# Copyright (C) 2021 The Software Heritage developers
# See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
# License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version
# See top-level LICENSE file for more information
import copy
from datetime import datetime
import random
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple
import attr
from swh.scheduler.interface import SchedulerInterface
from swh.scheduler.model import LastVisitStatus, OriginVisitStats
msg_type = "origin_visit_status"
"""Threshold to disable failing origins"""
"""Max next position offset to avoid date computation overflow"""
def max_date(*dates: Optional[datetime]) -> datetime:
"""Return the max date of given (possibly None) dates
At least one date must be not None.
filtered_dates = [d for d in dates if d is not None]
if not filtered_dates:
raise ValueError("At least one date should be a valid datetime")
return max(filtered_dates)
def from_position_offset_to_days(position_offset: int) -> int:
"""Compute position offset to interval in days. Note that this does not bound the
position_offset input so client code should limit the date computation to avoid
overflow errors.
- index in [0:1]: interval 1 day
- index in [2:4]: interval 2 days
- index in [5:+inf]: interval `4^(index-4)` days
position_offset: The actual position offset for a given visit stats
The offset as an interval in number of days.
assert position_offset >= 0
if position_offset < 2:
result = 1
elif position_offset < 5:
result = 2
result = 4 ** (position_offset - 4)
return result
def next_visit_queue_position(
queue_position_per_visit_type: Dict[str, int], visit_stats: Dict
) -> int:
"""Compute the next visit queue position for the given visit_stats.
This takes the visit_stats next_position_offset value and compute a corresponding
interval in "days" (with a random fudge factor of -/+ 10% range to avoid scheduling
burst for hosters). Then computes out of this visit interval and the current visit
stats's position in the queue a new position.
As an implementation detail, if the visit stats does not have a queue position yet,
this fallbacks to use the current global position (for the same visit type as the
visit stats) to compute the new position in the queue. If there is no global state
yet for the visit type, this starts up using 0 as default value.
queue_position_per_visit_type: The global state of the queue per visit type
visit_stats: The actual visit information to compute the next position for
The actual next visit queue position for that visit stats
days = from_position_offset_to_days(visit_stats["next_position_offset"])
random_fudge_factor = random.uniform(-0.1, 0.1)
visit_interval = int(days * 24 * 3600 * (1 + random_fudge_factor))
# Use the current queue position per visit type as starting position if none is
# already set
default_queue_position = queue_position_per_visit_type.get(
visit_stats["visit_type"], 0
current_position = (
if visit_stats.get("next_visit_queue_position")
else default_queue_position
return current_position + visit_interval
def get_last_status(
incoming_visit_status: Dict, known_visit_stats: Dict
) -> Tuple[LastVisitStatus, Optional[bool]]:
"""Determine the `last_visit_status` and eventfulness of an origin according to
the received visit_status object, and the state of the origin_visit_stats in db.
Note that at the time this function is called, out of order messages were already
discarded. Thus why the implementation is rather simple.
incoming_visit_status: Incoming visit status read ouf of the journal
known_visit_stats: Visit stats already registered in the backend
A tuple of (LastVisitStatus, Optional[bool]). LastVisitStatus represents the
successfulness of the visit. Optional[bool] represents whether the snapshot is
fresher than before (True/False) or None if there is no snapshot at all.
status = incoming_visit_status["status"]
if status in ("not_found", "failed"):
return LastVisitStatus(status), None
assert status in ("full", "partial")
if incoming_visit_status["snapshot"] is None:
return LastVisitStatus.failed, None
if incoming_visit_status["snapshot"] != known_visit_stats.get("last_snapshot"):
return LastVisitStatus.successful, True
return LastVisitStatus.successful, False
def process_journal_objects(
messages: Dict[str, List[Dict]], *, scheduler: SchedulerInterface
) -> None:
f"""Read messages from origin_visit_status journal topic to update "origin_visit_stats"
information on (origin, visit_type). The goal is to compute visit stats information
per origin and visit_type: `last_successful`, `last_visit`, `last_visit_status`, ...
- This journal consumes origin visit status information for final visit
status (`"full"`, `"partial"`, `"failed"`, `"not_found"`). It drops
the information of non final visit statuses (`"ongoing"`,
- This journal client only considers messages that arrive in
chronological order. Messages that arrive out of order (i.e. with a
date field smaller than the latest recorded visit of the origin) are
ignored. This is a tradeoff between correctness and simplicity of
implementation [1]_.
- The snapshot is used to determine the eventful or uneventful nature of
the origin visit.
- When no snapshot is provided, the visit is considered as failed.
- Finally, the `next_visit_queue_position` (position in the global per-origin
type queue at which some new objects are expected to be added for the origin),
and `next_position_offset` (duration that we expect to wait between visits of
this origin) are updated.
- When visits fails at least {DISABLE_ORIGIN_THRESHOLD} times in a row, the
origins are disabled in the scheduler table. It's up to the lister to activate
those back when they are listed again.
This is a worker function to be used with `JournalClient.process(worker_fn)`, after
currification of `scheduler` and `task_names`.
.. [1] Ignoring out of order messages makes the initialization of the
origin_visit_status table (from a full journal) less deterministic: only the
`last_visit`, `last_visit_state` and `last_successful` fields are guaranteed
to be exact, the `next_position_offset` field is a best effort estimate
(which should converge once the client has run for a while on in-order
assert set(messages) <= {
}, f"Got unexpected {', '.join(set(messages) - set([msg_type]))} message types"
assert msg_type in messages, f"Expected {msg_type} messages"
interesting_messages = [
for msg in messages[msg_type]
if "type" in msg and msg["status"] not in ("created", "ongoing")
if not interesting_messages:
origin_visit_stats: Dict[Tuple[str, str], Dict] = {
(visit_stats.url, visit_stats.visit_type): visit_stats.to_dict()
for visit_stats in scheduler.origin_visit_stats_get(
list(set((vs["origin"], vs["type"]) for vs in interesting_messages))
existing_origin_visit_stats = copy.deepcopy(origin_visit_stats)
# Use the default values from the model object
empty_object = {
field.name: field.default if field.default != attr.NOTHING else None
for field in attr.fields(OriginVisitStats)
disabled_urls: List[str] = []
# Retrieve the global queue state
queue_position_per_visit_type = scheduler.visit_scheduler_queue_position_get()
for msg_dict in interesting_messages:
origin = msg_dict["origin"]
visit_type = msg_dict["type"]
pk = origin, visit_type
if pk not in origin_visit_stats:
origin_visit_stats[pk] = {
"url": origin,
"visit_type": visit_type,
visit_stats_d = origin_visit_stats[pk]
if (
and msg_dict["date"] <= visit_stats_d["last_visit"]
# message received out of order, ignore
# Compare incoming message to known status of the origin, to determine
# eventfulness
last_visit_status, eventful = get_last_status(msg_dict, visit_stats_d)
# Update the position offset according to the visit status,
# if we had already visited this origin before.
if visit_stats_d.get("last_visit"):
# Update the next position offset according to the existing value and the
# eventfulness of the visit.
increment = -2 if eventful else 1
# Limit the next_position_offset for acceptable date computations
current_offset = min(
visit_stats_d["next_position_offset"] + increment,
visit_stats_d["next_position_offset"] = max(0, current_offset)
# increment the counter when last_visit_status is the same
same_visit_status = last_visit_status == visit_stats_d["last_visit_status"]
same_visit_status = False
# Record current visit date as highest known date (we've rejected out of order
# messages earlier).
visit_stats_d["last_visit"] = msg_dict["date"]
visit_stats_d["last_visit_status"] = last_visit_status
# Record last successful visit date
if last_visit_status == LastVisitStatus.successful:
visit_stats_d["last_successful"] = max_date(
msg_dict["date"], visit_stats_d.get("last_successful")
visit_stats_d["last_snapshot"] = msg_dict["snapshot"]
# Update the next visit queue position (which will be used solely for origin
# without any last_update, cf. the dedicated scheduling policy
# "origins_without_last_update")
visit_stats_d["next_visit_queue_position"] = next_visit_queue_position(
queue_position_per_visit_type, visit_stats_d
visit_stats_d["successive_visits"] = (
visit_stats_d["successive_visits"] + 1 if same_visit_status else 1
# Disable recurring failing/not-found origins
if (
in [LastVisitStatus.not_found, LastVisitStatus.failed]
) and visit_stats_d["successive_visits"] >= DISABLE_ORIGIN_THRESHOLD:
# Only upsert changed values
to_upsert = []
for key, ovs in origin_visit_stats.items():
if (
key not in existing_origin_visit_stats
or ovs != existing_origin_visit_stats[key]
if to_upsert:
# Disable any origins if any
if disabled_urls:
disabled_origins = []
for url in disabled_urls:
origins = scheduler.get_listed_origins(url=url).results
if len(origins) > 0:
origin = attr.evolve(origins[0], enabled=False)
if disabled_origins: