Source code for swh.lister.debian.lister

# Copyright (C) 2017-2023 The Software Heritage developers
# See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
# License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version
# See top-level LICENSE file for more information

import bz2
from collections import defaultdict
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from email.utils import parsedate_to_datetime
import gzip
from itertools import product
import logging
import lzma
import os
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Iterator, List, Optional, Set, Tuple
from urllib.parse import urljoin

from debian.deb822 import Sources
from requests.exceptions import HTTPError

from swh.scheduler.interface import SchedulerInterface
from swh.scheduler.model import ListedOrigin

from ..pattern import CredentialsType, Lister

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

decompressors: Dict[str, Callable[[Any], Any]] = {
    "gz": lambda f: gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=f),
    "bz2": bz2.BZ2File,
    "xz": lzma.LZMAFile,

Suite = str
Component = str
PkgName = str
PkgVersion = str
DebianOrigin = str
DebianPageType = Iterator[Sources]

[docs] @dataclass class DebianListerState: """State of debian lister""" package_versions: Dict[PkgName, Set[PkgVersion]] = field(default_factory=dict) """Dictionary mapping a package name to all the versions found during last listing"""
[docs] class DebianLister(Lister[DebianListerState, DebianPageType]): """ List source packages for a given debian or derivative distribution. The lister will create a snapshot for each package name from all its available versions. If a package snapshot is different from the last listing operation, it will be send to the scheduler that will create a loading task to archive newly found source code. Args: scheduler: instance of SchedulerInterface distribution: identifier of listed distribution (e.g. Debian, Ubuntu) mirror_url: debian package archives mirror URL suites: list of distribution suites to process components: list of package components to process """ LISTER_NAME = "debian" MIRROR_URL = "" INSTANCE = "Debian" def __init__( self, scheduler: SchedulerInterface, url: str = MIRROR_URL, instance: str = INSTANCE, suites: List[Suite] = ["stretch", "buster", "bullseye"], components: List[Component] = ["main", "contrib", "non-free"], credentials: Optional[CredentialsType] = None, max_origins_per_page: Optional[int] = None, max_pages: Optional[int] = None, enable_origins: bool = True, ): super().__init__( scheduler=scheduler, url=url, instance=instance, credentials=credentials, max_origins_per_page=max_origins_per_page, max_pages=max_pages, enable_origins=enable_origins, ) # to ensure urljoin will produce valid Sources URL if not self.url.endswith("/"): self.url += "/" self.distribution = instance self.suites = suites self.components = components # will hold all listed origins info self.listed_origins: Dict[DebianOrigin, ListedOrigin] = {} # will contain the lister state after a call to run self.package_versions: Dict[PkgName, Set[PkgVersion]] = {}
[docs] def state_from_dict(self, d: Dict[str, Any]) -> DebianListerState: return DebianListerState(package_versions={k: set(v) for k, v in d.items()})
[docs] def state_to_dict(self, state: DebianListerState) -> Dict[str, Any]: return {k: list(v) for k, v in state.package_versions.items()}
[docs] def debian_index_urls( self, suite: Suite, component: Component ) -> Iterator[Tuple[str, str]]: """Return an iterator on possible Sources file URLs as multiple compression formats can be used.""" compression_exts = ("xz", "bz2", "gz") base_urls = [ urljoin(self.url, f"dists/{suite}/{component}/source/Sources"), urljoin(self.url, f"dists/{suite}/updates/{component}/source/Sources"), ] for base_url, ext in product(base_urls, compression_exts): yield (f"{base_url}.{ext}", ext) yield (base_url, "")
[docs] def page_request(self, suite: Suite, component: Component) -> DebianPageType: """Return parsed package Sources file for a given debian suite and component.""" for url, compression in self.debian_index_urls(suite, component): try: response = self.http_request(url, stream=True) except HTTPError: pass else: last_modified = response.headers.get("Last-Modified") self.last_sources_update = ( parsedate_to_datetime(last_modified) if last_modified else None ) decompressor = decompressors.get(compression) if decompressor: data = decompressor(response.raw).readlines() else: data = response.raw.readlines() break else: data = "" logger.debug("Could not retrieve sources index for %s/%s", suite, component) return Sources.iter_paragraphs(data)
[docs] def get_pages(self) -> Iterator[DebianPageType]: """Return an iterator on parsed debian package Sources files, one per combination of debian suite and component.""" for suite, component in product(self.suites, self.components): logger.debug( "Processing %s %s source packages info for %s component.", self.instance, suite, component, ) self.current_suite = suite self.current_component = component yield self.page_request(suite, component)
[docs] def origin_url_for_package(self, package_name: PkgName) -> DebianOrigin: """Return the origin url for the given package""" return f"deb://{self.instance}/packages/{package_name}"
[docs] def get_origins_from_page(self, page: DebianPageType) -> Iterator[ListedOrigin]: """Convert a page of debian package sources into an iterator of ListedOrigin. Please note that the returned origins correspond to packages only listed for the first time in order to get an accurate origins counter in the statistics returned by the run method of the lister. Packages already listed in another page but with different versions will be put in cache by the method and updated ListedOrigin objects will be sent to the scheduler later in the commit_page method. Indeed as multiple debian suites can be processed, a similar set of package names can be listed for two different package source pages, only their version will differ, resulting in origins counted multiple times in lister statistics. """ assert is not None origins_to_send = {} # iterate on each package source info for src_pkg in page: # gather package files info that will be used by the debian loader files: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]] = defaultdict(dict) for field_ in src_pkg._multivalued_fields: if field_.startswith("checksums-"): sum_name = field_[len("checksums-") :] else: sum_name = "md5sum" if field_ in src_pkg: for entry in src_pkg[field_]: name = entry["name"] files[name]["name"] = name files[name]["size"] = int(entry["size"], 10) files[name][sum_name] = entry[sum_name] files[name]["uri"] = os.path.join( self.url, src_pkg["Directory"], name ) # extract package name and version package_name = src_pkg["Package"] package_version = src_pkg["Version"] # build origin url origin_url = self.origin_url_for_package(package_name) # create package version key as expected by the debian loader package_version_key = ( f"{self.current_suite}/{self.current_component}/{package_version}" ) # this is the first time a package is listed if origin_url not in self.listed_origins: # create a ListedOrigin object for it that can be later # updated with new package versions info self.listed_origins[origin_url] = ListedOrigin(, url=origin_url, visit_type="deb", extra_loader_arguments={"packages": {}}, last_update=self.last_sources_update, ) # init set that will contain all listed package versions self.package_versions[package_name] = set() # origin will be yielded at the end of that method current_origin = origins_to_send[origin_url] = self.listed_origins[ origin_url ] # update package versions data in parameter that will be provided # to the debian loader current_origin.extra_loader_arguments["packages"].update( { package_version_key: { "name": package_name, "version": package_version, "files": files, } } ) if current_origin.last_update is None or ( self.last_sources_update is not None and self.last_sources_update > current_origin.last_update ): # update debian package last update if current processed sources index # has a greater modification date current_origin.last_update = self.last_sources_update # add package version key to the set of found versions self.package_versions[package_name].add(package_version_key) # package has already been listed during a previous listing process if package_name in self.state.package_versions: new_versions = ( self.package_versions[package_name] - self.state.package_versions[package_name] ) # no new versions so far, no need to send the origin to the scheduler if not new_versions: origins_to_send.pop(origin_url, None) logger.debug("Found %s new packages.", len(origins_to_send)) logger.debug( "Current total number of listed packages is equal to %s.", len(self.listed_origins), ) yield from origins_to_send.values()
[docs] def finalize(self): # set mapping between listed package names and versions as lister state self.state.package_versions = self.package_versions self.updated = len(self.listed_origins) > 0