Source code for swh.graphql.resolvers.content
# Copyright (C) 2022 The Software Heritage developers
# See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
# License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version
# See top-level LICENSE file for more information
from typing import List, Optional, Union
from swh.graphql.errors import DataError, InvalidInputError
from swh.model import hashutil
from swh.model.model import Content
from import HashDict, TotalHashDict
from .base_connection import BaseList
from .base_node import BaseSWHNode
from .target import BranchTargetNode, TargetNode
def read_and_validate_content_hashes(hashes):
return {
hash_type: hashutil.hash_to_bytes(hash_value)
for (hash_type, hash_value) in hashes
except ValueError as e:
# raise an input error in case of an invalid hash
raise InvalidInputError("Invalid content hash", e)
class BaseContentNode(BaseSWHNode):
Base resolver for all the content nodes
def hashes(self):
# FIXME, use a Node instead
return {k: v.hex() for (k, v) in self._node.hashes().items()}
def id(self):
return self._node.sha1_git
def mimeType(self):
# FIXME, fetch data from the indexers
return None
def language(self):
# FIXME, fetch data from the indexers
return None
def license(self):
# FIXME, fetch data from the indexers
return None
def is_type_of(self):
# is_type_of is required only when resolving a UNION type
# This is for ariadne to return the right type
return "Content"
class ContentbyHashesNode(BaseContentNode):
Node resolver for a content requested with all of its hashes
A single content object will be returned
def _get_node_data(self) -> Optional[Content]:
hashes: TotalHashDict = read_and_validate_content_hashes(self.kwargs.items())
contents = self.archive.get_contents(hashes=hashes)
if len(contents) > 1:
# Conflict on all the hashes, this is not expected to happen
raise DataError("Content hash conflict for the set ", hashes)
return contents[0] if contents else None
class TargetContentNode(BaseContentNode):
Node resolver for a content requested as a target
_can_be_null = True
obj: Union[
def _get_node_data(self) -> Optional[Content]:
# FIXME, this is not considering hash collisions
# and could return a wrong object in very rare situations
contents = self.archive.get_contents(hashes={"sha1_git": self.obj.target_hash})
# always returning the first content from the storage
return contents[0] if contents else None
class ContentSwhidList(BaseList):
Return a non paginated list of contents for the given SWHID
This will return a single item in most of the cases
_node_class = BaseContentNode
def _get_results(self) -> List[Content]:
hashes = HashDict(sha1_git=self.kwargs["swhid"].object_id)
return self.archive.get_contents(hashes=hashes)
class ContentHashList(BaseList):
Return a non paginated list of contents for the given hashes
This will return a single item in most of the cases
_node_class = BaseContentNode
def _get_results(self) -> List[Content]:
hashes: HashDict = read_and_validate_content_hashes(self.kwargs.items())
if not hashes:
raise InvalidInputError("At least one of the four hashes must be provided")
return self.archive.get_contents(hashes=hashes)