Source code for

# Copyright (C) 2015-2024  The Software Heritage developers
# See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
# License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version
# See top-level LICENSE file for more information

import datetime
from enum import Enum
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, TypeVar, Union

import attr
from typing_extensions import Protocol, TypedDict, runtime_checkable

from swh.core.api import remote_api_endpoint
from swh.core.api.classes import PagedResult as CorePagedResult
from swh.model.model import (
from swh.model.swhids import CoreSWHID, ExtendedSWHID, ObjectType

[docs] class ListOrder(Enum): """Specifies the order for paginated endpoints returning sorted results.""" ASC = "asc" DESC = "desc"
[docs] class PartialBranches(TypedDict): """Type of the dictionary returned by snapshot_get_branches""" id: Sha1Git """Identifier of the snapshot""" branches: Dict[bytes, Optional[SnapshotBranch]] """A dict of branches contained in the snapshot whose keys are the branches' names""" next_branch: Optional[bytes] """The name of the first branch not returned or :const:`None` if the snapshot has less than the request number of branches."""
[docs] @attr.s class SnapshotBranchByNameResponse: """Object returned by snapshot_branch_get_by_name""" branch_found = attr.ib(type=bool) """ Branch with the name exists, with or without a target. """ target = attr.ib(type=Optional[SnapshotBranch]) """ Branch target, will be None in case of a dangling branch. """ aliases_followed = attr.ib(type=List[bytes]) """ List of alias names until (including) the target. This will be of length one for all non alias branches. """
[docs] class HashDict(TypedDict, total=False): sha1: bytes sha1_git: bytes sha256: bytes blake2s256: bytes
[docs] class TotalHashDict(HashDict, total=True): pass
[docs] @attr.s class OriginVisitWithStatuses: visit = attr.ib(type=OriginVisit) statuses = attr.ib(type=List[OriginVisitStatus])
[docs] @attr.s class ObjectReference: """Record that the object with SWHID ``source`` references the object with SWHID ``target``, meaning that the ``target`` needs to exist for the ``source`` object to be consistent within the archive.""" source = attr.ib(type=ExtendedSWHID) target = attr.ib(type=ExtendedSWHID)
TResult = TypeVar("TResult") PagedResult = CorePagedResult[TResult, str] # TODO: Make it an enum (too much impact) VISIT_STATUSES = ["created", "ongoing", "full", "partial"]
[docs] def deprecated(f): f.deprecated_endpoint = True return f
[docs] @runtime_checkable class StorageInterface(Protocol):
[docs] @remote_api_endpoint("check_config") def check_config(self, *, check_write: bool) -> bool: """Check that the storage is configured and ready to go.""" ...
########################## # Content ##########################
[docs] @remote_api_endpoint("content/add") def content_add(self, content: List[Content]) -> Dict[str, int]: """Add content blobs to the storage Args: contents (iterable): iterable of dictionaries representing individual pieces of content to add. Each dictionary has the following keys: - data (bytes): the actual content - length (int): content length - one key for each checksum algorithm in :data:`swh.model.hashutil.ALGORITHMS`, mapped to the corresponding checksum - status (str): one of visible, hidden Raises: The following exceptions can occur: - HashCollision in case of collision - Any other exceptions raise by the db In case of errors, some of the content may have been stored in the DB and in the objstorage. Since additions to both idempotent, that should not be a problem. Returns: Summary dict with the following keys and associated values: content:add: New contents added content:add:bytes: Sum of the contents' length data """ ...
[docs] @remote_api_endpoint("content/update") def content_update( self, contents: List[Dict[str, Any]], keys: List[str] = [] ) -> None: """Update content blobs to the storage. Does nothing for unknown contents or skipped ones. Args: content: iterable of dictionaries representing individual pieces of content to update. Each dictionary has the following keys: - data (bytes): the actual content - length (int): content length (default: -1) - one key for each checksum algorithm in :data:`swh.model.hashutil.ALGORITHMS`, mapped to the corresponding checksum - status (str): one of visible, hidden, absent keys (list): List of keys (str) whose values needs an update, e.g., new hash column """ ...
[docs] @remote_api_endpoint("content/add_metadata") def content_add_metadata(self, content: List[Content]) -> Dict[str, int]: """Add content metadata to the storage (like `content_add`, but without inserting to the objstorage). Args: content (iterable): iterable of dictionaries representing individual pieces of content to add. Each dictionary has the following keys: - length (int): content length (default: -1) - one key for each checksum algorithm in :data:`swh.model.hashutil.ALGORITHMS`, mapped to the corresponding checksum - status (str): one of visible, hidden, absent - reason (str): if status = absent, the reason why - origin (int): if status = absent, the origin we saw the content in - ctime (datetime): time of insertion in the archive Returns: Summary dict with the following key and associated values: content:add: New contents added skipped_content:add: New skipped contents (no data) added """ ...
[docs] @remote_api_endpoint("content/data") def content_get_data(self, content: Union[HashDict, Sha1]) -> Optional[bytes]: """Given a content identifier, returns its associated data if any. Args: content: dict of hashes (or just sha1 identifier) Returns: raw content data (bytes) """ ...
[docs] @remote_api_endpoint("content/partition") def content_get_partition( self, partition_id: int, nb_partitions: int, page_token: Optional[str] = None, limit: int = 1000, ) -> PagedResult[Content]: """Splits contents into nb_partitions, and returns one of these based on partition_id (which must be in [0, nb_partitions-1]) There is no guarantee on how the partitioning is done, or the result order. Args: partition_id: index of the partition to fetch nb_partitions: total number of partitions to split into page_token: opaque token used for pagination. limit: Limit result (default to 1000) Returns: PagedResult of Content model objects within the partition. If next_page_token is None, there is no longer data to retrieve. """ ...
[docs] @remote_api_endpoint("content/metadata") def content_get( self, contents: List[bytes], algo: str = "sha1" ) -> List[Optional[Content]]: """Retrieve content metadata in bulk Args: content: List of content identifiers algo: one of the checksum algorithm in :data:`swh.model.hashutil.DEFAULT_ALGORITHMS` Returns: List of contents model objects when they exist, None otherwise. """ ...
[docs] @remote_api_endpoint("content/missing") def content_missing( self, contents: List[HashDict], key_hash: str = "sha1" ) -> Iterable[bytes]: """List content missing from storage Args: content: iterable of dictionaries whose keys are either 'length' or an item of :data:`swh.model.hashutil.ALGORITHMS`; mapped to the corresponding checksum (or length). key_hash: name of the column to use as hash id result (default: 'sha1') Raises: StorageArgumentException when key_hash is unknown. TODO: an exception when we get a hash collision. Returns: iterable of missing content ids (as per the `key_hash` column) """ ...
[docs] @remote_api_endpoint("content/missing/sha1") def content_missing_per_sha1(self, contents: List[bytes]) -> Iterable[bytes]: """List content missing from storage based only on sha1. Args: contents: List of sha1 to check for absence. Raises: TODO: an exception when we get a hash collision. Returns: Iterable of missing content ids (sha1) """ ...
[docs] @remote_api_endpoint("content/missing/sha1_git") def content_missing_per_sha1_git( self, contents: List[Sha1Git] ) -> Iterable[Sha1Git]: """List content missing from storage based only on sha1_git. Args: contents (List): An iterable of content id (sha1_git) Yields: missing contents sha1_git """ ...
[docs] @remote_api_endpoint("content/present") def content_find(self, content: HashDict) -> List[Content]: """Find a content hash in db. Args: content: a dictionary representing one content hash, mapping checksum algorithm names (see swh.model.hashutil.ALGORITHMS) to checksum values Raises: ValueError: in case the key of the dictionary is not sha1, sha1_git nor sha256. Returns: an iterable of Content objects matching the search criteria if the content exist. Empty iterable otherwise. """ ...
[docs] @remote_api_endpoint("content/get_random") def content_get_random(self) -> Sha1Git: """Finds a random content id. Returns: a sha1_git """ ...
########################## # SkippedContent ##########################
[docs] @remote_api_endpoint("content/skipped/add") def skipped_content_add(self, content: List[SkippedContent]) -> Dict[str, int]: """Add contents to the skipped_content list, which contains (partial) information about content missing from the archive. Args: contents (iterable): iterable of dictionaries representing individual pieces of content to add. Each dictionary has the following keys: - length (Optional[int]): content length (default: -1) - one key for each checksum algorithm in :data:`swh.model.hashutil.ALGORITHMS`, mapped to the corresponding checksum; each is optional - status (str): must be "absent" - reason (str): the reason why the content is absent - origin (int): if status = absent, the origin we saw the content in Raises: The following exceptions can occur: - HashCollision in case of collision - Any other exceptions raise by the backend In case of errors, some content may have been stored in the DB and in the objstorage. Since additions to both idempotent, that should not be a problem. Returns: Summary dict with the following key and associated values: skipped_content:add: New skipped contents (no data) added """ ...
[docs] @remote_api_endpoint("content/skipped/find") def skipped_content_find(self, content: HashDict) -> List[SkippedContent]: """Find skipped content for the given hashes Args: content: a dictionary representing one content hash, mapping checksum algorithm names (see swh.model.hashutil.ALGORITHMS) to checksum values Raises: ValueError: in case the key of the dictionary is not sha1, sha1_git nor sha256. Returns: a list of SkippedContent objects matching the search criteria if the skipped content exists. Empty list otherwise. """ ...
[docs] @remote_api_endpoint("content/skipped/missing") def skipped_content_missing( self, contents: List[Dict[str, Any]] ) -> Iterable[Dict[str, Any]]: """List skipped contents missing from storage. Args: contents: iterable of dictionaries containing the data for each checksum algorithm. Returns: Iterable of missing skipped contents as dict """ ...
########################## # Directory ##########################
[docs] @remote_api_endpoint("directory/add") def directory_add(self, directories: List[Directory]) -> Dict[str, int]: """Add directories to the storage Args: directories (iterable): iterable of dictionaries representing the individual directories to add. Each dict has the following keys: - id (sha1_git): the id of the directory to add - entries (list): list of dicts for each entry in the directory. Each dict has the following keys: - name (bytes) - type (one of 'file', 'dir', 'rev'): type of the directory entry (file, directory, revision) - target (sha1_git): id of the object pointed at by the directory entry - perms (int): entry permissions Returns: Summary dict of keys with associated count as values: directory:add: Number of directories actually added """ ...
[docs] @remote_api_endpoint("directory/missing") def directory_missing(self, directories: List[Sha1Git]) -> Iterable[Sha1Git]: """List directories missing from storage. Args: directories: list of directory ids Yields: missing directory ids """ ...
[docs] @remote_api_endpoint("directory/ls") def directory_ls( self, directory: Sha1Git, recursive: bool = False ) -> Iterable[Dict[str, Any]]: """List entries for one directory. If `recursive=True`, names in the path of a dir/file not at the root are concatenated with a slash (`/`). Args: directory: the directory to list entries from. recursive: if flag on, this list recursively from this directory. Yields: directory entries for such directory. """ ...
[docs] @remote_api_endpoint("directory/path") def directory_entry_get_by_path( self, directory: Sha1Git, paths: List[bytes] ) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]: """Get the directory entry (either file or dir) from directory with path. Args: directory: directory id paths: path to lookup from the top level directory. From left (top) to right (bottom). Returns: The corresponding directory entry as dict if found, None otherwise. """ ...
[docs] @remote_api_endpoint("directory/get_entries") def directory_get_entries( self, directory_id: Sha1Git, page_token: Optional[bytes] = None, limit: int = 1000, ) -> Optional[PagedResult[DirectoryEntry]]: """Get the content, possibly partial, of a directory with the given id The entries of the directory are not guaranteed to be returned in any particular order. The number of results is not guaranteed to be lower than the ``limit``. Args: directory_id: identifier of the directory page_token: opaque string used to get the next results of a search limit: Number of entries to return Returns: None if the directory does not exist; a page of DirectoryEntry objects otherwise. See Also: :py:func:`` will get all entries for a given directory. :py:func:`` will do the same for a set of directories. """ ...
[docs] @remote_api_endpoint("directory/get_raw_manifest") def directory_get_raw_manifest( self, directory_ids: List[Sha1Git] ) -> Dict[Sha1Git, Optional[bytes]]: """Returns the raw manifest of directories that do not fit the SWH data model, or None if they do. Directories missing from the archive are not returned at all. Args: directory_ids: List of directory ids to query """ ...
[docs] @remote_api_endpoint("directory/get_random") def directory_get_random(self) -> Sha1Git: """Finds a random directory id. Returns: a sha1_git """ ...
[docs] @remote_api_endpoint("directory/partition/id") def directory_get_id_partition( self, partition_id: int, nb_partitions: int, page_token: Optional[str] = None, limit: int = 1000, ) -> PagedResult[Sha1Git]: """Splits directories into nb_partitions, and returns all the ids and raw manifests in one of these based on partition_id (which must be in [0, nb_partitions-1]). This does not return directory entries themselves; they should be retrieved using :meth:`directory_get_entries` and :meth:`directory_get_raw_manifest` instead. There is no guarantee on how the partitioning is done, or the result order. Args: partition_id: index of the partition to fetch nb_partitions: total number of partitions to split into Returns: Page of the directories' sha1_git hashes. """ ...
########################## # Revision ##########################
[docs] @remote_api_endpoint("revision/add") def revision_add(self, revisions: List[Revision]) -> Dict[str, int]: """Add revisions to the storage Args: revisions (List[dict]): iterable of dictionaries representing the individual revisions to add. Each dict has the following keys: - **id** (:class:`sha1_git`): id of the revision to add - **date** (:class:`dict`): date the revision was written - **committer_date** (:class:`dict`): date the revision got added to the origin - **type** (one of 'git', 'tar'): type of the revision added - **directory** (:class:`sha1_git`): the directory the revision points at - **message** (:class:`bytes`): the message associated with the revision - **author** (:class:`Dict[str, bytes]`): dictionary with keys: name, fullname, email - **committer** (:class:`Dict[str, bytes]`): dictionary with keys: name, fullname, email - **metadata** (:class:`jsonb`): extra information as dictionary - **synthetic** (:class:`bool`): revision's nature (tarball, directory creates synthetic revision`) - **parents** (:class:`list[sha1_git]`): the parents of this revision date dictionaries have the form defined in :mod:`swh.model`. Returns: Summary dict of keys with associated count as values revision:add: New objects actually stored in db """ ...
[docs] @remote_api_endpoint("revision/missing") def revision_missing(self, revisions: List[Sha1Git]) -> Iterable[Sha1Git]: """List revisions missing from storage Args: revisions: revision ids Yields: missing revision ids """ ...
[docs] @remote_api_endpoint("revision/partition") def revision_get_partition( self, partition_id: int, nb_partitions: int, page_token: Optional[str] = None, limit: int = 1000, ) -> PagedResult[Revision]: """Splits revisions into nb_partitions, and returns one of these based on partition_id (which must be in [0, nb_partitions-1]) There is no guarantee on how the partitioning is done, or the result order. Args: partition_id: index of the partition to fetch nb_partitions: total number of partitions to split into Returns: Page of Revision model objects within the partition. """ ...
[docs] @remote_api_endpoint("revision") def revision_get( self, revision_ids: List[Sha1Git], ignore_displayname: bool = False ) -> List[Optional[Revision]]: """Get revisions from storage Args: revisions: revision ids ignore_displayname: return the original author/committer's full name even if it's masked by a displayname. Returns: list of revision object (if the revision exists or None otherwise) """ ...
[docs] @remote_api_endpoint("revision/log") def revision_log( self, revisions: List[Sha1Git], ignore_displayname: bool = False, limit: Optional[int] = None, ) -> Iterable[Optional[Dict[str, Any]]]: """Fetch revision entry from the given root revisions. Args: revisions: array of root revisions to lookup ignore_displayname: return the original author/committer's full name even if it's masked by a displayname. limit: limitation on the output result. Default to None. Yields: revision entries log from the given root root revisions """ ...
[docs] @remote_api_endpoint("revision/shortlog") def revision_shortlog( self, revisions: List[Sha1Git], limit: Optional[int] = None ) -> Iterable[Optional[Tuple[Sha1Git, Tuple[Sha1Git, ...]]]]: """Fetch the shortlog for the given revisions Args: revisions: list of root revisions to lookup limit: depth limitation for the output Yields: a list of (id, parents) tuples """ ...
[docs] @remote_api_endpoint("revision/get_random") def revision_get_random(self) -> Sha1Git: """Finds a random revision id. Returns: a sha1_git """ ...
########################## # ExtID ##########################
[docs] @remote_api_endpoint("extid/from_extid") def extid_get_from_extid( self, id_type: str, ids: List[bytes], version: Optional[int] = None ) -> List[ExtID]: """Get ExtID objects from external IDs Args: id_type: type of the given external identifiers (e.g. 'mercurial') ids: list of external IDs version: (Optional) version to use as filter Returns: list of ExtID objects """ ...
[docs] @remote_api_endpoint("extid/from_target") def extid_get_from_target( self, target_type: ObjectType, ids: List[Sha1Git], extid_type: Optional[str] = None, extid_version: Optional[int] = None, ) -> List[ExtID]: """Get ExtID objects from target IDs and target_type Args: target_type: type the SWH object ids: list of target IDs extid_type: (Optional) extid_type to use as filter. This cannot be empty if extid_version is provided. extid_version: (Optional) version to use as filter. This cannot be empty if extid_type is provided. Raises: ValueError if extid_version is provided without extid_type and vice versa. Returns: list of ExtID objects """ ...
[docs] @remote_api_endpoint("extid/add") def extid_add(self, ids: List[ExtID]) -> Dict[str, int]: """Add a series of ExtID objects Args: ids: list of ExtID objects Returns: Summary dict of keys with associated count as values extid:add: New ExtID objects actually stored in db """ ...
########################## # Release ##########################
[docs] @remote_api_endpoint("release/add") def release_add(self, releases: List[Release]) -> Dict[str, int]: """Add releases to the storage Args: releases (List[dict]): iterable of dictionaries representing the individual releases to add. Each dict has the following keys: - **id** (:class:`sha1_git`): id of the release to add - **revision** (:class:`sha1_git`): id of the revision the release points to - **date** (:class:`dict`): the date the release was made - **name** (:class:`bytes`): the name of the release - **comment** (:class:`bytes`): the comment associated with the release - **author** (:class:`Dict[str, bytes]`): dictionary with keys: name, fullname, email the date dictionary has the form defined in :mod:`swh.model`. Returns: Summary dict of keys with associated count as values release:add: New objects contents actually stored in db """ ...
[docs] @remote_api_endpoint("release/missing") def release_missing(self, releases: List[Sha1Git]) -> Iterable[Sha1Git]: """List missing release ids from storage Args: releases: release ids Yields: a list of missing release ids """ ...
[docs] @remote_api_endpoint("release") def release_get( self, releases: List[Sha1Git], ignore_displayname: bool = False ) -> List[Optional[Release]]: """Given a list of sha1, return the releases's information Args: releases: list of sha1s ignore_displayname: return the original author's full name even if it's masked by a displayname. Returns: List of releases matching the identifiers or None if the release does not exist. """ ...
[docs] @remote_api_endpoint("release/get_random") def release_get_random(self) -> Sha1Git: """Finds a random release id. Returns: a sha1_git """ ...
[docs] @remote_api_endpoint("release/partition") def release_get_partition( self, partition_id: int, nb_partitions: int, page_token: Optional[str] = None, limit: int = 1000, ) -> PagedResult[Release]: """Splits releases into nb_partitions, and returns one of these based on partition_id (which must be in [0, nb_partitions-1]) There is no guarantee on how the partitioning is done, or the result order. Args: partition_id: index of the partition to fetch nb_partitions: total number of partitions to split into Returns: Page of Release model objects within the partition. """ ...
########################## # Snapshot ##########################
[docs] @remote_api_endpoint("snapshot/add") def snapshot_add(self, snapshots: List[Snapshot]) -> Dict[str, int]: """Add snapshots to the storage. Args: snapshot ([dict]): the snapshots to add, containing the following keys: - **id** (:class:`bytes`): id of the snapshot - **branches** (:class:`dict`): branches the snapshot contains, mapping the branch name (:class:`bytes`) to the branch target, itself a :class:`dict` (or ``None`` if the branch points to an unknown object) - **target_type** (:class:`str`): one of ``content``, ``directory``, ``revision``, ``release``, ``snapshot``, ``alias`` - **target** (:class:`bytes`): identifier of the target (currently a ``sha1_git`` for all object kinds, or the name of the target branch for aliases) Raises: ValueError: if the origin or visit id does not exist. Returns: Summary dict of keys with associated count as values snapshot:add: Count of object actually stored in db """ ...
[docs] @remote_api_endpoint("snapshot/missing") def snapshot_missing(self, snapshots: List[Sha1Git]) -> Iterable[Sha1Git]: """List snapshots missing from storage Args: snapshots: snapshot ids Yields: missing snapshot ids """ ...
[docs] @remote_api_endpoint("snapshot") def snapshot_get(self, snapshot_id: Sha1Git) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]: """Get the content, possibly partial, of a snapshot with the given id The branches of the snapshot are iterated in the lexicographical order of their names. .. warning:: At most 1000 branches contained in the snapshot will be returned for performance reasons. In order to browse the whole set of branches, the method :meth:`snapshot_get_branches` should be used instead. Args: snapshot_id: snapshot identifier Returns: dict: a dict with three keys: * **id**: identifier of the snapshot * **branches**: a dict of branches contained in the snapshot whose keys are the branches' names. * **next_branch**: the name of the first branch not returned or :const:`None` if the snapshot has less than 1000 branches. """ ...
[docs] @remote_api_endpoint("snapshot/count_branches") def snapshot_count_branches( self, snapshot_id: Sha1Git, branch_name_exclude_prefix: Optional[bytes] = None, ) -> Optional[Dict[Optional[str], int]]: """Count the number of branches in the snapshot with the given id Args: snapshot_id: snapshot identifier branch_name_exclude_prefix: if provided, do not count branches whose name starts with given prefix Returns: A dict whose keys are the target types of branches and values their corresponding amount """ ...
[docs] @remote_api_endpoint("snapshot/get_branches") def snapshot_get_branches( self, snapshot_id: Sha1Git, branches_from: bytes = b"", branches_count: int = 1000, target_types: Optional[List[str]] = None, branch_name_include_substring: Optional[bytes] = None, branch_name_exclude_prefix: Optional[bytes] = None, ) -> Optional[PartialBranches]: """Get the content, possibly partial, of a snapshot with the given id The branches of the snapshot are iterated in the lexicographical order of their names. Args: snapshot_id: identifier of the snapshot branches_from: optional parameter used to skip branches whose name is lesser than it before returning them branches_count: optional parameter used to restrain the amount of returned branches target_types: optional parameter used to filter the target types of branch to return (possible values that can be contained in that list are `'content', 'directory', 'revision', 'release', 'snapshot', 'alias'`) branch_name_include_substring: if provided, only return branches whose name contains given substring branch_name_exclude_prefix: if provided, do not return branches whose name contains given prefix Returns: a PartialBranches object listing a limited amount of branches matching the given criteria or None if the snapshot does not exist. See Also: :py:func:`` will get all branches for a given snapshot. """ ...
[docs] @remote_api_endpoint("snapshot/get_random") def snapshot_get_random(self) -> Sha1Git: """Finds a random snapshot id. Returns: a sha1_git """ ...
[docs] @remote_api_endpoint("snapshot/branches/get_by_name") def snapshot_branch_get_by_name( self, snapshot_id: Sha1Git, branch_name: bytes, follow_alias_chain: bool = True, max_alias_chain_length: int = 100, ) -> Optional[SnapshotBranchByNameResponse]: """Get a snapshot branch by its name Args: snapshot_id: Snapshot identifier branch_name: Branch name to look for follow_alias_chain: If True, find the first non alias branch. Return the first branch (alias or non alias) otherwise max_alias_chain_length: Maximum number of alias chains to be followed before treating the branch as dangling. This has no significance when follow_alias_chain is False. Returns: A SnapshotBranchByNameResponse object """ ...
[docs] @remote_api_endpoint("snapshot/partition/id") def snapshot_get_id_partition( self, partition_id: int, nb_partitions: int, page_token: Optional[str] = None, limit: int = 1000, ) -> PagedResult[Sha1Git]: """Splits directories into nb_partitions, and returns all the ids and raw manifests in one of these based on partition_id (which must be in [0, nb_partitions-1]). This does not return directory entries themselves; they should be retrieved using :meth:`snapshot_get_branches` instead. There is no guarantee on how the partitioning is done, or the result order. Args: partition_id: index of the partition to fetch nb_partitions: total number of partitions to split into Returns: Page of the snapshots' sha1_git hashes """ ...
########################## # OriginVisit and OriginVisitStatus ##########################
[docs] @remote_api_endpoint("origin/visit/add") def origin_visit_add(self, visits: List[OriginVisit]) -> Iterable[OriginVisit]: """Add visits to storage. If the visits have no id, they will be created and assigned one. The resulted visits are visits with their visit id set. Args: visits: List of OriginVisit objects to add Raises: StorageArgumentException if some origin visit reference unknown origins Returns: List[OriginVisit] stored """ ...
[docs] @remote_api_endpoint("origin/visit_status/add") def origin_visit_status_add( self, visit_statuses: List[OriginVisitStatus], ) -> Dict[str, int]: """Add origin visit statuses. If there is already a status for the same origin and visit id at the same date, the new one will be either dropped or will replace the existing one (it is unspecified which one of these two behaviors happens). Args: visit_statuses: origin visit statuses to add Raises: StorageArgumentException if the origin of the visit status is unknown """ ...
[docs] @remote_api_endpoint("origin/visit/get") def origin_visit_get( self, origin: str, page_token: Optional[str] = None, order: ListOrder = ListOrder.ASC, limit: int = 10, ) -> PagedResult[OriginVisit]: """Retrieve page of OriginVisit information. Args: origin: The visited origin page_token: opaque string used to get the next results of a search order: Order on visit id fields to list origin visits (default to asc) limit: Number of visits to return Raises: StorageArgumentException if the order is wrong or the page_token type is mistyped. Returns: Page of OriginVisit data model objects. if next_page_token is None, there is no longer data to retrieve. See Also: :py:func:`` will iterate over all OriginVisits for a given origin. """ ...
[docs] @remote_api_endpoint("origin/visit/find_by_date") def origin_visit_find_by_date( self, origin: str, visit_date: datetime.datetime, type: Optional[str] = None ) -> Optional[OriginVisit]: """Retrieves the origin visit whose date is closest to the provided timestamp. In case of a tie, the visit with largest id is selected. Args: origin: origin (URL) visit_date: expected visit date type: filter on a specific visit type if provided Returns: A visit if found, None otherwise """ ...
[docs] @remote_api_endpoint("origin/visit/getby") def origin_visit_get_by(self, origin: str, visit: int) -> Optional[OriginVisit]: """Retrieve origin visit's information. Args: origin: origin (URL) visit: visit id Returns: The information on that particular OriginVisit or None if it does not exist """ ...
[docs] @remote_api_endpoint("origin/visit/get_latest") def origin_visit_get_latest( self, origin: str, type: Optional[str] = None, allowed_statuses: Optional[List[str]] = None, require_snapshot: bool = False, ) -> Optional[OriginVisit]: """Get the latest origin visit for the given origin, optionally looking only for those with one of the given allowed_statuses or for those with a snapshot. Args: origin: origin URL type: Optional visit type to filter on (e.g git, tar, dsc, svn, hg, npm, pypi, ...) allowed_statuses: list of visit statuses considered to find the latest visit. For instance, ``allowed_statuses=['full']`` will only consider visits that have successfully run to completion. require_snapshot: If True, only a visit with a snapshot will be returned. Raises: StorageArgumentException if values for the allowed_statuses parameters are unknown Returns: OriginVisit matching the criteria if found, None otherwise. Note that as OriginVisit no longer held reference on the visit status or snapshot, you may want to use origin_visit_status_get_latest for those information. """ ...
[docs] @remote_api_endpoint("origin/visit_status/get") def origin_visit_status_get( self, origin: str, visit: int, page_token: Optional[str] = None, order: ListOrder = ListOrder.ASC, limit: int = 10, ) -> PagedResult[OriginVisitStatus]: """Retrieve page of OriginVisitStatus information. Args: origin: The visited origin visit: The visit identifier page_token: opaque string used to get the next results of a search order: Order on visit status objects to list (default to asc) limit: Number of visit statuses to return Returns: Page of OriginVisitStatus data model objects. if next_page_token is None, there is no longer data to retrieve. See Also: :py:func:`` will iterate over all OriginVisitStatus objects for a given origin and visit. """ ...
[docs] @remote_api_endpoint("origin/visit_status/get_latest") def origin_visit_status_get_latest( self, origin_url: str, visit: int, allowed_statuses: Optional[List[str]] = None, require_snapshot: bool = False, ) -> Optional[OriginVisitStatus]: """Get the latest origin visit status for the given origin visit, optionally looking only for those with one of the given allowed_statuses or with a snapshot. Args: origin: origin URL allowed_statuses: list of visit statuses considered to find the latest visit. Possible values are {created, ongoing, partial, full}. For instance, ``allowed_statuses=['full']`` will only consider visits that have successfully run to completion. require_snapshot: If True, only a visit with a snapshot will be returned. Raises: StorageArgumentException if values for the allowed_statuses parameters are unknown Returns: The OriginVisitStatus matching the criteria """ ...
[docs] @remote_api_endpoint("origin/visit/get_with_statuses") def origin_visit_get_with_statuses( self, origin: str, allowed_statuses: Optional[List[str]] = None, require_snapshot: bool = False, page_token: Optional[str] = None, order: ListOrder = ListOrder.ASC, limit: int = 10, ) -> PagedResult[OriginVisitWithStatuses]: """Retrieve page of origin visits and all their statuses. Origin visit statuses are always sorted in ascending order of their dates. Args: origin: The visited origin URL allowed_statuses: Only visit statuses matching that list will be returned. If empty, all visit statuses will be returned. Possible status values are ``created``, ``not_found``, ``ongoing``, ``failed``, ``partial`` and ``full``. require_snapshot: If :const:`True`, only visit statuses with a snapshot will be returned. page_token: opaque string used to get the next results order: Order on visit objects to list (default to asc) limit: Number of visits with their statuses to return Returns: Page of OriginVisitWithStatuses objects. if next_page_token is None, there is no longer data to retrieve. """ ...
[docs] @remote_api_endpoint("origin/visit_status/get_random") def origin_visit_status_get_random(self, type: str) -> Optional[OriginVisitStatus]: """Randomly select one successful origin visit with <type> made in the last 3 months. Returns: One random OriginVisitStatus matching the selection criteria """ ...
########################## # Origin ##########################
[docs] @remote_api_endpoint("origin/get") def origin_get(self, origins: List[str]) -> List[Optional[Origin]]: """Return origins. Args: origin: a list of urls to find Returns: the list of associated existing origin model objects. The unknown origins will be returned as None at the same index as the input. """ ...
[docs] @remote_api_endpoint("origin/get_sha1") def origin_get_by_sha1(self, sha1s: List[bytes]) -> List[Optional[Dict[str, Any]]]: """Return origins, identified by the sha1 of their URLs. Args: sha1s: a list of sha1s Returns: List of origins dict whose sha1 of their url match, None otherwise. """ ...
[docs] @remote_api_endpoint("origin/list") def origin_list( self, page_token: Optional[str] = None, limit: int = 100 ) -> PagedResult[Origin]: """Returns the list of origins Args: page_token: opaque token used for pagination. limit: the maximum number of results to return Returns: Page of Origin data model objects. if next_page_token is None, there is no longer data to retrieve. """ ...
[docs] @deprecated @remote_api_endpoint("origin/count") def origin_count( self, url_pattern: str, regexp: bool = False, with_visit: bool = False ) -> int: """Count origins whose urls contain a provided string pattern or match a provided regular expression. The pattern search in origin urls is performed in a case insensitive way. Args: url_pattern (str): the string pattern to search for in origin urls regexp (bool): if True, consider the provided pattern as a regular expression and return origins whose urls match it with_visit (bool): if True, filter out origins with no visit Returns: int: The number of origins matching the search criterion. """ ...
[docs] @remote_api_endpoint("origin/snapshot/get") def origin_snapshot_get_all(self, origin_url: str) -> List[Sha1Git]: """Return all unique snapshot identifiers resulting from origin visits. Args: origin_url: origin URL Returns: list of sha1s """ ...
[docs] @remote_api_endpoint("origin/add_multi") def origin_add(self, origins: List[Origin]) -> Dict[str, int]: """Add origins to the storage Args: origins: list of dictionaries representing the individual origins, with the following keys: - type: the origin type ('git', 'svn', 'deb', ...) - url (bytes): the url the origin points to Returns: Summary dict of keys with associated count as values origin:add: Count of object actually stored in db """ ...
########################## # reverse index for object references ##########################
[docs] @remote_api_endpoint("object/find_references") def object_find_recent_references( self, target_swhid: ExtendedSWHID, limit: int ) -> List[ExtendedSWHID]: """Return the SWHIDs of objects that are known to reference the object ``target_swhid``. Args: target_swhid: the SWHID of the object targeted by the returned objects limit: the maximum number of SWHIDs to return Note: The data returned by this function is by essence limited to objects that were recently added to the archive, and is pruned regularly. For completeness, one must also query :mod:`swh.graph` for backwards edges targeting the requested object. """ ...
[docs] @remote_api_endpoint("object/references_add") def object_references_add( self, references: List[ObjectReference] ) -> Dict[str, int]: """For each object reference ``(source, target)``, record that the ``source`` object references the ``target`` object (meaning that the ``target`` needs to exist for the ``source`` object to be consistent within the archive). This function will only be called internally by a reference recording proxy, through one of :func:`directory_add`, :func:`revision_add`, :func:`release_add`, :func:`snapshot_add`, or :func:`origin_visit_status_add`. External users of :mod:`` should not need to use this function directly. Note: these records are inserted in time-based partitions that can be pruned when the objects are known in an up-to-date :mod:`swh.graph` instance. Args: references: a list of ``(source, target)`` SWHID tuples Returns: A summary dict with the following keys: object_reference:add: the number of object references added """ ...
########################## # misc. ##########################
[docs] @remote_api_endpoint("object/find_by_sha1_git") def object_find_by_sha1_git(self, ids: List[Sha1Git]) -> Dict[Sha1Git, List[Dict]]: """Return the objects found with the given ids. Args: ids: a generator of sha1_gits Returns: A dict from id to the list of objects found for that id. Each object found is itself a dict with keys: - sha1_git: the input id - type: the type of object found """ ...
[docs] def stat_counters(self): """compute statistics about the number of tuples in various tables Returns: dict: a dictionary mapping textual labels (e.g., content) to integer values (e.g., the number of tuples in table content) """ ...
[docs] def refresh_stat_counters(self): """Recomputes the statistics for `stat_counters`.""" ...
########################## # RawExtrinsicMetadata ##########################
[docs] @remote_api_endpoint("raw_extrinsic_metadata/add") def raw_extrinsic_metadata_add( self, metadata: List[RawExtrinsicMetadata], ) -> Dict[str, int]: """Add extrinsic metadata on objects (contents, directories, ...). The authority and fetcher must be known to the storage before using this endpoint. If there is already metadata for the same object, authority, fetcher, and at the same date; the new one will be either dropped or will replace the existing one (it is unspecified which one of these two behaviors happens). Args: metadata: iterable of RawExtrinsicMetadata objects to be inserted. """ ...
[docs] @remote_api_endpoint("raw_extrinsic_metadata/get") def raw_extrinsic_metadata_get( self, target: ExtendedSWHID, authority: MetadataAuthority, after: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None, page_token: Optional[bytes] = None, limit: int = 1000, ) -> PagedResult[RawExtrinsicMetadata]: """Retrieve list of all raw_extrinsic_metadata entries targeting the id Args: target: the SWHID of the objects to find metadata on authority: a dict containing keys `type` and `url`. after: minimum discovery_date for a result to be returned page_token: opaque token, used to get the next page of results limit: maximum number of results to be returned Returns: PagedResult of RawExtrinsicMetadata Raises: UnknownMetadataAuthority: if the metadata authority does not exist at all """ ...
[docs] @remote_api_endpoint("raw_extrinsic_metadata/get_by_ids") def raw_extrinsic_metadata_get_by_ids( self, ids: List[Sha1Git] ) -> List[RawExtrinsicMetadata]: """Retrieve list of raw_extrinsic_metadata entries of the given id (unlike raw_extrinsic_metadata_get, which returns metadata entries **targeting** the id) Args: ids: list of hashes of RawExtrinsicMetadata objects """ ...
[docs] @remote_api_endpoint("raw_extrinsic_metadata/get_authorities") def raw_extrinsic_metadata_get_authorities( self, target: ExtendedSWHID ) -> List[MetadataAuthority]: """Returns all authorities that provided metadata on the given object.""" ...
########################## # MetadataFetcher and MetadataAuthority ##########################
[docs] @remote_api_endpoint("metadata_fetcher/add") def metadata_fetcher_add( self, fetchers: List[MetadataFetcher], ) -> Dict[str, int]: """Add new metadata fetchers to the storage. Their `name` and `version` together are unique identifiers of this fetcher; and `metadata` is an arbitrary dict of JSONable data with information about this fetcher, which must not be `None` (but may be empty). Args: fetchers: iterable of MetadataFetcher to be inserted """ ...
[docs] @remote_api_endpoint("metadata_fetcher/get") def metadata_fetcher_get( self, name: str, version: str ) -> Optional[MetadataFetcher]: """Retrieve information about a fetcher Args: name: the name of the fetcher version: version of the fetcher Returns: a MetadataFetcher object (with a non-None metadata field) if it is known, else None. """ ...
[docs] @remote_api_endpoint("metadata_authority/add") def metadata_authority_add( self, authorities: List[MetadataAuthority] ) -> Dict[str, int]: """Add new metadata authorities to the storage. Their `type` and `url` together are unique identifiers of this authority; and `metadata` is an arbitrary dict of JSONable data with information about this authority, which must not be `None` (but may be empty). Args: authorities: iterable of MetadataAuthority to be inserted """ ...
[docs] @remote_api_endpoint("metadata_authority/get") def metadata_authority_get( self, type: MetadataAuthorityType, url: str ) -> Optional[MetadataAuthority]: """Retrieve information about an authority Args: type: one of "deposit_client", "forge", or "registry" url: unique URI identifying the authority Returns: a MetadataAuthority object (with a non-None metadata field) if it is known, else None. """ ...
[docs] @remote_api_endpoint("clear/buffer") def clear_buffers(self, object_types: Sequence[str] = ()) -> None: """For backend storages (pg, storage, in-memory), this is a noop operation. For proxy storages (especially filter, buffer), this is an operation which cleans internal state. """
[docs] @remote_api_endpoint("flush") def flush(self, object_types: Sequence[str] = ()) -> Dict[str, int]: """For backend storages (pg, storage, in-memory), this is expected to be a noop operation. For proxy storages (especially buffer), this is expected to trigger actual writes to the backend. """ ...
[docs] class ObjectDeletionInterface(Protocol):
[docs] def object_delete(self, swhids: List[ExtendedSWHID]) -> Dict[str, int]: """Delete objects from the storage All skipped content objects matching the given SWHID will be removed, including those who have the same SWHID due to hash collisions. Origin objects are removed alongside their associated origin visit and origin visit status objects. Only objects from this facility will be removed. The same method should be called on other storage, objstorage, or journal instances where the specified objects need to be removed. Args: swhids: list of SWHID of the objects to remove Returns: dict: number of objects removed. Details of each key: content:delete Number of content objects removed content:delete:bytes Sum of the removed contents’ data length skipped_content:delete Number of skipped content objects removed directory:delete Number of directory objects removed revision:delete Number of revision objects removed release:delete Number of release objects removed snapshot:delete Number of snapshot objects removed origin:delete Number of origin objects removed origin_visit:delete Number of origin visit objects removed origin_visit_status:delete Number of origin visit status objects removed ori_metadata:delete Number of raw extrinsic metadata objects targeting an origin that have been removed snp_metadata:delete Number of raw extrinsic metadata objects targeting a snapshot that have been removed rev_metadata:delete Number of raw extrinsic metadata objects targeting a revision that have been removed rel_metadata:delete Number of raw extrinsic metadata objects targeting a release that have been removed dir_metadata:delete Number ef raw extrinsic metadata objects targeting a directory that have been removed cnt_metadata:delete Number of raw extrinsic metadata objects targeting a content that have been removed emd_metadata:delete Number of raw extrinsic metadata objects targeting a raw extrinsic metadata object that have been removed""" ...
[docs] def extid_delete_for_target(self, target_swhids: List[CoreSWHID]) -> Dict[str, int]: """Delete ExtID objects from the storage Args: target_swhids: list of SWHIDs targeted by the ExtID objects to remove Returns: Summary dict with the following keys and associated values: extid:delete: Number of ExtID objects removed """ ...
[docs] @attr.s class ObjectReferencesPartition: """Represents a subset of :class:`ObjectReference` rows inserted into the database within a certain time range""" table_name = attr.ib(type=str) year = attr.ib(type=int) """ISO year.""" week = attr.ib(type=int) """ISO week.""" start = attr.ib( end = attr.ib(
[docs] @runtime_checkable class PartitionsManagementInterface(Protocol):
[docs] def object_references_create_partition( self, year: int, week: int ) -> Tuple[,]: """Create the partition of the object_references table for the given ISO ``year`` and ``week``.""" ...
[docs] def object_references_drop_partition( self, partition: ObjectReferencesPartition ) -> None: """Delete the partition of the object_references table for the given partition.""" ...
[docs] def object_references_list_partitions(self) -> List[ObjectReferencesPartition]: """List existing partitions of the object_references table, ordered from oldest to the most recent.""" ...