Source code for swh.lister.golang.lister

# Copyright (C) 2022-2023  The Software Heritage developers
# See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
# License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version
# See top-level LICENSE file for more information

from dataclasses import dataclass
from datetime import datetime
import json
import logging
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterator, List, Optional, Tuple

import iso8601

from swh.scheduler.interface import SchedulerInterface
from swh.scheduler.model import ListedOrigin

from ..pattern import CredentialsType, Lister

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] @dataclass class GolangStateType: last_seen: Optional[datetime] = None """Last timestamp of a package version we have saved. Used as a starting point for an incremental listing."""
GolangPageType = List[Dict[str, Any]]
[docs] class GolangLister(Lister[GolangStateType, GolangPageType]): """ List all Golang modules and send associated origins to scheduler. The lister queries the Golang module index, whose documentation can be found at """ GOLANG_MODULES_INDEX_URL = "" # `limit` seems to be... limited to 2000. GOLANG_MODULES_INDEX_LIMIT = 2000 LISTER_NAME = "golang" def __init__( self, scheduler: SchedulerInterface, url: str = GOLANG_MODULES_INDEX_URL, instance: str = LISTER_NAME, incremental: bool = False, credentials: CredentialsType = None, max_origins_per_page: Optional[int] = None, max_pages: Optional[int] = None, enable_origins: bool = True, ): super().__init__( scheduler=scheduler, url=url, instance=instance, credentials=credentials, max_origins_per_page=max_origins_per_page, max_pages=max_pages, enable_origins=enable_origins, ) self.session.headers.update({"Accept": "application/json"}) self.incremental = incremental
[docs] def state_from_dict(self, d: Dict[str, Any]) -> GolangStateType: as_string = d.get("last_seen") last_seen = iso8601.parse_date(as_string) if as_string is not None else None return GolangStateType(last_seen=last_seen)
[docs] def state_to_dict(self, state: GolangStateType) -> Dict[str, Any]: return { "last_seen": ( state.last_seen.isoformat() if state.last_seen is not None else None ) }
[docs] def finalize(self): if self.incremental and self.state.last_seen is not None: scheduler_state = self.get_state_from_scheduler() if ( scheduler_state.last_seen is None or self.state.last_seen > scheduler_state.last_seen ): self.updated = True
[docs] def api_request(self, url: str) -> List[str]: response = self.http_request(url) return response.text.split()
[docs] def get_single_page( self, since: Optional[datetime] = None ) -> Tuple[GolangPageType, Optional[datetime]]: """Return a page from the API and the timestamp of its last entry. Since all entries are sorted by chronological order, the timestamp is useful both for pagination and later for incremental runs.""" url = f"{self.url}?limit={self.GOLANG_MODULES_INDEX_LIMIT}" if since is not None: # The Golang index does not understand `+00:00` for some reason # and expects the "timezone zero" notation instead. This works # because all times are UTC. utc_offset = since.utcoffset() assert ( utc_offset is not None and utc_offset.total_seconds() == 0 ), "Non-UTC datetime" as_date = since.isoformat().replace("+00:00", "Z") url = f"{url}&since={as_date}" entries = self.api_request(url) page: GolangPageType = [] if not entries: return page, since for as_json in entries: entry = json.loads(as_json) timestamp = iso8601.parse_date(entry["Timestamp"]) # We've already parsed it and we'll need the datetime later, save it entry["Timestamp"] = timestamp page.append(entry) # The index is guaranteed to be sorted in chronological order since = timestamp return page, since
[docs] def get_pages(self) -> Iterator[GolangPageType]: since = None if self.incremental: since = self.state.last_seen page, since = self.get_single_page(since=since) if since == self.state.last_seen: # The index returns packages whose timestamp are greater or # equal to the date provided as parameter, which will create # an infinite loop if not stopped here. return if since is not None: self.state.last_seen = since while page: yield page page, since = self.get_single_page(since=since) if since == self.state.last_seen: return if since is not None: self.state.last_seen = since
[docs] def get_origins_from_page(self, page: GolangPageType) -> Iterator[ListedOrigin]: """ Iterate on all Golang projects and yield ListedOrigin instances. """ assert is not None for module in page: path = module["Path"] # The loader will be expected to use the golang proxy to do the # actual downloading. We're using `` so that the URL points # to somewhere useful for a human instead of an (incomplete) API path. origin_url = f"{path}" # Since the Go index lists versions and not just packages, there will # be duplicates. Fortunately, `ListedOrigins` are "upserted" server-side, # so only the last timestamp will be used, with no duplicates. # Performance should not be an issue as they are sent to the db in bulk. yield ListedOrigin(, url=origin_url, visit_type="golang", last_update=module["Timestamp"], )