Source code for swh.indexer.metadata_dictionary.github

# Copyright (C) 2022  The Software Heritage developers
# See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
# License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version
# See top-level LICENSE file for more information

from typing import Any, Tuple

from rdflib import RDF, BNode, Graph, Literal, URIRef

from swh.indexer.codemeta import CROSSWALK_TABLE
from swh.indexer.namespaces import ACTIVITYSTREAMS, CODEMETA, FORGEFED, SCHEMA

from .base import BaseExtrinsicMapping, JsonMapping, produce_terms
from .utils import add_url_if_valid, prettyprint_graph  # noqa

SPDX = URIRef("")

[docs] class GitHubMapping(BaseExtrinsicMapping, JsonMapping): name = "github" mapping = { **CROSSWALK_TABLE["GitHub"], "topics": SCHEMA.keywords, # TODO: submit this to the official crosswalk "clone_url": SCHEMA.codeRepository, "language": SCHEMA.programmingLanguage, } uri_fields = [ "clone_url", ] date_fields = [ "created_at", "updated_at", ] string_fields = [ "description", "full_name", "language", "topics", ]
[docs] @classmethod def extrinsic_metadata_formats(cls) -> Tuple[str, ...]: return ("application/vnd.github.v3+json",)
[docs] def extra_translation(self, graph, root, content_dict): graph.remove((root, RDF.type, SCHEMA.SoftwareSourceCode)) graph.add((root, RDF.type, FORGEFED.Repository)) if content_dict.get("has_issues"): add_url_if_valid( graph, root, CODEMETA.issueTracker, URIRef(content_dict["html_url"] + "/issues"), )
[docs] def get_root_uri(self, content_dict: dict) -> URIRef: if isinstance(content_dict.get("html_url"), str): return URIRef(content_dict["html_url"]) else: raise ValueError( f"GitHub metadata has missing/invalid html_url: {content_dict}" )
[docs] @produce_terms(FORGEFED.forkedFrom) def translate_parent(self, graph: Graph, root: BNode, v: Any) -> None: """ >>> graph = Graph() >>> root = URIRef("") >>> GitHubMapping().translate_parent( ... graph, root, {"html_url": ""}) >>> prettyprint_graph(graph, root) { "@id": "", "": { "@id": "" } } """ if isinstance(v, dict) and isinstance(v.get("html_url"), str): repository = URIRef(v["html_url"]) graph.add((root, FORGEFED.forkedFrom, repository))
# TODO: uncomment this line to also translate the parent's metadata: # self._translate_to_graph(graph, repository, v) # # But let's not do it yet, because it would double the number of occurrences # in the description, causing the current implementation of swh-search # to give higher scores to forks than to original repositories, when # searching for keywords in the description; whereas forks are usually # of less interest than original repositories.
[docs] @produce_terms(FORGEFED.forks, ACTIVITYSTREAMS.totalItems) def translate_forks_count(self, graph: Graph, root: BNode, v: Any) -> None: """ >>> graph = Graph() >>> root = URIRef("") >>> GitHubMapping().translate_forks_count(graph, root, 42) >>> prettyprint_graph(graph, root) { "@id": ..., "": { "@type": "", "": 42 } } """ if isinstance(v, int): collection = BNode() graph.add((root, FORGEFED.forks, collection)) graph.add((collection, RDF.type, ACTIVITYSTREAMS.OrderedCollection)) graph.add((collection, ACTIVITYSTREAMS.totalItems, Literal(v)))
[docs] @produce_terms(ACTIVITYSTREAMS.likes, ACTIVITYSTREAMS.totalItems) def translate_stargazers_count(self, graph: Graph, root: BNode, v: Any) -> None: """ >>> graph = Graph() >>> root = URIRef("") >>> GitHubMapping().translate_stargazers_count(graph, root, 42) >>> prettyprint_graph(graph, root) { "@id": ..., "": { "@type": "", "": 42 } } """ if isinstance(v, int): collection = BNode() graph.add((root, ACTIVITYSTREAMS.likes, collection)) graph.add((collection, RDF.type, ACTIVITYSTREAMS.Collection)) graph.add((collection, ACTIVITYSTREAMS.totalItems, Literal(v)))
[docs] @produce_terms(ACTIVITYSTREAMS.followers, ACTIVITYSTREAMS.totalItems) def translate_watchers_count(self, graph: Graph, root: BNode, v: Any) -> None: """ >>> graph = Graph() >>> root = URIRef("") >>> GitHubMapping().translate_watchers_count(graph, root, 42) >>> prettyprint_graph(graph, root) { "@id": ..., "": { "@type": "", "": 42 } } """ if isinstance(v, int): collection = BNode() graph.add((root, ACTIVITYSTREAMS.followers, collection)) graph.add((collection, RDF.type, ACTIVITYSTREAMS.Collection)) graph.add((collection, ACTIVITYSTREAMS.totalItems, Literal(v)))
[docs] def normalize_license(self, d): """ >>> GitHubMapping().normalize_license({'spdx_id': 'MIT'}) rdflib.term.URIRef('') """ if isinstance(d, dict) and isinstance(d.get("spdx_id"), str): return SPDX + d["spdx_id"]