Source code for

# Copyright (C) 2024-2025  The Software Heritage developers
# See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
# License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version
# See top-level LICENSE file for more information

"""Generates a graphical representation of the Cassandra schema using
import dataclasses
from typing import Tuple, Union

from . import model

[docs] def dot_diagram() -> str: """Generates a diagram of the database in PlantUML format""" import io import textwrap from .schema import HASH_ALGORITHMS out = io.StringIO() classes = { cls.TABLE: cls for cls in model.__dict__.values() if hasattr(cls, "TABLE") } out.write( textwrap.dedent( """ digraph g { graph [ rankdir = "LR", concentrate = true, ratio = auto ]; node [ fontsize = "10", shape = record ]; edge [ ]; subgraph "logical_grouping" { style = rounded; bgcolor = gray95; color = gray; subgraph cluster_content { label = <<b>content</b>>; content; content_by_sha1; content_by_sha1_git; content_by_sha256; content_by_blake2s256; } subgraph cluster_skipped_content { label = <<b>skipped_content</b>>; skipped_content; skipped_content_by_sha1; skipped_content_by_sha1_git; skipped_content_by_sha256; skipped_content_by_blake2s256; } subgraph cluster_directory { label = <<b>directories</b>>; directory; directory_entry; } subgraph cluster_revision { label = <<b>revisions</b>>; revision; revision_parent; } subgraph cluster_release { label = <<b>releases</b>>; release; } subgraph cluster_snapshots { label = <<b>snapshots</b>>; snapshot; snapshot_branch; } subgraph cluster_origins { label = <<b>origins</b>>; origin; origin_visit; origin_visit_status; } subgraph cluster_metadata { label = <<b>metadata</b>>; metadata_authority; metadata_fetcher; raw_extrinsic_metadata; raw_extrinsic_metadata_by_id; } subgraph cluster_extid { label = <<b>external identifiers</b>>; extid; extid_by_target; } } """ ) ) def write_table_header(table_name: str) -> None: out.write( f'"{table_name}" [shape = plaintext, label = < ' f'<TABLE BORDER="1" CELLBORDER="0" CELLSPACING="0">' # header row: f'<TR ><TD PORT="ltcol0"> </TD> ' f'<TD bgcolor="grey90" border="1" COLSPAN="4"> \\N </TD> ' f'<TD PORT="rtcol0"></TD></TR>' ) def get_target_field(field_full_name: str) -> Tuple[str, int]: """Given a string like 'table.col', returns the table name and the index of the column within that table (1-indexed)""" (points_to_table, points_to_col) = points_to.split(".") try: target_cls = classes[points_to_table] except KeyError: raise Exception(f"Unknown table {points_to_table}") from None target_field_ids = [ i for (i, field) in enumerate(dataclasses.fields(target_cls), start=1) if == points_to_col ] try: (target_field_id,) = target_field_ids except ValueError: raise Exception( f"Expected exactly one field {target_cls.__name__}.{points_to_col}, " f"got: {target_field_ids}" ) from None return (points_to_table, target_field_id) # write main tables for cls in classes.values(): write_table_header(cls.TABLE) for i, field in enumerate(dataclasses.fields(cls), start=1): if in cls.PARTITION_KEY: assert ( not in cls.CLUSTERING_KEY ), f"{} is both PK and CK" key = "PK" elif in cls.CLUSTERING_KEY: key = "CK" else: key = "" # TODO: use CQL types instead of Python types ty = field.type if getattr(ty, "__origin__", None) is Union: assert hasattr(ty, "__args__") # for mypy assert ( len(ty.__args__) == 2 and type(None) in ty.__args__ ), f"{cls.__name__}.{} as unsupported type: {ty}" # this is Optional[], unwrap it (ty,) = [arg for arg in ty.__args__ if arg is not type(None)] # noqa col_type = ty if isinstance(ty, str) else ty.__name__ out.write( textwrap.dedent( f""" <TR><TD PORT="ltcol{i}" ></TD> <TD align="left" > {} </TD> <TD align="left" > {col_type} </TD> <TD align="left" > {key} </TD> <TD align="left" PORT="rtcol{i}"> </TD></TR> """ ) ) out.write("</TABLE>> ];\n") # add content_by_* and skipped_content_by_*, which don't have their own Python classes for algo in HASH_ALGORITHMS: for main_table in ("content", "skipped_content"): write_table_header(f"{main_table}_by_{algo}") out.write( textwrap.dedent( f""" <TR><TD PORT="ltcol1" ></TD> <TD align="left" > {algo} </TD> <TD align="left" > bytes </TD> <TD align="left" > PK </TD> <TD align="left" PORT="rtcol1"> </TD></TR> <TR><TD PORT="ltcol2" ></TD> <TD align="left" > token </TD> <TD align="left" > token </TD> <TD align="left" > CK </TD> <TD align="left" PORT="rtcol2"> </TD></TR> """ ) ) out.write("</TABLE>> ];\n") out.write( f'"{main_table}_by_{algo}":rtcol2 -> "{main_table}":ltcol0 [style = solid];\n' ) # write "links" between tables for cls_name, cls in classes.items(): for i, field in enumerate(dataclasses.fields(cls), start=1): links = [] # pairs of (is_strong, target) for points_to in field.metadata.get("fk") or []: links.append((True, points_to)) for points_to in field.metadata.get("points_to") or []: links.append((False, points_to)) for is_strong, points_to in links: (target_table, target_field_id) = get_target_field(points_to) if is_strong: style = "[style = solid]" else: style = "[style = dashed]" out.write( f'"{cls.TABLE}":rtcol{i} -> "{target_table}":ltcol{target_field_id} ' f"{style};\n" ) out.write("}\n") return out.getvalue()