Source code for swh.export.exporters.orc

# Copyright (C) 2020-2024  The Software Heritage developers
# See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
# License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version
# See top-level LICENSE file for more information

from datetime import datetime
import hashlib
import logging
import math
from types import TracebackType
from typing import Any, Callable, Optional, Tuple, Type, cast

from pkg_resources import get_distribution
from pyorc import (
from pyorc.converters import ORCConverter

from swh.model.hashutil import hash_to_hex
from swh.model.model import TimestampWithTimezone

from ..exporter import ExporterDispatch
from ..utils import remove_pull_requests

ObjNotFoundError: Type[Exception]
get_objstorage: Optional[Callable]
    from swh.objstorage.factory import get_objstorage
    from swh.objstorage.objstorage import ID_HASH_ALGO, ObjNotFoundError
except ImportError:
    get_objstorage = None
    ID_HASH_ALGO = ""
    ObjNotFoundError = Exception  # helps keep mypy happy

    "string": String,
    "smallint": SmallInt,
    "int": Int,
    "bigint": BigInt,
    "timestamp": Timestamp,
    "binary": Binary,

    table_name: Struct(
            column_name: ORC_TYPE_MAP[column_type]()
            for column_name, column_type in columns
    for table_name, columns in TABLES.items()

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def hash_to_hex_or_none(hash): return hash_to_hex(hash) if hash is not None else None
[docs] def swh_date_to_tuple(obj): if obj is None or obj["timestamp"] is None: return (None, None, None) offset_bytes = obj.get("offset_bytes") if offset_bytes is None: offset = obj.get("offset", 0) negative = offset < 0 or obj.get("negative_utc", False) (hours, minutes) = divmod(abs(offset), 60) offset_bytes = f"{'-' if negative else '+'}{hours:02}{minutes:02}".encode() else: offset = TimestampWithTimezone._parse_offset_bytes(offset_bytes) return ( (obj["timestamp"]["seconds"], obj["timestamp"]["microseconds"]), offset, offset_bytes, )
[docs] def datetime_to_tuple(obj: Optional[datetime]) -> Optional[Tuple[int, int]]: if obj is None: return None return (math.floor(obj.timestamp()), obj.microsecond)
[docs] class SWHTimestampConverter: """This is an ORCConverter compatible class to convert timestamps from/to ORC files timestamps in python are given as a couple (seconds, microseconds) and are serialized as a couple (seconds, nanoseconds) in the ORC file. Reimplemented because we do not want the Python object to be converted as ORC timestamp to be Python datatime objects, since swh.model's Timestamp cannot be converted without loss a Python datetime objects. """ # use Any as timezone annotation to make it easier to run mypy on python < # 3.9, plus we do not use the timezone argument here...
[docs] @staticmethod def from_orc( seconds: int, nanoseconds: int, timezone: Any, ) -> Tuple[int, int]: return (seconds, nanoseconds // 1000)
[docs] @staticmethod def to_orc( obj: Optional[Tuple[int, int]], timezone: Any, ) -> Optional[Tuple[int, int]]: if obj is None: return None return (obj[0], obj[1] * 1000 if obj[1] is not None else None)
[docs] class ORCExporter(ExporterDispatch): """ Implementation of an exporter which writes the entire graph dataset as ORC files. Useful for large scale processing, notably on cloud instances (e.g BigQuery, Amazon Athena, Azure). """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) config = self.config.get("orc", {}) self.max_rows = config.get("max_rows", {}) invalid_tables = [ table_name for table_name in self.max_rows if table_name not in MAIN_TABLES ] if invalid_tables: raise ValueError( "Limiting the number of secondary table (%s) is not supported " "for now.", invalid_tables, ) self.with_data = config.get("with_data", False) self.objstorage = None if self.with_data: if get_objstorage is None: raise EnvironmentError( "The swh-objstorage dependency package must be installed " "when 'with_data' is set. Please install 'swh.export[with-content]'" ) if "objstorage" not in config: raise ValueError( "The 'objstorage' configuration entry is mandatory when 'with_data' is set." ) self.objstorage = get_objstorage(**config["objstorage"]) self._reset() def _reset(self): self.writers = {} self.writer_files = {} self.uuids = {} self.uuid_main_table = {} def __exit__( self, exc_type: Optional[Type[BaseException]], exc_value: Optional[BaseException], traceback: Optional[TracebackType], ) -> Optional[bool]: for writer in self.writers.values(): writer.close() for fileobj in self.writer_files.values(): fileobj.close() self._reset() return super().__exit__(exc_type, exc_value, traceback)
[docs] def maybe_close_writer_for(self, table_name: str): uuid = self.uuids.get(table_name) if ( uuid is not None and table_name in self.max_rows and self.writers[table_name].current_row >= self.max_rows[table_name] ): main_table = self.uuid_main_table[uuid] if table_name != main_table: logger.warning( "Limiting the number of secondary table (%s) is not supported " "for now (size limit ignored).", table_name, ) else: # sync/close all tables having the current uuid (aka main and # related tables) for table in [ tname for tname, tuuid in self.uuids.items() if tuuid == uuid ]: # close the writer and remove from the writers dict self.writers.pop(table).close() self.writer_files.pop(table).close() # and clean uuids dicts self.uuids.pop(table) self.uuid_main_table.pop(uuid, None)
[docs] def get_writer_for(self, table_name: str, unique_id=None): self.maybe_close_writer_for(table_name) if table_name not in self.writers: object_type_dir = self.export_path / table_name object_type_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True) if unique_id is None: unique_id = self.get_unique_file_id() self.uuid_main_table[unique_id] = table_name export_file = object_type_dir / (f"{table_name}-{unique_id}.orc") export_obj ="wb") self.writer_files[table_name] = export_obj self.writers[table_name] = Writer( export_obj, EXPORT_SCHEMA[table_name], compression=CompressionKind.ZSTD, converters={ TypeKind.TIMESTAMP: cast(Type[ORCConverter], SWHTimestampConverter) }, bloom_filter_columns=BLOOM_FILTER_COLUMNS[table_name], ) self.writers[table_name].set_user_metadata( swh_object_type=table_name.encode(), swh_uuid=unique_id.encode(), swh_model_version=get_distribution("swh.model").version.encode(), swh_export_version=get_distribution("swh.export").version.encode(), # maybe put a copy of the config (redacted) also? ) self.uuids[table_name] = unique_id return self.writers[table_name]
[docs] def process_origin(self, origin): origin_writer = self.get_writer_for("origin") origin_writer.write( ( hashlib.sha1(origin["url"].encode()).hexdigest(), origin["url"], ) )
[docs] def process_origin_visit(self, visit): origin_visit_writer = self.get_writer_for("origin_visit") origin_visit_writer.write( ( visit["origin"], visit["visit"], datetime_to_tuple(visit["date"]), visit["type"], ) )
[docs] def process_origin_visit_status(self, visit_status): origin_visit_status_writer = self.get_writer_for("origin_visit_status") origin_visit_status_writer.write( ( visit_status["origin"], visit_status["visit"], datetime_to_tuple(visit_status["date"]), visit_status["status"], hash_to_hex_or_none(visit_status["snapshot"]), visit_status.get("type"), # missing from old messages ) )
[docs] def process_snapshot(self, snapshot): if self.config.get("orc", {}).get("remove_pull_requests"): remove_pull_requests(snapshot) snapshot_writer = self.get_writer_for("snapshot") snapshot_writer.write((hash_to_hex_or_none(snapshot["id"]),)) # we want to store branches in the same directory as snapshot objects, # and have both files have the same UUID. snapshot_branch_writer = self.get_writer_for( "snapshot_branch", unique_id=self.uuids["snapshot"], ) for branch_name, branch in snapshot["branches"].items(): if branch is None: continue snapshot_branch_writer.write( ( hash_to_hex_or_none(snapshot["id"]), branch_name, hash_to_hex_or_none(branch["target"]), branch["target_type"], ) )
[docs] def process_release(self, release): release_writer = self.get_writer_for("release") release_writer.write( ( hash_to_hex_or_none(release["id"]), release["name"], release["message"], hash_to_hex_or_none(release["target"]), release["target_type"], (release.get("author") or {}).get("fullname"), *swh_date_to_tuple(release["date"]), release.get("raw_manifest"), ) )
[docs] def process_revision(self, revision): release_writer = self.get_writer_for("revision") release_writer.write( ( hash_to_hex_or_none(revision["id"]), revision["message"], revision["author"]["fullname"], *swh_date_to_tuple(revision["date"]), revision["committer"]["fullname"], *swh_date_to_tuple(revision["committer_date"]), hash_to_hex_or_none(revision["directory"]), revision["type"], revision.get("raw_manifest"), ) ) revision_history_writer = self.get_writer_for( "revision_history", unique_id=self.uuids["revision"], ) for i, parent_id in enumerate(revision["parents"]): revision_history_writer.write( ( hash_to_hex_or_none(revision["id"]), hash_to_hex_or_none(parent_id), i, ) ) revision_header_writer = self.get_writer_for( "revision_extra_headers", unique_id=self.uuids["revision"], ) for key, value in revision["extra_headers"]: revision_header_writer.write( (hash_to_hex_or_none(revision["id"]), key, value) )
[docs] def process_directory(self, directory): directory_writer = self.get_writer_for("directory") directory_writer.write( ( hash_to_hex_or_none(directory["id"]), directory.get("raw_manifest"), ) ) directory_entry_writer = self.get_writer_for( "directory_entry", unique_id=self.uuids["directory"], ) for entry in directory["entries"]: directory_entry_writer.write( ( hash_to_hex_or_none(directory["id"]), entry["name"], entry["type"], hash_to_hex_or_none(entry["target"]), entry["perms"], ) )
[docs] def process_content(self, content): content_writer = self.get_writer_for("content") data = None if self.with_data: try: data = self.objstorage.get(content) except ObjNotFoundError: logger.warning("Missing object %s", hash_to_hex(content[ID_HASH_ALGO])) content_writer.write( ( hash_to_hex_or_none(content["sha1"]), hash_to_hex_or_none(content["sha1_git"]), hash_to_hex_or_none(content["sha256"]), hash_to_hex_or_none(content["blake2s256"]), content["length"], content["status"], data, ) )
[docs] def process_skipped_content(self, skipped_content): skipped_content_writer = self.get_writer_for("skipped_content") skipped_content_writer.write( ( hash_to_hex_or_none(skipped_content["sha1"]), hash_to_hex_or_none(skipped_content["sha1_git"]), hash_to_hex_or_none(skipped_content["sha256"]), hash_to_hex_or_none(skipped_content["blake2s256"]), skipped_content["length"], skipped_content["status"], skipped_content["reason"], ) )