Source code for swh.web.utils.query

# Copyright (C) 2015-2022  The Software Heritage developers
# See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
# License: GNU Affero General Public License version 3, or any later version
# See top-level LICENSE file for more information

import re

from swh.model.hashutil import ALGORITHMS, hash_to_bytes
from swh.web.utils.exc import BadInputExc

SHA256_RE = re.compile(r"^[0-9a-f]{64}$", re.IGNORECASE)
SHA1_RE = re.compile(r"^[0-9a-f]{40}$", re.IGNORECASE)

[docs] def parse_hash(q): """Detect the hash type of a user submitted query string. Args: query string with the following format: "[HASH_TYPE:]HEX_CHECKSUM", where HASH_TYPE is optional, defaults to "sha1", and can be one of swh.model.hashutil.ALGORITHMS Returns: A pair (hash_algorithm, byte hash value) Raises: ValueError if the given query string does not correspond to a valid hash value """ def guess_algo(q): if SHA1_RE.match(q): return "sha1" elif SHA256_RE.match(q): return "sha256" else: raise BadInputExc("Invalid checksum query string %s" % q) def check_algo(algo, hex): if (algo in {"sha1", "sha1_git"} and not SHA1_RE.match(hex)) or ( algo == "sha256" and not SHA256_RE.match(hex) ): raise BadInputExc("Invalid hash %s for algorithm %s" % (hex, algo)) parts = q.split(":") if len(parts) > 2: raise BadInputExc("Invalid checksum query string %s" % q) elif len(parts) == 1: parts = (guess_algo(q), q) elif len(parts) == 2: check_algo(parts[0], parts[1]) algo = parts[0] if algo not in ALGORITHMS: raise BadInputExc("Unknown hash algorithm %s" % algo) return (algo, hash_to_bytes(parts[1]))
[docs] def parse_hash_with_algorithms_or_throws(q, accepted_algo, error_msg): """Parse a query but only accepts accepted_algo. Otherwise, raise the exception with message error_msg. Args: - q: query string with the following format: "[HASH_TYPE:]HEX_CHECKSUM" where HASH_TYPE is optional, defaults to "sha1", and can be one of swh.model.hashutil.ALGORITHMS. - accepted_algo: array of strings representing the names of accepted algorithms. - error_msg: error message to raise as BadInputExc if the algo of the query does not match. Returns: A pair (hash_algorithm, byte hash value) Raises: BadInputExc when the inputs is invalid or does not validate the accepted algorithms. """ algo, hash = parse_hash(q) if algo not in accepted_algo: raise BadInputExc(error_msg) return (algo, hash)