Source code for swh.graphql.resolvers.origin
# Copyright (C) 2022 The Software Heritage developers
# See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
# License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version
# See top-level LICENSE file for more information
from swh.model.model import Origin
from import PagedResult
from .base_connection import BaseConnection, ConnectionData
from .base_node import BaseSWHNode
from .search import OriginSearchResultNode
class BaseOriginNode(BaseSWHNode):
class OriginNode(BaseOriginNode):
Node resolver for an origin requested directly with its URL
def _get_node_data(self):
return self.archive.get_origin(self.kwargs.get("url"))
class TargetOriginNode(BaseOriginNode):
Node resolver for an origin requested as a target
obj: OriginSearchResultNode
_can_be_null = True
def _get_node_data(self):
# The target origin URL is guaranteed to exist in the archive
# Hence returning the origin object without any explicit check in the archive
# This assumes that the search index and archive are in sync
if self.obj.target_url:
return Origin(self.obj.target_url)
return None
class OriginConnection(BaseConnection):
Connection resolver for the origins
_node_class = BaseOriginNode
def _get_connection_data(self) -> ConnectionData:
# Use the search backend if a urlPattern is given
if self.kwargs.get("urlPattern"):
origins =
results = [Origin(ori["url"]) for ori in origins.results]
paged_result = PagedResult(
results=results, next_page_token=origins.next_page_token
# Use the archive backend by default
paged_result = self.archive.get_origins(
after=self._get_after_arg(), first=self._get_first_arg()
return ConnectionData(paged_result=paged_result)
def _get_index_cursor(self, index: int, node: BaseOriginNode):
# Origin connection is using a different cursor, hence the override
# No item cursor is provided in this case
# FIXME: Return the right cursor when enabling index cursors
return None