Source code for swh.web.api.apiresponse

# Copyright (C) 2017-2025 The Software Heritage developers
# See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
# License: GNU Affero General Public License version 3, or any later version
# See top-level LICENSE file for more information

import json
import logging
import traceback
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional

from django.http import HttpResponse
from django.shortcuts import render
from django.urls import get_resolver
from django.utils.cache import add_never_cache_headers
from django.utils.html import escape
from rest_framework.exceptions import APIException, ValidationError
from rest_framework.request import Request
from rest_framework.response import Response
from rest_framework.utils.encoders import JSONEncoder

from import StorageAPIError, StorageDBError
from swh.web.api import utils
from swh.web.config import get_config
from swh.web.utils import gen_path_info, shorten_path
from swh.web.utils.exc import (

logger = logging.getLogger("django")

[docs] def filter_by_fields(request: Request, data: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Extract a request parameter 'fields' if it exists to permit the filtering on the data dict's keys. If such field is not provided, returns the data as is. """ fields = request.query_params.get("fields") if fields: data = utils.filter_field_keys(data, set(fields.split(","))) return data
[docs] def transform(rv: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Transform an eventual returned value with multiple layer of information with only what's necessary. If the returned value rv contains the 'results' key, this is the associated value which is returned. Otherwise, return the initial dict without the potential 'headers' key. """ if "results" in rv: return rv["results"] if "headers" in rv: rv.pop("headers") return rv
[docs] def make_api_response( request: Request, data: Dict[str, Any], doc_data: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, options: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> HttpResponse: """Generates an API response based on the requested mimetype. Args: request: a DRF Request object data: raw data to return in the API response doc_data: documentation data for HTML response options: optional data that can be used to generate the response Returns: a DRF Response a object """ options = options or {} if data: options["headers"] = compute_link_header(data, options) data = transform(data) data = filter_by_fields(request, data) doc_data = doc_data or {} headers = {} if "headers" in options: doc_data["headers_data"] = options["headers"] headers = options["headers"] # get request status code doc_data["status_code"] = options.get("status", 200) accepted_media_type = getattr(request, "accepted_media_type", "application/json") # when requesting HTML, typically when browsing the API through its # documented views, we need to enrich the input data with documentation # and render the apidoc HTML template if accepted_media_type == "text/html": doc_data["response_data"] = data if data is not None: doc_data["response_data"] = json.dumps( data, cls=JSONEncoder, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(",", ": ") ) doc_data["heading"] = shorten_path(str(request.path)) # generate breadcrumbs data if "route" in doc_data: all_view_names = set(get_resolver().reverse_dict.keys()) doc_data["endpoint_path"] = gen_path_info(doc_data["route"]) for i in range(len(doc_data["endpoint_path"]) - 1): view_name = "api-1-" + "-".join( [doc_data["endpoint_path"][i]["name"] for i in range(i + 1)] ) if view_name in all_view_names: doc_data["endpoint_path"][i]["path"] += "/doc/" else: doc_data["endpoint_path"][i]["path"] = "" if not doc_data["noargs"]: doc_data["endpoint_path"][-1]["path"] += "/doc/" response = render( request, "apidoc.html", doc_data, status=doc_data["status_code"] ) # otherwise simply return the raw data and let DRF picks # the correct renderer (JSON or YAML) else: response = Response( data, headers=headers, content_type=accepted_media_type, status=doc_data["status_code"], ) if getattr(request, "never_cache", False): add_never_cache_headers(response) return response
[docs] def error_response( request: Request, exception: Exception, doc_data: Dict[str, Any] ) -> HttpResponse: """Private function to create a custom error response. Args: request: a DRF Request object error: the exception that caused the error doc_data: documentation data for HTML response """ error_data: dict[str, Any] error_data = { "exception": exception.__class__.__name__, "reason": str(exception), } if hasattr(exception, "extra_error_data") and isinstance( exception.extra_error_data, dict ): error_data.update(exception.extra_error_data) error_code = 500 if isinstance(exception, BadInputExc): error_code = 400 elif isinstance(exception, ValidationError): error_code = 400 error_data["reason"] = exception.detail elif isinstance(exception, UnauthorizedExc): error_code = 401 elif isinstance(exception, NotFoundExc): error_code = 404 elif isinstance(exception, ForbiddenExc): error_code = 403 elif isinstance(exception, MaskedObjectException): error_code = 403 error_data["masked"] = masked_to_common_types(exception) elif isinstance(exception, LargePayloadExc): error_code = 413 elif isinstance(exception, StorageDBError): error_code = 503 elif isinstance(exception, StorageAPIError): error_code = 503 elif isinstance(exception, APIException): error_code = exception.status_code error_opts = {"status": error_code} if getattr(request, "accepted_media_type", None) == "text/html": error_data["reason"] = escape(error_data["reason"]) if get_config()["debug"]: error_data["traceback"] = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(error_data["traceback"]) return make_api_response(request, error_data, doc_data, options=error_opts)
[docs] def error_response_handler( exc: Exception, context: Dict[str, Any] ) -> Optional[HttpResponse]: """Custom DRF exception handler used to generate API error responses.""" sentry_capture_exception(exc) doc_data = getattr(exc, "doc_data", {}) return error_response(context["request"], exc, doc_data)