Source code for swh.lister.sourceforge.lister

# Copyright (C) 2021-2024  The Software Heritage developers
# See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
# License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version
# See top-level LICENSE file for more information

from dataclasses import dataclass, field
import datetime
from enum import Enum
import logging
import re
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterator, List, Optional, Set, Tuple
from xml.etree import ElementTree

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import iso8601
import lxml
import requests

from swh.core.api.classes import stream_results
from swh.scheduler.interface import SchedulerInterface
from swh.scheduler.model import ListedOrigin

from ..pattern import CredentialsType, Lister

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class VcsNames(Enum): """Used to filter SourceForge tool names for valid VCS types""" # CVS projects are read-only CVS = "cvs" GIT = "git" SUBVERSION = "svn" MERCURIAL = "hg" BAZAAR = "bzr"
VCS_NAMES = set(v.value for v in VcsNames.__members__.values())
[docs] @dataclass class SourceForgeListerEntry: vcs: VcsNames url: str last_modified:
SubSitemapNameT = str ProjectNameT = str # SourceForge only offers day-level granularity, which is good enough for our purposes LastModifiedT =
[docs] @dataclass class SourceForgeListerState: """Current state of the SourceForge lister in incremental runs""" """If the subsitemap does not exist, we assume a full run of this subsitemap is needed. If the date is the same, we skip the subsitemap, otherwise we request the subsitemap and look up every project's "last modified" date to compare against `ListedOrigins` from the database.""" subsitemap_last_modified: Dict[SubSitemapNameT, LastModifiedT] = field( default_factory=dict ) """Some projects (not the majority, but still meaningful) have no VCS for us to archive. We need to remember a mapping of their API URL to their "last modified" date so we don't keep querying them needlessly every time.""" empty_projects: Dict[str, LastModifiedT] = field(default_factory=dict)
SourceForgeListerPage = List[SourceForgeListerEntry] MAIN_SITEMAP_URL = "" SITEMAP_XML_NAMESPACE = "{}" # API resource endpoint for information about the given project. # # `namespace`: Project namespace. Very often `p`, but can be something else like # `adobe` # `project`: Project name, e.g. `seedai`. Can be a subproject, e.g `backapps/website`. PROJECT_API_URL_FORMAT = "{namespace}/{project}" # Predictable URL for cloning (in the broad sense) a VCS registered for the project. # # Warning: does not apply to bzr repos, and Mercurial are http only, see use of this # constant below. # # `vcs`: VCS type, one of `VCS_NAMES` # `namespace`: Project namespace. Very often `p`, but can be something else like # `adobe`. # `project`: Project name, e.g. `seedai`. Can be a subproject, e.g `backapps/website`. # `mount_point`: url path used by the repo. For example, the Code::Blocks project uses # `git` ( CLONE_URL_FORMAT = "https://{vcs}{namespace}/{project}/{mount_point}" PROJ_URL_RE = re.compile( r"^<namespace>[^/]+)/(?P<project>[^/]+)/(?P<rest>.*)?" ) # Mapping of `(namespace, project name)` to `last modified` date. ProjectsLastModifiedCache = Dict[Tuple[str, str], LastModifiedT]
[docs] class SourceForgeLister(Lister[SourceForgeListerState, SourceForgeListerPage]): """List origins from the "SourceForge" forge.""" SOURCEFORGE_URL = "" # Part of the lister API, that identifies this lister LISTER_NAME = "sourceforge" INSTANCE = "main" def __init__( self, scheduler: SchedulerInterface, url: str = SOURCEFORGE_URL, instance: str = INSTANCE, incremental: bool = False, credentials: Optional[CredentialsType] = None, max_origins_per_page: Optional[int] = None, max_pages: Optional[int] = None, enable_origins: bool = True, ): super().__init__( scheduler=scheduler, url=url, instance=instance, credentials=credentials, max_origins_per_page=max_origins_per_page, max_pages=max_pages, enable_origins=enable_origins, ) # Will hold the currently saved "last modified" dates to compare against our # requests. self._project_last_modified: Optional[ProjectsLastModifiedCache] = None self.session.headers.update({"Accept": "application/json"}) self.incremental = incremental
[docs] def state_from_dict(self, d: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]) -> SourceForgeListerState: subsitemaps = { k: for k, v in d.get("subsitemap_last_modified", {}).items() } empty_projects = { k: for k, v in d.get("empty_projects", {}).items() } return SourceForgeListerState( subsitemap_last_modified=subsitemaps, empty_projects=empty_projects )
[docs] def state_to_dict(self, state: SourceForgeListerState) -> Dict[str, Any]: return { "subsitemap_last_modified": { k: v.isoformat() for k, v in state.subsitemap_last_modified.items() }, "empty_projects": { k: v.isoformat() for k, v in state.empty_projects.items() }, }
[docs] def projects_last_modified(self) -> ProjectsLastModifiedCache: if not self.incremental: # No point in loading the previous results if we're doing a full run return {} if self._project_last_modified is not None: return self._project_last_modified # We know there will be at least that many origins stream = stream_results( self.scheduler.get_listed_origins,, limit=300_000 ) listed_origins = dict() # Projects can have slashes in them if they're subprojects, but the # mointpoint (last component) cannot. url_match = re.compile( r".*\.code\.sf\.net/(?P<namespace>[^/]+)/(?P<project>.+)/.*" ) bzr_url_match = re.compile( r"http://(?P<project>[^/]+)[^/]+)" ) cvs_url_match = re.compile( r"rsync://<project>.+)/([^/]+)" ) for origin in stream: url = origin.url match = url_match.match(url) if match is None: # Could be a bzr or cvs special endpoint bzr_match = bzr_url_match.match(url) cvs_match = cvs_url_match.match(url) matches = None if bzr_match is not None: matches = bzr_match.groupdict() elif cvs_match is not None: matches = cvs_match.groupdict() assert matches project = matches["project"] namespace = "p" # no special namespacing for bzr and cvs projects else: matches = match.groupdict() namespace = matches["namespace"] project = matches["project"] # "Last modified" dates are the same across all VCS (tools, even) # within a project or subproject. An assertion here would be overkill. last_modified = origin.last_update assert last_modified is not None listed_origins[(namespace, project)] = self._project_last_modified = listed_origins return listed_origins
[docs] def get_pages(self) -> Iterator[SourceForgeListerPage]: """ SourceForge has a main XML sitemap that lists its sharded sitemaps for all projects. Each XML sub-sitemap lists project pages, which are not unique per project: a project can have a wiki, a home, a git, an svn, etc. For each unique project, we query an API endpoint that lists (among other things) the tools associated with said project, some of which are the VCS used. Subprojects are considered separate projects. Lastly we use the information of which VCS are used to build the predictable clone URL for any given VCS. """ sitemap_contents = self.http_request(MAIN_SITEMAP_URL).text tree = ElementTree.fromstring(sitemap_contents) for subsitemap in tree.iterfind(f"{SITEMAP_XML_NAMESPACE}sitemap"): last_modified_el = subsitemap.find(f"{SITEMAP_XML_NAMESPACE}lastmod") assert last_modified_el is not None and last_modified_el.text is not None last_modified = location = subsitemap.find(f"{SITEMAP_XML_NAMESPACE}loc") assert location is not None and location.text is not None sub_url = location.text if self.incremental: recorded_last_mod = self.state.subsitemap_last_modified.get(sub_url) if recorded_last_mod == last_modified: # The entire subsitemap hasn't changed, so none of its projects # have either, skip it. continue self.state.subsitemap_last_modified[sub_url] = last_modified subsitemap_contents = self.http_request(sub_url).text subtree = ElementTree.fromstring(subsitemap_contents) yield from self._get_pages_from_subsitemap(subtree)
[docs] def get_origins_from_page( self, page: SourceForgeListerPage ) -> Iterator[ListedOrigin]: assert is not None for hit in page: last_modified: str = str(hit.last_modified) last_update: datetime.datetime = iso8601.parse_date(last_modified) yield ListedOrigin(, visit_type=hit.vcs.value, url=hit.url, last_update=last_update, )
def _get_pages_from_subsitemap( self, subtree: ElementTree.Element ) -> Iterator[SourceForgeListerPage]: projects: Set[ProjectNameT] = set() for project_block in subtree.iterfind(f"{SITEMAP_XML_NAMESPACE}url"): last_modified_block = project_block.find(f"{SITEMAP_XML_NAMESPACE}lastmod") assert last_modified_block is not None last_modified = last_modified_block.text location = project_block.find(f"{SITEMAP_XML_NAMESPACE}loc") assert location is not None project_url = location.text assert project_url is not None match = PROJ_URL_RE.match(project_url) if match: matches = match.groupdict() namespace = matches["namespace"] if namespace == "projects": # These have a `p`-namespaced counterpart, use that instead continue project = matches["project"] rest = matches["rest"] if rest.count("/") > 1: # This is a subproject. There exists no sub-subprojects. subproject_name = rest.rsplit("/", 2)[0] project = f"{project}/{subproject_name}" prev_len = len(projects) projects.add(project) if prev_len == len(projects): # Already seen continue pages = self._get_pages_for_project(namespace, project, last_modified) if pages: yield pages else: logger.debug("Project '%s' does not have any VCS", project) else: # Should almost always match, let's log it # The only ones that don't match are mostly specialized one-off URLs. msg = "Project URL '%s' does not match expected pattern" logger.warning(msg, project_url) def _get_pages_for_project( self, namespace, project, last_modified ) -> SourceForgeListerPage: endpoint = PROJECT_API_URL_FORMAT.format(namespace=namespace, project=project) empty_project_last_modified = self.state.empty_projects.get(endpoint) if empty_project_last_modified is not None: if last_modified == empty_project_last_modified.isoformat(): # Project has not changed, so is still empty, meaning it has # no VCS attached that we can archive. logger.debug(f"Project {namespace}/{project} is still empty") return [] if self.incremental: expected = self.projects_last_modified().get((namespace, project)) if expected is not None: if expected.isoformat() == last_modified: # Project has not changed logger.debug(f"Project {namespace}/{project} has not changed") return [] else: logger.debug(f"Project {namespace}/{project} was updated") else: msg = "New project during an incremental run: %s/%s" logger.debug(msg, namespace, project) try: res = self.http_request(endpoint).json() except (requests.HTTPError, ConnectionError): # We've already logged in `http_request` return [] tools = res.get("tools") if tools is None: # This rarely happens, on very old URLs logger.warning("Project '%s' does not have any tools", endpoint) return [] hits = [] for tool in tools: tool_name = tool["name"] if tool_name not in VCS_NAMES: continue if tool_name == VcsNames.CVS.value: # CVS projects are different from other VCS ones, they use the rsync # protocol, a list of modules needs to be fetched from an info page # and multiple origin URLs can be produced for a same project. cvs_info_url = f"http://{project}" try: response = self.http_request(cvs_info_url) except (requests.HTTPError, ConnectionError): logger.warning( "CVS info page could not be fetched, skipping project '%s'", project, ) continue else: bs = BeautifulSoup(response.text, features="html.parser") cvs_base_url = "rsync://" for text in [b.text for b in"b")]: match =".*/cvsroot/{project} co -P (.+)", text) if match is not None: module = if module != "Attic": url = f"{cvs_base_url}/{project}/{module}" hits.append( SourceForgeListerEntry( vcs=VcsNames(tool_name), url=url, last_modified=last_modified, ) ) continue url = CLONE_URL_FORMAT.format( vcs=tool_name, namespace=namespace, project=project, mount_point=tool["mount_point"], ) if tool_name == VcsNames.MERCURIAL.value: # SourceForge does not yet support anonymous HTTPS cloning for Mercurial # See url = url.replace("https://", "http://") if tool_name == VcsNames.BAZAAR.value: # SourceForge has removed support for bzr and only keeps legacy projects # around at a separate (also not https) URL. Bzr projects are very rare # and a lot of them are 404 now. url = f"http://{project}{project}" try: response = self.http_request(url) if "To get this branch, use:" not in response.text: # If a bzr project has multiple branches, we need to extract their # names from the repository landing page and create one listed origin # per branch parser = lxml.etree.HTMLParser() tree = lxml.etree.fromstring(response.text, parser) # Get all tds with class 'autcell' tds = tree.xpath(".//td[contains(@class, 'autcell')]") for td in tds: branch = td.findtext("a") # If the td's parent contains <img alt="Branch"/> and # it has non-empty text: if td.xpath("..//img[@alt='Branch']") and branch: hits.append( SourceForgeListerEntry( vcs=VcsNames(tool_name), url=f"{url}/{branch}", last_modified=last_modified, ) ) continue except (requests.HTTPError, ConnectionError): logger.warning( "Bazaar repository page could not be fetched, skipping project '%s'", project, ) continue entry = SourceForgeListerEntry( vcs=VcsNames(tool_name), url=url, last_modified=last_modified ) hits.append(entry) if not hits: date = self.state.empty_projects[endpoint] = date else: self.state.empty_projects.pop(endpoint, None) return hits