Source code for swh.model.discovery

# Copyright (C) 2022 The Software Heritage developers
# See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
# License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version
# See top-level LICENSE file for more information

"""Primitives for finding unknown content efficiently."""

from __future__ import annotations

from collections import namedtuple
import itertools
import logging
import random
from typing import (

from typing_extensions import Protocol, runtime_checkable

from .from_disk import model
from .model import Sha1Git

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Maximum amount when sampling from the undecided set of directory entries

# Sets of sha1 of contents, skipped contents and directories respectively
Sample: NamedTuple = namedtuple(
    "Sample", ["contents", "skipped_contents", "directories"]

[docs] @runtime_checkable class ArchiveDiscoveryInterface(Protocol): """Interface used in discovery code to abstract over ways of connecting to the SWH archive (direct storage, web API, etc.) for all methods needed by discovery algorithms.""" contents: List[model.Content] skipped_contents: List[model.SkippedContent] directories: List[model.Directory] def __init__( self, contents: List[model.Content], skipped_contents: List[model.SkippedContent], directories: List[model.Directory], ) -> None: self.contents = contents self.skipped_contents = skipped_contents self.directories = directories
[docs] def content_missing(self, contents: List[Sha1Git]) -> Iterable[Sha1Git]: """List content missing from the archive by sha1"""
[docs] def skipped_content_missing( self, skipped_contents: List[Sha1Git] ) -> Iterable[Sha1Git]: """List skipped content missing from the archive by sha1"""
[docs] def directory_missing(self, directories: List[Sha1Git]) -> Iterable[Sha1Git]: """List directories missing from the archive by sha1"""
[docs] class BaseDiscoveryGraph: """Creates the base structures and methods needed for discovery algorithms. Subclasses should override ``get_sample`` to affect how the discovery is made. The `update_info_callback` is an optional argument that will get called for each new piece of information we get. The callback arguments are `(content, known)`. - content: the relevant model.Content object, - known: a boolean, True if the file is known to the archive False otherwise. """ def __init__( self, contents, skipped_contents, directories, update_info_callback: Optional[Callable[[Any, bool], None]] = None, ): self._all_contents: Mapping[ Sha1Git, Union[model.Content, model.SkippedContent] ] = {} self._undecided_directories: Set[Sha1Git] = set() self._children: Mapping[Sha1Git, Set[Sha1Git]] = {} self._parents: Mapping[model.DirectoryEntry, Set[Any]] = {} self.undecided: Set[Sha1Git] = set() for content in itertools.chain(contents, skipped_contents): self.undecided.add(content.sha1_git) self._all_contents[content.sha1_git] = content for directory in directories: self.undecided.add( self._undecided_directories.add( self._children[] = { for c in directory.entries} for child in directory.entries: self._parents.setdefault(, set()).add( self.undecided |= self._undecided_directories self.known: Set[Sha1Git] = set() self.unknown: Set[Sha1Git] = set() self._update_info_callback = update_info_callback self._sha1_to_obj = {} for content in itertools.chain(contents, skipped_contents): self._sha1_to_obj[content.sha1_git] = content for directory in directories: self._sha1_to_obj[] = directory
[docs] def mark_known(self, entries: Iterable[Sha1Git]): """Mark ``entries`` and those they imply as known in the SWH archive""" self._mark_entries(entries, self._children, self.known)
[docs] def mark_unknown(self, entries: Iterable[Sha1Git]): """Mark ``entries`` and those they imply as unknown in the SWH archive""" self._mark_entries(entries, self._parents, self.unknown)
def _mark_entries( self, entries: Iterable[Sha1Git], transitive_mapping: Mapping[Any, Any], target_set: Set[Any], ): """Use Merkle graph properties to mark a directory entry as known or unknown. If an entry is known, then all of its descendants are known. If it's unknown, then all of its ancestors are unknown. - ``entries``: directory entries to mark along with their ancestors/descendants where applicable. - ``transitive_mapping``: mapping from an entry to the next entries to mark in the hierarchy, if any. - ``target_set``: set where marked entries will be added. """ callback = self._update_info_callback to_process = set(entries) while to_process: current = to_process.pop() target_set.add(current) new = current in self.undecided self.undecided.discard(current) self._undecided_directories.discard(current) next_entries = transitive_mapping.get(current, set()) & self.undecided to_process.update(next_entries) if new and callback is not None: obj = self._sha1_to_obj[current] callback(obj, current in self.known)
[docs] def get_sample( self, ) -> Sample: """Return a three-tuple of samples from the undecided sets of contents, skipped contents and directories respectively. These samples will be queried against the storage which will tell us which are known.""" raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def do_query(self, archive: ArchiveDiscoveryInterface, sample: Sample) -> None: """Given a three-tuple of samples, ask the archive which are known or unknown and mark them as such.""" methods = ( archive.content_missing, archive.skipped_content_missing, archive.directory_missing, ) for sample_per_type, method in zip(sample, methods): if not sample_per_type: continue known = set(sample_per_type) unknown = set(method(list(sample_per_type))) known -= unknown self.mark_known(known) self.mark_unknown(unknown)
[docs] class RandomDirSamplingDiscoveryGraph(BaseDiscoveryGraph): """Use a random sampling using only directories. This allows us to find a statistically good spread of entries in the graph with a smaller population than using all types of entries. When there are no more directories, only contents or skipped contents are undecided if any are left: we send them directly to the storage since they should be few and their structure flat."""
[docs] def get_sample(self) -> Sample: if self._undecided_directories: if len(self._undecided_directories) <= SAMPLE_SIZE: return Sample( contents=set(), skipped_contents=set(), directories=set(self._undecided_directories), ) sample = random.sample(tuple(self._undecided_directories), SAMPLE_SIZE) directories = {o for o in sample} return Sample( contents=set(), skipped_contents=set(), directories=directories ) contents = set() skipped_contents = set() for sha1 in self.undecided: obj = self._all_contents[sha1] obj_type = obj.object_type if obj_type == model.Content.object_type: contents.add(sha1) elif obj_type == model.SkippedContent.object_type: skipped_contents.add(sha1) else: raise TypeError(f"Unexpected object type {obj_type}") return Sample( contents=contents, skipped_contents=skipped_contents, directories=set() )
[docs] def filter_known_objects( archive: ArchiveDiscoveryInterface, update_info_callback: Optional[Callable[[Any, bool], None]] = None, ): """Filter ``archive``'s ``contents``, ``skipped_contents`` and ``directories`` to only return those that are unknown to the SWH archive using a discovery algorithm. The `update_info_callback` is an optional argument that will get called for each new piece of information we get. The callback arguments are `(content, known)`. - content: the relevant model.Content object, - known: a boolean, True if the file is known to the archive False otherwise. """ contents = archive.contents skipped_contents = archive.skipped_contents directories = archive.directories contents_count = len(contents) skipped_contents_count = len(skipped_contents) directories_count = len(directories) graph = RandomDirSamplingDiscoveryGraph( contents, skipped_contents, directories, update_info_callback=update_info_callback, ) while graph.undecided: sample = graph.get_sample() graph.do_query(archive, sample) contents = [c for c in contents if c.sha1_git in graph.unknown] skipped_contents = [c for c in skipped_contents if c.sha1_git in graph.unknown] directories = [c for c in directories if in graph.unknown] logger.debug( "Filtered out %d contents, %d skipped contents and %d directories", contents_count - len(contents), skipped_contents_count - len(skipped_contents), directories_count - len(directories), ) return (contents, skipped_contents, directories)