Source code for

# Copyright (C) 2024 The Software Heritage developers

# See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
# License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version
# See top-level LICENSE file for more information

import datetime
import enum
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple
from uuid import UUID

import attr
import psycopg2.errors
from psycopg2.extras import execute_values

from swh.core.db import BaseDb
from swh.core.statsd import statsd
from swh.model.swhids import ExtendedObjectType, ExtendedSWHID
from import StorageArgumentException

METRIC_QUERY_TOTAL = "swh_storage_masking_queried_total"
METRIC_MASKED_TOTAL = "swh_storage_masking_masked_total"

[docs] class DuplicateRequest(StorageArgumentException): pass
[docs] class RequestNotFound(StorageArgumentException): pass
[docs] class MaskedState(enum.Enum): """Value recording "how much" an object associated to a masking request is masked""" # TODO: is this needed? Can be used to record objects that have been masked # in the past but are not anymore? VISIBLE = """The object is visible""" DECISION_PENDING = """The object is temporarily masked until the request is reviewed""" RESTRICTED = """The access to the object is restricted permanently"""
[docs] @attr.s class MaskedStatus: """Return value when requesting if an object is masked""" state = attr.ib(type=MaskedState) request = attr.ib(type=UUID)
[docs] @attr.s class MaskingRequest: """A request for masking a set of objects""" id = attr.ib(type=UUID) """Unique id for the request (will be returned to requesting clients)""" slug = attr.ib(type=str) """Unique, human-readable id for the request (for administrative interactions)""" date = attr.ib(type=datetime.datetime) """Date the request was received""" reason = attr.ib(type=str) """Why the request was made""" # TODO: should this be stored here?
[docs] @attr.s class MaskingRequestHistory: request = attr.ib(type=UUID) """id of the masking request""" date = attr.ib(type=datetime.datetime) """Date the history entry has been added""" message = attr.ib(type=str) """Free-form history information (e.g. "policy decision made")"""
[docs] @attr.s class MaskedObject: request_slug = attr.ib(type=str) swhid = attr.ib(type=ExtendedSWHID) state = attr.ib(type=MaskedState)
[docs] class MaskingDb(BaseDb): # we started with 192, because this used to be part of the main storage db current_version = 193 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.conn.autocommit = True
[docs] class MaskingAdmin(MaskingDb):
[docs] def create_request(self, slug: str, reason: str) -> MaskingRequest: """Record a new masking request Arguments: slug: human-readable unique identifier for the request reason: free-form text recording why the request was made Raises: DuplicateRequest when the slug already exists """ cur = self.cursor() try: cur.execute( """ INSERT INTO masking_request (slug, reason) VALUES (%s, %s) RETURNING id, date """, (slug, reason), ) except psycopg2.errors.UniqueViolation: raise DuplicateRequest(slug) res = cur.fetchone() assert res is not None, "PostgreSQL returned an inconsistent result" id, date = res return MaskingRequest(id=id, date=date, slug=slug, reason=reason)
[docs] def find_request(self, slug: str) -> Optional[MaskingRequest]: """Find a masking request using its slug Returns: :const:`None` if a request with the given slug doesn't exist """ cur = self.cursor() cur.execute( """ SELECT id, slug, date, reason FROM masking_request WHERE slug = %s """, (slug,), ) res = cur.fetchone() if not res: return None id, slug, date, reason = res return MaskingRequest(id=id, date=date, slug=slug, reason=reason)
[docs] def find_request_by_id(self, id: UUID) -> Optional[MaskingRequest]: """Find a masking request using its id Returns: :const:`None` if a request with the given request doesn't exist """ cur = self.cursor() cur.execute( """ SELECT id, slug, date, reason FROM masking_request WHERE id = %s """, (id,), ) res = cur.fetchone() if not res: return None id, slug, date, reason = res return MaskingRequest(id=id, date=date, slug=slug, reason=reason)
[docs] def get_requests( self, include_cleared_requests: bool = False ) -> List[Tuple[MaskingRequest, int]]: """Get known requests Args: include_cleared_requests: also include requests with no associated masking states """ cur = self.cursor() query = """SELECT id, slug, date, reason, COUNT(object_id) AS mask_count FROM masking_request LEFT JOIN masked_object ON (request = id) GROUP BY id""" if not include_cleared_requests: query += " HAVING COUNT(object_id) > 0" query += " ORDER BY date DESC" cur.execute(query) result = [] for id, slug, date, reason, mask_count in cur: result.append( (MaskingRequest(id=id, slug=slug, date=date, reason=reason), mask_count) ) return result
[docs] def set_object_state( self, request_id: UUID, new_state: MaskedState, swhids: List[ExtendedSWHID] ): """Within the request with the given id, record the state of the given objects as ``new_state``. This creates entries or updates them as appropriate. Raises: :exc:`RequestNotFound` if the request is not found. """ cur = self.cursor() cur.execute("SELECT 1 FROM masking_request WHERE id = %s", (request_id,)) if cur.fetchone() is None: raise RequestNotFound(request_id) execute_values( cur, """ INSERT INTO masked_object (object_id, object_type, request, state) VALUES %s ON CONFLICT (object_id, object_type, request) DO UPDATE SET state = EXCLUDED.state """, ( ( swhid.object_id,, request_id,, ) for swhid in swhids ), )
[docs] def get_states_for_request( self, request_id: UUID ) -> Dict[ExtendedSWHID, MaskedState]: """Get the state of objects associated with the given request. Raises :exc:`RequestNotFound` if the request is not found. """ cur = self.cursor() cur.execute("SELECT 1 FROM masking_request WHERE id = %s", (request_id,)) if cur.fetchone() is None: raise RequestNotFound(request_id) result = {} cur.execute( """SELECT object_id, object_type, state FROM masked_object WHERE request = %s""", (request_id,), ) for object_id, object_type, state in cur: swhid = ExtendedSWHID( object_id=object_id, object_type=ExtendedObjectType[object_type.upper()], ) result[swhid] = MaskedState[state.upper()] return result
[docs] def find_masks(self, swhids: List[ExtendedSWHID]) -> List[MaskedObject]: """Lookup the masking state and associated requests for the given SWHIDs.""" cur = self.cursor() result = [] for ( object_id, object_type, request_slug, state, ) in psycopg2.extras.execute_values( cur, """SELECT object_id, object_type, slug, state FROM masked_object INNER JOIN (VALUES %s) v(object_id, object_type) USING (object_id, object_type) LEFT JOIN masking_request ON ( = request) ORDER BY object_type, object_id, DESC """, ((swhid.object_id, for swhid in swhids), template="(%s, %s::extended_object_type)", fetch=True, ): swhid = ExtendedSWHID( object_id=object_id, object_type=ExtendedObjectType[object_type.upper()] ) result.append( MaskedObject( request_slug=request_slug, swhid=swhid, state=MaskedState[state.upper()], ) ) return result
[docs] def delete_masks(self, request_id: UUID) -> None: """Remove all masking states for the given request. Raises: :exc:`RequestNotFound` if the request is not found. """ cur = self.cursor() cur.execute("SELECT 1 FROM masking_request WHERE id = %s", (request_id,)) if cur.fetchone() is None: raise RequestNotFound(request_id) cur.execute("DELETE FROM masked_object WHERE request = %s", (request_id,))
[docs] def record_history(self, request_id: UUID, message: str) -> MaskingRequestHistory: """Add an entry to the history of the given request. Raises: :exc:`RequestNotFound` if the request is not found. """ cur = self.cursor() try: cur.execute( """ INSERT INTO masking_request_history (request, message) VALUES (%s, %s) RETURNING date """, (request_id, message), ) except psycopg2.errors.ForeignKeyViolation: raise RequestNotFound(request_id) res = cur.fetchone() assert res is not None, "PostgreSQL returned an inconsistent result" return MaskingRequestHistory(request=request_id, date=res[0], message=message)
[docs] def get_history(self, request_id: UUID) -> List[MaskingRequestHistory]: """Get the history of a given request. Raises: :exc:`RequestNotFound` if the request if not found. """ cur = self.cursor() cur.execute("SELECT 1 FROM masking_request WHERE id = %s", (request_id,)) if cur.fetchone() is None: raise RequestNotFound(request_id) cur.execute( """SELECT date, message FROM masking_request_history WHERE request = %s ORDER BY date DESC""", (request_id,), ) records = [] for date, message in cur: records.append( MaskingRequestHistory(request=request_id, date=date, message=message) ) return records
[docs] class MaskingQuery(MaskingDb):
[docs] def swhids_are_masked( self, swhids: List[ExtendedSWHID] ) -> Dict[ExtendedSWHID, List[MaskedStatus]]: """Checks which objects in the list are masked. Returns: For each masked object, a list of :class:`MaskedStatus` objects where the State is not :const:`MaskedState.VISIBLE`. """ cur = self.cursor() statsd.increment(METRIC_QUERY_TOTAL, len(swhids)) ret: Dict[ExtendedSWHID, List[MaskedStatus]] = {} for object_id, object_type, request_id, state in psycopg2.extras.execute_values( cur, """ SELECT object_id, object_type, request, state FROM masked_object INNER JOIN (VALUES %s) v(object_id, object_type) USING (object_id, object_type) WHERE state != 'visible' """, ( ( swhid.object_id,, ) for swhid in swhids ), template="(%s, %s::extended_object_type)", fetch=True, ): swhid = ExtendedSWHID( object_id=object_id, object_type=ExtendedObjectType[object_type.upper()], ) if swhid not in ret: ret[swhid] = [] ret[swhid].append( MaskedStatus(request=request_id, state=MaskedState[state.upper()]) ) if ret: statsd.increment(METRIC_MASKED_TOTAL, len(ret)) return ret