Source code for swh.graph.grpc_server

# Copyright (C) 2021-2023  The Software Heritage developers
# See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
# License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version
# See top-level LICENSE file for more information

A simple tool to start the swh-graph GRPC server in Java.

import logging
import shlex
import subprocess

import aiohttp.test_utils
import aiohttp.web

from swh.graph.config import check_config

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def build_java_grpc_server_cmdline(**config): port = config.pop("port", None) if port is None: port = aiohttp.test_utils.unused_port() logger.debug("Port not configured, using random port %s", port) logger.debug("Checking configuration and populating default values") config = check_config(config) logger.debug("Configuration: %r", config) cmd = [ "java", "--class-path", config["classpath"], *config["java_tool_options"].split(), "org.softwareheritage.graph.rpc.GraphServer", "--port", str(port), str(config["path"]), ] return cmd, port
[docs] def build_rust_grpc_server_cmdline(**config): port = config.pop("port", None) if port is None: port = aiohttp.test_utils.unused_port() logger.debug("Port not configured, using random port %s", port) if config.get("debug", False): cmd = ["./target/debug/swh-graph-grpc-serve"] else: cmd = ["./target/release/swh-graph-grpc-serve"] if config.get("debug"): cmd.append("-vvvvv") else: cmd.append("-vv") logger.debug("Checking configuration and populating default values") config = check_config(config) logger.debug("Configuration: %r", config) cmd.extend(["--bind", f"[::]:{port}", str(config["path"])]) return cmd, port
[docs] def spawn_java_grpc_server(**config): cmd, port = build_java_grpc_server_cmdline(**config) print(cmd) # XXX: shlex.join() is in 3.8 #"Starting gRPC server: %s", shlex.join(cmd))"Starting gRPC server: %s", " ".join(shlex.quote(x) for x in cmd)) server = subprocess.Popen(cmd) return server, port
[docs] def spawn_rust_grpc_server(**config): cmd, port = build_rust_grpc_server_cmdline(**config) print(cmd) # XXX: shlex.join() is in 3.8 #"Starting gRPC server: %s", shlex.join(cmd))"Starting gRPC server: %s", " ".join(shlex.quote(x) for x in cmd)) server = subprocess.Popen(cmd) return server, port
[docs] def stop_java_grpc_server(server: subprocess.Popen, timeout: int = 15): server.terminate() try: server.wait(timeout=timeout) except subprocess.TimeoutExpired: logger.warning("Server did not terminate, sending kill signal...") server.kill()