Source code for swh.web.alter.models

# Copyright (C) 2025  The Software Heritage developers
# See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
# License: GNU Affero General Public License version 3, or any later version
# See top-level LICENSE file for more information

from __future__ import annotations

from datetime import timedelta
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Union
import uuid

from django.conf import settings
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
from django.core.validators import validate_domain_name, validate_email
from django.db import IntegrityError, models, transaction
from django.db.models import Q
from django.db.models.query import QuerySet
from django.urls import reverse
from django.utils import timezone
from django.utils.crypto import get_random_string
from django.utils.translation import gettext as _

from .apps import APP_LABEL

    from django.contrib.sessions.backends.base import SessionBase

[docs] class BaseModel(models.Model): """An abstract base model to provide UUID pks and timestamps.""" id = models.UUIDField(primary_key=True, default=uuid.uuid4, editable=False) """UUID primary key""" created_at = models.DateTimeField(_("created"), auto_now_add=True) """Creation date""" updated_at = models.DateTimeField(_("updated"), auto_now=True) """Last update"""
[docs] class Meta: abstract = True
[docs] class OriginOutcome(models.TextChoices): VALIDATING = "validating", _("Validating") REJECTED = "rejected", _("Rejected") MAILMAP = "mailmap", _("Mailmap") MASK = "mask", _("Permanent mask") TAKEDOWN = "takedown", _("Takedown") BLOCK = "block", _("Takedown and block")
[docs] class OriginOwnership(models.TextChoices): UNKNOWN = "unknown", _("?") OWNER = "owner", _("Requester is the owner of the origin") FORK = "fork", _("Fork of an origin owned by the requester") OTHER = "other", _("Origin has no direct link with the requester")
[docs] class Origin(BaseModel): """Origins concerned by an `Alteration`.""" url = models.URLField(_("URL")) """Origin's URL""" alteration = models.ForeignKey( "Alteration", related_name="origins", on_delete=models.RESTRICT, null=False, ) """Alteration FK""" outcome = models.CharField( _("outcome"), max_length=20, choices=OriginOutcome, default=OriginOutcome.VALIDATING, ) """Outcome for this origin""" reason = models.TextField(_("reason for this outcome"), blank=True) """Outcome's reason""" code_license = models.TextField(_("license found in code"), blank=True) """License found in / guessed from the source code""" available = models.BooleanField( _("available"), help_text=_("Is this URL is still available online ?"), null=True, ) """URL is still available""" ownership = models.CharField( _("owner"), help_text=_("Is Requester the owner of this origin or is it a fork ?"), max_length=20, choices=OriginOwnership, default=OriginOwnership.UNKNOWN, ) """Is Requester the owner of this origin or is it a fork""" class Meta: app_label = APP_LABEL db_table = "origin" indexes = [models.Index(fields=["url"])] constraints = [ models.UniqueConstraint(fields=["alteration_id", "url"], name="unique_url"), ] def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"<Origin: {self.url} ({})>" def __str__(self) -> str: return self.url
[docs] def get_admin_url(self): return reverse( "alteration-origin-admin", kwargs={"pk":, "alteration_pk": self.alteration_id}, )
[docs] class AlterationManager(models.Manager["Alteration"]): """Custom ``Alteration`` manager."""
[docs] def search(self, query: str) -> QuerySet[Alteration, Alteration]: """A basic search for requests. Will find requests where `query` is to be found (case insensitive) in either: * its ``reasons`` field * its ``expected_outcome`` field * one of its ``Origin`` url * Requester's email Args: query: search query """ base_queryset = super().get_queryset() search_filters = ( Q(reasons__icontains=query) | Q(expected_outcome__icontains=query) | Q(origins__url__icontains=query) | Q(email__icontains=query) ) return base_queryset.filter(search_filters).distinct()
[docs] class AlterationStatus(models.TextChoices): VALIDATING = "validating", _("Validating") PLANNING = "planning", _("Planning") EXECUTING = "executing", _("Executing") PROCESSED = "processed", _("Processed") REJECTED = "rejected", _("Rejected") CLOSED = "closed", _("Closed") ARCHIVED = "archived", _("Archived") __empty__ = _("Filter by status")
[docs] class AlterationCategory(models.TextChoices): COPYRIGHT = "copyright", _("Copyright / License infringement") PII = "pii", _("Personal Identifiable Information") LEGAL = "legal", _("Other legal matters") __empty__ = _("Filter by category")
[docs] class Alteration(BaseModel): """An alteration request.""" status = models.CharField( _("status"), max_length=20, choices=AlterationStatus, default=AlterationStatus.VALIDATING, ) """Progression indicator""" category = models.CharField( _("category"), max_length=20, choices=AlterationCategory ) """The category/type of this alteration""" reasons = models.TextField(_("reasons"), null=False) """The alteration request reasons""" expected_outcome = models.TextField(_("expected outcome"), null=False) """The Requester expectations""" email = models.EmailField(_("requester's email")) """Requester's email""" objects = AlterationManager() class Meta: app_label = APP_LABEL db_table = "alteration" ordering = ["-created_at"]
[docs] def get_absolute_url(self): return reverse("alteration-details", kwargs={"pk":})
[docs] def get_admin_url(self): return reverse("alteration-admin", kwargs={"pk":})
[docs] @classmethod def create_from_assistant(cls, session: SessionBase) -> Alteration: """Create an alteration request from the alteration request assistant. Email notifications are sent to the requester & operators. Args: session: django's session store Returns: an Alteration instance Raises: DatabaseError: something went wrong while creating objects in the database """ with transaction.atomic(): alteration = Alteration.objects.create( category=session["alteration_category"], reasons=session["alteration_reasons"], expected_outcome=session["alteration_expected_outcome"], email=session["alteration_email"], ) Origin.objects.bulk_create( [ Origin(alteration=alteration, url=url) for url in session["alteration_origins"] ] ) Event.objects.create( alteration=alteration, category=EventCategory.LOG, author=_("Requester"), content=_("Alteration request created."), internal=False, ) return alteration
@property def is_read_only(self) -> bool: return self.status == AlterationStatus.ARCHIVED def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"<Alteration: {self.category} [{}] ({})>" def __str__(self) -> str: return f"{self.get_category_display()} by {}"
[docs] class EventRecipient(models.TextChoices): REQUESTER = "requester", _("Requester") SUPPORT = "support", _("Support") MANAGER = "manager", _("Manager") LEGAL = "legal", _("Legal") TECHNICAL = "technical", _("Technical")
[docs] class EventCategory(models.TextChoices): LOG = "log", _("Event") MESSAGE = "message", _("Message")
[docs] class EventManager(models.Manager["Event"]): """Custom ``Event`` manager."""
[docs] def get_queryset(self) -> QuerySet[Event, Event]: """Filters internal events. Returns: An ``Event`` queryset with ``internal`` events filtered out. """ return super().get_queryset().filter(internal=False)
[docs] class Event(BaseModel): """An event on an `Alteration`. An event could be * a log of a status change or a modification of any another field / Origin * a message between recipients """ alteration = models.ForeignKey( "Alteration", related_name="events", on_delete=models.RESTRICT, null=False, ) """Alteration FK""" category = models.CharField(_("category"), max_length=20, choices=EventCategory) """Category/type of event""" author = models.CharField(_("author"), max_length=200, blank=True) """The name of the author of this event""" recipient = models.CharField( _("recipient role"), max_length=20, choices=EventRecipient, blank=True ) """The role targeted by this event, a value is required to send notifications""" content = models.TextField(_("content"), blank=True) """The event's textual content""" internal = models.BooleanField( _("internal"), default=True, help_text=_( "Internal messages are not visible in the Requester activity log to avoid " "unnecessary noise, they must not be used for confidential exchanges " "between team members and could be requested by the user." ), ) """Internal actions are not visible to the Requester""" objects = models.Manager() public_objects = EventManager() class Meta: app_label = APP_LABEL db_table = "event" ordering = ["-created_at"] def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"<Event: {self.category} [{}] ({})>" def __str__(self) -> str: return f"{self.get_category_display()} by {} for {self.alteration}"
[docs] def get_admin_url(self): return reverse( "alteration-event-admin", kwargs={"pk":, "alteration_pk": self.alteration_id}, )
TOKEN_TTL = 15 * 60 """Token expiration delay in seconds""" TOKEN_NBYTES = 20 """Token length, must be less than ~1.3 x `Token.value` max length""" def _default_token_expires_at(): return + timedelta(seconds=TOKEN_TTL) def _default_token_value(): return get_random_string(TOKEN_NBYTES)
[docs] class Token(BaseModel): """Ephemeral auth tokens to access an `Alteration` or validate an email.""" alteration = models.ForeignKey( "Alteration", related_name="tokens", on_delete=models.CASCADE, null=True, ) """Alteration FK""" email = models.EmailField(_("email"), null=True) """An email address to validate""" value = models.CharField(_("value"), max_length=32, default=_default_token_value) """Token value""" expires_at = models.DateTimeField( _("expiration date"), null=False, default=_default_token_expires_at ) """Token expiration date""" objects = models.Manager() class Meta: app_label = APP_LABEL db_table = "token" indexes = [models.Index(fields=["value"]), models.Index(fields=["email"])] constraints = [ models.UniqueConstraint(fields=["value"], name="unique_token_value"), ] def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"<Token: {self.value}>" def __str__(self) -> str: item = self.alteration if self.alteration else return f"{self.value} for {item}"
[docs] def get_absolute_url(self) -> str: route = ( "alteration-link" if self.alteration else "alteration-email-verification" ) return reverse(route, kwargs={"value": self.value})
@property def expired(self) -> bool: return self.expires_at <
[docs] @classmethod def create_for(cls, obj: Union[Alteration, str]) -> Token: """Create a token for an `Alteration` request or an email verification. Args: obj: an `Alteration` instance or an email Returns: A `Token` instance Raises: ValueError: `obj` is neither an `Alteration` nor an email IntegrityError: if we're not able to create a token after 5 attempts """ params: dict[str, Union[Alteration, str]] if isinstance(obj, Alteration): params = {"alteration": obj} elif isinstance(obj, str): params = {"email": obj} else: raise ValueError( _( "Invalid parameter %(obj)s, a token can only be created for " "an alteration request or an email address." ) % {"obj": obj} ) for attempt in range(1, 5): try: return cls.objects.create(**params) except IntegrityError as exc: last_exception = exc raise IntegrityError( f"Could not create a unique token after {attempt} attempts" ) from last_exception
[docs] def validate_email_or_domain(value: Any) -> None: """Check if value is a valid email or a domain name. Args: value: a string Raises: ValidationError: `value` is neither an email address nor a domain name Returns: True is `value` is an email or a domain """ try: validate_email(value) return except ValidationError: pass try: validate_domain_name(value) return except ValidationError: pass raise ValidationError( _("%(value)s is neither an email address nor a domain name."), params={"value": value}, )
[docs] class LowerCharField(models.CharField): """A lowercased `CharField`."""
[docs] def pre_save(self, model_instance: models.Model, add: bool) -> Any: """Lower case value before saving the instance.""" value = getattr(model_instance, self.attname) if isinstance(value, str): setattr(model_instance, self.attname, value.lower()) return super().pre_save(model_instance, add)
[docs] class BlockList(BaseModel): """Email or domain block list. Email addresses or domains found in this table are not allowed to initiate an `Alteration` request. """ email_or_domain = LowerCharField( _("email or domain"), max_length=254, validators=[validate_email_or_domain] ) """An email address or a domain""" reason = models.TextField(_("reasons"), blank=True) """Reason for the ban (ie. added by an admin or requested by a user)""" class Meta: app_label = APP_LABEL db_table = "block_list" indexes = [models.Index(fields=["email_or_domain"])] constraints = [ models.UniqueConstraint( fields=["email_or_domain"], name="unique_email_or_domain" ), ]
[docs] @classmethod def is_blocked(cls, email: str) -> bool: """Check if `email` or its domain is blocked. We use email or domains stored in this table and optionally domains from Args: value: an email address Returns: True if the address is blocked Raises: ValueError: `email` is an invalid email address """ try: validate_email(email) except ValidationError as exc: raise ValueError(_("Invalid email value")) from exc email = email.lower() domain = email.split("@")[-1] if settings.ALTER_SETTINGS.get("block_disposable_email_domains"): from disposable_email_domains import blocklist disposable = domain in blocklist else: disposable = False return ( disposable or cls.objects.filter(email_or_domain__in=[email, domain]).exists() )