Source code for swh.lister.dlang
# Copyright (C) 2023 The Software Heritage developers
# See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
# License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version
# See top-level LICENSE file for more information
Dlang lister
D is a general-purpose programming language with static typing, systems-level access,
and C-like syntax.
The `Dlang`_ lister list origins from its packages manager registry `DUB`_.
The registry provides an `http api endpoint`_ that helps in getting the packages index
with name, url, versions and dates.
As of July 2023 `DUB`_ list 2364 package names.
Origins retrieving strategy
To build a list of origins we make a GET request to an `http api endpoint`_ that returns
a JSON-formatted array of objects.
The origin url for each package is constructed with the information of corresponding
`repository` entry which represents Git based projects hosted on Github, GitLab or
Page listing
There is only one page listing all origins url.
Origins from page
The lister is stateless and yields all origins url from one page. It is a list of package
url with last update information.
Running tests
Activate the virtualenv and run from within swh-lister directory::
pytest -s -vv --log-cli-level=DEBUG swh/lister/dlang/tests
Testing with Docker
Change directory to swh/docker then launch the docker environment::
docker compose up -d
Then schedule a dlang listing task::
docker compose exec swh-scheduler swh scheduler task add -p oneshot list-dlang
You can follow lister execution by displaying logs of swh-lister service::
docker compose logs -f swh-lister
.. _Dlang:
.. _DUB:
.. _http api endpoint:
def register():
from .lister import DlangLister
return {
"lister": DlangLister,
"task_modules": ["%s.tasks" % __name__],