Source code for

# Copyright (C) 2015-2022  The Software Heritage developers
# See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
# License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version
# See top-level LICENSE file for more information

from typing import Dict, Iterable, Iterator, List

from swh.core.db import BaseDb
from swh.core.db.db_utils import execute_values_generator, stored_procedure

from .interface import Sha1

[docs] class Db(BaseDb): """Proxy to the SWH Indexer DB, with wrappers around stored procedures""" content_mimetype_hash_keys = ["id", "indexer_configuration_id"] def _missing_from_list( self, table: str, data: Iterable[Dict], hash_keys: List[str], cur=None ): """Read from table the data with hash_keys that are missing. Args: table: Table name (e.g content_mimetype, fossology_license, etc...) data: Dict of data to read from hash_keys: List of keys to read in the data dict. Yields: The data which is missing from the db. """ cur = self._cursor(cur) keys = ", ".join(hash_keys) equality = " AND ".join(("t.%s = c.%s" % (key, key)) for key in hash_keys) yield from execute_values_generator( cur, """ select %s from (values %%s) as t(%s) where not exists ( select 1 from %s c where %s ) """ % (keys, keys, table, equality), (tuple(m[k] for k in hash_keys) for m in data), )
[docs] def content_mimetype_missing_from_list( self, mimetypes: Iterable[Dict], cur=None ) -> Iterator[Sha1]: """List missing mimetypes.""" yield from self._missing_from_list( "content_mimetype", mimetypes, self.content_mimetype_hash_keys, cur=cur )
content_mimetype_cols = [ "id", "mimetype", "encoding", "tool_id", "tool_name", "tool_version", "tool_configuration", ]
[docs] @stored_procedure("swh_mktemp_content_mimetype") def mktemp_content_mimetype(self, cur=None): pass
[docs] def content_mimetype_add_from_temp(self, cur=None): cur = self._cursor(cur) cur.execute("select * from swh_content_mimetype_add()") return cur.fetchone()[0]
def _convert_key(self, key, main_table="c"): """Convert keys according to specific use in the module. Args: key (str): Key expression to change according to the alias used in the query main_table (str): Alias to use for the main table. Default to c for content_{something}. Expected: Tables content_{something} being aliased as 'c' (something in {mimetype, ...}), table indexer_configuration being aliased as 'i'. """ if key == "id": return "" % main_table elif key == "tool_id": return " as tool_id" elif key == "license": return ( """ ( select name from fossology_license where id = %s.license_id ) as licenses""" % main_table ) return key def _get_from_list(self, table, ids, cols, cur=None, id_col="id"): """Fetches entries from the `table` such that their `id` field (or whatever is given to `id_col`) is in `ids`. Returns the columns `cols`. The `cur` parameter is used to connect to the database. """ cur = self._cursor(cur) keys = map(self._convert_key, cols) query = """ select {keys} from (values %s) as t(id) inner join {table} c on c.{id_col} inner join indexer_configuration i on; """.format( keys=", ".join(keys), id_col=id_col, table=table ) yield from execute_values_generator(cur, query, ((_id,) for _id in ids)) content_indexer_names = { "mimetype": "content_mimetype", "fossology_license": "content_fossology_license", }
[docs] def content_get_range( self, content_type, start, end, indexer_configuration_id, limit=1000, with_textual_data=False, cur=None, ): """Retrieve contents with content_type, within range [start, end] bound by limit and associated to the given indexer configuration id. When asking to work on textual content, that filters on the mimetype table with any mimetype that is not binary. """ cur = self._cursor(cur) table = self.content_indexer_names[content_type] if with_textual_data: extra = """inner join content_mimetype cm on ( and cm.mimetype like 'text/%%' and %(start)s <= and <= %(end)s) """ else: extra = "" query = f"""select from {table} t {extra} where t.indexer_configuration_id=%(tool_id)s and %(start)s <= and <= %(end)s order by t.indexer_configuration_id, limit %(limit)s""" cur.execute( query, { "start": start, "end": end, "tool_id": indexer_configuration_id, "limit": limit, }, ) yield from cur
[docs] def content_mimetype_get_from_list(self, ids, cur=None): yield from self._get_from_list( "content_mimetype", ids, self.content_mimetype_cols, cur=cur )
content_fossology_license_cols = [ "id", "tool_id", "tool_name", "tool_version", "tool_configuration", "license", ]
[docs] @stored_procedure("swh_mktemp_content_fossology_license") def mktemp_content_fossology_license(self, cur=None): pass
[docs] def content_fossology_license_add_from_temp(self, cur=None): """Add new licenses per content.""" cur = self._cursor(cur) cur.execute("select * from swh_content_fossology_license_add()") return cur.fetchone()[0]
[docs] def content_fossology_license_get_from_list(self, ids, cur=None): """Retrieve licenses per id.""" cur = self._cursor(cur) keys = map(self._convert_key, self.content_fossology_license_cols) yield from execute_values_generator( cur, """ select %s from (values %%s) as t(id) inner join content_fossology_license c on inner join indexer_configuration i on """ % ", ".join(keys), ((_id,) for _id in ids), )
content_metadata_hash_keys = ["id", "indexer_configuration_id"]
[docs] def content_metadata_missing_from_list(self, metadata, cur=None): """List missing metadata.""" yield from self._missing_from_list( "content_metadata", metadata, self.content_metadata_hash_keys, cur=cur )
content_metadata_cols = [ "id", "metadata", "tool_id", "tool_name", "tool_version", "tool_configuration", ]
[docs] @stored_procedure("swh_mktemp_content_metadata") def mktemp_content_metadata(self, cur=None): pass
[docs] def content_metadata_add_from_temp(self, cur=None): cur = self._cursor(cur) cur.execute("select * from swh_content_metadata_add()") return cur.fetchone()[0]
[docs] def content_metadata_get_from_list(self, ids, cur=None): yield from self._get_from_list( "content_metadata", ids, self.content_metadata_cols, cur=cur )
directory_intrinsic_metadata_hash_keys = ["id", "indexer_configuration_id"]
[docs] def directory_intrinsic_metadata_missing_from_list(self, metadata, cur=None): """List missing metadata.""" yield from self._missing_from_list( "directory_intrinsic_metadata", metadata, self.directory_intrinsic_metadata_hash_keys, cur=cur, )
directory_intrinsic_metadata_cols = [ "id", "metadata", "mappings", "tool_id", "tool_name", "tool_version", "tool_configuration", ]
[docs] @stored_procedure("swh_mktemp_directory_intrinsic_metadata") def mktemp_directory_intrinsic_metadata(self, cur=None): pass
[docs] def directory_intrinsic_metadata_add_from_temp(self, cur=None): cur = self._cursor(cur) cur.execute("select * from swh_directory_intrinsic_metadata_add()") return cur.fetchone()[0]
[docs] def directory_intrinsic_metadata_get_from_list(self, ids, cur=None): yield from self._get_from_list( "directory_intrinsic_metadata", ids, self.directory_intrinsic_metadata_cols, cur=cur, )
origin_intrinsic_metadata_cols = [ "id", "metadata", "from_directory", "mappings", "tool_id", "tool_name", "tool_version", "tool_configuration", ] origin_intrinsic_metadata_regconfig = "pg_catalog.simple" """The dictionary used to normalize 'metadata' and queries. 'pg_catalog.simple' provides no stopword, so it should be suitable for proper names and non-English content. When updating this value, make sure to add a new index on origin_intrinsic_metadata.metadata."""
[docs] @stored_procedure("swh_mktemp_origin_intrinsic_metadata") def mktemp_origin_intrinsic_metadata(self, cur=None): pass
[docs] def origin_intrinsic_metadata_add_from_temp(self, cur=None): cur = self._cursor(cur) cur.execute("select * from swh_origin_intrinsic_metadata_add()") return cur.fetchone()[0]
[docs] def origin_intrinsic_metadata_get_from_list(self, ids, cur=None): yield from self._get_from_list( "origin_intrinsic_metadata", ids, self.origin_intrinsic_metadata_cols, cur=cur, id_col="id", )
[docs] def origin_intrinsic_metadata_search_fulltext(self, terms, *, limit, cur): regconfig = self.origin_intrinsic_metadata_regconfig tsquery_template = " && ".join( "plainto_tsquery('%s', %%s)" % regconfig for _ in terms ) tsquery_args = [(term,) for term in terms] keys = ( self._convert_key(col, "oim") for col in self.origin_intrinsic_metadata_cols ) query = ( "SELECT {keys} FROM origin_intrinsic_metadata AS oim " "INNER JOIN indexer_configuration AS i " "ON " "JOIN LATERAL (SELECT {tsquery_template}) AS s(tsq) ON true " "WHERE oim.metadata_tsvector @@ tsq " "ORDER BY ts_rank(oim.metadata_tsvector, tsq, 1) DESC " "LIMIT %s;" ).format(keys=", ".join(keys), tsquery_template=tsquery_template) cur.execute(query, tsquery_args + [limit]) yield from cur
[docs] def origin_intrinsic_metadata_search_by_producer( self, last, limit, ids_only, mappings, tool_ids, cur ): if ids_only: keys = "" else: keys = ", ".join( ( self._convert_key(col, "oim") for col in self.origin_intrinsic_metadata_cols ) ) query_parts = [ "SELECT %s" % keys, "FROM origin_intrinsic_metadata AS oim", "INNER JOIN indexer_configuration AS i", "ON", ] args = [] where = [] if last: where.append(" > %s") args.append(last) if mappings is not None: where.append("oim.mappings && %s") args.append(list(mappings)) if tool_ids is not None: where.append("oim.indexer_configuration_id = ANY(%s)") args.append(list(tool_ids)) if where: query_parts.append("WHERE") query_parts.append(" AND ".join(where)) if limit: query_parts.append("LIMIT %s") args.append(limit) cur.execute(" ".join(query_parts), args) yield from cur
origin_extrinsic_metadata_cols = [ "id", "metadata", "from_remd_id", "mappings", "tool_id", "tool_name", "tool_version", "tool_configuration", ]
[docs] @stored_procedure("swh_mktemp_origin_extrinsic_metadata") def mktemp_origin_extrinsic_metadata(self, cur=None): pass
[docs] def origin_extrinsic_metadata_add_from_temp(self, cur=None): cur = self._cursor(cur) cur.execute("select * from swh_origin_extrinsic_metadata_add()") return cur.fetchone()[0]
[docs] def origin_extrinsic_metadata_get_from_list(self, ids, cur=None): yield from self._get_from_list( "origin_extrinsic_metadata", ids, self.origin_extrinsic_metadata_cols, cur=cur, id_col="id", )
indexer_configuration_cols = [ "id", "tool_name", "tool_version", "tool_configuration", ]
[docs] @stored_procedure("swh_mktemp_indexer_configuration") def mktemp_indexer_configuration(self, cur=None): pass
[docs] def indexer_configuration_add_from_temp(self, cur=None): cur = self._cursor(cur) cur.execute( "SELECT %s from swh_indexer_configuration_add()" % (",".join(self.indexer_configuration_cols),) ) yield from cur
[docs] def indexer_configuration_get( self, tool_name, tool_version, tool_configuration, cur=None ): cur = self._cursor(cur) cur.execute( """select %s from indexer_configuration where tool_name=%%s and tool_version=%%s and tool_configuration=%%s""" % (",".join(self.indexer_configuration_cols)), (tool_name, tool_version, tool_configuration), ) return cur.fetchone()
[docs] def indexer_configuration_get_from_id(self, id_, cur=None): cur = self._cursor(cur) cur.execute( """select %s from indexer_configuration where id=%%s""" % (",".join(self.indexer_configuration_cols)), (id_,), ) return cur.fetchone()