# Copyright (C) 2017-2024 The Software Heritage developers
# See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
# License: GNU Affero General Public License version 3, or any later version
# See top-level LICENSE file for more information
from __future__ import annotations
import os
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict
from swh.core import config
from swh.counters import get_counters
from swh.indexer.storage import get_indexer_storage
from swh.scheduler import get_scheduler
from swh.search import get_search
from swh.storage import get_storage
from swh.vault import get_vault
from swh.web import settings
from swh.counters.interface import CountersInterface
from swh.indexer.storage.interface import IndexerStorageInterface
from swh.scheduler.interface import SchedulerInterface
from swh.search.interface import SearchInterface
from swh.storage.interface import StorageInterface
from swh.vault.interface import VaultInterface
SWH_WEB_SERVER_NAMES = ["archive.softwareheritage.org"] + SWH_WEB_INTERNAL_SERVER_NAMES
SETTINGS_DIR = os.path.dirname(settings.__file__)
"allowed_hosts": ("list", []),
"storage": (
"cls": "remote",
"url": "",
"timeout": 10,
"indexer_storage": (
"cls": "remote",
"url": "",
"timeout": 1,
"counters": (
"cls": "remote",
"url": "",
"timeout": 1,
"search": (
"cls": "remote",
"url": "",
"timeout": 10,
"search_config": (
"metadata_backend": "swh-search",
}, # or "swh-search"
"provenance": (
"cls": "graph",
"url": "granet.internal.softwareheritage.org:50091",
"log_dir": ("string", "/tmp/swh/log"),
"debug": ("bool", False),
"serve_assets": ("bool", False),
"host": ("string", ""),
"port": ("int", 5004),
"secret_key": ("string", "development key"),
"secret_key_fallbacks": ("list[string]", []),
# do not display code highlighting for content > 1MB
"content_display_max_size": ("int", 5 * 1024 * 1024),
"snapshot_content_max_size": ("int", 1000),
"throttling": (
"cache_uri": None, # production: memcached as cache (
# development: in-memory cache so None
"scopes": {
"swh_api": {
"limiter_rate": {"default": "120/h"},
"exempted_networks": [""],
"swh_api_origin_search": {
"limiter_rate": {"default": "10/m"},
"exempted_networks": [""],
"swh_vault_cooking": {
"limiter_rate": {"default": "120/h", "GET": "60/m"},
"exempted_networks": [""],
"swh_save_origin": {
"limiter_rate": {"default": "120/h", "POST": "10/h"},
"exempted_networks": [""],
"swh_api_origin_visit_latest": {
"limiter_rate": {"default": "700/m"},
"exempted_networks": [""],
"swh_api_metadata_citation": {
"limiter_rate": {"default": "60/m"},
"exempted_networks": [""],
"vault": (
"cls": "remote",
"url": "",
"scheduler": ("dict", {"cls": "remote", "url": ""}),
"development_db": ("string", os.path.join(SETTINGS_DIR, "db.sqlite3")),
"test_db": ("dict", {"name": "swh-web-test"}),
"production_db": ("dict", {"name": "swh-web"}),
"deposit": (
"private_api_url": "https://deposit.softwareheritage.org/1/private/",
"private_api_user": "swhworker",
"private_api_password": "some-password",
"e2e_tests_mode": ("bool", False),
"history_counters_url": (
"client_config": ("dict", {}),
"keycloak": ("dict", {"server_url": "", "realm_name": ""}),
"graph": (
"server_url": "http://graph.internal.softwareheritage.org:5009/graph/",
"max_edges": {"staff": 0, "user": 100000, "anonymous": 1000},
"status": (
"server_url": "https://status.softwareheritage.org/",
"json_path": "1.0/status/578e5eddcdc0cc7951000520",
"counters_backend": ("string", "swh-storage"), # or "swh-counters"
"staging_server_names": ("list", SWH_WEB_STAGING_SERVER_NAMES),
"production_server_names": ("list", SWH_WEB_SERVER_NAMES),
"instance_name": ("str", "archive-test.softwareheritage.org"),
"give": ("dict", {"public_key": "", "token": ""}),
"features": ("dict", {"add_forge_now": True}),
"add_forge_now": (
"email_address": "add-forge-now@example.com",
"gitlab_pipeline": {
"token": "sometoken",
"trigger_url": "someurl",
"swh_extra_django_apps": (
"mirror_config": ("dict", {}),
"top_bar": (
"links": {
"Home": "https://www.softwareheritage.org",
"Development": "https://gitlab.softwareheritage.org",
"Documentation": "https://docs.softwareheritage.org",
"donate_link": "https://www.softwareheritage.org/donate",
"matomo": ("dict", {}),
"show_corner_ribbon": ("bool", True),
"save_code_now_webhook_secret": ("str", ""),
"inbound_email": ("dict", {"shared_key": "shared_key"}),
"browse_content_rate_limit": ("dict", {"enabled": True, "rate": "60/m"}),
"activate_citations_ui": ("bool", False),
"datatables_max_page_size": ("int", 1000),
swhweb_config: Dict[str, Any] = {}
def get_config(config_file: str = "web/web") -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Read the configuration file `config_file`.
If an environment variable SWH_CONFIG_FILENAME is defined, this
takes precedence over the config_file parameter.
In any case, update the app with parameters (secret_key, conf)
and return the parsed configuration as a dict.
If no configuration file is provided, return a default
if not swhweb_config:
config_filename = os.environ.get("SWH_CONFIG_FILENAME")
if config_filename:
config_file = config_filename
cfg = config.load_named_config(config_file, DEFAULT_CONFIG)
config.prepare_folders(swhweb_config, "log_dir")
if swhweb_config.get("search"):
swhweb_config["search"] = get_search(**swhweb_config["search"])
swhweb_config["search"] = None
swhweb_config["storage"] = get_storage(**swhweb_config["storage"])
swhweb_config["vault"] = get_vault(**swhweb_config["vault"])
swhweb_config["indexer_storage"] = get_indexer_storage(
swhweb_config["scheduler"] = get_scheduler(**swhweb_config["scheduler"])
swhweb_config["counters"] = get_counters(**swhweb_config["counters"])
return swhweb_config
def search() -> SearchInterface:
"""Return the current application's search."""
return get_config()["search"]
def storage() -> StorageInterface:
"""Return the current application's storage."""
return get_config()["storage"]
def vault() -> VaultInterface:
"""Return the current application's vault."""
return get_config()["vault"]
def indexer_storage() -> IndexerStorageInterface:
"""Return the current application's indexer storage."""
return get_config()["indexer_storage"]
def scheduler() -> SchedulerInterface:
"""Return the current application's scheduler."""
return get_config()["scheduler"]
def counters() -> CountersInterface:
"""Return the current application's counters."""
return get_config()["counters"]