# Copyright (C) 2022-2023 The Software Heritage developers
# See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
# License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version
# See top-level LICENSE file for more information
Luigi tasks to analyze, and produce datasets related to, graph topology
This module contains `Luigi <https://luigi.readthedocs.io/>`_ tasks
driving the computation of a topological order, and count the number
of paths to every node.
File layout
This assumes a local compressed graph (from :mod:`swh.graph.luigi.compressed_graph`)
is present, and generates/manipulates the following files::
# WARNING: do not import unnecessary things here to keep cli startup time under
# control
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, List, Tuple
import luigi
from swh.dataset.luigi import S3PathParameter
from .compressed_graph import LocalGraph
from .utils import _ParquetToS3ToAthenaTask, count_nodes
OBJECT_TYPES = {"ori", "snp", "rel", "rev", "dir", "cnt"}
class TopoSort(luigi.Task):
"""Creates a file that contains all SWHIDs in topological order from a compressed
local_graph_path = luigi.PathParameter()
topological_order_dir = luigi.PathParameter()
graph_name = luigi.Parameter(default="graph")
object_types = luigi.Parameter()
direction = luigi.ChoiceParameter(choices=["forward", "backward"])
algorithm = luigi.ChoiceParameter(choices=["dfs", "bfs"], default="dfs")
def _max_ram(self):
# see java/src/main/java/org/softwareheritage/graph/utils/TopoSort.java
nb_nodes = count_nodes(
self.local_graph_path, self.graph_name, "ori,snp,rel,rev,dir,cnt"
seen_bitarray = nb_nodes // 8
graph_size = nb_nodes * 8
# The ready set contains the frontier of the BFS. In the worst case,
# it contains every single node matched by self.object_types (which by default
# is all node types but contents).
# However, in practice it contains at most a negligeable fraction of
# revisions, because the revision subgraph is, topologically, made mostly
# of very long chains (see Antoine Pietri's thesis).
# And in the forward DFS case, we are guaranteed not to have more than one
# content node in the ready set at any time, because it would be visited
# immediately after and has no successors.
# TODO: also guess an upper bound on the number of directories? we can
# probably assume at most a third will be in the ready set at any time,
# considering their subgraph's topology.
max_nb_ready_set_nodes = count_nodes(
for ty in self.object_types.split(",")
if ty != "rev"
and not (
self.algorithm == "dfs"
and self.direction == "forward"
and ty == "cnt"
ready_set_size = max_nb_ready_set_nodes * 8
unvisited_array_size = nb_nodes * 8 # longarray
spare_space = 1_000_000_000
return (
+ seen_bitarray
+ ready_set_size
+ unvisited_array_size
+ spare_space
def resources(self):
"""Return the estimated RAM use of this task."""
import socket
return {f"{socket.getfqdn()}_ram_mb": self._max_ram() / 1_000_000}
def requires(self) -> List[luigi.Task]:
"""Returns an instance of :class:`LocalGraph`."""
return [LocalGraph(local_graph_path=self.local_graph_path)]
def output(self) -> luigi.Target:
""".csv.zst file that contains the topological order."""
return luigi.LocalTarget(
/ f"topological_order_{self.algorithm}_{self.direction}_{self.object_types}.csv.zst"
def run(self) -> None:
"""Runs 'toposort' command from tools/topology and compresses"""
from ..shell import AtomicFileSink, Command, Rust
invalid_object_types = set(self.object_types.split(",")) - OBJECT_TYPES
if invalid_object_types:
raise ValueError(f"Invalid object types: {invalid_object_types}")
nb_nodes = count_nodes(
self.local_graph_path, self.graph_name, self.object_types
nb_lines = nb_nodes + 1 # CSV header
# fmt: off
self.local_graph_path / self.graph_name,
"--algorithm", self.algorithm,
"--direction", self.direction,
"--node-types", self.object_types,
| Command.pv("--line-mode", "--wait", "--size", str(nb_lines))
| Command.zstdmt("-9") # not -19 because of CPU usage + little gain
> AtomicFileSink(self.output())
# fmt: on
class CountPaths(luigi.Task):
"""Creates a file that lists:
* the number of paths leading to each node, and starting from all leaves, and
* the number of paths leading to each node, and starting from all other nodes
Singleton paths are not counted.
local_graph_path = luigi.PathParameter()
topological_order_dir = luigi.PathParameter()
graph_name = luigi.Parameter(default="graph")
object_types = luigi.Parameter()
direction = luigi.ChoiceParameter(choices=["forward", "backward"])
def _max_ram(self):
nb_nodes = count_nodes(
self.local_graph_path, self.graph_name, self.object_types
graph_size = nb_nodes * 8
# Two arrays of floats (countsFromRoots and countsFromAll)
count_doublearray = nb_nodes * 8
spare_space = 100_000_000
return graph_size + count_doublearray * 2 + spare_space
def resources(self):
"""Return the estimated RAM use of this task."""
import socket
return {f"{socket.getfqdn()}_ram_mb": self._max_ram() / 1_000_000}
def requires(self) -> Dict[str, luigi.Task]:
"""Returns an instance of :class:`LocalGraph` and one of :class:`TopoSort`."""
return {
"graph": LocalGraph(local_graph_path=self.local_graph_path),
"toposort": TopoSort(
ty for ty in self.object_types.split(",") if ty != "cnt"
def output(self) -> luigi.Target:
""".csv.zst file that contains the counts."""
return luigi.LocalTarget(
/ f"path_counts_{self.direction}_{self.object_types}/"
def nb_lines(self):
nb_lines = count_nodes(
self.local_graph_path, self.graph_name, self.object_types
nb_lines += 1 # CSV header
return nb_lines
def run(self) -> None:
"""Runs 'count_paths' command from tools/topology and compresses"""
from ..shell import Command, Rust
invalid_object_types = set(self.object_types.split(",")) - OBJECT_TYPES
if invalid_object_types:
raise ValueError(f"Invalid object types: {invalid_object_types}")
topological_order_path = self.input()["toposort"].path
topo_order_command = Command.zstdcat(topological_order_path)
if "cnt" in self.object_types.split(","):
# The toposort does not include content; add them to the topo order.
# As it has this header:
# SWHID,ancestors,successors,sample_ancestor1,sample_ancestor2
# we have to use sed to add the extra columns. CountPaths.java does not use
# them, so dummy values are fine.
if (self.local_graph_path / f"{self.graph_name}.nodes.csv.zst").exists():
# pre-2024 graph
content_input = Command.zstdcat(
self.local_graph_path / f"{self.graph_name}.nodes.csv.zst"
) | Command.grep("^swh:1:cnt:", check=False)
nodes_dir = self.local_graph_path / f"{self.graph_name}.nodes"
content_input = Command.cat(
| Command.grep("^swh:1:cnt:", check=False)
for nodes_shard in nodes_dir.iterdir()
if self.direction == "forward":
topo_order_command = Command.cat(
content_input | Command.sed("s/$/,1,0,,/"),
# Extract the header
header_command = topo_order_command | Command.head("-n", "1")
topo_order_command = topo_order_command | Command.tail("-n", "+2")
topo_order_command = Command.cat(
content_input | Command.sed("s/$/,0,1,,/"),
# fmt: off
| Rust(
self.local_graph_path / self.graph_name,
# fmt: on
class PathCountsParquetToS3(_ParquetToS3ToAthenaTask):
"""Reads the CSV from :class:`CountPaths`, converts it to ORC,
upload the ORC to S3, and create an Athena table for it."""
topological_order_dir = luigi.PathParameter()
object_types = luigi.Parameter()
direction = luigi.ChoiceParameter(choices=["forward", "backward"])
dataset_name = luigi.Parameter()
s3_athena_output_location = S3PathParameter()
def requires(self) -> CountPaths:
"""Returns corresponding CountPaths instance"""
if self.dataset_name not in str(self.topological_order_dir):
raise Exception(
f"Dataset name {self.dataset_name!r} is not part of the "
f"topological_order_dir {self.topological_order_dir!r}"
return CountPaths(
def _base_filename(self) -> str:
return f"path_counts_{self.direction}_{self.object_types}"
def _input_parquet_path(self) -> Path:
return self.topological_order_dir / f"{self._base_filename()}.csv.zst"
def _s3_bucket(self) -> str:
# TODO: configurable
return "softwareheritage"
def _s3_prefix(self) -> str:
# TODO: configurable
return f"derived_datasets/{self.dataset_name}/{self._base_filename()}"
def _orc_columns(self) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]:
return [
("SWHID", "string"),
("paths_from_roots", "double"),
("all_paths", "double"),
def _athena_db_name(self) -> str:
return f"derived_{self.dataset_name.replace('-', '')}"
def _athena_table_name(self) -> str:
return self._base_filename().replace(",", "")