Source code for swh.loader.core.utils

# Copyright (C) 2018 The Software Heritage developers
# See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
# License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version
# See top-level LICENSE file for more information

from datetime import datetime, timezone
import io
import os
from pathlib import Path
import shutil
import signal
import tempfile
import time
import traceback
from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Union

from billiard import Process, Queue  # type: ignore
from dateutil.parser import parse
import psutil

from swh.core.tarball import uncompress
from swh.loader.core.nar import Nar

[docs] def clean_dangling_folders(dirpath: str, pattern_check: str, log=None) -> None: """Clean up potential dangling temporary working folder rooted at `dirpath`. Those folders must match a dedicated pattern and not belonging to a live pid. Args: dirpath: Path to check for dangling files pattern_check: A dedicated pattern to check on first level directory (e.g `swh.loader.mercurial.`, `swh.loader.svn.`) log (Logger): Optional logger """ if not os.path.exists(dirpath): return for filename in os.listdir(dirpath): path_to_cleanup = os.path.join(dirpath, filename) try: # pattern: `swh.loader.{loader-type}-pid.{noise}` if ( pattern_check not in filename or "-" not in filename ): # silently ignore unknown patterns continue _, pid_ = filename.split("-") pid = int(pid_.split(".")[0]) if psutil.pid_exists(pid): if log: log.debug("PID %s is live, skipping", pid) continue # could be removed concurrently, so check before removal if os.path.exists(path_to_cleanup): shutil.rmtree(path_to_cleanup) except Exception as e: if log: log.warn("Fail to clean dangling path %s: %s", path_to_cleanup, e)
[docs] class CloneTimeout(Exception): pass
[docs] class CloneFailure(Exception): pass
def _clone_task(clone_func: Callable[[], None], errors: Queue) -> None: try: clone_func() except Exception as e: exc_buffer = io.StringIO() traceback.print_exc(file=exc_buffer) errors.put_nowait(exc_buffer.getvalue()) raise e
[docs] def clone_with_timeout( src: str, dest: str, clone_func: Callable[[], None], timeout: float ) -> None: """Clone a repository with timeout. Args: src: clone source dest: clone destination clone_func: callable that does the actual cloning timeout: timeout in seconds """ errors: Queue = Queue() process = Process(target=_clone_task, args=(clone_func, errors)) process.start() process.join(timeout) if process.is_alive(): process.terminate() # Give it literally a second (in successive steps of 0.1 second), # then kill it. # Can't use `process.join(1)` here, billiard appears to be bugged # killed = False for _ in range(10): time.sleep(0.1) if not process.is_alive(): break else: killed = True os.kill(, signal.SIGKILL) raise CloneTimeout(src, timeout, killed) if not errors.empty(): raise CloneFailure(src, dest, errors.get())
[docs] def parse_visit_date(visit_date: Optional[Union[datetime, str]]) -> Optional[datetime]: """Convert visit date from either None, a string or a datetime to either None or datetime. """ if visit_date is None: return None if isinstance(visit_date, datetime): return visit_date if visit_date == "now": return if isinstance(visit_date, str): return parse(visit_date) raise ValueError(f"invalid visit date {visit_date!r}")
[docs] def compute_nar_hashes( filepath: Path, hash_names: List[str] = ["sha256"], is_tarball=True, top_level=True, ) -> Dict[str, str]: """Compute nar checksums dict out of a filepath (tarball or plain file). If it's a tarball, this uncompresses the tarball in a temporary directory to compute the nar hashes (and then cleans it up). Args: filepath: The tarball (if is_tarball is True) or a filepath hash_names: The list of checksums to compute is_tarball: Whether filepath represents a tarball or not top_level: Whether we want to compute the top-level directory (of the tarball) hashes. This is only useful when used with 'is_tarball' at True. Returns: The dict of checksums values whose keys are present in hash_names. """ with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir: if is_tarball: directory_path = Path(tmpdir) directory_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) uncompress(str(filepath), dest=str(directory_path)) if top_level: # Default behavior, pass the extracted tarball path root directory path_on_disk = directory_path else: # Pass along the first directory of the tarball path_on_disk = next(iter(directory_path.iterdir())) else: path_on_disk = filepath nar = Nar(hash_names) nar.serialize(path_on_disk) hashes = nar.hexdigest() return hashes