Source code for swh.export.athena

# Copyright (C) 2021  The Software Heritage developers
# See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
# License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version
# See top-level LICENSE file for more information

This module implements the "athena" subcommands for the CLI. It can install and
query a remote AWS Athena database.

import datetime
import logging
import os
import sys
import textwrap
import time

import boto3
import botocore.exceptions

from .relational import TABLES

[docs] def create_database(database_name): return "CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS {};".format(database_name)
[docs] def drop_table(database_name, table): return "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {}.{};".format(database_name, table)
[docs] def create_table(database_name, table, location_prefix): req = textwrap.dedent( """\ CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {db}.{table} ( {fields} ) STORED AS ORC LOCATION '{location}/' TBLPROPERTIES ("orc.compress"="ZSTD"); """ ).format( db=database_name, table=table, fields=",\n".join( [ " `{}` {}".format(col_name, col_type) for col_name, col_type in TABLES[table] ] ), location=os.path.join(location_prefix, "orc", table), ) return req
[docs] def repair_table(database_name, table): return "MSCK REPAIR TABLE {}.{};".format(database_name, table)
[docs] def query(client, query_string, *, desc="Querying", delay_secs=0.5, silent=False): def log(*args, **kwargs): if not silent: print(*args, **kwargs, flush=True, file=sys.stderr) log(desc, end="...") query_options = { "QueryString": query_string, "ResultConfiguration": {}, "QueryExecutionContext": {}, } if client.output_location: query_options["ResultConfiguration"]["OutputLocation"] = client.output_location if client.database_name: query_options["QueryExecutionContext"]["Database"] = client.database_name try: res = client.start_query_execution(**query_options) except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e: raise RuntimeError( str(e) + "\n\nQuery:\n" + textwrap.indent(query_string, " " * 2) ) qid = res["QueryExecutionId"] while True: time.sleep(delay_secs) log(".", end="") execution = client.get_query_execution(QueryExecutionId=qid) status = execution["QueryExecution"]["Status"] if status["State"] in ("SUCCEEDED", "FAILED", "CANCELLED"): break log(" {}.".format(status["State"])) if status["State"] != "SUCCEEDED": raise RuntimeError( status["StateChangeReason"] + "\n\nQuery:\n" + textwrap.indent(query_string, " " * 2) ) return execution["QueryExecution"]
[docs] def create_tables(database_name, dataset_location, output_location=None, replace=False): """ Create the Software Heritage Dataset tables on AWS Athena. Athena works on external columnar data stored in S3, but requires a schema for each table to run queries. This creates all the necessary tables remotely by using the relational schemas in swh.export.relational. """ client = boto3.client("athena") client.output_location = output_location client.database_name = "default" # we have to pick some existing database query( client, create_database(database_name), desc="Creating {} database".format(database_name), ) client.database_name = database_name if replace: for table in TABLES: query( client, drop_table(database_name, table), desc="Dropping table {}".format(table), ) for table in TABLES: query( client, create_table(database_name, table, dataset_location), desc="Creating table {}".format(table), ) for table in TABLES: query( client, repair_table(database_name, table), desc="Refreshing table metadata for {}".format(table), )
[docs] def human_size(n, units=["bytes", "KiB", "MiB", "GiB", "TiB", "PiB", "EiB"]): """Returns a human readable string representation of bytes""" return f"{n} " + units[0] if n < 1024 else human_size(n >> 10, units[1:])
def _s3_url_to_bucket_path(s3_url): loc = s3_url.removeprefix("s3://") bucket, path = loc.split("/", 1) return bucket, path
[docs] def run_query_get_results( database_name, query_string, output_location=None, ): """ Run a query on AWS Athena and return the resulting data in CSV format. """ athena = boto3.client("athena") athena.output_location = output_location athena.database_name = database_name s3 = boto3.client("s3") result = query(athena, query_string, silent=True) "Scanned %s in %s", human_size(result["Statistics"]["DataScannedInBytes"]), datetime.timedelta( milliseconds=result["Statistics"]["TotalExecutionTimeInMillis"] ), ) bucket, path = _s3_url_to_bucket_path( result["ResultConfiguration"]["OutputLocation"] ) return s3.get_object(Bucket=bucket, Key=path)["Body"].read().decode()
[docs] def generate_subdataset( dataset_db, subdataset_db, subdataset_s3_path, swhids_file, output_location=None, ): # Upload list of all the swhids included in the dataset subdataset_bucket, subdataset_path = _s3_url_to_bucket_path(subdataset_s3_path) s3_client = boto3.client("s3") print(f"Uploading {swhids_file} to S3...") s3_client.upload_file( swhids_file, subdataset_bucket, os.path.join(subdataset_path, "swhids", "swhids.csv"), ) athena_client = boto3.client("athena") athena_client.output_location = output_location athena_client.database_name = subdataset_db # Create subdataset database query( athena_client, create_database(subdataset_db), desc="Creating {} database".format(subdataset_db), ) # Create SWHID temporary table create_swhid_table_query = textwrap.dedent( """\ CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {newdb}.swhids ( swhprefix string, version int, type string, hash string ) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY ':' STORED AS TEXTFILE LOCATION '{location}/swhids/' """ ).format(newdb=subdataset_db, location=subdataset_s3_path) query( athena_client, create_swhid_table_query, desc="Creating SWHIDs table of subdataset", ) query( athena_client, repair_table(subdataset_db, "swhids"), desc="Refreshing table metadata for swhids table", ) # Create join tables query_tpl = textwrap.dedent( """\ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {newdb}.{table} WITH ( format = 'ORC', write_compression = 'ZSTD', external_location = '{location}/{table}/' ) AS SELECT * FROM {basedb}.{table} WHERE {field} IN (select hash from swhids) """ ) tables_join_field = [ ("origin", "lower(to_hex(sha1(to_utf8(url))))"), ("origin_visit", "lower(to_hex(sha1(to_utf8(origin))))"), ("origin_visit_status", "lower(to_hex(sha1(to_utf8(origin))))"), ("snapshot", "id"), ("snapshot_branch", "snapshot_id"), ("release", "id"), ("revision", "id"), ("revision_history", "id"), ("directory", "id"), ("directory_entry", "directory_id"), ("content", "sha1_git"), ("skipped_content", "sha1_git"), ] for table, join_field in tables_join_field: ctas_query = query_tpl.format( newdb=subdataset_db, basedb=dataset_db, location=subdataset_s3_path, table=table, field=join_field, ) # Temporary fix: Athena no longer supports >32MB rows, but some of # the objects were added to the dataset before this restriction was # in place. if table in ("revision", "release"): ctas_query += " AND length(message) < 100000" query( athena_client, ctas_query, desc="Creating join table {}".format(table), )