Source code for

# Copyright (C) 2019-2022  The Software Heritage developers
# See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
# License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version
# See top-level LICENSE file for more information

import base64
from collections import Counter
import logging
import pprint
from textwrap import dedent
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, cast

from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch, NotFoundError, helpers
import msgpack

from swh.indexer import codemeta
from swh.model import model
from swh.model.hashutil import hash_to_hex
from import SORT_BY_OPTIONS, OriginDict, PagedResult
from import send_metric, timed
from import Translator
from import escape, get_expansion, parse_and_format_date

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

READ_ALIAS_PARAM = "read_alias"
WRITE_ALIAS_PARAM = "write_alias"

    INDEX_NAME_PARAM: "origin",
    READ_ALIAS_PARAM: "origin-read",
    WRITE_ALIAS_PARAM: "origin-write",

    "dynamic_templates": [
            "booleans_as_string": {
                # All fields stored as string in the metadata
                # even the booleans
                "match_mapping_type": "boolean",
                "path_match": "jsonld.*",
                "mapping": {"type": "keyword"},
            "floats_as_string": {
                # All fields stored as string in the metadata
                # even the floats
                "match_mapping_type": "double",
                "path_match": "jsonld.*",
                "mapping": {"type": "text"},
            "longs_as_string": {
                # All fields stored as string in the metadata
                # even the longs
                "match_mapping_type": "long",
                "path_match": "jsonld.*",
                "mapping": {"type": "text"},
    "date_detection": False,
    "properties": {
        # sha1 of the URL; used as the document id
        "sha1": {
            "type": "keyword",
            "doc_values": True,
        # Used both to search URLs, and as the result to return
        # as a response to queries
        "url": {
            "type": "text",
            # To split URLs into token on any character
            # that is not alphanumerical
            "analyzer": "simple",
            # 2-gram and partial-3-gram search (ie. with the end of the
            # third word potentially missing)
            "fields": {
                "as_you_type": {
                    "type": "search_as_you_type",
                    "analyzer": "simple",
        "visit_types": {"type": "keyword"},
        # used to filter out origins that were never visited
        "has_visits": {
            "type": "boolean",
        "nb_visits": {"type": "integer"},
        "snapshot_id": {"type": "keyword"},
        "last_visit_date": {"type": "date"},
        "last_eventful_visit_date": {"type": "date"},
        "last_release_date": {"type": "date"},
        "last_revision_date": {"type": "date"},
        "jsonld": {
            "type": "nested",
            "properties": {
                "@context": {
                    # don't bother indexing tokens in these URIs, as the
                    # are used as namespaces
                    "type": "keyword",
                "http://schema": {
                    "properties": {
                        "org/dateCreated": {
                            "properties": {
                                "@value": {
                                    "type": "date",
                        "org/dateModified": {
                            "properties": {
                                "@value": {
                                    "type": "date",
                        "org/datePublished": {
                            "properties": {
                                "@value": {
                                    "type": "date",
        # Has this origin been taken down?
        "blocklisted": {
            "type": "boolean",

# painless script that will be executed when updating an origin document
    // utility function to get and parse date
    ZonedDateTime getDate(def ctx, String date_field) {
        String default_date = "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z";
        String date = ctx._source.getOrDefault(date_field, default_date);
        return ZonedDateTime.parse(date);

    // backup current visit_types field value
    List visit_types = ctx._source.getOrDefault("visit_types", []);
    int nb_visits = ctx._source.getOrDefault("nb_visits", 0);

    ZonedDateTime last_visit_date = getDate(ctx, "last_visit_date");

    String snapshot_id = ctx._source.getOrDefault("snapshot_id", "");
    ZonedDateTime last_eventful_visit_date =
        getDate(ctx, "last_eventful_visit_date");
    ZonedDateTime last_revision_date = getDate(ctx, "last_revision_date");
    ZonedDateTime last_release_date = getDate(ctx, "last_release_date");

    // update origin document with new field values

    // restore previous visit types after visit_types field overriding
    if (ctx._source.containsKey("visit_types")) {
        for (int i = 0; i < visit_types.length; ++i) {
            if (!ctx._source.visit_types.contains(visit_types[i])) {

    // Undo overwrite if incoming nb_visits is smaller
    if (ctx._source.containsKey("nb_visits")) {
        int incoming_nb_visits = ctx._source.getOrDefault("nb_visits", 0);
        if(incoming_nb_visits < nb_visits){
            ctx._source.nb_visits = nb_visits;

    // Undo overwrite if incoming last_visit_date is older
    if (ctx._source.containsKey("last_visit_date")) {
        ZonedDateTime incoming_last_visit_date = getDate(ctx, "last_visit_date");
        int difference =
            // returns -1, 0 or 1
        if(difference < 0){
            ctx._source.last_visit_date = last_visit_date;

    // Undo update of last_eventful_date and snapshot_id if
    // snapshot_id hasn't changed OR incoming_last_eventful_visit_date is older
    if (ctx._source.containsKey("snapshot_id")) {
        String incoming_snapshot_id = ctx._source.getOrDefault("snapshot_id", "");
        ZonedDateTime incoming_last_eventful_visit_date =
            getDate(ctx, "last_eventful_visit_date");
        int difference =
            // returns -1, 0 or 1
        if(snapshot_id == incoming_snapshot_id || difference < 0){
            ctx._source.snapshot_id = snapshot_id;
            ctx._source.last_eventful_visit_date = last_eventful_visit_date;

    // Undo overwrite if incoming last_revision_date is older
    if (ctx._source.containsKey("last_revision_date")) {
        ZonedDateTime incoming_last_revision_date =
            getDate(ctx, "last_revision_date");
        int difference =
            // returns -1, 0 or 1
        if(difference < 0){
            ctx._source.last_revision_date = last_revision_date;

    // Undo overwrite if incoming last_release_date is older
    if (ctx._source.containsKey("last_release_date")) {
        ZonedDateTime incoming_last_release_date =
            getDate(ctx, "last_release_date");
        // returns -1, 0 or 1
        int difference = incoming_last_release_date.compareTo(last_release_date);
        if(difference < 0){
            ctx._source.last_release_date = last_release_date;

def _sanitize_origin(origin):
    origin = origin.copy()

    # Whitelist fields to be saved in Elasticsearch
    res = {"url": origin.pop("url")}
    for field_name in (
        if field_name in origin:
            res[field_name] = origin.pop(field_name)

    # Run the JSON-LD expansion algorithm
    # <>
    # to normalize the Codemeta metadata.
    # This is required as Elasticsearch will needs each field to have a consistent
    # type across documents to be searchable; and non-expanded JSON-LD documents
    # can have various types in the same field. For example, all these are
    # equivalent in JSON-LD:
    # * {"author": "Jane Doe"}
    # * {"author": ["Jane Doe"]}
    # * {"author": {"@value": "Jane Doe"}}
    # * {"author": [{"@value": "Jane Doe"}]}
    # and JSON-LD expansion will convert them all to the last one.
    if "jsonld" in res:
        jsonld = res["jsonld"]
        for date_field in ["dateCreated", "dateModified", "datePublished"]:
            if date_field in jsonld:
                date = jsonld[date_field]

                # If date{Created,Modified,Published} value isn't parsable
                # It gets rejected and isn't stored (unlike other fields)
                formatted_date = parse_and_format_date(date)
                if formatted_date is None:
                    jsonld[date_field] = formatted_date

        res["jsonld"] = codemeta.expand(jsonld)

    return res

[docs] def token_encode(index_to_tokenize: Dict[bytes, Any]) -> str: """Tokenize as string an index page result from a search""" page_token = base64.b64encode(msgpack.dumps(index_to_tokenize)) return page_token.decode()
[docs] def token_decode(page_token: str) -> Dict[bytes, Any]: """Read the page_token""" return msgpack.loads(base64.b64decode(page_token.encode()), raw=True)
[docs] class ElasticSearch: def __init__(self, hosts: List[str], indexes: Dict[str, Dict[str, str]] = {}): self._backend = Elasticsearch(hosts=hosts) self._translator = Translator() # Merge current configuration with default values origin_config = indexes.get("origin", {}) self.origin_config = {**ORIGIN_DEFAULT_CONFIG, **origin_config} def _get_origin_index(self) -> str: return self.origin_config[INDEX_NAME_PARAM] def _get_origin_read_alias(self) -> str: return self.origin_config[READ_ALIAS_PARAM] def _get_origin_write_alias(self) -> str: return self.origin_config[WRITE_ALIAS_PARAM]
[docs] @timed def check(self): return
[docs] def deinitialize(self) -> None: """Removes the active index from the Elasticsearch backend""" if self._backend.indices.exists(index=self._get_origin_index()): self._backend.indices.delete(index=self._get_origin_index())
[docs] def initialize(self) -> None: """Declare Elasticsearch indices, aliases and mappings""" if not self._backend.indices.exists(index=self._get_origin_index()): self._backend.indices.create(index=self._get_origin_index()) if not self._backend.indices.exists_alias(name=self._get_origin_read_alias()): self._backend.indices.put_alias( index=self._get_origin_index(), name=self._get_origin_read_alias() ) if not self._backend.indices.exists_alias(name=self._get_origin_write_alias()): self._backend.indices.put_alias( index=self._get_origin_index(), name=self._get_origin_write_alias() ) self._backend.indices.put_mapping( index=self._get_origin_index(), body=ORIGIN_MAPPING )
[docs] @timed def flush(self) -> None: self._backend.indices.refresh(index=self._get_origin_write_alias())
[docs] @timed def origin_update(self, documents: Iterable[OriginDict]) -> None: write_index = self._get_origin_write_alias() documents = map(_sanitize_origin, documents) documents_with_sha1 = ( (hash_to_hex(model.Origin(url=document["url"]).id), document) for document in documents ) actions = [ { "_op_type": "update", "_id": sha1, "_index": write_index, "scripted_upsert": True, "upsert": { **cast(dict, document), "sha1": sha1, }, "retry_on_conflict": 10, "script": { "source": ORIGIN_UPDATE_SCRIPT, "lang": "painless", "params": document, }, } for (sha1, document) in documents_with_sha1 ] indexed_count, errors = helpers.bulk(self._backend, actions, index=write_index) assert isinstance(errors, List) # Make mypy happy send_metric("document:index", count=indexed_count, method_name="origin_update") send_metric( "document:index_error", count=len(errors), method_name="origin_update" )
[docs] def origin_get(self, url: str) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]: origin_id = hash_to_hex(model.Origin(url=url).id) try: document = self._backend.get( index=self._get_origin_read_alias(), id=origin_id ) except NotFoundError: return None else: return document["_source"]
[docs] def origin_delete(self, url: str) -> bool: origin_id = hash_to_hex(model.Origin(url=url).id) try: self._backend.delete(index=self._get_origin_read_alias(), id=origin_id) except NotFoundError: return False return True
[docs] def visit_types_count(self) -> Counter: body = { "aggs": { "not_blocklisted": { "filter": {"bool": {"must_not": [{"term": {"blocklisted": True}}]}}, "aggs": { "visit_types": {"terms": {"field": "visit_types", "size": 1000}} }, } } } res = index=self._get_origin_read_alias(), body=body, size=0 ) buckets = ( res.get("aggregations", {}) .get("not_blocklisted", {}) .get("visit_types", {}) .get("buckets", []) ) return Counter({bucket["key"]: bucket["doc_count"] for bucket in buckets})