Source code for

# Copyright (C) 2019-2024  The Software Heritage developers
# See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
# License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version
# See top-level LICENSE file for more information

from datetime import datetime, timezone
import re
from typing import Callable, Dict, Optional, Tuple, TypeVar

from swh.model.hashutil import DEFAULT_ALGORITHMS, hash_to_bytes, hash_to_hex

[docs] def now() -> datetime: return
T1 = TypeVar("T1") T2 = TypeVar("T2")
[docs] def map_optional(f: Callable[[T1], T2], x: Optional[T1]) -> Optional[T2]: """Execute function f on x if x is not None and return the result. Return None otherwise. Args: f: Function to be called on non-None value x: The value to apply f onto (or None) Returns: f(x) if x is not None else None. """ return f(x) if x is not None else None
def _is_power_of_two(n: int) -> bool: return n > 0 and n & (n - 1) == 0
[docs] def get_partition_bounds_bytes( i: int, n: int, nb_bytes: int ) -> Tuple[bytes, Optional[bytes]]: r"""Splits the range [0; 2^(nb_bytes*8)) into n same-length intervals, and returns the boundaries of this interval (both inclusive); or None as upper bound, if this is the last partition n must be a power of 2. >>> get_partition_bounds_bytes(0, 16, 2) == (b'\x00\x00', b'\x10\x00') True >>> get_partition_bounds_bytes(1, 16, 2) == (b'\x10\x00', b'\x20\x00') True >>> get_partition_bounds_bytes(14, 16, 2) == (b'\xe0\x00', b'\xf0\x00') True >>> get_partition_bounds_bytes(15, 16, 2) == (b'\xf0\x00', None) True """ if not _is_power_of_two(n): raise ValueError("number of partitions must be a power of two") if not 0 <= i < n: raise ValueError( "partition index must be between 0 and the number of partitions." ) space_size = 1 << (nb_bytes * 8) partition_size = space_size // n start = (partition_size * i).to_bytes(nb_bytes, "big") end = None if i == n - 1 else (partition_size * (i + 1)).to_bytes(nb_bytes, "big") return (start, end)
[docs] def extract_collision_hash(error_message: str) -> Optional[Tuple[str, bytes]]: """Utilities to extract the hash information from a hash collision error. Hash collision error message are of the form: 'Key (<hash-type>)=(<double-escaped-hash) already exists.' for example: 'Key (sha1)=(\\x34973274ccef6ab4dfaaf86599792fa9c3fe4689) already exists.' Return: A formatted string """ pattern = r"\w* \((?P<type>[^)]+)\)=\(\\x(?P<id>[a-f0-9]+)\) \w*" result = re.match(pattern, error_message) if result: hash_type ="type") hash_id ="id") return hash_type, hash_to_bytes(hash_id) return None
[docs] def content_hex_hashes(content: Dict[str, bytes]) -> Dict[str, str]: """Convert bytes hashes into hex hashes.""" return {algo: hash_to_hex(content[algo]) for algo in DEFAULT_ALGORITHMS}
[docs] def content_bytes_hashes(content: Dict[str, str]) -> Dict[str, bytes]: """Convert bytes hashes into hex hashes.""" return {algo: hash_to_bytes(content[algo]) for algo in DEFAULT_ALGORITHMS}
[docs] def remove_keys(d: Dict[T1, T2], keys: Tuple[T1, ...]) -> Dict[T1, T2]: """Returns a copy of ``d`` minus the given keys.""" return {k: v for (k, v) in d.items() if k not in keys}
[docs] def round_to_milliseconds(date): """Round datetime to milliseconds before insertion, so equality doesn't fail after a round-trip through a DB (eg. Cassandra) """ return date.replace(microsecond=(date.microsecond // 1000) * 1000)