Source code for swh.objstorage.backends.winery.objstorage

# Copyright (C) 2022-2024  The Software Heritage developers
# See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
# License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version
# See top-level LICENSE file for more information

import logging
from multiprocessing import Process
from typing import Callable, Optional, Tuple

from swh.objstorage.exc import ObjNotFoundError
from swh.objstorage.interface import ObjId
from swh.objstorage.objstorage import ObjStorage

from .roshard import (
from .rwshard import RWShard
from .sharedbase import ShardState, SharedBase
from .sleep import sleep_exponential
from .stats import Stats

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class WineryObjStorage(ObjStorage): PRIMARY_HASH = "sha256" def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) if kwargs.get("readonly"): self.winery = WineryReader(**kwargs) else: self.winery = WineryWriter(**kwargs)
[docs] def uninit(self): self.winery.uninit()
[docs] def get(self, obj_id: ObjId) -> bytes: return self.winery.get(self._hash(obj_id))
[docs] def check_config(self, *, check_write: bool) -> bool: return True
def __contains__(self, obj_id: ObjId) -> bool: return self._hash(obj_id) in self.winery
[docs] def add(self, content: bytes, obj_id: ObjId, check_presence: bool = True) -> None: self.winery.add(content, self._hash(obj_id), check_presence)
[docs] def delete(self, obj_id: ObjId): if not self.allow_delete: raise PermissionError("Delete is not allowed.") return self.winery.delete(obj_id)
def _hash(self, obj_id: ObjId) -> bytes: if isinstance(obj_id, dict): return obj_id[self.PRIMARY_HASH] else: return obj_id
[docs] class WineryBase: def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.args = kwargs self.init()
[docs] def init(self): self.base = SharedBase(**self.args)
[docs] def uninit(self): self.base.uninit()
def __contains__(self, obj_id): return self.base.contains(obj_id)
[docs] class WineryReader(WineryBase): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.ro_shards = {} self.rw_shards = {}
[docs] def roshard(self, name) -> Optional[ROShard]: if name not in self.ro_shards: try: shard = ROShard(name, **self.args) except ShardNotMapped: return None self.ro_shards[name] = shard if name in self.rw_shards: self.rw_shards[name].uninit() del self.rw_shards[name] return self.ro_shards[name]
[docs] def rwshard(self, name) -> RWShard: if name not in self.rw_shards: shard = RWShard(name, **self.args) self.rw_shards[name] = shard return self.rw_shards[name]
[docs] def get(self, obj_id: ObjId) -> bytes: shard_info = self.base.get(obj_id) if shard_info is None: raise ObjNotFoundError(obj_id) name, state = shard_info content: Optional[bytes] = None if state.image_available: roshard = self.roshard(name) if roshard: content = roshard.get(obj_id) if content is None: rwshard = self.rwshard(name) content = rwshard.get(obj_id) if content is None: raise ObjNotFoundError(obj_id) return content
[docs] def uninit(self): for shard in self.rw_shards.values(): shard.uninit() self.rw_shards = {} for shard in self.ro_shards.values(): shard.close() self.ro_shards = {} super().uninit()
[docs] def pack(shard, shared_base=None, clean_immediately=False, **kwargs): stats = Stats(kwargs.get("output_dir")) rw = RWShard(shard, **kwargs) count = rw.count()"Creating RO shard %s for %s objects", shard, count) with ROShardCreator(shard, count, **kwargs) as ro:"Created RO shard %s", shard) for i, (obj_id, content) in enumerate(rw.all()): ro.add(content, obj_id) if stats.stats_active: stats.stats_read(obj_id, content) stats.stats_write(obj_id, content) if i % 100 == 99: logger.debug("RO shard %s: added %s/%s objects", shard, i + 1, count) logger.debug("RO shard %s: added %s objects, saving", shard, count) logger.debug("RO shard %s: saved", shard) uninit_base = False if not shared_base: shared_base = SharedBase(**kwargs) uninit_base = True shared_base.shard_packing_ends(shard) rw.uninit() if clean_immediately: cleanup_rw_shard(shard, shared_base=shared_base, **kwargs) if uninit_base: shared_base.uninit() return True
[docs] def cleanup_rw_shard(shard, shared_base=None, **kwargs): rw = RWShard(shard, **{"shard_max_size": 0, **kwargs}) uninit_base = False try: if not shared_base: shared_base = SharedBase(**kwargs) uninit_base = True rw.drop() shared_base.set_shard_state(name=shard, new_state=ShardState.READONLY) finally: if shared_base and uninit_base: shared_base.uninit() return True
[docs] class WineryWriter(WineryReader): def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.pack_immediately = kwargs.get("pack_immediately", True) self.clean_immediately = kwargs.get("clean_immediately", True) super().__init__(**kwargs) self.shards_filled = [] self.packers = []
[docs] def init(self): super().init() self.shard = RWShard(self.base.locked_shard, **self.args) logger.debug("WineryBase: RWShard %s instantiated", self.base.locked_shard)
[docs] def uninit(self): self.shard.uninit() super().uninit()
[docs] def add(self, content: bytes, obj_id: ObjId, check_presence: bool = True) -> None: if check_presence and obj_id in self: return shard = self.base.add_phase_1(obj_id) if shard != self.base.locked_shard_id: # this object is the responsibility of another shard return self.shard.add(obj_id, content) self.base.add_phase_2(obj_id) if self.shard.is_full(): self.base.set_shard_state(new_state=ShardState.FULL) self.shards_filled.append( if self.pack_immediately: self.pack() else: # Switch shards self.uninit() self.init()
[docs] def delete(self, obj_id: ObjId): shard_info = self.base.get(obj_id) if shard_info is None: raise ObjNotFoundError(obj_id) name, state = shard_info # We only care about RWShard for now. ROShards will be # taken care in a batch job. if not state.image_available: rwshard = self.rwshard(name) try: rwshard.delete(obj_id) except KeyError: logger.warning( "Shard %s does not seem to know about object %s, but we " "had an entry in SharedBase (which is going to " "be removed just now)",, obj_id, ) self.base.delete(obj_id)
[docs] def check(self, obj_id: ObjId) -> None: # load all shards packing == True and not locked (i.e. packer # was interrupted for whatever reason) run pack for each of them pass
[docs] def pack(self): self.base.shard_packing_starts( p = Process( target=pack, kwargs={ "shard":, "clean_immediately": self.clean_immediately, **self.args, }, ) self.uninit() p.start() self.packers.append(p) self.init()
def __del__(self): for p in self.packers: p.kill() p.join()
[docs] def never_stop(_: int) -> bool: return False
[docs] def stop_after_shards(max_shards_packed: int) -> Callable[[int], bool]: def stop(shards_packed: int): return shards_packed >= max_shards_packed return stop
[docs] def shard_packer( base_dsn: str, shard_dsn: str, shard_max_size: int, throttle_read: int, throttle_write: int, application_name: Optional[str] = None, rbd_pool_name: str = "shards", rbd_data_pool_name: Optional[str] = None, rbd_image_features_unsupported: Tuple[ str, ... ] = DEFAULT_IMAGE_FEATURES_UNSUPPORTED, rbd_use_sudo: bool = True, rbd_create_images: bool = True, rbd_wait_for_image: Callable[[int], None] = sleep_exponential( min_duration=5, factor=2, max_duration=60, message="Waiting for RBD image mapping", ), output_dir: Optional[str] = None, stop_packing: Callable[[int], bool] = never_stop, wait_for_shard: Callable[[int], None] = sleep_exponential( min_duration=5, factor=2, max_duration=60, message="No shards to pack", ), ) -> int: """Pack shards until the `stop_packing` function returns True. When no shards are available for packing, call the `wait_for_shard` function. Arguments: base_dsn: PostgreSQL dsn for the shared database shard_dsn: PostgreSQL dsn for the individual shard databases shard_max_size: Max size of a shard (used to size new shards) throttle_read: reads per second throttle_write: writes per second application_name: the application name sent to PostgreSQL rbd_create_images: create images directly (or wait for RBD mapper) rbd_wait_for_image: sleep function called to wait for an image (when `rbd_create_images`=`False`) rbd_*: passed directly to :class:`roshard.Pool` output_dir: output directory for statistics stop_packing: callback to determine whether the packer should exit wait_for_shard: sleep function called when no shards are available to be packed """ application_name = application_name or "Winery Shard Packer" base = SharedBase(base_dsn=base_dsn, application_name=application_name) shards_packed = 0 waited_for_shards = 0 while not stop_packing(shards_packed): shard_to_pack = base.lock_one_shard( current_state=ShardState.FULL, new_state=ShardState.PACKING ) if not shard_to_pack: wait_for_shard(waited_for_shards) waited_for_shards += 1 continue waited_for_shards = 0 name, _ = shard_to_pack"shard_packer: Locked shard %s to pack", name) ret = pack( name, base_dsn=base_dsn, shard_dsn=shard_dsn, shard_max_size=shard_max_size, output_dir=output_dir, shared_base=base, throttle_read=throttle_read, throttle_write=throttle_write, application_name=application_name, rbd_use_sudo=rbd_use_sudo, rbd_create_images=rbd_create_images, rbd_wait_for_image=rbd_wait_for_image, rbd_pool_name=rbd_pool_name, rbd_data_pool_name=rbd_data_pool_name, rbd_image_features_unsupported=rbd_image_features_unsupported, ) if not ret: raise ValueError("Packing shard %s failed" % name) shards_packed += 1 return shards_packed
[docs] def rw_shard_cleaner( base_dsn: str, shard_dsn: str, min_mapped_hosts: int, application_name: Optional[str] = None, stop_cleaning: Callable[[int], bool] = never_stop, wait_for_shard: Callable[[int], None] = sleep_exponential( min_duration=5, factor=2, max_duration=60, message="No shards to clean up", ), ) -> int: """Clean up RW shards until the `stop_cleaning` function returns True. When no shards are available for packing, call the `wait_for_shard` function. Arguments: base_dsn: PostgreSQL dsn for the shared database shard_dsn: PostgreSQL dsn for the individual shard databases min_mapped_hosts: how many hosts should have mapped the image read-only before cleaning it application_name: the application name sent to PostgreSQL stop_cleaning: callback to determine whether the cleaner should exit wait_for_shard: sleep function called when no shards are available to be cleaned """ application_name = application_name or "Winery RW shard cleaner" base = SharedBase(base_dsn=base_dsn, application_name=application_name) shards_cleaned = 0 waited_for_shards = 0 while not stop_cleaning(shards_cleaned): shard_to_clean = base.lock_one_shard( current_state=ShardState.PACKED, new_state=ShardState.CLEANING, min_mapped_hosts=min_mapped_hosts, ) if not shard_to_clean: wait_for_shard(waited_for_shards) waited_for_shards += 1 continue waited_for_shards = 0 name, _ = shard_to_clean"rw_shard_cleaner: Locked shard %s to clean", name) ret = cleanup_rw_shard( name, base_dsn=base_dsn, shard_dsn=shard_dsn, shared_base=base, application_name=application_name, ) if not ret: raise ValueError("Cleaning shard %s failed" % name) shards_cleaned += 1 return shards_cleaned
[docs] def deleted_objects_cleaner( base: SharedBase, pool: Pool, stop_running: Callable[[], bool], ): """Clean up deleted objects from RO shards and the shared database. This requires the ability to map RBD images in read-write mode. Images will be left mapped by this process as it is meant to be executed in a transient host dedicated to this purpose. Arguments: base_dsn: PostgreSQL dsn for the shared database pool: Ceph RBD pool for Winery shards stop_running: callback that returns True when the manager should stop running """ count = 0 for obj_id, shard_name, shard_state in base.deleted_objects(): if stop_running(): break if shard_state.readonly: ROShard.delete(pool, shard_name, obj_id) base.clean_deleted_object(obj_id) count += 1"Cleaned %d deleted objects", count)