Source code for swh.scanner.setup_wizard

import os
from pathlib import Path
import shutil
import sys
import tempfile
from typing import Optional

import click
from click import FileError
import yaml

from swh.auth.cli import DEFAULT_CONFIG as DEFAULT_AUTH_CONFIG
from swh.auth.keycloak import KeycloakError, keycloak_error_message
from swh.core import config

from .config import DEFAULT_SCANNER_CONFIG, SWH_API_ROOT, get_default_config

    if "XDG_CACHE_HOME" in os.environ
    else Path.home() / ".cache"

MARKER_FILE = CACHE_HOME_DIR / "swh" / "scanner_setup_was_run"

[docs] def invoke_auth( ctx, config_file: str, oidc_server_url: Optional[str] = None, realm_name: Optional[str] = None, ): from swh.auth.cli import auth # Invoke swh.auth.cli.auth command to get an OIDC client # The invoked `auth` command manage the configuration file mechanism # TODO: Do we need / want to pass args for each OIDC params? # If `config_file` is set via env or option, raise if the path does not exist if config.config_path(config_file) is None: source = ctx.get_parameter_source("config_file") or None # TODO also accept if the first (interactive as in tty) run of the scanner is_wizard = ctx.invoked_subcommand == "wizard" if source and != "DEFAULT" and not is_wizard: raise FileError(config_file, hint=f"From {}") ctx.invoke( auth, config_file=config_file, oidc_server_url=oidc_server_url, realm_name=realm_name, ) else: ctx.invoke( auth, config_file=config_file, oidc_server_url=oidc_server_url, realm_name=realm_name, )
[docs] def echo_yaml_error(exc): click.secho( "Configuration file is not valid YAML:", fg="red", file=sys.stderr, ) if hasattr(exc, "problem_mark"): if exc.context is not None: click.secho( f" {exc.problem} {exc.context}\nPlease correct and retry.", fg="red", file=sys.stderr, ) else: click.secho( f" {exc.problem_mark}\n {exc.problem}" + "\nPlease correct data and retry.", fg="red", file=sys.stderr, ) else: click.secho( " Something went wrong while parsing", fg="red", file=sys.stderr, )
[docs] def configure_exclude_files_interactive(config_file, config_path): try: existing_config = config_path.read_text() except FileNotFoundError: existing_config = yaml.safe_dump(DEFAULT_SCANNER_CONFIG) # Show the defaults and some helpful text. # Keep in sync with `DEFAULT_SCANNER_CONFIG` help_text = """Below is your configuration for the Software Heritage tools. Here are the defaults for the `scanner` section and their explanations: # Whether to disable the base exclusion patterns that the scanner defines # like `.git`, `.hg`, etc. disable_global_patterns: false # Whether to disable using `.gitignore`, `.hgignore` or `.svnignore` # found during the scan to exclude files disable_vcs_patterns: false # Exclude directories using glob patterns # (e.g., `*build` to exclude all `build` directories) exclude: [] # Use the following templates. (see `swh scanner scan --help` for more info) # (e.g., `['Python', 'Java', 'Rust']`) exclude_templates: [] All lines starting with "#HELP:" at the start of the file will be discarded. """ help_text = "\n".join(f"#HELP: {h}" for h in help_text.splitlines()) buffer = f"{help_text}\n{existing_config}" # Loop until the config is valid at least syntactically # TODO check the config semantically? while True: text = click.edit(buffer, extension=".yml") if text is None: # User saved with no changes text = buffer filtered = "\n".join(L for L in text.splitlines() if not L.startswith("#HELP:")) try: yaml.safe_load(filtered) except yaml.YAMLError as exc: echo_yaml_error(exc) if click.confirm( "Continue editing? ('n' will discard changes)", fg="yellow", ), default=True, ): # Give back the exact same buffer to the user buffer = text continue # Save to a temporary file then copy back with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile("w") as new_config: new_config.write(filtered) new_config.flush() shutil.copyfile(, config_path) break click.secho( f"Successfully saved changes to {config_file}.", fg="green", ) click.echo( "Tip: you can set project-specific configuration " + "in a `swh.scanner.project.yml` file in your project's directory." )
[docs] def setup_connection_and_config( ctx: click.Context, config_file: str, wants_auth: bool = False, ) -> str: oidc_server_url = None realm_name = None # If the user doesn't want to authenticate, we still leave the choice of instance api_root = click.prompt( "[?] Which archive URL do you wish to use?", fg="blue", bold=True ), default=SWH_API_ROOT, ).strip() oidc_server_url = click.prompt( "[?] Which auth server do you wish to use?", fg="blue", bold=True ), default=DEFAULT_AUTH_SERVER, ).strip() if wants_auth: realm_name = click.prompt( "[?] What OIDC realm do you wish to use?", fg="blue", bold=True ), default=DEFAULT_AUTH_CONFIG["keycloak"]["realm_name"], ).strip() cfg = get_default_config() # Invoke auth CLI command to get an OIDC client # It will load configuration file if any and populate a ctx 'config' object try: invoke_auth( ctx, config_file=config_file, realm_name=realm_name, oidc_server_url=oidc_server_url, ) except KeycloakError as exc: assert ctx.obj["config"] # Merge scanner defaults with config object ctx.obj["config"] = config.merge_configs(cfg, ctx.obj["config"]) assert ctx.obj["oidc_client"] # Set the chosen API root now that the default config is merged in ctx.obj["config"]["web-api"]["url"] = api_root return oidc_server_url or SWH_API_ROOT
[docs] def run_setup(ctx: click.Context): click.echo( """Welcome to the Software Heritage scanner, a source code scanner to analyze code bases and compare them with source code artifacts archived by Software Heritage. - The scan is done locally on your machine - Only anonymous fingerprints (hashes) are sent - No private data will be sent anywhere - No false positives """ ) config_file = ctx.obj["config_file"] config_path = Path(config_file) if click.confirm("[?] Authenticate with the archive?", fg="blue", bold=True), default=True, ): click.echo("Tip: if you don't know, press Enter") auth_root = setup_connection_and_config( ctx, config_file=config_file, wants_auth=True ) from swh.auth.cli import auth_config if auth_root == DEFAULT_AUTH_SERVER: click.secho( "If you do not already have an account, " + 'create one at ""', fg="yellow", ) else: click.secho( f"You need to have valid credentials for {auth_root}", fg="yellow", ) for retry in range(0, 3): try: ctx.invoke(auth_config) except click.exceptions.Exit as e: # `auth_config` exits prematurely when saving is skipped if e.exit_code != 0: raise except click.exceptions.UsageError as e: # Authentication failed, retry click.secho(f"Authentication failed: {e}", fg="red", file=sys.stderr) click.secho(f"Retry {retry + 1}/3") continue break else: click.secho( "Authentication failed after 3 tries, skipping", fg="yellow", file=sys.stderr, ) else: setup_connection_and_config( ctx, config_file=ctx.obj["config_file"], wants_auth=False ) if click.confirm("[?] Configure files to exclude?", fg="blue", bold=True), default=True, ): configure_exclude_files_interactive(config_file, config_path) click.secho( "You can use the scanner now. Here are some examples:", fg="blue", bold=True ) click.echo( """ Scan the current directory and open the interactive dashboard $ swh scanner scan Scan a folder without opening the interactive dashboard $ swh scanner scan /path/to/folder --no-web-ui Scan a folder with JSON output $ swh scanner scan /path/to/folder --output-format json See the scanner's help $ swh scanner --help Run this setup again $ swh scanner setup""" ) # Save that we've run the setup # Write some version identifier in case we need to re-run the setup # anyway in a later version. MARKER_FILE.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) MARKER_FILE.write_text(MARKER_TEXT)
[docs] def should_run_setup() -> bool: try: return MARKER_FILE.read_text() != MARKER_TEXT except FileNotFoundError: return True