Source code for swh.lister.save_bulk.lister

# Copyright (C) 2024  The Software Heritage developers
# See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
# License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version
# See top-level LICENSE file for more information

from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor, as_completed
from dataclasses import asdict, dataclass, field
from http import HTTPStatus
import logging
import socket
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterator, List, Optional, Set, Tuple, TypedDict, Union
from urllib.parse import quote, urlparse

from breezy.builtins import cmd_info
from dulwich.porcelain import ls_remote
from mercurial import hg, ui
from requests import ConnectionError, RequestException
from subvertpy import SubversionException, client
from subvertpy.ra import Auth, get_username_provider

from swh.lister.utils import is_tarball
from swh.scheduler.interface import SchedulerInterface
from swh.scheduler.model import ListedOrigin

from ..pattern import CredentialsType, Lister

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _log_invalid_origin_type_for_url(
    origin_url: str, origin_type: str, err_msg: Optional[str] = None
    msg = f"Origin URL {origin_url} does not target a {origin_type}."
    if err_msg:
        msg += f"\nError details: {err_msg}"

[docs] def is_valid_tarball_url(origin_url: str) -> Tuple[bool, Optional[str]]: """Checks if an URL targets a tarball using a set of heuritiscs. Args: origin_url: The URL to check Returns: a tuple whose first member indicates if the URL targets a tarball and second member holds an optional error message if check failed """ exc_str = None try: ret, _ = is_tarball([origin_url]) except Exception as e: ret = False exc_str = str(e) if not ret: _log_invalid_origin_type_for_url(origin_url, "tarball", exc_str) return ret, exc_str
[docs] def is_valid_git_url(origin_url: str) -> Tuple[bool, Optional[str]]: """Check if an URL targets a public git repository by attempting to list its remote refs. Args: origin_url: The URL to check Returns: a tuple whose first member indicates if the URL targets a public git repository and second member holds an error message if check failed """ try: ls_remote(origin_url) except Exception as e: exc_str = str(e) _log_invalid_origin_type_for_url(origin_url, "public git repository", exc_str) return False, exc_str else: return True, None
[docs] def is_valid_svn_url(origin_url: str) -> Tuple[bool, Optional[str]]: """Check if an URL targets a public subversion repository by attempting to get repository information. Args: origin_url: The URL to check Returns: a tuple whose first member indicates if the URL targets a public subversion repository and second member holds an error message if check failed """ svn_client = client.Client(auth=Auth([get_username_provider()])) try:, safe="/:!$&'()*+,=@").rstrip("/")) except SubversionException as e: exc_str = str(e) _log_invalid_origin_type_for_url( origin_url, "public subversion repository", exc_str ) return False, exc_str else: return True, None
[docs] def is_valid_hg_url(origin_url: str) -> Tuple[bool, Optional[str]]: """Check if an URL targets a public mercurial repository by attempting to connect to the remote repository. Args: origin_url: The URL to check Returns: a tuple whose first member indicates if the URL targets a public mercurial repository and second member holds an error message if check failed """ hgui = ui.ui() hgui.setconfig(b"ui", b"interactive", False) try: hg.peer(hgui, {}, origin_url.encode()) except Exception as e: exc_str = str(e) _log_invalid_origin_type_for_url( origin_url, "public mercurial repository", exc_str ) return False, exc_str else: return True, None
[docs] def is_valid_bzr_url(origin_url: str) -> Tuple[bool, Optional[str]]: """Check if an URL targets a public bazaar repository by attempting to get repository information. Args: origin_url: The URL to check Returns: a tuple whose first member indicates if the URL targets a public bazaar repository and second member holds an error message if check failed """ try: cmd_info().run_argv_aliases([origin_url]) except Exception as e: exc_str = str(e) _log_invalid_origin_type_for_url( origin_url, "public bazaar repository", exc_str ) return False, exc_str else: return True, None
[docs] def is_valid_cvs_url(origin_url: str) -> Tuple[bool, Optional[str]]: """Check if an URL matches one of the formats expected by the CVS loader of Software Heritage. Args: origin_url: The URL to check Returns: a tuple whose first member indicates if the URL matches one of the formats expected by the CVS loader and second member holds an error message if check failed. """ err_msg = None rsync_url_format = "rsync://<hostname>[.*/]<project_name>/<module_name>" pserver_url_format = ( "pserver://<usernmame>@<hostname>[.*/]<project_name>/<module_name>" ) err_msg_prefix = ( "The origin URL for the CVS repository is malformed, it should match" ) parsed_url = urlparse(origin_url) ret = ( parsed_url.scheme in ("rsync", "pserver") and len(parsed_url.path.strip("/").split("/")) >= 2 ) if parsed_url.scheme == "rsync": if not ret: err_msg = f"{err_msg_prefix} '{rsync_url_format}'" elif parsed_url.scheme == "pserver": ret = ret and parsed_url.username is not None if not ret: err_msg = f"{err_msg_prefix} '{pserver_url_format}'" else: err_msg = f"{err_msg_prefix} '{rsync_url_format}' or '{pserver_url_format}'" if not ret: _log_invalid_origin_type_for_url(origin_url, "CVS", err_msg) return ret, err_msg
CONNECTION_ERROR = "A connection error occurred when requesting origin URL." HTTP_ERROR = "An HTTP error occurred when requesting origin URL" HOSTNAME_ERROR = "The hostname could not be resolved." VISIT_TYPE_ERROR: Dict[str, str] = { "tarball-directory": "The origin URL does not target a tarball.", "git": "The origin URL does not target a public git repository.", "svn": "The origin URL does not target a public subversion repository.", "hg": "The origin URL does not target a public mercurial repository.", "bzr": "The origin URL does not target a public bazaar repository.", "cvs": "The origin URL does not target a public CVS repository.", }
[docs] class SubmittedOrigin(TypedDict): origin_url: str visit_type: str
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True) class RejectedOrigin: origin_url: str visit_type: str reason: str exception: Optional[str]
[docs] @dataclass class SaveBulkListerState: """Stored lister state""" rejected_origins: List[RejectedOrigin] = field(default_factory=list) """ List of origins rejected by the lister. """
SaveBulkListerPage = List[SubmittedOrigin]
[docs] class SaveBulkLister(Lister[SaveBulkListerState, SaveBulkListerPage]): """The save-bulk lister enables to verify a list of origins to archive provided by an HTTP endpoint. Its purpose is to avoid polluting the scheduler database with origins that cannot be loaded into the archive. Each origin is identified by an URL and a visit type. For a given visit type the lister is checking if the origin URL can be found and if the visit type is valid. The HTTP endpoint must return an origins list in a paginated way through the use of two integer query parameters: ``page`` indicates the page to fetch and `per_page` corresponds the number of origins in a page. The endpoint must return a JSON list in the following format: .. code-block:: JSON [ { "origin_url": "", "visit_type": "git" }, { "origin_url": "", "visit_type": "tarball-directory" } ] The supported visit types are those for VCS (``bzr``, ``cvs``, ``hg``, ``git`` and ``svn``) plus the one for loading a tarball content into the archive (``tarball-directory``). Accepted origins are inserted or upserted in the scheduler database. Rejected origins are stored in the lister state. """ LISTER_NAME = "save-bulk" def __init__( self, url: str, instance: str, scheduler: SchedulerInterface, credentials: Optional[CredentialsType] = None, max_origins_per_page: Optional[int] = None, max_pages: Optional[int] = None, enable_origins: bool = True, per_page: int = 1000, max_workers: int = 4, ): super().__init__( scheduler=scheduler, credentials=credentials, url=url, instance=instance, max_origins_per_page=max_origins_per_page, max_pages=max_pages, enable_origins=enable_origins, first_visits_queue_prefix="save_bulk", ) self.rejected_origins: Set[RejectedOrigin] = set() self.per_page = per_page self.executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=max_workers)
[docs] def state_from_dict(self, d: Dict[str, Any]) -> SaveBulkListerState: return SaveBulkListerState( rejected_origins=[ RejectedOrigin(**rej) for rej in d.get("rejected_origins", []) ] )
[docs] def state_to_dict(self, state: SaveBulkListerState) -> Dict[str, Any]: return {"rejected_origins": [asdict(rej) for rej in state.rejected_origins]}
[docs] def get_pages(self) -> Iterator[SaveBulkListerPage]: current_page = 1 origins = self.session.get( self.url, params={"page": current_page, "per_page": self.per_page} ).json() while origins: yield origins current_page += 1 origins = self.session.get( self.url, params={"page": current_page, "per_page": self.per_page} ).json()
[docs] def check_origin( self, origin_url: str, visit_type: str ) -> Union[ListedOrigin, RejectedOrigin]:"Checking origin URL %s for visit type %s.", origin_url, visit_type) assert rejection_details = None rejection_exception = None parsed_url = urlparse(origin_url) if rejection_details is None: if parsed_url.scheme in ("http", "https"): try: self.http_request(origin_url, method="HEAD", allow_redirects=True) except ConnectionError as e: "A connection error occurred when requesting %s.", origin_url, ) rejection_details = CONNECTION_ERROR rejection_exception = str(e) except RequestException as e: if e.response is not None: status = e.response.status_code status_str = f"{status} - {HTTPStatus(status).phrase}" "An HTTP error occurred when requesting %s: %s", origin_url, status_str, ) rejection_details = f"{HTTP_ERROR}: {status_str}" else: "An HTTP error occurred when requesting %s.", origin_url, ) rejection_details = f"{HTTP_ERROR}." rejection_exception = str(e) else: try: socket.getaddrinfo(parsed_url.netloc, port=None) except OSError as e: "Host name %s could not be resolved.", parsed_url.netloc ) rejection_details = HOSTNAME_ERROR rejection_exception = str(e) if rejection_details is None: visit_type_check_url = globals().get( f"is_valid_{visit_type.split('-', 1)[0]}_url" ) if visit_type_check_url: url_valid, rejection_exception = visit_type_check_url(origin_url) if not url_valid: rejection_details = VISIT_TYPE_ERROR[visit_type] else: rejection_details = ( f"Visit type {visit_type} is not supported " "for bulk on-demand archival." ) "Visit type %s for origin URL %s is not supported", visit_type, origin_url, ) if rejection_details is None: return ListedOrigin(, url=origin_url, visit_type=visit_type, extra_loader_arguments=( {"checksum_layout": "standard", "checksums": {}} if visit_type == "tarball-directory" else {} ), ) else: return RejectedOrigin( origin_url=origin_url, visit_type=visit_type, reason=rejection_details, exception=rejection_exception, )
[docs] def get_origins_from_page( self, origins: SaveBulkListerPage ) -> Iterator[ListedOrigin]: assert is not None for future in as_completed( self.executor.submit( self.check_origin, origin["origin_url"], origin["visit_type"] ) for origin in origins ): match origin := future.result(): case ListedOrigin(): yield origin case RejectedOrigin(): self.rejected_origins.add(origin) # update scheduler state after each processed page to get feedback # using Web API before end of listing self.state.rejected_origins = list(self.rejected_origins) self.updated = True self.set_state_in_scheduler()