Source code for

# Copyright (C) 2019  The Software Heritage developers
# See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
# License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version
# See top-level LICENSE file for more information

from contextlib import contextmanager
from functools import wraps
import logging
from time import monotonic
from types import TracebackType
from typing import Dict, Optional, Type

from swh.core.statsd import statsd

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

OPERATIONS_METRIC = "swh_storage_operations_total"
OPERATIONS_UNIT_METRIC = "swh_storage_operations_{unit}_total"
DURATION_METRIC = "swh_storage_request_duration_seconds"

[docs] def timed(f): """Time that function!""" @wraps(f) def d(*a, **kw): with statsd.timed(DURATION_METRIC, tags={"endpoint": f.__name__}): return f(*a, **kw) return d
[docs] class DifferentialTimer: """Compute differential timing metrics and send them to StatsD. The DifferentialTimer will send the ``metric`` to statsd, computing the difference between the time spent within the whole block, with the time spent within any blocks wrapped in the :meth:`inner` decorator. If an exception is raised,when sending the metric, the DifferentialTimer will add a ``inner_exc`` (when the exception is raised by an inner-timed section) or ``outer_exc`` tag with the name of the exception class that was raised . Arguments: metric: name of the timing metric that is sent to StatsD when the context manager exits tags: tags to attach to the metric when it is sent Example: To generate a ``metric_seconds`` timed metric, recording the overhead of running ``run_pre_processing`` and ``run_post_processing``, use: .. code-block:: python with DifferentialTimer("metric_seconds") as t: run_pre_processing() with t.inner(): run_inner_method() run_post_processing() """ def __init__(self, metric: str, tags: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None) -> None: self.start_ts: Optional[float] = None self.inner_elapsed = 0 self.exc_source = "outer" self.metric = metric self.tags = tags or {} def __enter__(self) -> "DifferentialTimer": self.start_ts = monotonic() return self
[docs] @contextmanager def inner(self): """Add the duration of this block to the inner elapsed time counter.""" start = monotonic() try: yield except BaseException: self.exc_source = "inner" raise finally: self.inner_elapsed += monotonic() - start
def __exit__( self, exc_type: Optional[Type[BaseException]], _exc_value: Optional[BaseException], _traceback: Optional[TracebackType], ) -> None: if self.start_ts is None: logger.warning("DifferentialTimer exited without being started") return total_elapsed = monotonic() - self.start_ts extra_tags = {} if exc_type: extra_tags[f"{self.exc_source}_exc"] = exc_type.__name__ if self.inner_elapsed == 0 and not exc_type: logger.warning("DifferentialTimer didn't record calls to `inner`?") # Statsd expects timings in milliseconds value = (total_elapsed - self.inner_elapsed) * 1000 statsd.timing( self.metric, value, tags={**self.tags, **extra_tags}, )
[docs] def send_metric(metric, count, method_name): """Send statsd metric with count for method `method_name` If count is 0, the metric is discarded. If the metric is not parseable, the metric is discarded with a log message. Args: metric (str): Metric's name (e.g content:add, content:add:bytes) count (int): Associated value for the metric method_name (str): Method's name Returns: Bool to explicit if metric has been set or not """ if count == 0: return False metric_type = metric.split(":") _length = len(metric_type) if _length == 2: object_type, operation = metric_type metric_name = OPERATIONS_METRIC elif _length == 3: object_type, operation, unit = metric_type metric_name = OPERATIONS_UNIT_METRIC.format(unit=unit) else: logging.warning("Skipping unknown metric {%s: %s}" % (metric, count)) return False statsd.increment( metric_name, count, tags={ "endpoint": method_name, "object_type": object_type, "operation": operation, }, ) return True
[docs] def process_metrics(f): """Increment object counters for the decorated function.""" @wraps(f) def d(*a, **kw): r = f(*a, **kw) for metric, count in r.items(): send_metric(metric=metric, count=count, method_name=f.__name__) return r return d