Source code for swh.export.cli

# Copyright (C) 2020 The Software Heritage developers
# See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
# License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version
# See top-level LICENSE file for more information

# WARNING: do not import unnecessary things here to keep cli startup time under
# control
import os
import pathlib
import sys
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, List, Optional, Set

import click

from swh.core.cli import CONTEXT_SETTINGS
from swh.core.cli import swh as swh_cli_group

from .relational import MAIN_TABLES

    from swh.model.swhids import ExtendedSWHID"dataset", context_settings=CONTEXT_SETTINGS)
    type=click.Path(exists=True, dir_okay=False),
    help="Configuration file.",
def dataset_cli_group(ctx, config_file):
    """Dataset Tools.

    A set of tools to export datasets from the Software Heritage Archive in
    various formats.

    from swh.core import config

    conf =
    ctx.obj["config"] = conf"graph")
def graph(ctx):
    """Manage graph export"""

    "edges": "swh.export.exporters.edges:GraphEdgesExporter",
    "orc": "swh.export.exporters.orc:ORCExporter",

@click.argument("export-path", type=click.Path())
        "Unique ID of the export run. This is appended to the kafka "
        "group_id config file option. If group_id is not set in the "
        "'journal' section of the config file, defaults to 'swh-export-export-'."
    help="Formats to export.",
@click.option("--processes", "-p", default=1, help="Number of parallel processes")
    help="Comma-separated list of object types to exclude",
    help="Comma-separated list of objects types to export",
    type=click.FloatRange(0, 1),
        "Offset margin to start consuming from. E.g. is set to '0.95', "
        "consumers will start at 95% of the last committed offset; "
        "in other words, start earlier than last committed position."
def export_graph(ctx, export_path, formats, exclude, object_types, **kwargs):
    """Export the Software Heritage graph as an edge dataset."""

    config = ctx.obj["config"]
    if object_types:
        object_types = {o.strip() for o in object_types.split(",")}
        invalid_object_types = object_types - set(MAIN_TABLES.keys())
        if invalid_object_types:
            raise click.BadOptionUsage(
                message=f"Invalid object types: {', '.join(invalid_object_types)}.",
        object_types = set(MAIN_TABLES.keys())
    exclude_obj_types = {o.strip() for o in (exclude.split(",") if exclude else [])}
    export_formats = [c.strip() for c in formats.split(",")]
    for f in export_formats:
        if f not in AVAILABLE_EXPORTERS:
            raise click.BadOptionUsage(
                option_name="formats", message=f"{f} is not an available format."


[docs] def get_masked_swhids(logger, config: Dict[str, Any]) -> Set["ExtendedSWHID"]: """Fetches the masking database and returns the list of all non-visible SWHIDs""" import tqdm from import MaskingQuery if config["masking_db"] is None: logger.warning("Exporting dataset without masking.") return set() masking_query = MaskingQuery.connect(config["masking_db"]) return { swhid for (swhid, statuses) in tqdm.tqdm( masking_query.iter_masked_swhids(), desc="Listing masked SWHIDs", unit_scale=True, ) }
[docs] def run_export_graph( config: Dict[str, Any], export_path: pathlib.Path, export_formats: List[str], object_types: List[str], exclude_obj_types: Set[str], export_id: Optional[str], processes: int, margin: Optional[float], ): import functools from importlib import import_module import logging import resource import uuid from .journalprocessor import ParallelJournalProcessor logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) masked_swhids = get_masked_swhids(logger, config) if not export_id: export_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) # Enforce order (from origin to contents) to reduce number of holes in the graph. object_types = [ obj_type for obj_type in MAIN_TABLES.keys() if obj_type in object_types ] # ParallelJournalProcessor opens 256 LevelDBs in total. Depending on the number of # processes, this can exceed the maximum number of file descriptors (soft limit # defaults to 1024 on Debian), so let's increase it. (soft, hard) = resource.getrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_NOFILE) nb_shards = 256 # TODO: make this configurable or detect nb of kafka partitions open_fds_per_shard = 61 # estimated with plyvel==1.3.0 and libleveldb1d==1.22-3 spare = 1024 # for everything other than LevelDB want_fd = nb_shards * open_fds_per_shard + spare if hard < want_fd: logger.warning( "Hard limit of open file descriptors (%d) is lower than ideal (%d)", hard, want_fd, ) if soft < want_fd: want_fd = min(want_fd, hard) "Soft limit of open file descriptors (%d) is too low, increasing to %d", soft, want_fd, ) resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_NOFILE, (want_fd, hard)) def importcls(clspath): mod, cls = clspath.split(":") m = import_module(mod) return getattr(m, cls) exporter_cls = dict( (fmt, importcls(clspath)) for (fmt, clspath) in AVAILABLE_EXPORTERS.items() if fmt in export_formats ) # Run the exporter for each edge type. parallel_exporters = {} for obj_type in object_types: if obj_type in exclude_obj_types: continue exporters = [ functools.partial( exporter_cls[f], config=config, export_path=export_path / f ) for f in export_formats ] parallel_exporters[obj_type] = ParallelJournalProcessor( config, masked_swhids, exporters, export_id, obj_type, node_sets_path=export_path / ".node_sets" / obj_type, processes=processes, offset_margin=margin, ) # Fetch all offsets before we start exporting to minimize the time interval # between the offsets of each topic parallel_exporters[obj_type].get_offsets() for obj_type, parallel_exporter in parallel_exporters.items():
@graph.command("sort") @click.argument("export-path", type=click.Path()) @click.pass_context def sort_graph(ctx, export_path): config = ctx.obj["config"] from .exporters.edges import sort_graph_nodes sort_graph_nodes(export_path, config)"athena") @click.pass_context def athena(ctx): """Manage and query a remote AWS Athena database""" pass @athena.command("create") @click.option( "--database-name", "-d", default="swh", help="Name of the database to create" ) @click.option( "--location-prefix", "-l", required=True, help="S3 prefix where the dataset can be found", ) @click.option( "-o", "--output-location", help="S3 prefix where results should be stored" ) @click.option( "-r", "--replace-tables", is_flag=True, help="Replace the tables that already exist" ) def athena_create( database_name, location_prefix, output_location=None, replace_tables=False ): """Create tables on AWS Athena pointing to a given graph dataset on S3.""" from .athena import create_tables create_tables( database_name, location_prefix, output_location=output_location, replace=replace_tables, ) @athena.command("query") @click.option( "--database-name", "-d", default="swh", help="Name of the database to query" ) @click.option( "-o", "--output-location", help="S3 prefix where results should be stored" ) @click.argument("query_file", type=click.File("r"), default=sys.stdin) def athena_query( database_name, query_file, output_location=None, ): """Query the AWS Athena database with a given command""" from .athena import run_query_get_results print( run_query_get_results( database_name,, output_location=output_location, ), end="", ) # CSV already ends with \n @athena.command("gensubdataset") @click.option("--database", "-d", default="swh", help="Name of the base database") @click.option( "--subdataset-database", required=True, help="Name of the subdataset database to create", ) @click.option( "--subdataset-location", required=True, help="S3 prefix where the subdataset should be stored", ) @click.option( "--swhids", required=True, help="File containing the list of SWHIDs to include in the subdataset", ) def athena_gensubdataset(database, subdataset_database, subdataset_location, swhids): """ Generate a subdataset with Athena, from an existing database and a list of SWHIDs. Athena will generate a new dataset with the same tables as in the base dataset, but only containing the objects present in the SWHID list. """ from .athena import generate_subdataset generate_subdataset( database, subdataset_database, subdataset_location, swhids, os.path.join(subdataset_location, "queries"), )