Source code for swh.objstorage.backends.winery.roshard

# Copyright (C) 2021-2024  The Software Heritage developers
# See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
# License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version
# See top-level LICENSE file for more information

from collections import Counter
import logging
import math
import os
import socket
import subprocess
import time
from types import TracebackType
from typing import Callable, Dict, Iterable, Optional, Tuple, Type

from systemd.daemon import notify
from typing_extensions import Literal

from swh.perfecthash import Shard, ShardCreator

from .sharedbase import SharedBase
from .sleep import sleep_exponential
from .throttler import Throttler

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# This would be used for image features that are not supported by the kernel RBD
# driver, e.g. exclusive-lock, object-map and fast-diff for kernels < 5.3

[docs] class ShardNotMapped(Exception): pass
[docs] class Pool(object): """Manage a Ceph RBD pool for Winery shards. Arguments: shard_max_size: max size of shard contents rbd_use_sudo: whether to use sudo for rbd commands rbd_pool_name: name of the pool used for RBD images (metadata) rbd_data_pool_name: name of the pool used for RBD images (data) rbd_image_features_unsupported: features not supported by the kernel mounting the rbd images """ def __init__( self, shard_max_size: int, rbd_use_sudo: bool = True, rbd_pool_name: str = "shards", rbd_data_pool_name: Optional[str] = None, rbd_image_features_unsupported: Tuple[ str, ... ] = DEFAULT_IMAGE_FEATURES_UNSUPPORTED, ) -> None: self.use_sudo = rbd_use_sudo self.pool_name = rbd_pool_name self.data_pool_name = rbd_data_pool_name or f"{self.pool_name}-data" self.features_unsupported = rbd_image_features_unsupported self.image_size = math.ceil((shard_max_size * 2) / (1024 * 1024)) POOL_CONFIG: Tuple[str, ...] = ( "shard_max_size", "rbd_use_sudo", "rbd_pool_name", "rbd_data_pool_name", "rbd_image_features_unsupported", )
[docs] @classmethod def from_kwargs(cls, **kwargs) -> "Pool": """Create a Pool from a set of arbitrary keyword arguments""" return cls(**{k: kwargs[k] for k in cls.POOL_CONFIG if k in kwargs})
[docs] def run(self, *cmd: str) -> Iterable[str]: """Run the given command, and return its output as lines. Return: the standard output of the run command Raises: CalledProcessError if the command doesn't exit with exit code 0. """ sudo = ("sudo",) if self.use_sudo else () cmd = sudo + cmd logger.debug(" ".join(repr(item) if " " in item else item for item in cmd)) result = subprocess.check_output(cmd, encoding="utf-8", stderr=subprocess.PIPE) return result.splitlines()
[docs] def rbd(self, *arguments: str) -> Iterable[str]: """Run rbd with the given arguments""" return"rbd", f"--pool={self.pool_name}", *arguments)
[docs] def image_exists(self, image: str): try: self.rbd("info", image) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: return False else: return True
[docs] def image_mapped(self, image: str) -> Optional[Literal["ro", "rw"]]: """Check whether the image is already mapped, read-only or read-write""" try: image_stat = os.stat(self.image_path(image)) except FileNotFoundError: return None return "rw" if (image_stat.st_mode & 0o222) != 0 else "ro"
[docs] def image_list(self): try: images = self.rbd("ls") except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc: if exc.returncode == 2 and "No such file or directory" in exc.stderr: return [] else: raise return [image.strip() for image in images]
[docs] def image_path(self, image: str) -> str: return f"/dev/rbd/{self.pool_name}/{image}"
[docs] def image_create(self, image: str): self.rbd( "create", f"--size={self.image_size}", f"--data-pool={self.data_pool_name}", image, ) if self.features_unsupported: self.rbd( "feature", "disable", f"{self.pool_name}/{image}", *self.features_unsupported, ) self.image_map(image, "rw")
[docs] def image_map(self, image: str, options: str): self.rbd("device", "map", "-o", options, image)
[docs] def image_remap_ro(self, image: str): self.image_unmap(image) self.image_map(image, "ro")
[docs] def image_unmap(self, image: str): if os.path.exists(self.image_path(image)): try: self.rbd("device", "unmap", self.image_path(image)) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc: if exc.returncode == 22 and "Invalid argument" in exc.stderr: logger.warning( "Image %s already unmapped? stderr: %s", image, exc.stderr ) else: raise
[docs] def manage_images( self, base_dsn: str, manage_rw_images: bool, wait_for_image: Callable[[int], None], stop_running: Callable[[], bool], application_name: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: """Manage RBD image creation and mapping automatically. Arguments: base_dsn: the DSN of the connection to the SharedBase manage_rw_images: whether RW images should be created and mapped wait_for_image: function which is called at each loop iteration, with an attempt number, if no images had to be mapped recently stop_running: callback that returns True when the manager should stop running application_name: the application name sent to PostgreSQL """ application_name = application_name or "Winery RBD image manager" base = SharedBase(base_dsn=base_dsn, application_name=application_name) mapped_images: Dict[str, Literal["ro", "rw"]] = {} attempt = 0 notified_systemd = False while not stop_running(): did_something = False logger.debug("Listing shards") start = time.monotonic() shards = list(base.list_shards()) if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logger.debug( "Listed %d shards in %.02f seconds", len(shards), time.monotonic() - start, ) logger.debug("Mapped images: %s", Counter(mapped_images.values())) notify( f"STATUS=" "Enumerated {len(shards)} shards, " f"mapped {len(mapped_images)} images" ) for shard_name, shard_state in shards: mapped_state = mapped_images.get(shard_name) if mapped_state == "ro": continue elif shard_state.image_available: check_mapped = self.image_mapped(shard_name) if check_mapped == "ro": logger.debug( "Detected %s shard %s, already mapped read-only",, shard_name, ) elif check_mapped == "rw": "Detected %s shard %s, remapping read-only",, shard_name, ) self.image_remap_ro(shard_name) attempt = 0 while self.image_mapped(shard_name) != "ro": attempt += 1 time.sleep(0.1) if attempt % 100 == 0: logger.warning( "Waiting for %s shard %s to be remapped " "read-only (for %ds)",, shard_name, attempt / 10, ) base.record_shard_mapped( name=shard_name, host=socket.gethostname() ) did_something = True else: logger.debug( "Detected %s shard %s, mapping read-only",, shard_name, ) self.image_map(shard_name, options="ro") base.record_shard_mapped( name=shard_name, host=socket.gethostname() ) did_something = True mapped_images[shard_name] = "ro" elif manage_rw_images: if os.path.exists(self.image_path(shard_name)): # Image already mapped, nothing to do pass elif not self.image_exists(shard_name): "Detected %s shard %s, creating RBD image",, shard_name, ) self.image_create(shard_name) did_something = True else: logger.warn( "Detected %s shard %s and RBD image exists, mapping read-write",, shard_name, ) self.image_map(shard_name, "rw") did_something = True # Now the shard is mapped mapped_images[shard_name] = "rw" else: logger.debug("%s shard %s, skipping",, shard_name) if not notified_systemd: # The first iteration has happened, all known shards should be ready notify("READY=1") notified_systemd = True if did_something: attempt = 0 else: # Sleep using the current value wait_for_image(attempt) attempt += 1
[docs] class ROShard: def __init__(self, name, **kwargs): self.pool = Pool.from_kwargs(**kwargs) image_status = self.pool.image_mapped(name) if image_status != "ro": raise ShardNotMapped( f"RBD image for {name} isn't mapped{' read-only' if image_status=='rw' else ''}" ) self.throttler = Throttler(**kwargs) = name self.path = self.pool.image_path( self.shard = None logger.debug("ROShard %s: loaded",
[docs] def open(self): try: self.shard = Shard(self.path) except FileNotFoundError: raise ShardNotMapped(f"RBD image for {} not found at {self.path}")
[docs] def get(self, key): if not self.shard: return self.throttler.throttle_get(self.shard.lookup, key)
[docs] def close(self): if self.shard: self.shard.close() self.shard = None
def __del__(self): self.close() self.throttler.uninit() super().__del__()
[docs] @staticmethod def delete(pool, shard_name, obj_id): image_status = pool.image_mapped(shard_name) if image_status == "ro": raise PermissionError( f"Cannot delete object from {shard_name}, mapped read-only" ) if not image_status: pool.image_map(shard_name, options="rw") Shard.delete(pool.image_path(shard_name), obj_id)
[docs] class ROShardCreator: """Helper for Read-Only shard creation. Arguments: name: Name of the shard to be initialized count: Number of objects to provision in the shard rbd_create_images: whether the ROShardCreator should create the rbd image, or delegate to the rbd_shard_manager rbd_wait_for_image: function called when waiting for a shard to be mapped shard_max_size: the size of the shard, passed to :class:`Pool` rbd_*: other RBD-related :class:`Pool` arguments throttle_*: :class:`Throttler` arguments """ def __init__( self, name: str, count: int, rbd_create_images: bool = True, rbd_wait_for_image: Callable[[int], None] = sleep_exponential( min_duration=5, factor=2, max_duration=60, message="Waiting for RBD image mapping", ), **kwargs, ): self.pool = Pool.from_kwargs(**kwargs) self.throttler = Throttler(**kwargs) = name self.count = count self.path = self.pool.image_path( self.rbd_create_images = rbd_create_images self.rbd_wait_for_image = rbd_wait_for_image def __enter__(self) -> "ROShardCreator": if self.rbd_create_images: self.pool.image_create( else: attempt = 0 while not os.path.exists(self.path): self.rbd_wait_for_image(attempt) attempt += 1 self.shard = ShardCreator(self.path, self.count) logger.debug("ROShard %s: created", self.shard.__enter__() return self def __exit__( self, exc_type: Optional[Type[BaseException]], exc_val: Optional[BaseException], exc_tb: Optional[TracebackType], ) -> None: self.shard.__exit__(exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb) if self.rbd_create_images and not exc_type: self.pool.image_remap_ro( if not exc_type: self.throttler.uninit()
[docs] def add(self, content, obj_id): return self.throttler.throttle_add(self.shard.write, obj_id, content)