Source code for swh.deposit.urls
# Copyright (C) 2017-2025 The Software Heritage developers
# See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
# License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version
# See top-level LICENSE file for more information
"""SWH's main deposit URL Configuration"""
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Sequence, Union
from django.conf import settings
from django.conf.urls import include
from django.shortcuts import render
from django.urls import re_path as url
from django.views.generic.base import RedirectView
from django.views.static import serve
from rest_framework.urlpatterns import format_suffix_patterns
from django.urls import URLPattern, URLResolver
except ImportError:
# retro-compatibility workaround, django 1.11.29 [1] does not expose the previous
# module, so we fallback to no typing for such version.
# [1] django debian stable version: 1:1.11.29-1~deb10u1
favicon_view = RedirectView.as_view(
url="/static/img/icons/swh-logo-32x32.png", permanent=True
def default_view(req, format=None):
return render(req, "homepage.html")
urlpatterns: Sequence[Union[URLPattern, URLResolver]]
urlpatterns = format_suffix_patterns(
url(r"^favicon\.ico$", favicon_view),
url(r"^1/", include("swh.deposit.api.urls")),
url(r"^1/private/", include("swh.deposit.api.private.urls")),
url(r"^$", default_view, name="home"),
if "AzureStorage" not in settings.STORAGES["default"]["BACKEND"]:
# to serve uploaded tarballs when no azure storage backend is configured,
# typically in docker or with development/test settings
{"document_root": settings.MEDIA_ROOT},