Source code for swh.web.alter.emails

# Copyright (C) 2025  The Software Heritage developers
# See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
# License: GNU Affero General Public License version 3, or any later version
# See top-level LICENSE file for more information
from __future__ import annotations

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

from django.conf import settings
from django.core.mail import send_mail
from django.template.loader import render_to_string
from django.utils.translation import gettext as _

from .models import Alteration, Event, EventRecipient, Token
from .utils import get_group_emails

    from django.http import HttpRequest

[docs] def send_alteration_notification(alteration: Alteration, request: HttpRequest) -> None: """Send an alteration request notification by mail to SWH. Args: alteration: an ``Alteration`` request: an ``HttpRequest`` """ send_mail( "New archive alteration request", render_to_string( "emails/admin_alteration_notification.txt", context={"alteration": alteration}, request=request, ), settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL, get_group_emails("support"), )
[docs] def send_alteration_confirmation(alteration: Alteration, request: HttpRequest) -> None: """Send an alteration request confirmation by mail to the requester. Args: alteration: an ``Alteration`` request: an ``HttpRequest`` """ send_mail( _("Confirmation of your archive alteration request"), render_to_string( "emails/alteration_confirmation.txt", context={"alteration": alteration}, request=request, ), settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL, [], )
[docs] def send_message_notification(event: Event, request: HttpRequest) -> None: """Send a new message notification by mail to the recipient. Args: event: an ``Event`` request: an ``HttpRequest`` """ alteration = event.alteration if event.recipient == EventRecipient.REQUESTER: send_mail( _("New message notification"), render_to_string( "emails/message_notification.txt", context={"alteration": alteration}, request=request, ), settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL, [], ) elif event.recipient: send_mail( f"New message on {alteration}", render_to_string( "emails/admin_message_notification.txt", context={"event": event, "alteration": alteration}, request=request, ), settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL, get_group_emails(event.recipient), )