Source code for swh.scanner.dashboard.dashboard

# Copyright (C) 2020-2024 The Software Heritage developers
# See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
# License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version
# See top-level LICENSE file for more information

import functools
import os
import socket
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional
import webbrowser

from flask import Flask, Response, get_template_attribute, jsonify, render_template
from flask.json.provider import DefaultJSONProvider
from markupsafe import escape
import requests

from swh.model.from_disk import Directory
from swh.model.swhids import CoreSWHID, ObjectType, QualifiedSWHID
from swh.web.client.client import WebAPIClient

from import MerkleNodeInfo, NoProvenanceAPIAccess, _get_provenance_info

[docs] def open_browser_if_graphical(port): term_browsers = ("www-browser", "links", "elinks", "lynx", "w3m") if webbrowser.get().name not in term_browsers: webbrowser.open_new(f"{port}/")
[docs] class CustomJSONProvider(DefaultJSONProvider):
[docs] @staticmethod def default(obj): if isinstance(obj, CoreSWHID): return str(obj) elif isinstance(obj, QualifiedSWHID): d = obj.to_dict() return d else: return DefaultJSONProvider.default(obj)
ANCHOR_CACHE_SIZE = 1024 NO_PROVENANCE_MSG = """Your account does not have permission to query the Provenance API (Contact the Software Heritage team to get such permission)"""
[docs] def create_app( config: Dict[str, Any], root_path: str, source_tree: Directory, nodes_data: MerkleNodeInfo, summary: Dict[str, Any], # some test does not use a webclient, so Optional web_client: Optional[WebAPIClient], ): flask_config = { "DEBUG": config["debug_http"], } app = Flask(__name__) app.config.from_mapping(flask_config) app.jinja_env.add_extension("") app.json_provider_class = CustomJSONProvider app.json = CustomJSONProvider(app) # the root_path might have been specified with a final slash. This will # confuse the tree fetching code. # # We should prevent emptying the root "/" as is however a valid (even if # weird) option root_path = os.path.abspath(root_path) root_path = root_path.rstrip("/") if not root_path: root_path = "/" @app.route("/") def index(): return render_template( "dashboard.html", root_path=root_path, summary=summary, config=config ) @app.route("/results") def results(): return render_template( "results.html", root_path=root_path, source_tree=source_tree, nodes_data=nodes_data, json=app.json.dumps, summary=summary, ) @app.route("/api/v1/html-tree/<path:directory_path>") def api_html_tree_get(directory_path=None): """Given a directory path get its HTML tree representation""" if directory_path is None: return jsonify({}) def get_source_tree(directory_path): """Return the source_tree object of the directory name""" try: return source_tree[directory_path.encode()] except KeyError: return None # Get the source tree object for this path st = get_source_tree(directory_path) # Get the `render_source_tree` Jinja macro macro = get_template_attribute("partials/tree.html", "render_source_tree") # Render the html snippet html = macro(root_path, st, nodes_data, app.json.dumps, summary) res = {"path": escape(directory_path), "html": html} return jsonify(res) @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=ANCHOR_CACHE_SIZE) def revision_info(swhid: CoreSWHID): assert web_client is not None return web_client.revision(swhid) @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=ANCHOR_CACHE_SIZE) def release_info(swhid: CoreSWHID): assert web_client is not None return web_client.release(swhid) @app.route("/api/v1/provenance/<swhid>") def api_provenance_get(swhid: str = ""): """Given a swhid fetch provenance information""" if not swhid: return jsonify({}) try: swhid_o = CoreSWHID.from_string(swhid) base_data = nodes_data[swhid_o] if "provenance" in base_data: qualified_swhid = base_data["provenance"] else: assert web_client is not None try: qualified_swhid = _get_provenance_info(web_client, swhid_o) except NoProvenanceAPIAccess: return Response( NO_PROVENANCE_MSG,, ) nodes_data[swhid_o]["provenance"] = qualified_swhid if qualified_swhid is None: return jsonify({}) info = qualified_swhid.qualifiers() anchor = qualified_swhid.anchor if anchor is not None: anchor_type = anchor.object_type if anchor_type == ObjectType.REVISION: data = revision_info(anchor) # Get the `show_revision` Jinja macro macro = get_template_attribute( "partials/provenance.html", "show_revision" ) # Render the html snippet info["revision"] = macro(data) elif anchor_type == ObjectType.RELEASE: data = release_info(anchor) # Get the `show_release` Jinja macro macro = get_template_attribute( "partials/provenance.html", "show_release" ) # Render the html snippet info["release"] = macro(data) return jsonify(info) except ValueError as e: return jsonify({"error": "Failed to decode JSON: {}".format(str(e))}), 500 return app
[docs] def run_app( config: Dict[str, Any], root_path: str, source_tree: Directory, nodes_data: MerkleNodeInfo, summary: Dict[str, Any], web_client: WebAPIClient, ): app = create_app(config, root_path, source_tree, nodes_data, summary, web_client) debug = config["debug_http"] or False retries = 0 while True: retries += 1 # Flask allows us to give `0` to get a free port, but we have no way # of getting the allocated port, which we need to open the browser. # So do it ourselves. sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) port = config["scanner"]["dashboard"]["port"] sock.bind(("localhost", port)) if port == 0: port = sock.getsockname()[1] sock.close() # This will open multiple ones in case of a race, but we have no simple # alternative. This is already enough code. open_browser_if_graphical(port=port) try:, port=port) except socket.error: if retries > 3: raise
# This raced against another process after the `socket.close`, retry