Source code for

# Copyright (C) 2021  The Software Heritage developers
# See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
# License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version
# See top-level LICENSE file for more information

import codecs
from datetime import datetime
from typing import Optional

import iso8601

[docs] def get_expansion(field, sep=None): METADATA_FIELDS = { "licenses": ["jsonld", "", "@id"], "programming_languages": [ "jsonld", "", "@value", ], "keywords": [ "jsonld", "", "@value", ], "descriptions": [ "jsonld", "", "@value", ], "date_created": [ "jsonld", "", "@value", ], "date_modified": [ "jsonld", "", "@value", ], "date_published": [ "jsonld", "", "@value", ], } if sep: return sep.join(METADATA_FIELDS[field]) return METADATA_FIELDS[field]
[docs] def parse_and_format_date(date_str: str) -> Optional[str]: """ Parses a string date in the format %Y-%m-%d or ISO8601 and returns a new string date in the format YYYY-mm-dd if the parsing succeeded otherwise None. """ try: return datetime.strptime(date_str, "%Y-%m-%d").strftime("%Y-%m-%d") except Exception: try: return iso8601.parse_date(date_str).strftime("%Y-%m-%d") except Exception: return None
[docs] def escape(obj): r"""Makes the object directly injectable into the query language by converting the escapable parts of the object into escape sequences. For strings, appends \ before special characters like ', ", and \ For arrays, applies the same transformation on each element, joins the elements and returns a string-like representation of the list. >>> print(escape("foo ' bar")) "foo \' bar" >>> print(escape([r"foo ' bar", r"bar \\\' baz", r'foo " baz'])) ["foo \' bar", "bar \\\\\\\' baz", "foo \" baz"] """ if type(obj) is list: items = [escape(item) for item in obj] return "[" + ", ".join(items) + "]" elif type(obj) is str: return ( '"' + obj.translate( { ord("'"): r"\'", ord('"'): r"\"", ord("\\"): r"\\", } ) + '"' ) else: raise Exception(f"Unexpected item type {type(obj)}")
[docs] def unescape(string): r"""Processes the escaped special characters >>> unescape(r'''foo " bar''') == r'''foo " bar''' True >>> unescape(r'''foo \" bar''') == r'''foo " bar''' True >>> unescape(r'''foo \\" bar''') == r'''foo \" bar''' True >>> unescape(r'''foo \\\" bar''') == r'''foo \" bar''' True >>> unescape(r'''foo \\\\" bar''') == r'''foo \\" bar''' True >>> unescape(r'''café \" foo''') == r'''café " foo''' True """ return codecs.escape_decode(string.encode())[0].decode()