Source code for swh.web.utils.exc

# Copyright (C) 2015-2024  The Software Heritage developers
# See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
# License: GNU Affero General Public License version 3, or any later version
# See top-level LICENSE file for more information

import logging
import traceback
from typing import Optional

from django_ratelimit.exceptions import Ratelimited
import sentry_sdk

from django.core import exceptions
from django.http import HttpRequest, HttpResponse
from django.http.response import JsonResponse
from django.shortcuts import render
from django.utils.html import escape, format_html
from rest_framework.exceptions import APIException
from rest_framework.renderers import JSONRenderer

from swh.core.api import RemoteException, TransientRemoteException
from import MaskedObjectException
from swh.web.api.renderers import YAMLRenderer
from swh.web.config import get_config

logger = logging.getLogger("django")

[docs] class BadInputExc(ValueError): """Wrong request to the api. Example: Asking a content with the wrong identifier format. """ pass
[docs] class NotFoundExc(exceptions.ObjectDoesNotExist): """Good request to the api but no result were found. Example: Asking a content with the right identifier format but that content does not exist. """ def __str__(self): return self.args[0]
[docs] class ForbiddenExc(exceptions.PermissionDenied): """Good request to the api, forbidden result to return due to enforce policy. Example: Asking for a raw content which exists but whose mimetype is not text. """ pass
[docs] class UnauthorizedExc(Exception): """Request to Web API endpoint requires authentication.""" pass
[docs] class LargePayloadExc(Exception): """The input size is too large. Example: Asking to resolve 10000 SWHIDs when the limit is 1000. """ pass
http_status_code_message = { 400: "Bad Request", 401: "Unauthorized", 403: "Access Denied", 404: "Resource not found", 413: "Payload Too Large", 429: "Too Many Requests", 500: "Internal Server Error", 501: "Not Implemented", 502: "Bad Gateway", 503: "Service unavailable", } def _generate_error_page( request: HttpRequest, error_code: int, error_description: str ) -> HttpResponse: error_data = { "error": http_status_code_message[error_code], "reason": error_description, } accepted_media_type = request.headers.get("Accept", "application/json") # ensure django error is returned using same content type as Accept request header if accepted_media_type in ("application/json", "*/*"): return HttpResponse( JSONRenderer().render(error_data), content_type="application/json", status=error_code, ) elif accepted_media_type == "application/yaml": return HttpResponse( YAMLRenderer().render(error_data), content_type="application/yaml", status=error_code, ) else: return render( request, "error.html", { "error_code": error_code, "error_message": http_status_code_message[error_code], "error_description": error_description, }, status=error_code, )
[docs] def masked_to_common_types(exc: MaskedObjectException): """Convert ``exc.masked`` to common types, suitable for JSON and YAML encoding. ExtendedSWHID becomes strings and MaskedStatus becomes a dict. """ return { str(swhid): [ { "request": status.request, "status":"_", "-"), } for status in statuses ] for swhid, statuses in exc.masked.items() }
def _generate_masked_object_page( request: HttpRequest, exc: MaskedObjectException ) -> HttpResponse: error_code = 403 # Forbidden error_data = { "error": http_status_code_message[error_code], "reason": str(exc), "masked": masked_to_common_types(exc), } accepted_media_type = request.headers.get("Accept", "application/json") if accepted_media_type in ("application/json", "*/*"): return JsonResponse( error_data, status=error_code, ) elif accepted_media_type == "application/yaml": return HttpResponse( YAMLRenderer().render(error_data), content_type="application/yaml", status=error_code, ) else: return render( request, "masked.html", { "error_code": error_code, "error_message": "Access restricted", "error_description": str(exc), "masked": exc.masked, }, status=error_code, )
[docs] def swh_handle400( request: HttpRequest, exception: Optional[Exception] = None ) -> HttpResponse: """ Custom Django HTTP error 400 handler for swh-web. """ error_description = ( "The server cannot process the request to %s due to " "something that is perceived to be a client error." % escape(request.META["PATH_INFO"]) ) return _generate_error_page(request, 400, error_description)
[docs] def swh_handle403(request, exception: Optional[Exception] = None) -> HttpResponse: """ Custom Django HTTP error 403 handler for swh-web. """ error_description = "The resource %s requires an authentication." % escape( request.META["PATH_INFO"] ) return _generate_error_page(request, 403, error_description)
[docs] def swh_handle404(request, exception: Optional[Exception] = None) -> HttpResponse: """ Custom Django HTTP error 404 handler for swh-web. """ error_description = "The resource %s could not be found on the server." % escape( request.META["PATH_INFO"] ) return _generate_error_page(request, 404, error_description)
[docs] def swh_handle500(request: HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse: """ Custom Django HTTP error 500 handler for swh-web. """ error_description = ( "An unexpected condition was encountered when " "requesting resource %s." % escape(request.META["PATH_INFO"]) ) return _generate_error_page(request, 500, error_description)
[docs] def sentry_capture_exception(exc: Exception) -> None: if isinstance( exc, ( exceptions.ObjectDoesNotExist, exceptions.DisallowedHost, exceptions.PermissionDenied, BadInputExc, NotFoundExc, RemoteException, TransientRemoteException, Ratelimited, UnauthorizedExc, ), ): # ignore noisy exceptions we cannot do anything about pass elif isinstance(exc, APIException) and 400 <= exc.status_code < 500: # ignore client errors (4xx status codes) pass else: # log everything else sentry_sdk.capture_exception(exc)
[docs] def handle_view_exception(request: HttpRequest, exc: Exception) -> HttpResponse: """ Function used to generate an error page when an exception was raised inside a swh-web browse view. """ sentry_capture_exception(exc) error_description = format_html("{}: {}", type(exc).__name__, str(exc)) if get_config()["debug"]: traceback_str = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(traceback_str) error_description = escape(traceback_str) error_code = 500 if isinstance(exc, BadInputExc): error_code = 400 elif isinstance(exc, UnauthorizedExc): error_code = 401 elif isinstance(exc, ForbiddenExc): error_code = 403 elif isinstance(exc, NotFoundExc): error_code = 404 elif isinstance(exc, Ratelimited): error_code = 429 elif isinstance(exc, MaskedObjectException): return _generate_masked_object_page(request, exc) resp = _generate_error_page(request, error_code, error_description) if get_config()["debug"]: resp.traceback = error_description # type: ignore[attr-defined] return resp