Source code for swh.graph.luigi.compressed_graph

# Copyright (C) 2022-2023 The Software Heritage developers
# See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
# License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version
# See top-level LICENSE file for more information

Luigi tasks for compression

This module contains `Luigi <>`_ tasks,
as an alternative to the CLI that can be composed with other tasks,
such as swh-export's.

It implements the task DAG described in :ref:`swh-graph-compression-steps`.

Unlike the CLI, this requires the graph to be named `graph`.


The ``object_types`` parameter (``--object-types`` on the CLI) specifies
the set of node types to read from the dataset export, and it defaults to
all types: ``ori,snp,rel,rev,dir,cnt``.

Because the dataset export is keyed by edge sources, some objects
without any of these types will be present in the input dataset. For example,
if exporting ``ori,snp,rel,rev``, root Directory of every release and revision
will be present, though without its labels (as well as a few Content objects
pointed by some Releases).

File layout

In addition to files documented in :ref:`graph-compression` (eg. :file:`graph.graph`,
:file:`graph.mph`, ...), tasks in this module produce this directory structure::


``graph.meta/export.json`` is copied from the ORC dataset exported by

``graph.meta/compression.json``  contains information about the compression itself,
for provenance tracking.
For example:

.. code-block:: json

            "steps": null,
            "export_start": "2022-11-08T11:00:54.998799+00:00",
            "export_end": "2022-11-08T11:05:53.105519+00:00",
            "object_types": [
            "hostname": "desktop5",
            "conf": {},
            "tool": {
                "name": "swh.graph",
                "version": "2.2.0"
            "commands": [
                    "command": [
                        "java it.unimi.dsi.big.webgraph.labelling.BitStreamArcLabelledImmutableGraph --list ..."
                    "cgroup": "/sys/fs/cgroup/user.slice/user-1002.slice/user@1002.service/app.slice/swh.graph@103038/bash@0",
                    "cgroup_stats": {
                        "": "low 0\nhigh 0\nmax 0\noom 0\noom_kill 0\noom_group_kill 0",
                        "": "low 0\nhigh 0\nmax 0\noom 0\noom_kill 0\noom_group_kill 0",
                        "memory.swap.current": "0",
                        "memory.zswap.current": "0",
                        "": "high 0\nmax 0\nfail 0",
                        "cpu.stat": "usage_usec 531350\nuser_usec 424286\nsystem_usec 107063\n...",
                        "memory.current": "614400",
                        "memory.stat": "anon 0\nfile 110592\nkernel 176128\nkernel_stack 0\n...",
                        "memory.numa_stat": "anon N0=0\nfile N0=110592\nkernel_stack N0=0\n...",
                        "memory.peak": "49258496"

When the compression pipeline is run in separate steps, each of the steps is recorded
as an object in the root list.

S3 layout

As ``.bin`` files are meant to be accessed randomly, they are uncompressed on disk.
However, this is undesirable on at-rest/long-term storage like on S3, because
some are very sparse (eg. :file:`` can be
quickly compressed from 300 to 1GB).

Therefore, these files are compressed to ``.bin.zst``, and need to be decompressed
when downloading.

The layout is otherwise the same as the file layout.
"""  # noqa

import collections
import itertools
import math
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Dict, List, MutableSequence, Sequence, Set

# WARNING: do not import unnecessary things here to keep cli startup time under
# control
import luigi

from swh.export.luigi import Format, LocalExport
from swh.export.luigi import ObjectType as Table
from swh.export.luigi import S3PathParameter
from swh.graph.webgraph import CompressionStep, do_step

_LOW_XMX = 128_000_000
"""Arbitrary value that should work as -Xmx for Java processes which don't need
much memory and as spare for processes which do"""

def _govmph_bitarray_size(nb_nodes: int) -> int:
    """Returns the size of the bitarray used by
    it.unimi.dsi.sux4j.mph.GOVMinimalPerfectHashFunction depending on the number of
    c_times_256 = math.floor((1.09 + 0.01) * 256)

    return int(2 * (1 + (nb_nodes * c_times_256 >> 8)) / 8)

# This mirrors the long switch statement in
# java/src/main/java/org/softwareheritage/graph/compress/
# but maps only to the main tables (see swh/export/
# Note that swh-export's "object type" (which we refer to as "table" in the module
# to avoid confusion) corresponds to a "main table" of a relational DB, eg.
# "directory" or "origin_visit", but not relational table like "directory_entries".
# In swh-graph, "object type" is cnt,dir,rev,rel,snp,ori; which roughly matches
# main tables, but with some mashed together.
    "cnt": [Table.skipped_content, Table.content],  # type: ignore[attr-defined]
    "dir": [],  # type: ignore[attr-defined]
    "rev": [Table.revision],  # type: ignore[attr-defined]
    "rel": [Table.release],  # type: ignore[attr-defined]
    "snp": [Table.snapshot],  # type: ignore[attr-defined]
    "ori": [
        Table.origin,  # type: ignore[attr-defined]
        Table.origin_visit,  # type: ignore[attr-defined]
        Table.origin_visit_status,  # type: ignore[attr-defined]

assert set(itertools.chain.from_iterable(_TABLES_PER_OBJECT_TYPE.values())) == set(

def _tables_for_object_types(object_types: List[str]) -> List[Table]:
    """Returns the list of ORC tables required to produce a compressed graph with
    the given object types."""
    tables = []
    for object_type in object_types:
    return tables

[docs] class ObjectTypesParameter(luigi.Parameter): """A parameter type whose value is either ``*`` or a set of comma-separated object types (eg. ``ori,snp,rel,rev,dir,cnt``). """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """""" # Only present to override the docstring defined by Luigi; which # contains a reference to batch_method, which doesn't exist in SWH's doc super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def parse(self, s: str) -> List[str]: if s == "*": return self.parse(",".join(_TABLES_PER_OBJECT_TYPE)) else: types = s.split(",") invalid_types = set(types) - set(_TABLES_PER_OBJECT_TYPE) if invalid_types: raise ValueError(f"Invalid object types: {invalid_types!r}") return types
[docs] def serialize(self, value: List[str]) -> str: return ",".join(value)
class _CompressionStepTask(luigi.Task): STEP: CompressionStep INPUT_FILES: Set[str] """Dependencies of this step.""" OUTPUT_FILES: Set[str] """List of files which this task produces, without the graph name as prefix. """ EXPORT_AS_INPUT: bool = False """Whether this task should depend directly on :class:`LocalExport`. If not, it is assumed it depends transitiviely via one of the tasks returned by :meth:`requires`. """ USES_ALL_CPU_THREADS: bool = False """:const:`True` on tasks that use all available CPU for their entire runtime. These tasks should be scheduled in such a way they do not run at the same time, because running them concurrently does not improve run time.""" local_export_path = luigi.PathParameter(significant=False) graph_name = luigi.Parameter(default="graph") local_graph_path: Path = luigi.PathParameter() # TODO: Only add this parameter to tasks that use it batch_size = luigi.IntParameter( default=0, significant=False, description=""" Size of work batches to use while compressing. Larger is faster, but consumes more resources. """, ) rust_executable_dir = luigi.Parameter( default="./target/release/", significant=False, description="Path to the Rust executable used to manipulate the graph.", ) object_types: list[str] = ObjectTypesParameter() # type: ignore[assignment] test_flavor = luigi.Parameter( default="full", significant=False, description="Test flavor for e2e test during compression", ) def _get_count(self, count_name: str, task_name: str) -> int: count_path = self.local_graph_path / f"{self.graph_name}.{count_name}.count.txt" if not count_path.exists(): # ExtractNodes didn't run yet so we do not know how many there are. # As it means this task cannot run right now anyway, pretend there are so # many nodes the task wouldn't fit in memory print( f"warning: {self.__class__.__name__}._nb_{count_name} called but " f"{task_name} did not run yet" ) return 10**100 return int(count_path.read_text()) def _nb_nodes(self) -> int: return self._get_count("nodes", "NodeStats") def _nb_edges(self) -> int: return self._get_count("edges", "EdgeStats") def _nb_labels(self) -> int: return self._get_count("labels", "LabelStats") def _nb_persons(self) -> int: return self._get_count("persons", "PersonsStats") def _bvgraph_allocation(self): """Returns the memory needed to load the input .graph of this task.""" # In reverse order of their generationg (and therefore size) suffixes = [ "-transposed.graph", ".graph", "-bfs-simplified.graph", "-bfs.graph", "-base.graph", ] suffixes_in_input = set(suffixes) & self.INPUT_FILES try: (suffix_in_input,) = suffixes_in_input except ValueError: raise ValueError( f"Expected {self.__class__.__name__} to have exactly one graph as " f"input, got: {suffixes_in_input}" ) from None graph_path = self.local_graph_path / f"{self.graph_name}{suffix_in_input}" if graph_path.exists(): graph_size = graph_path.stat().st_size else: # This graph wasn't generated yet. # As it means this task cannot run right now anyway, assume it is the # worst case: it's the same size as the previous graph. for suffix in suffixes[suffixes.index(suffix_in_input) :]: graph_path = self.local_graph_path / f"{self.graph_name}{suffix}" if graph_path.exists(): graph_size = graph_path.stat().st_size break else: # No graph was generated yet, so we have to assume the worst # possible compression ratio (a whole long int for each edge in # the adjacency lists) graph_size = 8 * self._nb_edges() bitvector_size = self._nb_nodes() / 8 # fis_size = 1 << 30 fis_size += graph_size # # offsets_size = self._nb_nodes() * 8 return int(bitvector_size + fis_size + offsets_size) def _mph_size(self): # The 2022-12-07 export had 27 billion nodes and its .mph weighted 7.2GB. # (so, about 0.25 bytes per node) # We can reasonably assume it won't ever take more than 2 bytes per node. return self._nb_nodes() * 2 def _persons_mph_size(self): return self._nb_persons() * 8 def _labels_mph_size(self): # ditto, but there were 3 billion labels and .mph was 8GB # (about 2.6 bytes per node) return self._nb_labels() * 8 def _large_java_allocations(self) -> int: """Returns the value to set as the JVM's -Xmx parameter, in bytes""" raise NotImplementedError(f"{self.__class__.__name__}._large_java_allocations") def _expected_memory(self) -> int: """Returns the expected total memory usage of this task, in bytes.""" extra_memory_coef = 1.1 # accounts for the JVM using more than -Xmx return int((self._large_java_allocations() + _LOW_XMX) * extra_memory_coef) @property def resources(self) -> Dict[str, int]: import socket hostname = socket.getfqdn() d = { f"{hostname}_ram_mb": self._expected_memory() // (1024 * 1024), f"{hostname}_max_cpu": int(self.USES_ALL_CPU_THREADS), } return d @resources.setter def resources(self, value): raise NotImplementedError("setting 'resources' attribute") def _stamp(self) -> Path: """Returns the path of this tasks's stamp file""" return self.local_graph_path / "meta" / "stamps" / f"{self.STEP}.json" def complete(self) -> bool: """Returns whether the files are written AND this task's stamp is present in :file:`meta/compression.json`""" import json if not super().complete(): return False for output in self.output(): path = Path(output.path) if not path.exists(): raise Exception(f"expected output {path} does not exist") if path.is_file(): if path.stat().st_size == 0: if (".labels.fcl.bytearray", ".labels.fcl.pointers") ) and {"dir", "snp", "ori"}.isdisjoint(set(self.object_types)): # It's expected that .labels.fcl.bytearray is empty when both dir # and snp are excluded, because these are the only objects # with labels on their edges. continue raise Exception(f"expected output file {path} is empty") elif path.is_dir(): if next(path.iterdir(), None) is None: raise Exception(f"expected input directory {path} is empty") else: raise Exception(f"expected output {path} is not a file or directory") if not self._stamp().is_file(): with self._stamp().open() as fd: json.load(fd) # Check it was fully written return True def requires(self) -> Sequence[luigi.Task]: """Returns a list of luigi tasks matching :attr:`PREVIOUS_STEPS`.""" requirements_d = {} for input_file in self.INPUT_FILES: for cls in _CompressionStepTask.__subclasses__(): if input_file in cls.OUTPUT_FILES: kwargs = dict( local_export_path=self.local_export_path, graph_name=self.graph_name, local_graph_path=self.local_graph_path, object_types=self.object_types, rust_executable_dir=self.rust_executable_dir, ) if self.batch_size: kwargs["batch_size"] = self.batch_size requirements_d[cls.STEP] = cls(**kwargs) break else: assert False, f"Found no task outputting file '{input_file}'." requirements: MutableSequence[luigi.Task] = list(requirements_d.values()) if self.EXPORT_AS_INPUT: requirements.append( LocalExport( local_export_path=self.local_export_path, formats=[Format.orc], # type: ignore[attr-defined] object_types=_tables_for_object_types(self.object_types), ) ) return requirements def output(self) -> List[luigi.LocalTarget]: """Returns a list of luigi targets matching :attr:`OUTPUT_FILES`.""" return [luigi.LocalTarget(self._stamp())] + [ luigi.LocalTarget(f"{self.local_graph_path / self.graph_name}{name}") for name in self.OUTPUT_FILES ] def run(self) -> None: """Runs the step, by shelling out to the relevant Java program""" import datetime from importlib.metadata import version import json import socket import time from swh.graph.config import check_config_compress for input_file in self.INPUT_FILES: path = self.local_graph_path / f"{self.graph_name}{input_file}" if not path.exists(): raise Exception(f"expected input {path} does not exist") if path.is_file(): if path.stat().st_size == 0: raise Exception(f"expected input file {path} is empty") elif path.is_dir(): if next(path.iterdir(), None) is None: raise Exception(f"expected input directory {path} is empty") else: raise Exception(f"expected output {path} is not a file or directory") if self.EXPORT_AS_INPUT: export_meta = json.loads( (self.local_export_path / "meta/export.json").read_text() ) expected_tables = { for table in _tables_for_object_types(self.object_types) } missing_tables = expected_tables - set(export_meta["object_types"]) if missing_tables: raise Exception( f"Want to compress graph with object types {self.object_types!r} " f"(meaning tables {expected_tables!r} are needed) " f"but export has only tables {export_meta['object_types']!r}. " f"Missing tables: {missing_tables!r}" ) conf: dict[str, Any] = { "object_types": ",".join(self.object_types), "max_ram": f"{(self._large_java_allocations() + _LOW_XMX) // (1024 * 1024)}M", # TODO: make this more configurable } if self.batch_size: conf["batch_size"] = self.batch_size if self.STEP == CompressionStep.LLP and self.gammas: # type: ignore[attr-defined] conf["llp_gammas"] = self.gammas # type: ignore[attr-defined] conf["rust_executable_dir"] = self.rust_executable_dir conf = check_config_compress( conf, graph_name=self.graph_name, in_dir=self.local_export_path / "orc", out_dir=self.local_graph_path, test_flavor=self.test_flavor, ) start_date = start_time = time.monotonic() run_results = do_step(step=self.STEP, conf=conf) end_time = time.monotonic() end_date = stamp_content = { "start": start_date.isoformat(), "end": end_date.isoformat(), "runtime": end_time - start_time, "hostname": socket.getfqdn(), "object_types": self.object_types, "conf": conf, "tool": { "name": "swh.graph", "version": version("swh.graph"), }, "commands": [ { "command": res.command, "cgroup": str(res.cgroup) if res.cgroup else None, "cgroup_stats": res.cgroup_stats, } for res in run_results ], } self._stamp().parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) with self._stamp().open("w") as fd: json.dump(stamp_content, fd, indent=4)
[docs] class ExtractNodes(_CompressionStepTask): STEP = CompressionStep.EXTRACT_NODES EXPORT_AS_INPUT = True INPUT_FILES: Set[str] = set() OUTPUT_FILES = { ".nodes/", } USES_ALL_CPU_THREADS = True def _large_java_allocations(self) -> int: return 0
[docs] class ExtractLabels(_CompressionStepTask): STEP = CompressionStep.EXTRACT_LABELS EXPORT_AS_INPUT = True INPUT_FILES: Set[str] = set() OUTPUT_FILES = { ".labels.csv.zst", } USES_ALL_CPU_THREADS = True priority = -100 """low priority, because it is not on the critical path""" def _large_java_allocations(self) -> int: return 0
[docs] class NodeStats(_CompressionStepTask): STEP = CompressionStep.NODE_STATS INPUT_FILES = {".nodes/"} OUTPUT_FILES = { ".nodes.count.txt", ".nodes.stats.txt", } priority = 100 """high priority, to help the scheduler allocate resources""" def _large_java_allocations(self) -> int: return 0
[docs] class EdgeStats(_CompressionStepTask): STEP = CompressionStep.EDGE_STATS EXPORT_AS_INPUT = True INPUT_FILES: Set[str] = set() OUTPUT_FILES = { ".edges.count.txt", ".edges.stats.txt", } priority = 100 """high priority, to help the scheduler allocate resources""" def _large_java_allocations(self) -> int: return 0
[docs] class LabelStats(_CompressionStepTask): STEP = CompressionStep.LABEL_STATS INPUT_FILES = {".labels.csv.zst"} OUTPUT_FILES = { ".labels.count.txt", } USES_ALL_CPU_THREADS = True priority = 100 """high priority, to help the scheduler allocate resources""" def _large_java_allocations(self) -> int: return 0
[docs] class Mph(_CompressionStepTask): STEP = CompressionStep.MPH INPUT_FILES = {".nodes/", ".nodes.count.txt"} OUTPUT_FILES = {".pthash"} USES_ALL_CPU_THREADS = True def _large_java_allocations(self) -> int: return 0
[docs] class Bv(_CompressionStepTask): STEP = CompressionStep.BV EXPORT_AS_INPUT = True INPUT_FILES = {".pthash"} OUTPUT_FILES = {"-base.graph"} def _large_java_allocations(self) -> int: import psutil # TODO: deduplicate this formula with the one for DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE in # batch_size = psutil.virtual_memory().total * 0.4 / (8 * 2) return int(self._mph_size() + batch_size)
[docs] class BvEf(_CompressionStepTask): STEP = CompressionStep.BV_EF INPUT_FILES = {"-base.graph"} OUTPUT_FILES = {"-base.ef"} def _large_java_allocations(self) -> int: return 0
[docs] class BfsRoots(_CompressionStepTask): STEP = CompressionStep.BFS_ROOTS EXPORT_AS_INPUT = True INPUT_FILES = set() OUTPUT_FILES = {"-bfs.roots.txt"} def _large_java_allocations(self) -> int: return 0
[docs] class Bfs(_CompressionStepTask): STEP = CompressionStep.BFS INPUT_FILES = {"-base.graph", "-base.ef", "-bfs.roots.txt", ".pthash"} OUTPUT_FILES = {"-bfs.order"} def _large_java_allocations(self) -> int: bvgraph_size = self._bvgraph_allocation() visitorder_size = self._nb_nodes() * 8 # longarray in extra_size = 500_000_000 # TODO: why is this needed? return bvgraph_size + visitorder_size + extra_size
[docs] class PermuteAndSimplifyBfs(_CompressionStepTask): STEP = CompressionStep.PERMUTE_AND_SIMPLIFY_BFS INPUT_FILES = {"-base.graph", "-base.ef", "-bfs.order"} OUTPUT_FILES = {"-bfs-simplified.graph"} def _large_java_allocations(self) -> int: return 0
[docs] class BfsEf(_CompressionStepTask): STEP = CompressionStep.BFS_EF INPUT_FILES = {"-bfs-simplified.graph"} OUTPUT_FILES = {"-bfs-simplified.ef"} def _large_java_allocations(self) -> int: return 0
[docs] class BfsDcf(_CompressionStepTask): STEP = CompressionStep.BFS_DCF INPUT_FILES = {"-bfs-simplified.graph"} OUTPUT_FILES = {"-bfs-simplified.dcf"} def _large_java_allocations(self) -> int: return 0
[docs] class Llp(_CompressionStepTask): STEP = CompressionStep.LLP INPUT_FILES = {"-bfs-simplified.graph", "-bfs-simplified.ef", "-bfs-simplified.dcf"} OUTPUT_FILES = {"-llp.order"} gammas = luigi.Parameter(significant=False, default=None) def _large_java_allocations(self) -> int: # actually it loads the simplified graph, but we reuse the size of the # base BVGraph, to simplify this code bvgraph_size = self._bvgraph_allocation() label_array_size = volume_array_size = permutation_size = major_array_size = ( self._nb_nodes() * 8 ) # longarrays canchange_array_size = ( self._nb_nodes() * 4 ) # bitarray, not optimized like a bitvector return ( label_array_size + bvgraph_size + volume_array_size + permutation_size * 3 # 'intLabel', 'major', and next value of 'major' + major_array_size + canchange_array_size )
[docs] class PermuteLlp(_CompressionStepTask): STEP = CompressionStep.PERMUTE_LLP INPUT_FILES = {".pthash.order", "-base.graph", "-base.ef"} OUTPUT_FILES = {".graph", ".properties"} def _large_java_allocations(self) -> int: from swh.graph.config import check_config # TODO: deduplicate this with PermuteBfs; it runs the same code except for the # batch size if self.batch_size: batch_size = self.batch_size else: batch_size = check_config({})["batch_size"] # permutation_size = self._nb_nodes() * 8 # source_batch_size = target_batch_size = batch_size * 8 # longarrays extra_size = self._nb_nodes() * 16 # FIXME: why is this needed? return permutation_size + source_batch_size + target_batch_size + extra_size
[docs] class Offsets(_CompressionStepTask): STEP = CompressionStep.OFFSETS INPUT_FILES = {".graph"} OUTPUT_FILES = {".offsets"} def _large_java_allocations(self) -> int: return 0
[docs] class Ef(_CompressionStepTask): STEP = CompressionStep.EF INPUT_FILES = {".graph", ".offsets"} OUTPUT_FILES = {".ef"} def _large_java_allocations(self) -> int: return 0
[docs] class ComposeOrders(_CompressionStepTask): STEP = CompressionStep.COMPOSE_ORDERS INPUT_FILES = {"-llp.order", "-bfs.order"} OUTPUT_FILES = {".pthash.order"} def _large_java_allocations(self) -> int: permutation_size = self._nb_nodes() * 8 # longarray return permutation_size * 3
[docs] class Transpose(_CompressionStepTask): STEP = CompressionStep.TRANSPOSE # .obl is an optional input; but we need to make sure it's not being written # while Transpose is starting, or Transpose would error with EOF while reading it INPUT_FILES = {".graph", ".ef"} OUTPUT_FILES = {"-transposed.graph", ""} def _large_java_allocations(self) -> int: from swh.graph.config import check_config if self.batch_size: batch_size = self.batch_size else: batch_size = check_config({})["batch_size"] permutation_size = self._nb_nodes() * 8 # longarray source_batch_size = target_batch_size = start_batch_size = ( batch_size * 8 ) # longarrays return ( permutation_size + source_batch_size + target_batch_size + start_batch_size )
[docs] class TransposeOffsets(_CompressionStepTask): STEP = CompressionStep.TRANSPOSE_OFFSETS INPUT_FILES = {"-transposed.graph"} OUTPUT_FILES = {"-transposed.offsets"} def _large_java_allocations(self) -> int: bvgraph_size = self._bvgraph_allocation() return bvgraph_size
[docs] class TransposeEf(_CompressionStepTask): STEP = CompressionStep.TRANSPOSE_EF INPUT_FILES = {"-transposed.graph", "-transposed.offsets"} OUTPUT_FILES = {"-transposed.ef"} def _large_java_allocations(self) -> int: return 0
[docs] class Maps(_CompressionStepTask): STEP = CompressionStep.MAPS INPUT_FILES = {".pthash", ".pthash.order", ".nodes/"} OUTPUT_FILES = {".node2swhid.bin"} def _large_java_allocations(self) -> int: mph_size = self._mph_size() bfsmap_size = self._nb_nodes() * 8 # longarray return mph_size + bfsmap_size
[docs] class ExtractPersons(_CompressionStepTask): STEP = CompressionStep.EXTRACT_PERSONS INPUT_FILES: Set[str] = set() EXPORT_AS_INPUT = True OUTPUT_FILES = {".persons.csv.zst"} USES_ALL_CPU_THREADS = True def _large_java_allocations(self) -> int: return 0
[docs] class PersonsStats(_CompressionStepTask): STEP = CompressionStep.PERSONS_STATS INPUT_FILES = {".persons.csv.zst"} OUTPUT_FILES = {".persons.count.txt"} def _large_java_allocations(self) -> int: return 0
[docs] class MphPersons(_CompressionStepTask): STEP = CompressionStep.MPH_PERSONS INPUT_FILES = {".persons.csv.zst", ".persons.count.txt"} OUTPUT_FILES = {".persons.pthash"} def _large_java_allocations(self) -> int: bitvector_size = _govmph_bitarray_size(self._nb_persons()) return bitvector_size
[docs] class NodeProperties(_CompressionStepTask): STEP = CompressionStep.NODE_PROPERTIES INPUT_FILES = {".pthash.order", ".pthash", ".persons.pthash", ".node2swhid.bin"} EXPORT_AS_INPUT = True OUTPUT_FILES = { ".property.content.is_skipped.bits", } | { f".property.{name}.bin" for name in ( "author_id", "author_timestamp", "author_timestamp_offset", "committer_id", "committer_timestamp", "committer_timestamp_offset", "content.length", "message", "message.offset", "tag_name", "tag_name.offset", ) } priority = 10 """semi-high priority because it takes a very long time to run"""
[docs] def output(self) -> List[luigi.LocalTarget]: """Returns a list of luigi targets matching :attr:`OUTPUT_FILES`.""" excluded_files = set() if "cnt" not in self.object_types: excluded_files |= { "content.is_skipped.bits", "content.length.bin", } if "rev" not in self.object_types and "rel" not in self.object_types: excluded_files |= { "author_id.bin", "author_timestamp.bin", "author_timestamp_offset.bin", "message.bin", "message.offset.bin", } if "rel" not in self.object_types: excluded_files |= { "tag_name.bin", "tag_name.offset.bin", } if "rev" not in self.object_types: excluded_files |= { "committer_id.bin", "committer_timestamp.bin", "committer_timestamp_offset.bin", } excluded_files = {f".property.{name}" for name in excluded_files} return [luigi.LocalTarget(self._stamp())] + [ luigi.LocalTarget(f"{self.local_graph_path / self.graph_name}{name}") for name in self.OUTPUT_FILES - excluded_files ]
def _large_java_allocations(self) -> int: # each property has its own arrays, but they don't run at the same time. # The biggest are: # * content length/writeMessages/writeTagNames (long array) # * writeTimestamps (long array + short array) # * writePersonIds (int array, but also loads the person MPH) subtask_size = max( self._nb_nodes() * (8 + 2), # writeTimestamps self._nb_nodes() * 4 + self._persons_mph_size(), ) return self._mph_size() + self._persons_mph_size() + subtask_size
[docs] class PthashLabels(_CompressionStepTask): STEP = CompressionStep.MPH_LABELS INPUT_FILES = {".labels.csv.zst", ".labels.count.txt"} OUTPUT_FILES = {".labels.pthash"} def _large_java_allocations(self) -> int: return 0
[docs] class LabelsOrder(_CompressionStepTask): STEP = CompressionStep.LABELS_ORDER INPUT_FILES = {".labels.csv.zst", ".labels.pthash", ".labels.count.txt"} OUTPUT_FILES = {".labels.pthash.order"} def _large_java_allocations(self) -> int: return 0
[docs] class FclLabels(_CompressionStepTask): STEP = CompressionStep.FCL_LABELS INPUT_FILES = {".labels.csv.zst", ".labels.count.txt"} OUTPUT_FILES = { ".labels.fcl.bytearray", ".labels.fcl.pointers", "", } def _large_java_allocations(self) -> int: return self._labels_mph_size()
[docs] class EdgeLabels(_CompressionStepTask): STEP = CompressionStep.EDGE_LABELS INPUT_FILES = { ".labels.pthash", ".labels.pthash.order", ".pthash", ".pthash.order", } EXPORT_AS_INPUT = True OUTPUT_FILES = { "-labelled.labeloffsets", "-labelled.labels", "", } priority = 10 """semi-high priority because it takes a long time to run""" def _large_java_allocations(self) -> int: import multiprocessing # See ExtractNodes._large_java_allocations for this constant orc_buffers_size = 256_000_000 nb_orc_readers = multiprocessing.cpu_count() return ( orc_buffers_size * nb_orc_readers + self._mph_size() + self._labels_mph_size() )
[docs] class EdgeLabelsTranspose(_CompressionStepTask): STEP = CompressionStep.EDGE_LABELS_TRANSPOSE INPUT_FILES = { ".labels.pthash", ".labels.pthash.order", ".pthash", ".pthash.order", } EXPORT_AS_INPUT = True OUTPUT_FILES = { "-transposed-labelled.labeloffsets", "-transposed-labelled.labels", "", } priority = 10 """semi-high priority because it takes a long time to run""" def _large_java_allocations(self) -> int: import multiprocessing # See ExtractNodes._large_java_allocations for this constant orc_buffers_size = 256_000_000 nb_orc_readers = multiprocessing.cpu_count() return ( orc_buffers_size * nb_orc_readers + self._mph_size() + self._labels_mph_size() )
[docs] class EdgeLabelsEf(_CompressionStepTask): STEP = CompressionStep.EDGE_LABELS_EF INPUT_FILES = {"-labelled.labels", "-labelled.labeloffsets"} OUTPUT_FILES = {"-labelled.ef"} def _large_java_allocations(self) -> int: return 0
[docs] class EdgeLabelsTransposeEf(_CompressionStepTask): STEP = CompressionStep.EDGE_LABELS_TRANSPOSE_EF INPUT_FILES = {"-transposed-labelled.labels", "-transposed-labelled.labeloffsets"} OUTPUT_FILES = {"-transposed-labelled.ef"} def _large_java_allocations(self) -> int: return 0
[docs] class Stats(_CompressionStepTask): STEP = CompressionStep.STATS INPUT_FILES = {".graph", ".ef", "-transposed.graph", "-transposed.ef"} OUTPUT_FILES = {".stats"} def _large_java_allocations(self) -> int: return 0
_duplicate_steps = [ step for (step, count) in collections.Counter( cls.STEP for cls in _CompressionStepTask.__subclasses__() ).items() if count != 1 ] assert not _duplicate_steps, f"Duplicate steps: {_duplicate_steps}" _duplicate_outputs = [ filename for (filename, count) in collections.Counter( filename for cls in _CompressionStepTask.__subclasses__() for filename in cls.OUTPUT_FILES ).items() if count != 1 ] assert not _duplicate_outputs, f"Duplicate outputs: {_duplicate_outputs}"
[docs] class CompressGraph(luigi.Task): local_export_path = luigi.PathParameter(significant=False) graph_name = luigi.Parameter(default="graph") local_graph_path: Path = luigi.PathParameter() batch_size = luigi.IntParameter( default=0, significant=False, description=""" Size of work batches to use while compressing. Larger is faster, but consumes more resources. """, ) rust_executable_dir = luigi.Parameter( default="./target/release/", significant=False, description="Path to the Rust executable used to manipulate the graph.", ) object_types: list[str] = ObjectTypesParameter( # type: ignore[assignment] default=list(_TABLES_PER_OBJECT_TYPE) ) test_flavor = luigi.Parameter( default="full", significant=False, description="Test flavor for e2e test during compression", )
[docs] def requires(self) -> List[luigi.Task]: """Returns a :class:`LocalExport` task, and leaves of the compression dependency graph""" kwargs = dict( local_export_path=self.local_export_path, graph_name=self.graph_name, local_graph_path=self.local_graph_path, object_types=self.object_types, rust_executable_dir=self.rust_executable_dir, ) if set(self.object_types).isdisjoint({"dir", "snp", "ori"}): # Only nodes of these three types have outgoing arcs with labels label_tasks = [] else: label_tasks = [ EdgeStats(**kwargs), LabelStats(**kwargs), FclLabels(**kwargs), EdgeLabelsEf(**kwargs), EdgeLabelsTransposeEf(**kwargs), ] return [ LocalExport( local_export_path=self.local_export_path, formats=[Format.orc], # type: ignore[attr-defined] object_types=_tables_for_object_types(self.object_types), ), NodeStats(**kwargs), TransposeEf(**kwargs), Maps(**kwargs), NodeProperties(**kwargs), Stats(**kwargs), *label_tasks, ]
[docs] def output(self) -> List[luigi.LocalTarget]: """Returns the ``meta/*.json`` targets""" return [self._export_meta(), self._compression_meta()]
def _export_meta(self) -> luigi.LocalTarget: """Returns the metadata on the dataset export""" return luigi.LocalTarget(self.local_graph_path / "meta/export.json") def _compression_meta(self) -> luigi.LocalTarget: """Returns the metadata on the compression pipeline""" return luigi.LocalTarget(self.local_graph_path / "meta/compression.json")
[docs] def run(self): """Runs the full compression pipeline, then writes :file:`meta/compression.json` This does not support running individual steps yet.""" from importlib.metadata import version import json import socket from swh.graph.config import check_config_compress conf = { "object_types": ",".join(self.object_types), } if self.batch_size: conf["batch_size"] = self.batch_size conf = check_config_compress( conf, graph_name=self.graph_name, in_dir=self.local_export_path, out_dir=self.local_graph_path, test_flavor=self.test_flavor, ) step_stamp_paths = [] for step in CompressionStep: if step == CompressionStep.CLEAN_TMP: # This step is not run as its own Luigi task continue path = self.local_graph_path / "meta" / "stamps" / f"{step}.json" if path.exists(): step_stamp_paths.append(path) steps = [json.loads(path.read_text()) for path in step_stamp_paths] do_step(CompressionStep.E2E_TEST, conf=conf) do_step(CompressionStep.CLEAN_TMP, conf=conf) # Copy export metadata with open(self._export_meta().path, "wb") as fd: fd.write((self.local_export_path / "meta" / "export.json").read_bytes()) if self._compression_meta().exists(): with self._compression_meta().open("r") as fd: meta = json.load(fd) else: meta = [] meta.append( { "steps": steps, "start": min(step["start"] for step in steps), "end": max(step["end"] for step in steps), "total_runtime": sum(step["runtime"] for step in steps), "object_types": ",".join(self.object_types), "hostname": socket.getfqdn(), "conf": conf, "tool": { "name": "swh.graph", "version": version("swh.graph"), }, } ) with self._compression_meta().open("w") as fd: json.dump(meta, fd, indent=4) for path in step_stamp_paths: path.unlink()
[docs] class UploadGraphToS3(luigi.Task): """Uploads a local compressed graphto S3; creating automatically if it does not exist. Example invocation:: luigi --local-scheduler --module swh.graph.luigi UploadGraphToS3 \ --local-graph-path=graph/ \ --s3-graph-path=s3://softwareheritage/graph/swh_2022-11-08/compressed/ """ local_graph_path = luigi.PathParameter(significant=False) s3_graph_path = S3PathParameter() parallelism = luigi.IntParameter(default=10, significant=False)
[docs] def requires(self) -> List[luigi.Task]: """Returns a :class:`CompressGraph` task that writes local files at the expected location.""" return [ CompressGraph( local_graph_path=self.local_graph_path, ) ]
[docs] def output(self) -> List[luigi.Target]: """Returns stamp and meta paths on S3.""" return [self._meta()]
def _meta(self): import luigi.contrib.s3 return luigi.contrib.s3.S3Target(f"{self.s3_graph_path}/meta/compression.json")
[docs] def run(self) -> None: """Copies all files: first the graph itself, then :file:`meta/compression.json`.""" import multiprocessing.dummy import luigi.contrib.s3 import tqdm # working threads import it, we need to make sure it is imported so they don't # race to the import from import Command # noqa compression_metadata_path = self.local_graph_path / "meta" / "compression.json" seen_compression_metadata = False # recursively copy local files to S3, and end with compression metadata paths = [] for path in self.local_graph_path.glob("**/*"): if path == compression_metadata_path: # Write it last seen_compression_metadata = True continue if path.is_dir(): continue paths.append(path) assert ( seen_compression_metadata ), "did not see meta/compression.json in directory listing" self.__status_messages: Dict[Path, str] = {} client = luigi.contrib.s3.S3Client() with multiprocessing.dummy.Pool(self.parallelism) as p: for i, relative_path in tqdm.tqdm( enumerate(p.imap_unordered(self._upload_file, paths)), total=len(paths), desc="Uploading compressed graph", ): self.set_progress_percentage(int(i * 100 / len(paths))) self.set_status_message("\n".join(self.__status_messages.values())) # Write it last, to act as a stamp client.put( compression_metadata_path, self._meta().path, ACL="public-read", )
def _upload_file(self, path): import tempfile import luigi.contrib.s3 from import Command client = luigi.contrib.s3.S3Client() relative_path = path.relative_to(self.local_graph_path) if path.suffix == ".bin": # Large sparse file; store it compressed on S3. with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix=path.stem, suffix=".bin.zst") as fd: self.__status_messages[path] = f"Compressing {relative_path}" Command.zstdmt( "--force", "--force", "--keep", path, "-o", ).run() self.__status_messages[path] = f"Uploading {relative_path} (compressed)" client.put_multipart(, f"{self.s3_graph_path}/{relative_path}.zst", ACL="public-read", ) else: self.__status_messages[path] = f"Uploading {relative_path}" client.put_multipart( path, f"{self.s3_graph_path}/{relative_path}", ACL="public-read" ) del self.__status_messages[path] return relative_path
[docs] class DownloadGraphFromS3(luigi.Task): """Downloads a local dataset graph from S3. This performs the inverse operation of :class:`UploadGraphToS3` Example invocation:: luigi --local-scheduler --module swh.graph.luigi DownloadGraphFromS3 \ --local-graph-path=graph/ \ --s3-graph-path=s3://softwareheritage/graph/swh_2022-11-08/compressed/ """ local_graph_path: Path = luigi.PathParameter() s3_graph_path: str = S3PathParameter(significant=False) # type: ignore[assignment]
[docs] def requires(self) -> List[luigi.Task]: """Returns a :class:`UploadGraphToS3` task that writes local files to S3.""" return [ UploadGraphToS3( local_graph_path=self.local_graph_path, s3_graph_path=self.s3_graph_path, ) ]
[docs] def output(self) -> List[luigi.Target]: """Returns stamp and meta paths on the local filesystem.""" return [self._meta()]
def _meta(self): return luigi.LocalTarget(self.local_graph_path / "meta" / "export.json")
[docs] def run(self) -> None: """Copies all files: first the graph itself, then :file:`meta/compression.json`.""" from import GraphDownloader GraphDownloader( local_graph_path=self.local_graph_path, s3_graph_path=self.s3_graph_path, parallelism=10, ).download_graph( progress_percent_cb=self.set_progress_percentage, progress_status_cb=self.set_status_message, )
[docs] class LocalGraph(luigi.Task): """Task that depends on a local dataset being present -- either directly from :class:`ExportGraph` or via :class:`DownloadGraphFromS3`. """ local_graph_path: Path = luigi.PathParameter() compression_task_type = luigi.TaskParameter( default=DownloadGraphFromS3, significant=False, description="""The task used to get the compressed graph if it is not present. Should be either ``swh.graph.luigi.CompressGraph`` or ``swh.graph.luigi.DownloadGraphFromS3``.""", )
[docs] def requires(self) -> List[luigi.Task]: """Returns an instance of either :class:`CompressGraph` or :class:`DownloadGraphFromS3` depending on the value of :attr:`compression_task_type`.""" if issubclass(self.compression_task_type, CompressGraph): return [ CompressGraph( local_graph_path=self.local_graph_path, ) ] elif issubclass(self.compression_task_type, DownloadGraphFromS3): return [ DownloadGraphFromS3( local_graph_path=self.local_graph_path, ) ] else: raise ValueError( f"Unexpected compression_task_type: " f"{self.compression_task_type.__name__}" )
[docs] def output(self) -> List[luigi.Target]: """Returns stamp and meta paths on the local filesystem.""" return [self._meta()]
def _meta(self): return luigi.LocalTarget(self.local_graph_path / "meta" / "compression.json")