Source code for swh.web.api.apiurls

# Copyright (C) 2017-2025 The Software Heritage developers
# See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
# License: GNU Affero General Public License version 3, or any later version
# See top-level LICENSE file for more information

import functools
from typing import Dict, List, Literal, Optional

from django.http.response import HttpResponseBase
from rest_framework import serializers
from rest_framework.decorators import api_view

from swh.web.api import throttling
from swh.web.api.apiresponse import make_api_response
from swh.web.utils.urlsindex import UrlsIndex

CategoryId = Literal[
    "Batch download",
    "Request archival",
    "External IDentifiers",

[docs] class APIUrls(UrlsIndex): """Class to manage API URLs and endpoint documentation URLs.""" apidoc_routes: Dict[str, Dict[str, str]] = {}
[docs] def get_app_endpoints(self) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, str]]: return self.apidoc_routes
[docs] def add_doc_route( self, route: str, category: CategoryId, docstring: str, noargs: bool = False, api_version: str = "1", **kwargs, ) -> None: """ Add a route to the self-documenting API reference """ route_name = route[1:-1].replace("/", "-") if not noargs: route_name = "%s-doc" % route_name route_view_name = "api-%s-%s" % (api_version, route_name) if route not in self.apidoc_routes: d = { "category": category, "docstring": docstring, "route": "/api/%s%s" % (api_version, route), "route_view_name": route_view_name, } for k, v in kwargs.items(): d[k] = v self.apidoc_routes[route] = d
api_urls = APIUrls()
[docs] def api_route( url_pattern: str, view_name: str, methods: List[str] = ["GET", "HEAD", "OPTIONS"], throttle_scope: str = "swh_api", api_version: str = "1", checksum_args: Optional[List[str]] = None, never_cache: bool = False, api_urls: APIUrls = api_urls, query_params_serializer: Optional[type[serializers.Serializer]] = None, ): """ Decorator to ease the registration of an API endpoint using the Django REST Framework. Args: url_pattern: the url pattern used by DRF to identify the API route view_name: the name of the API view associated to the route used to reverse the url methods: array of HTTP methods supported by the API route throttle_scope: Named scope for rate limiting api_version: web API version checksum_args: list of view argument names holding checksum values never_cache: define if api response must be cached query_params_serializer: an optional DRF serializer to validate the API call query parameters """ url_pattern = "api/" + api_version + url_pattern def decorator(f): # create a DRF view from the wrapped function @api_view(methods) @throttling.throttle_scope(throttle_scope) @functools.wraps(f) def api_view_f(request, **kwargs) -> HttpResponseBase: """Creates and calls a DRF view from the wrapped function. If `query_params_serializer` is set an extra kwarg `validated_query_params` will be added to the view call containing the serializer's `validated_data`. Raises: django.core.exceptions.ValidationError: query_params_serializer was unable to validate the query parameters Returns: An HttpResponse """ # never_cache will be handled in apiresponse module request.never_cache = never_cache # a DRF serializer has been passed to validate the query parameters if query_params_serializer: serializer = query_params_serializer(data=request.query_params.dict()) serializer.is_valid(raise_exception=True) kwargs["validated_query_params"] = serializer.validated_data response = f(request, **kwargs) doc_data = None # check if response has been forwarded by api_doc decorator if isinstance(response, dict) and "doc_data" in response: doc_data = response["doc_data"] response = response["data"] # check if HTTP response needs to be created api_response: HttpResponseBase if not isinstance(response, HttpResponseBase): api_response = make_api_response( request, data=response, doc_data=doc_data ) else: api_response = response return api_response # small hacks for correctly generating API endpoints index doc api_view_f.__name__ = f.__name__ api_view_f.http_method_names = methods # register the route and its view in the endpoints index api_urls.add_url_pattern(url_pattern, api_view_f, view_name) if checksum_args: api_urls.add_redirect_for_checksum_args( view_name, [url_pattern], checksum_args ) return f return decorator