Source code for swh.scanner.policy

# Copyright (C) 2021 The Software Heritage developers
# See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
# License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version
# See top-level LICENSE file for more information

import abc
import itertools
from typing import Iterable, List, no_type_check

from swh.core.utils import grouper
from swh.model import discovery, from_disk
from swh.model.from_disk import model
from swh.model.model import Sha1Git

from .client import QUERY_LIMIT, Client
from .data import MerkleNodeInfo

[docs] def source_size(source_tree: from_disk.Directory): """return the size of a source tree as the number of nodes it contains""" return sum(1 for n in source_tree.iter_tree(dedup=False))
[docs] class Policy(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): data: MerkleNodeInfo """information about contents and directories of the merkle tree""" source_tree: from_disk.Directory """representation of a source code project directory in the merkle tree""" def __init__(self, source_tree: from_disk.Directory, data: MerkleNodeInfo): self.source_tree = source_tree = data
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod async def run(self, client: Client): """Scan a source code project""" raise NotImplementedError("Must implement run method")
[docs] class LazyBFS(Policy): """Read nodes in the merkle tree using the BFS algorithm. Lookup only directories that are unknown otherwise set all the downstream contents to known. """
[docs] async def run(self, client: Client): queue = [] queue.append(self.source_tree) while queue: swhids = [node.swhid() for node in queue] swhids_res = await client.known(swhids) for node in queue.copy(): queue.remove(node)[node.swhid()]["known"] = swhids_res[str(node.swhid())][ "known" ] if node.object_type == "directory": if not[node.swhid()]["known"]: children = [n[1] for n in list(node.items())] queue.extend(children) else: for sub_node in node.iter_tree(): if sub_node == node: continue[sub_node.swhid()]["known"] = True # type: ignore
[docs] class GreedyBFS(Policy): """Query graph nodes in chunks (to maximize the Web API rate limit use) and set the downstream contents of known directories to known. """
[docs] async def run(self, client: Client): ssize = source_size(self.source_tree) seen = [] async for nodes_chunk in self.get_nodes_chunks(client, ssize): for node in nodes_chunk: seen.append(node) if len(seen) == ssize: return if node.object_type == "directory" and[node.swhid()]["known"]: sub_nodes = [n for n in node.iter_tree(dedup=False)] sub_nodes.remove(node) # remove root node for sub_node in sub_nodes: seen.append(sub_node)[sub_node.swhid()]["known"] = True
[docs] @no_type_check async def get_nodes_chunks(self, client: Client, ssize: int): """Query chunks of QUERY_LIMIT nodes at once in order to fill the Web API rate limit. It query all the nodes in the case the source code contains less than QUERY_LIMIT nodes. """ nodes = self.source_tree.iter_tree(dedup=False) for nodes_chunk in grouper(nodes, QUERY_LIMIT): nodes_chunk = [n for n in nodes_chunk] swhids = [node.swhid() for node in nodes_chunk] swhids_res = await client.known(swhids) for node in nodes_chunk: swhid = node.swhid()[swhid]["known"] = swhids_res[str(swhid)]["known"] yield nodes_chunk
[docs] class FilePriority(Policy): """Check the Merkle tree querying all the file contents and set all the upstream directories to unknown in the case a file content is unknown. Finally check all the directories which status is still unknown and set all the sub-directories of known directories to known. """
[docs] @no_type_check async def run(self, client: Client): # get all the files all_contents = list( filter( lambda node: node.object_type == "content", self.source_tree.iter_tree() ) ) all_contents.reverse() # check deepest node first # query the backend to get all file contents status cnt_swhids = [node.swhid() for node in all_contents] cnt_status_res = await client.known(cnt_swhids) # set all the file contents status for cnt in all_contents:[cnt.swhid()]["known"] = cnt_status_res[str(cnt.swhid())]["known"] # set all the upstream directories of unknown file contents to unknown if not[cnt.swhid()]["known"]: parent = cnt.parents[0] while parent:[parent.swhid()]["known"] = False parent = parent.parents[0] if parent.parents else None # get all unset directories and check their status # (update children directories accordingly) unset_dirs = list( filter( lambda node: node.object_type == "directory" and[node.swhid()]["known"] is None, self.source_tree.iter_tree(), ) ) # check unset directories for dir_ in unset_dirs: if[dir_.swhid()]["known"] is None: # update directory status dir_status = await client.known([dir_.swhid()]) dir_known = dir_status[str(dir_.swhid())]["known"][dir_.swhid()]["known"] = dir_known if dir_known: sub_dirs = list( filter( lambda n: n.object_type == "directory" and[n.swhid()]["known"] is None, dir_.iter_tree(), ) ) for node in sub_dirs:[node.swhid()]["known"] = True
[docs] class DirectoryPriority(Policy): """Check the Merkle tree querying all the directories that have at least one file content and set all the upstream directories to unknown in the case a directory is unknown otherwise set all the downstream contents to known. Finally check the status of empty directories and all the remaining file contents. """
[docs] @no_type_check async def run(self, client: Client): # get all directory contents that have at least one file content unknown_dirs = list( filter( lambda dir_: dir_.object_type == "directory" and self.has_contents(dir_), self.source_tree.iter_tree(), ) ) unknown_dirs.reverse() # check deepest node first for dir_ in unknown_dirs: if[dir_.swhid()]["known"] is None: dir_status = await client.known([dir_.swhid()]) dir_known = dir_status[str(dir_.swhid())]["known"][dir_.swhid()]["known"] = dir_known # set all the downstream file contents to known if dir_known: for cnt in self.get_contents(dir_):[cnt.swhid()]["known"] = True # otherwise set all the upstream directories to unknown else: parent = dir_.parents[0] while parent:[parent.swhid()]["known"] = False parent = parent.parents[0] if parent.parents else None # get remaining directories that have no file contents empty_dirs = list( filter( lambda n: n.object_type == "directory" and not self.has_contents(n) and[n.swhid()]["known"] is None, self.source_tree.iter_tree(), ) ) empty_dirs_swhids = [n.swhid() for n in empty_dirs] empty_dir_status = await client.known(empty_dirs_swhids) # update status of directories that have no file contents for dir_ in empty_dirs:[dir_.swhid()]["known"] = empty_dir_status[str(dir_.swhid())][ "known" ] # check unknown file contents unknown_cnts = list( filter( lambda n: n.object_type == "content" and[n.swhid()]["known"] is None, self.source_tree.iter_tree(), ) ) unknown_cnts_swhids = [n.swhid() for n in unknown_cnts] unknown_cnts_status = await client.known(unknown_cnts_swhids) for cnt in unknown_cnts:[cnt.swhid()]["known"] = unknown_cnts_status[str(cnt.swhid())][ "known" ]
[docs] def has_contents(self, directory: from_disk.Directory): """Check if the directory given in input has contents""" for entry in directory.entries: if entry["type"] == "file": return True return False
[docs] def get_contents(self, dir_: from_disk.Directory): """Get all the contents of a given directory""" for _, node in list(dir_.items()): if node.object_type == "content": yield node
[docs] class WebAPIConnection(discovery.ArchiveDiscoveryInterface): """Use the web APIs to query the archive""" def __init__( self, contents: List[model.Content], skipped_contents: List[model.SkippedContent], directories: List[model.Directory], client: Client, ) -> None: self.contents = contents self.skipped_contents = skipped_contents self.directories = directories self.client = client self.sha_to_swhid = {} self.swhid_to_sha = {} for content in contents: swhid = str(content.swhid()) self.sha_to_swhid[content.sha1_git] = swhid self.swhid_to_sha[swhid] = content.sha1_git for directory in directories: swhid = str(directory.swhid()) self.sha_to_swhid[] = swhid self.swhid_to_sha[swhid] =
[docs] async def content_missing(self, contents: List[Sha1Git]) -> List[Sha1Git]: """List content missing from the archive by sha1""" return await self._missing(contents)
[docs] async def skipped_content_missing( self, skipped_contents: List[Sha1Git] ) -> Iterable[Sha1Git]: """List skipped content missing from the archive by sha1""" # TODO what should we do about skipped contents? return skipped_contents
[docs] async def directory_missing(self, directories: List[Sha1Git]) -> Iterable[Sha1Git]: """List directories missing from the archive by sha1""" return await self._missing(directories)
async def _missing(self, shas: List[Sha1Git]) -> List[Sha1Git]: # Ignore mypy complaining about string being passed, since `known` # transforms them to string immediately. res = await self.client.known([self.sha_to_swhid[o] for o in shas]) # type: ignore return [self.swhid_to_sha[k] for k, v in res.items() if not v["known"]]
[docs] class RandomDirSamplingPriority(Policy): """Check the Merkle tree querying random directories. Set all ancestors to unknown for unknown directories, otherwise set all descendants to known. Finally check all the remaining file contents. """
[docs] @no_type_check async def run(self, client: Client): contents, skipped_contents, directories = from_disk.iter_directory( self.source_tree ) # `filter_known_objects` only does filtering by random directory # sampling for now. # In the future, it could/will grow a parameter to choose/pass in a # different discovery implementation. # From this call site, we are relying on this behavior in order to # *actually* be a random directory sampling policy, but any change away # from under us in `filter_known_objects` should trigger a test failure. get_unknowns = discovery.filter_known_objects( WebAPIConnection(contents, skipped_contents, directories, client), ) unknowns = set(itertools.chain(*await get_unknowns)) for obj in itertools.chain(contents, skipped_contents, directories):[obj.swhid()]["known"] = obj not in unknowns
[docs] class QueryAll(Policy): """Check the status of every node in the Merkle tree."""
[docs] @no_type_check async def run(self, client: Client): all_nodes = [node for node in self.source_tree.iter_tree()] all_swhids = [node.swhid() for node in all_nodes] swhids_res = await client.known(all_swhids) for node in all_nodes:[node.swhid()]["known"] = swhids_res[str(node.swhid())]["known"]