Source code for swh.web.api.views.metadata
# Copyright (C) 2021-2024 The Software Heritage developers
# See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
# License: GNU Affero General Public License version 3, or any later version
# See top-level LICENSE file for more information
import base64
import re
from typing import Dict, Optional
import iso8601
from django.http import HttpResponse
from django.shortcuts import redirect
from rest_framework.request import Request
from swh.model import hashutil, swhids
from swh.model.model import MetadataAuthority, MetadataAuthorityType, Origin
from swh.web import config
from swh.web.api.apidoc import api_doc, format_docstring
from swh.web.api.apiurls import api_route
from swh.web.utils import archive, converters, reverse
from swh.web.utils.exc import BadInputExc, NotFoundExc
@api_doc("/raw-extrinsic-metadata/swhid/", category="Metadata")
def api_raw_extrinsic_metadata_swhid(request: Request, target: str):
.. http:get:: /api/1/raw-extrinsic-metadata/swhid/(target)
Returns raw `extrinsic metadata <>`__ collected on a given object.
:param string target: The core SWHID of the object whose metadata
should be returned
:query string authority: A metadata authority identifier, formatted as
``<type> <IRI>``. Required.
:query string after: ISO8601 representation of the minimum timestamp of metadata
to fetch. Defaults to allowing all metadata.
:query int limit: Maximum number of metadata objects to return.
:>jsonarr string target: SWHID of the object described by this metadata
(absent when ``target`` is not a core SWHID (ie. it does not have type
:>jsonarr string discovery_date: ISO8601/RFC3339 timestamp of the moment this
metadata was collected.
:>jsonarr object authority: authority this metadata is coming from
:>jsonarr object fetcher: tool used to fetch the metadata
:>jsonarr string format: short identifier of the format of the metadata
:>jsonarr string metadata_url: link to download the metadata "blob" itself
:>jsonarr string origin: URL of the origin in which context's
the metadata is valid, if any
:>jsonarr int visit: identifier of the visit in which context's
the metadata is valid, if any
:>jsonarr string snapshot: SWHID of the snapshot in which context's
the metadata is valid, if any
:>jsonarr string release: SWHID of the release in which context's
the metadata is valid, if any
:>jsonarr string revision: SWHID of the revision in which context's
the metadata is valid, if any
:>jsonarr string path: SWHID of the path in which context's
is valid if any, relative to a release or revision as anchor
:>jsonarr string directory: SWHID of the directory in which context's
the metadata is valid, if any
:statuscode 200: no error
.. parsed-literal::
""" # noqa
authority_str: Optional[str] = request.query_params.get("authority")
after_str: Optional[str] = request.query_params.get("after")
limit_str: str = request.query_params.get("limit", "100")
page_token_str: Optional[str] = request.query_params.get("page_token")
if authority_str is None:
raise BadInputExc("The 'authority' query parameter is required.")
if " " not in authority_str.strip():
raise BadInputExc("The 'authority' query parameter should contain a space.")
(authority_type_str, authority_url) = authority_str.split(" ", 1)
authority_type = MetadataAuthorityType(authority_type_str)
except ValueError:
raise BadInputExc(
f"Invalid 'authority' type, should be one of: "
f"{', '.join(member.value for member in MetadataAuthorityType)}"
authority = MetadataAuthority(authority_type, authority_url)
if after_str:
after = iso8601.parse_date(after_str)
except iso8601.ParseError:
raise BadInputExc("Invalid format for 'after' parameter.") from None
after = None
limit = int(limit_str)
except ValueError:
raise BadInputExc("'limit' parameter must be an integer.") from None
limit = min(limit, 10000)
parsed_target = swhids.ExtendedSWHID.from_string(target)
except swhids.ValidationError as e:
raise BadInputExc(f"Invalid target SWHID: {e}") from None
except swhids.ValidationError:
# Can be parsed as an extended SWHID, but not as a core SWHID
extended_swhid = True
extended_swhid = False
if page_token_str is not None:
page_token = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(page_token_str)
page_token = None
result_page =
filename = None
if parsed_target.object_type == swhids.ExtendedObjectType.ORIGIN:
origin_sha1 = hashutil.hash_to_hex(parsed_target.object_id)
(origin_info,) = list(archive.lookup_origins_by_sha1s([origin_sha1]))
if origin_info is not None:
filename = re.sub("[:/_.]+", "_", origin_info["url"]) + "_metadata"
if filename is None:
filename = f"{target}_metadata"
results = []
for metadata in result_page.results:
result = converters.from_raw_extrinsic_metadata(metadata)
if extended_swhid:
# Keep extended SWHIDs away from the public API as much as possible.
# (It is part of the URL, but not documented, and only accessed via
# the link in the response of api-1-origin)
del result["target"]
# We can't reliably send metadata directly, because it is a bytestring,
# and we have to return JSON documents.
result["metadata_url"] = reverse(
url_args={"id": hashutil.hash_to_hex(},
query_params={"filename": filename},
headers: Dict[str, str] = {}
if result_page.next_page_token is not None:
headers["link-next"] = reverse(
url_args={"target": target},
return {
"results": results,
"headers": headers,
def api_raw_extrinsic_metadata_get(request: Request, id: str):
# This is an internal endpoint that should only be accessed via URLs given
# by /raw-extrinsic-metadata/swhid/; so it is not documented.
metadata =
if not metadata:
raise NotFoundExc(
"Metadata not found. Use /raw-extrinsic-metadata/swhid/ to access metadata."
response = HttpResponse(
metadata[0].metadata, content_type="application/octet-stream"
filename = request.query_params.get("filename")
if filename and re.match("[a-zA-Z0-9:._-]+", filename):
response["Content-disposition"] = f'attachment; filename="{filename}"'
# It should always be not-None and match the regexp if the URL was created by
# /raw-extrinsic-metadata/swhid/, but we're better safe than sorry.
response["Content-disposition"] = "attachment"
return response
@api_doc("/raw-extrinsic-metadata/swhid/authorities/", category="Metadata")
def api_raw_extrinsic_metadata_swhid_authorities(request: Request, target: str):
.. http:get:: /api/1/raw-extrinsic-metadata/swhid/(target)/authorities/
Returns a list of metadata authorities that provided metadata on
the given target.
They can then be used to get the raw `extrinsic metadata <>`__ collected on
that object from each of the authorities.
This endpoint should only be used directly to retrieve metadata from
core SWHIDs (with type ``cnt``, ``dir``, ``rev``, ``rel``, and ``snp``).
For "extended" SWHIDs such as origins,
should be used instead of building this URL directly.
:param string target: The core SWHID of the object whose metadata-providing
authorities should be returned
:>jsonarr string type: Type of authority (deposit_client, forge, registry)
:>jsonarr string url: Unique IRI identifying the authority
:>jsonarr object metadata_list_url: URL to get the list of metadata objects
on the given object from this authority
:statuscode 200: no error
.. parsed-literal::
""" # noqa
parsed_target = swhids.ExtendedSWHID.from_string(target)
except swhids.ValidationError as e:
raise BadInputExc(f"Invalid target SWHID: {e}") from None
authorities =
results = [
"metadata_list_url": reverse(
url_args={"target": target},
query_params={"authority": f"{authority.type.value} {authority.url}"},
for authority in authorities
return {
"results": results,
"headers": {},
@api_doc("/raw-extrinsic-metadata/origin/authorities/", category="Metadata")
def api_raw_extrinsic_metadata_origin_authorities(request: Request, origin_url: str):
.. http:get:: /api/1/raw-extrinsic-metadata/origin/(origin_url)/authorities/
Similar to
but to get metadata on origins instead of objects
:param string origin_url: The URL of the origin whose metadata-providing
authorities should be returned
:>jsonarr string type: Type of authority (deposit_client, forge, registry)
:>jsonarr string url: Unique IRI identifying the authority
:>jsonarr object metadata_list_url: URL to get the list of metadata objects
on the given object from this authority
:statuscode 200: no error
.. parsed-literal::
""" # noqa
url = reverse(
url_args={"target": Origin(url=origin_url).swhid()},
return redirect(url)