Source code for swh.scheduler.simulator.task_scheduler

# Copyright (C) 2021  The Software Heritage developers
# See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
# License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version
# See top-level LICENSE file for more information

"""Agents using the "old" task-based scheduler."""

import logging
from typing import Dict, Generator, Iterator

from simpy import Event

from .common import Environment, Queue, Task, TaskEvent

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def scheduler_runner_process( env: Environment, task_queues: Dict[str, Queue], min_batch_size: int, ) -> Iterator[Event]: """Scheduler runner. Grabs next visits from the database according to the scheduling policy, and fills the task_queues accordingly.""" while True: for visit_type, queue in task_queues.items(): remaining = queue.slots_remaining() if remaining < min_batch_size: continue next_tasks = env.scheduler.grab_ready_tasks( f"load-{visit_type}", num_tasks=remaining, timestamp=env.time ) logger.debug( "%s runner: running %s %s tasks", env.time, visit_type, len(next_tasks), ) sim_tasks = [ Task(visit_type=visit_type, origin=task["arguments"]["kwargs"]["url"]) for task in next_tasks ] env.scheduler.mass_schedule_task_runs( [ { "task": task["id"], "scheduled": env.time, "backend_id": str(sim_task.backend_id), } for task, sim_task in zip(next_tasks, sim_tasks) ] ) for sim_task in sim_tasks: yield queue.put(sim_task) yield env.timeout(10.0)
[docs] def scheduler_listener_process( env: Environment, status_queue: Queue ) -> Generator[Event, TaskEvent, None]: """Scheduler listener. In the real world this would listen to celery events, but we listen to the status_queue and simulate celery events from that.""" while True: event = yield status_queue.get() if event.status.status == "ongoing": env.scheduler.start_task_run(event.task.backend_id, timestamp=env.time) else: if event.status.status == "full": status = "eventful" if event.eventful else "uneventful" else: status = "failed" env.scheduler.end_task_run( str(event.task.backend_id), status=status, timestamp=env.time )