Source code for swh.scanner.client

# Copyright (C) 2021 The Software Heritage developers
# See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
# License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version
# See top-level LICENSE file for more information

Minimal async web client for the Software Heritage Web API.

This module could be removed when
`T2635 <>` is implemented.

import asyncio
import itertools
import logging
import time
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple

import aiohttp

from swh.model.swhids import CoreSWHID

from .exceptions import error_response

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Maximum number of SWHIDs that can be requested by a single call to the
# Web API endpoint /known/

KNOWN_EP = "known/"
GRAPH_RANDOMWALK_EP = "graph/randomwalk/"

def _get_chunk(swhids):
    """slice a list of `swhids` into smaller list of size QUERY_LIMIT"""
    for i in range(0, len(swhids), QUERY_LIMIT):
        yield swhids[i : i + QUERY_LIMIT]

def _parse_limit_header(response) -> Tuple[Optional[int], Optional[int], Optional[int]]:
    """parse the X-RateLimit Headers if any"""
    limit = response.headers.get("X-RateLimit-Limit")
    if limit is not None:
        limit = int(limit)
    remaining = response.headers.get("X-RateLimit-Remaining")
    if remaining is not None:
        remaining = int(remaining)
    reset = response.headers.get("X-RateLimit-Reset")
    if reset is not None:
        reset = int(reset)
    return (limit, remaining, reset)

[docs] class Client: """Manage requests to the Software Heritage Web API.""" def __init__( self, api_url: str, session: aiohttp.ClientSession, ): self._sleep = 0 self.api_url = api_url self.session = session self._known_endpoint = self.api_url + KNOWN_EP
[docs] async def get_origin(self, swhid: CoreSWHID) -> Optional[Any]: """Walk the compressed graph to discover the origin of a given swhid""" endpoint = ( f"{self.api_url}{GRAPH_RANDOMWALK_EP}{str(swhid)}/ori/?direction=" f"backward&limit=-1&resolve_origins=true" ) res = None async with self.session.get(endpoint) as resp: if resp.status == 200: res = await resp.text() res = res.rstrip() return res if resp.status != 404: error_response(resp.reason, resp.status, endpoint) return res
[docs] async def known(self, swhids: List[CoreSWHID]) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, bool]]: """API Request to get information about the SoftWare Heritage persistent IDentifiers (SWHIDs) given in input. Args: swhids: a list of CoreSWHID instances api_url: url for the API request Returns: A dictionary with: key: string SWHID searched value: value['known'] = True if the SWHID is found value['known'] = False if the SWHID is not found """ requests = [] swh_ids = [str(swhid) for swhid in swhids] if len(swhids) <= QUERY_LIMIT: return await self._make_request(swh_ids) else: for swhids_chunk in _get_chunk(swh_ids): task = asyncio.create_task(self._make_request(swhids_chunk)) requests.append(task) res = await asyncio.gather(*requests) # concatenate list of dictionaries return dict(itertools.chain.from_iterable(e.items() for e in res))
def _mark_success(self, limit=None, remaining=None, reset=None): """call when a request is successfully made, this will adjust the rate The extra argument can be used to transmit the X-RateLimit information from the server. This will be used to adjust the request rate""" is_dbg = logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG) self._sleep = 0 factor = 0 current = time.time() if is_dbg: dbg_msg = f"HTTP GOOD {current:.2f}:" if limit is None or remaining is None or reset is None: if is_dbg: dbg_msg += " no rate limit data;" else: time_windows = reset - current if is_dbg: dbg_msg += f" requests={remaining}/{limit}" dbg_msg += f" reset-in={time_windows:.2f}" if time_windows > 0: used_up = remaining / limit if remaining <= 0: # no more credit, we can sit up and wait. # # XXX we should warn the user. This can get very long. self._sleep = time_windows factor = -1 elif 0.6 < used_up: # let us not limit the first flight of request. factor = 0 else: # the deeper we consume the credit the higher is the rate # limiting, let's put a brake on our current rate the lower we get # # (The factor range from 1 to 1000) factor = (0.4 + used_up) ** -1.5 if factor >= 0: self._sleep = ((time_windows / remaining)) * factor if is_dbg: dbg_msg += f"; sleep={self._sleep:.3f}" logger.debug(dbg_msg) def _mark_failure(self, limit=None, remaining=None, reset=None): """call when a request failed, this will reduce the request rate. The extra argument can be used to transmit the X-RateLimit information from the server. This will be used to adjust the request rate""" is_dbg = logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG) current = time.time() if is_dbg: dbg_msg = f"HTTP BAD {current:.2f}:" time_set = False if remaining is None or reset is None: if is_dbg: dbg_msg += " no rate limit data" else: wait_for = reset - current if is_dbg: dbg_msg += f" requests={remaining}/{limit}" dbg_msg += f" reset-in={wait_for:.2f}" if remaining <= 0: # Add some margin to please the rate limiting code wait_for *= 1.1 if wait_for > 0 and wait_for >= self._sleep: self._sleep = wait_for time_set = True if not time_set: if self._sleep <= 0: self._sleep = 1 else: self._sleep *= 2 if is_dbg: dbg_msg += "; sleep={self._sleep:.3f}" logger.debug(dbg_msg) async def _make_request(self, swhids): endpoint = self._known_endpoint data = None retry = MAX_RETRY while data is None: # slow the pace of request if needed if self._sleep > 0: time.sleep(self._sleep) async with, json=swhids) as resp: rate_limit = _parse_limit_header(resp) if resp.status == 200: try: # inform of success before the await self._mark_success(*rate_limit) data = await resp.json() except aiohttp.client_exceptions.ClientConnectionError: raise else: break self._mark_failure(*rate_limit) retry -= 1 if retry <= 0 or resp.status == 413: # 413: Payload Too Large error_response(resp.reason, resp.status, endpoint) return data