Source code for swh.provenance.grpc_server
# Copyright (C) 2021-2024 The Software Heritage developers
# See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
# License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version
# See top-level LICENSE file for more information
import logging
import os
from pathlib import Path
import shlex
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import aiohttp.test_utils
import aiohttp.web
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class ExecutableNotFound(EnvironmentError):
def default_rust_executable_dir(config):
debug_mode = config.get("debug", "pytest" in sys.modules)
# look for a target/ directory in the sources root directory
profile = "debug" if debug_mode else "release"
# in editable installs, __file__ is a symlink to the original file in
# the source directory, which is where in the end the rust sources and
# executable are. So resolve the symlink before looking for the target/
# directory relative to the actual python file.
path = Path(__file__).resolve()
path = path.parent.parent.parent / "target" / profile
return path
def build_rust_grpc_server_cmdline(**config):
logger.debug("Checking configuration and populating default values")
port = config.pop("port", None)
if port is None:
port = aiohttp.test_utils.unused_port()
logger.debug("Port not configured, using random port %s", port)
rust_executable_dir = config.get(
) or default_rust_executable_dir(config)
grpc_path = str(rust_executable_dir) + "/swh-provenance-grpc-serve"
if not os.path.isfile(grpc_path):
grpc_path = shutil.which("swh-provenance-grpc-serve")
if not grpc_path or not os.path.isfile(grpc_path):
raise ExecutableNotFound("swh-provenance-grpc-serve executable not found")
cmd = [str(grpc_path)]
logger.debug("Configuration: %r", config)
cmd.extend(["--bind", f"[::]:{port}"])
cmd.extend(["--database", str(config["db"])])
cmd.extend(["--graph", str(config["graph"])])
if "indexes" in config:
cmd.extend(["--indexes", str(config["indexes"])])
if config.get("graph_format"):
cmd.extend(["--graph-format", config["graph_format"]])
print(f"Started GRPC using dataset from {grpc_path}")
return cmd, port
def spawn_rust_grpc_server(**config):
cmd, port = build_rust_grpc_server_cmdline(**config)
# XXX: shlex.join() is in 3.8
#"Starting gRPC server: %s", shlex.join(cmd))"Starting gRPC server: %s", " ".join(shlex.quote(x) for x in cmd))
env = dict(os.environ)
if config.get("debug", False):
"RUST_LOG", "debug,h2=info,tonic=info"
) # h2 and tonic are very verbose at DEBUG level
if "statsd_host" in config:
env["STATSD_HOST"] = config["statsd_host"]
if "statsd_port" in config:
env["STATSD_PORT"] = str(config["statsd_port"])
server = subprocess.Popen(cmd, env=env)
return server, port
def stop_grpc_server(server: subprocess.Popen, timeout: int = 15):
except subprocess.TimeoutExpired:
logger.warning("Server did not terminate, sending kill signal...")