] def compute_headers(self, info: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]: return info
[docs] def do_execute(self, method, url, info, **kwargs): with open(info["filepath"], "rb") as f: return, url, data=f, headers=info["headers"])
[docs] class CreateArchiveDepositClient(BaseCreateDepositClient): """Post an archive (binary) deposit client."""
[docs] def compute_headers(self, info): headers = { "CONTENT_MD5": info["md5sum"], "IN-PROGRESS": str(info["in_progress"]), "CONTENT-TYPE": info["content-type"], "CONTENT-DISPOSITION": "attachment; filename=%s" % (info["filename"],), } if "slug" in info: headers["SLUG"] = info["slug"] return headers
[docs] def compute_information(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Dict[str, Any]: info = compute_unified_information( *args, filepath=kwargs["archive_path"], **kwargs ) info["headers"] = self.compute_headers(info) return info
[docs] class UpdateArchiveDepositClient(CreateArchiveDepositClient): """Update (add/replace) an archive (binary) deposit client."""
[docs] def compute_url(self, collection, *args, deposit_id=None, **kwargs): return "/%s/%s/media/" % (collection, deposit_id)
[docs] def compute_method(self, *args, replace=False, **kwargs): return "put" if replace else "post"
[docs] class CreateMetadataDepositClient(BaseCreateDepositClient): """Post a metadata deposit client."""
[docs] def compute_headers(self, info): headers = { "IN-PROGRESS": str(info["in_progress"]), "CONTENT-TYPE": "application/atom+xml;type=entry", } if "slug" in info: headers["SLUG"] = info["slug"] return headers
[docs] def compute_information(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Dict[str, Any]: info = compute_unified_information( *args, filepath=kwargs["metadata_path"], **kwargs ) info["headers"] = self.compute_headers(info) return info
[docs] class UpdateMetadataOnPartialDepositClient(CreateMetadataDepositClient): """Update (add/replace) metadata on partial deposit scenario."""
[docs] def compute_url(self, collection, *args, deposit_id=None, **kwargs): return f"/{collection}/{deposit_id}/metadata/"
[docs] def compute_method(self, *args, replace: bool = False, **kwargs) -> str: return "put" if replace else "post"
[docs] class UpdateMetadataOnDoneDepositClient(CreateMetadataDepositClient): """Update metadata on "done" deposit. This requires the deposit swhid."""
[docs] def compute_url(self, collection, *args, deposit_id=None, **kwargs): return f"/{collection}/{deposit_id}/atom/"
[docs] def compute_headers(self, info: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]: return { "CONTENT-TYPE": "application/atom+xml;type=entry", "X_CHECK_SWHID": info["swhid"], }
[docs] def compute_method(self, *args, **kwargs) -> str: return "put"
[docs] class CreateMetadataOnlyDepositClient(BaseCreateDepositClient): """Create metadata-only deposit."""
[docs] def compute_information(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Dict[str, Any]: return { "headers": { "CONTENT-TYPE": "application/atom+xml;type=entry", }, "filepath": kwargs["metadata_path"], }
[docs] def parse_result_ok( self, xml_content: str, headers: Optional[Dict] = None ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Given an xml content as string, returns a deposit dict.""" data = ElementTree.fromstring(xml_content) keys = [ "deposit_id", "deposit_status", "deposit_date", ] return {key: data.findtext("swh:" + key, namespaces=NAMESPACES) for key in keys}
[docs] class CreateMultipartDepositClient(BaseCreateDepositClient): """Create a multipart deposit client.""" def _multipart_info(self, info, info_meta): files = [ ( "file", (info["filename"], open(info["filepath"], "rb"), info["content-type"]), ), ( "atom", ( info_meta["filename"], open(info_meta["filepath"], "rb"), "application/atom+xml", ), ), ] headers = { "CONTENT_MD5": info["md5sum"], "IN-PROGRESS": str(info["in_progress"]), } if "slug" in info: headers["SLUG"] = info["slug"] return files, headers
[docs] def compute_information(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Dict[str, Any]: info = compute_unified_information( *args, filepath=kwargs["archive_path"], ) info_meta = compute_unified_information( *args, filepath=kwargs["metadata_path"], ) files, headers = self._multipart_info(info, info_meta) return {"files": files, "headers": headers}
[docs] def do_execute(self, method, url, info, **kwargs): return, url, files=info["files"], headers=info["headers"])
[docs] class UpdateMultipartDepositClient(CreateMultipartDepositClient): """Update a multipart deposit client."""
[docs] def compute_url(self, collection, *args, deposit_id=None, **kwargs): return "/%s/%s/metadata/" % (collection, deposit_id)
[docs] def compute_method(self, *args, replace=False, **kwargs): return "put" if replace else "post"
[docs] class PublicApiDepositClient(BaseApiDepositClient): """Public api deposit client."""
[docs] def service_document(self): """Retrieve service document endpoint's information.""" return ServiceDocumentDepositClient(url=self.base_url, auth=self.auth).execute()
[docs] def deposit_status(self, collection: str, deposit_id: int): """Retrieve status information on a deposit.""" return StatusDepositClient(url=self.base_url, auth=self.auth).execute( collection, deposit_id )
[docs] def deposit_list( self, collection: str, page: Optional[int] = None, page_size: Optional[int] = None, ): """List deposits from the collection""" return CollectionListDepositClient(url=self.base_url, auth=self.auth).execute( collection, page=page, page_size=page_size )
[docs] def deposit_create( self, collection: str, slug: Optional[str], archive: Optional[str] = None, metadata: Optional[str] = None, in_progress: bool = False, ): """Create a new deposit (archive, metadata, both as multipart).""" if archive and not metadata: return CreateArchiveDepositClient( url=self.base_url, auth=self.auth ).execute(collection, in_progress, slug, archive_path=archive) elif not archive and metadata: return CreateMetadataDepositClient( url=self.base_url, auth=self.auth ).execute(collection, in_progress, slug, metadata_path=metadata) else: return CreateMultipartDepositClient( url=self.base_url, auth=self.auth ).execute( collection, in_progress, slug, archive_path=archive, metadata_path=metadata, )
[docs] def deposit_update( self, collection: str, deposit_id: int, slug: Optional[str], archive: Optional[str] = None, metadata: Optional[str] = None, in_progress: bool = False, replace: bool = False, swhid: Optional[str] = None, ): """Update (add/replace) existing deposit (archive, metadata, both).""" response = self.deposit_status(collection, deposit_id) if "error" in response: return response status = response["deposit_status"] if swhid is None and status != "partial": return { "error": "You can only act on deposit with status 'partial'", "detail": f"The deposit {deposit_id} has status '{status}'", "deposit_status": status, "deposit_id": deposit_id, } if swhid is not None and status != "done": return { "error": "You can only update metadata on deposit with status 'done'", "detail": f"The deposit {deposit_id} has status '{status}'", "deposit_status": status, "deposit_id": deposit_id, } if archive and not metadata: result = UpdateArchiveDepositClient( url=self.base_url, auth=self.auth ).execute( collection, in_progress, slug, deposit_id=deposit_id, archive_path=archive, replace=replace, ) elif not archive and metadata and swhid is None: result = UpdateMetadataOnPartialDepositClient( url=self.base_url, auth=self.auth ).execute( collection, in_progress, slug, deposit_id=deposit_id, metadata_path=metadata, replace=replace, ) elif not archive and metadata and swhid is not None: result = UpdateMetadataOnDoneDepositClient( url=self.base_url, auth=self.auth ).execute( collection, in_progress, slug, deposit_id=deposit_id, metadata_path=metadata, swhid=swhid, ) else: result = UpdateMultipartDepositClient( url=self.base_url, auth=self.auth ).execute( collection, in_progress, slug, deposit_id=deposit_id, archive_path=archive, metadata_path=metadata, replace=replace, ) if "error" in result: return result return self.deposit_status(collection, deposit_id)
[docs] def deposit_metadata_only( self, collection: str, metadata: Optional[str] = None, ): assert metadata is not None return CreateMetadataOnlyDepositClient( url=self.base_url, auth=self.auth ).execute(collection, metadata_path=metadata)